Those most responsible for race division in America are left wing white folks


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Here’s another video to show us what our fellow Americans in black majority neighborhoods have to deal with. Take a look at the 3:50 mark of this video from a fellow BuffaloNian.

Right off the bat the number one problem when it comes to race division in America is due to white people. It is white far left Democrat liberals the elite millionaires, and billionaires who are waiving the BLM flags. They’re the ones who are behind the destruction of historical statues in this country. They are the ones behind the racial division. They want to keep down the working class.

look at the 9: 40 second mark of the video. The host of the YouTube channel says something that all of us in Buffalo know. All of us who have been in Buffalo for over 30, 40 or 60 years or more. Everyone knows this. Talking about the Broadway market on Broadway Street which is a main part of the east side of Buffalo. He said 50 years ago even 30 years ago This was a bustling shopping area. It was a beautiful place the buildings were brilliant, the architecture was stunning. Everyone wanted to come down here 50 years ago. But look at that video. Look at that time of the video you can see how much it’s changed. Hell I was just down on Broadway yesterday after a workout session. … you can see the prostitutes drug dealers all over the place, I saw a guy get jumped. And that’s it very pointed. I have repeated many times on this form and others have repeated and everyone in Buffalo practically knows this 50 years ago Buffalo and many other major cities across the country were better places. This is an indisputable fact. … look back into the history of the cities across the country because we can learn from those black and white people who built the middle class who built America.

You can see ECMC hospital a level one trauma center…. where I actually lived at for two months while recovering from an injury…. The hospital brings in hundreds of millions of dollars a year. It’s a beautiful hospital. The architecture of it stands out. I think it’s one of the great sites of Buffalo, one of the most well-known hospitals in the state.

But all you have to do is pause the video and look around the hospital. Look at the houses look at the general depressed feeling. And so that is one of the more dangerous areas of buffalo along with other black majority neighborhoods. And everybody knows all it takes is a few knuckleheads to ruin things a few gang members and crack dealers. What makes things all the worse is when you have the richwhite politicians, the rich liberal white people who tell Black people that their enemy is the white man. It’s the same rich politicians, who are democrats who live in the suburbs who waive the BLM flags they have their Ukraine flag the LGBT flags all to make themselves feel good. These are the same white people who vote in favor of making high school bathrooms gender neutral.

There’s no reason to get worked up about these topics …. simply just look at the undeniable indisputable facts. Because that’s what you need are the facts and the truth that overcomes everything. Look at what our fellow Christians in the inner cities are going through.

Our fellow working class black American Christians suffer in the inner cities while the rich white atheists and Christians in name only live in the wealthy suburbs so they can waive their BLM flags and divide the people in Buffalo. Race division in the modern era is how in large part, the middle class is kept down.

But You know people are waking up because of alternative media because of informative YouTube channels like the above and informative channels like rumble and other alternative media. I’m very much confident that in these next few years we are going to see a positive change we’re going to see new politicians get elected to office ..Buffalo will make a great come back as will other major cities across the country.
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Buffalo collapsed when major industry left the city.
Bethlehem Steel, Auto manufacturing, grain
The opening of the St Laurence Seaway doomed Buffalo as a Transportation Hub

Blame the capitalists for leaving the city.
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Buffalo collapsed when major industry left the city.
Bethlehem Steel, Auto manufacturing, grain
The opening of the St Laurence Seaway doomed Buffalo as a Transportation Hub

Blame the capitalists for leaving the city.

Big Labor is what destroyed the Big Steel industry. They priced themselves out of the market. Corporation could afford to modernize the plants in La Cosa Nostra-controlled areas like Buffalo.

If you look at the rise of jobs in Right-to-Work states, you can see where I am coming from.
Here’s another video to show us what our fellow Americans in black majority neighborhoods have to deal with. Take a look at the 3:50 mark of this video from a fellow BuffaloNian.

Right off the bat the number one problem when it comes to race division in America is due to white people. It is white far left Democrat liberals the elite millionaires, and billionaires who are waiving the BLM flags. They’re the ones who are behind the destruction of historical statues in this country. They are the ones behind the racial division. They want to keep down the working class.

