This latest hoax isn't about your guy/my guy


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I'm amazed, stunned and appalled at the level of absolute fucking ignorance on public display and not just in this forum-

This is another us vs them situation- another nail in the coffin of what was at one time considered the beacon of Liberty- POTUS has even been referred to as "the leader of the free world"- not sure what planet that refers to, but it sure ain't this one.

I am often asked to supply the solution to these problems, and that indicates a complete lack of confidence and strength of character of all those that want someone else to fix the problem facing them. That is why we are here today. There is no simple answer, and no one can do this alone. Each person has to improve himself first, and decide not to bow down and obey the state, and instead to stand up against those attempting to rule over him. If large numbers of people do this, this takeover of society can be stopped, but if continued mass cowardice is evident, we face the end of freedom.

Good lord people! When are you idiots going to wake up? When are you going to say "I've had enough, I'm mad as hell"-

If either side thinks their guy is better they are promoting more fucking ignorance-

“By mandating isolation, and the wearing of masks, any viruses already inside the body will be able to replicate at lightening speed in every host that has had a flu shot, and in addition, now that those people’s systems are compromised, internal viruses are able to sicken the hosts, and then spread is enhanced.

Stress causes the weakening or non-function of immune systems, and isolation and fear cause massive stress. Wearing a mask is at once dangerous because it restricts airflow, and can increase the intake of carbon dioxide. In addition, this stress caused by wearing a mask, also causes the internal viruses to expand because it causes more secretions and allows cells to become vulnerable to attacks by viruses already inside the body. Any that had a flu shot in the past would be vulnerable to those viruses injected into their systems that could become active due to wearing a mask, and stressing the immune system. Replication would be aggressive and could cause sickness under these conditions.”

Those that had flu shots in 2017 and 2018 are more likely to get coronavirus due to the makeup of those shots as I mention below.

“All those that received flu shots in 2017 and 2018 got coronaviruses introduced into their body, and the most aggressive of these shots were those done in Italy. They were supercharged you might say, but all these shots had coronviruses because they were made by using animal cells, including chicken cells in the U.S. version, and H1N1 strains in Italy that were grown inside dog kidney cells containing coronavirus.”

There are just too many red flags in this latest crap to ignore.
The ignorance is exacerbated and promoted by being too fucking intellectually lazy to do anything other than choose a political side with snippets and sound bites that cater to the "my guy is better" fallacy- Demopublicans and Republicrats infect the halls of congress at state and national level intent on controlling the masses. Do you know why? Because tyrants need stability and predictability to "control" from a central location- under the color of law, not with the rule of law.

IF anyone takes the time to read this, I'm sure you can find an excuse to justify your public display of stupid- which, BTW, may get you a pat or two on the back- go ahead, attack me personally- I'm sure it'll make you feel better about yourself helping build your worthless self esteem- but, FYI, public self humiliation is not a convincing argument.

“Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.”
~ Bertrand Russell–Unpopular Essays (1950) “Outline of Intellectual Rubbish”

What are you people afraid of?

You'd all do well to remember this when it's your guys turn (if we get