You can see ECMC hospital a level one trauma center…. where I actually lived at for two months while recovering from an injury…. The hospital brings in hundreds of millions of dollars a year. It’s a beautiful hospital. The architecture of it stands out. I think it’s one of the great sites of Buffalo, one of the most well-known hospitals in the state.

But all you have to do is pause the video and look around the hospital. Look at the houses look at the general depressed feeling. And so that is one of the more dangerous areas of buffalo along with other black majority neighborhoods. And everybody knows all it takes is a few knuckleheads to ruin things a few gang members and crack dealers. What makes things all the worse is when you have the richwhite politicians, the rich liberal white people who tell Black people that their enemy is the white man. It’s the same rich politicians, who are democrats who live in the suburbs who waive the BLM flags they have their Ukraine flag the LGBT flags all to make themselves feel good. These are the same white people who vote in favor of making high school bathrooms gender neutral.

There’s no reason to get worked up about these topics …. simply just look at the undeniable indisputable facts. Because that’s what you need are the facts and the truth that overcomes everything. Look at what our fellow Christians in the inner cities are going through.

Our fellow working class black American Christians suffer in the inner cities while the rich white atheists and Christians in name only live in the wealthy suburbs so they can waive their BLM flags and divide the people in Buffalo. Race division in the modern era is how in large part, the middle class is kept down.

But You know people are waking up because of alternative media because of informative YouTube channels like the above and informative channels like rumble and other alternative media. I’m very much confident that in these next few years we are going to see a positive change we’re going to see new politicians get elected to office ..Buffalo will make a great come back as will other major cities across the country.

That's an absolute truth. White liberals are so eaten up inside with guilt, they they'd eagerly try to gin up a war against their own race. Only sick, pathetic, people filled with self-hatred would feel they do.
Big Labor is what destroyed the Big Steel industry. They priced themselves out of the market. Corporation could afford to modernize the plants in La Cosa Nostra-controlled areas like Buffalo.

If you look at the rise of jobs in Right-to-Work states, you can see where I am coming from.
Labor was demanding a living wage and benefits
Management took the profits instead of modernizing
The thread title is accurate.

I'll come back and read the OP in a minute, someone wants me.
someone wants me.

There is no group that has ever existed in America, not even the kkk, that has promoted racial division and caused more racial hatred then white democrat progressives.

Today's blacks and today's democrat progressives have actually made me racist. I spent 44 years of my life as not racist. But in the past 3 years I've come to despise blacks because of how they and democrat progressives behave and act. And demanding, telling, preaching that I have to accept blacks and treat them as special only had the opposite effect on me.

That's an absolute truth. White liberals are so eaten up inside with guilt, they they'd eagerly try to gin up a war against their own race. Only sick, pathetic, people filled with self-hatred would feel they do.

I dont think it's guilt so much as they are attention whores.

Attention whores will do anything or say anything for attention. Even if it's bad.

They use black people as a means to an end. They use blacks as their way of getting attention. They don't actually care about blacks at all, but they act like they do by speaking for them. Which in reality belittles and demeans blacks. They talk about blacks but really in the end what they are doing is really saying "pay attention to me. See how wonderful, smart and savvy I am. Listen to what I say and tell me how right I am. See how great I am sticking up for the poor, dumb, defenseless blacks?". Which shows how little they think of them when they assume to know everything about them and speak for them. It's all just for attention.

Politicians it's also about attention, but it's also about the illusion of caring and doing something for the sake of votes. It's easier to just try and tell blacks nothing is there fault and they deserve everything. Because that way they don't have to actually do anything to get their votes.

Companies do it for attention also, but also to appease the esg scores gods.

No one really actually cares what most blacks say, not really. So white people that are democrat progressives, stand on blacks shoulders for their own personal benefit. And still, no one actually cares about them.
Buffalo collapsed when major industry left the city.
Bethlehem Steel, Auto manufacturing, grain
The opening of the St Laurence Seaway doomed Buffalo as a Transportation Hub

Blame the capitalists for leaving the city.
Did the then Prog Socialists many decades before entice African Americans to come to many cities to change the voting ways of the population? As to acquire political power. The employment opportunities slowly dried up as the post war foreign nations retooled and produced products cheaper. Some cities did better than others to adjust. Now most just tread water even with growth.
Big Labor is what destroyed the Big Steel industry. They priced themselves out of the market. Corporation could afford to modernize the plants in La Cosa Nostra-controlled areas like Buffalo.

If you look at the rise of jobs in Right-to-Work states, you can see where I am coming from.
Right to work means right to low pay and no benefits
Did the then Prog Socialists many decades before entice African Americans to come to many cities to change the voting ways of the population? As to acquire political power. The employment opportunities slowly dried up as the post war foreign nations retooled and produced products cheaper. Some cities did better than others to adjust. Now most just tread water even with growth.
Minorities moved to the cities for good paying jobs
When the jobs left, they were left behind
Right to work means right to low pay and no benefits

Actually, 94% of Americans are Proudly Scab, and most have good pay and benefits.

Further, i worked for 6 weeks as a unionized grocery store worker back in the day. I earned $3.50/hr and had no benefits, except for the right to pay union dues.

I made more as a Scab after I quit.
Buffalo collapsed when major industry left the city.
Bethlehem Steel, Auto manufacturing, grain
The opening of the St Laurence Seaway doomed Buffalo as a Transportation Hub

Blame the capitalists for leaving the city.

Bullshit as usual. You might want to blame the labor unions for pricing themselves out of their own jobs. Why do you think the South became the most vibrant, booming part of the country, while the North fell into economic malaise? Because the South was "open shop" and refused to kiss the labor union's asses.

As well as that, why do you think corporations started outsourcing their production to foreign countries? Once again, no labor unions to hold those corporations hostage with their demands.

So don't blame "capitalists", you commie prick.
Bullshit as usual. You might want to blame the labor unions for pricing themselves out of their own jobs. Why do you think the South became the most vibrant, booming part of the country, while the North fell into economic malaise? Because the South was "open shop" and refused to kiss the labor union's asses.

As well as that, why do you think corporations started outsourcing their production to foreign countries? Once again, no labor unions to hold those corporations hostage with their demands.

So don't blame "capitalists", you commie prick.
South sold out the workers, benefits and the environment
Buffalo collapsed when major industry left the city.
Bethlehem Steel, Auto manufacturing, grain
The opening of the St Laurence Seaway doomed Buffalo as a Transportation Hub

Blame the capitalists for leaving the city.
blame Democrats for NAFTA, open borders, Chinese sympathy
The OP is accurate.

I would postulate though, that there are three groups in play, instead of just two.

As the OP says, there are the elite, whom I equate with the psychopathic assholes that run the Democratic party, and the fraction of Republican so-called "businessmen" that end up living off the public coffers, which includes most of the defense industry, medical providers, and big pharma. Among others.

And yes there is the working class which ordinarily would be identified with the mobile class.

But there is also an ideological group, that's aligned with the first bunch but for reasons of its own. This might include people like AOC and her cohorts, Omar and them, a few of the far leftist extremists. They want to keep the working class down for reasons of their own, they have a very strange ideological logic and it just so happens it dovetails with the first group in this way.

The REAL problem lurking behind this is, our system is top heavy. The wealth distribution is such that the elite class is few in number, but very wealthy. The only way to deal with this is to institute policies that favor the middle class, and mobility. Which means, the profits of the elite get temporarily diminished. And ultimately, the swamp IS the elite - and the minions if the elite, and the workers paid by the elite.

To really fix this is equivalent to draining the swamp. And the elite will fight that tooth and nail (you see how hard they're going after Trump). Fixing this means taking local policy back out of the hands of libtards. Which means righties need something to offer to the working people in the population centers. JOBS, is the low hanging fruit there - which they're not going to get from the people who are trying to keep them down.

We could talk about tax policy and all the rest, but the bottom line is that we need to break up large business entities like Google, for our own health! We don't need to compete with China, we DON'T need to do that. What we need to do is get our own house in order. Jettison the globalist fantasies and focus on our own security and our own capability.

And most of all, get the goddamn leftards out of education. These fucking morons are raising a generation of imbeciles, they know how to use lubricant but they can't balance their checkbooks or finish a sentence. The working class and the middle class and the mobility class has to step up to the plate. Get involved, get engaged. Take control. Away from the ideologues.

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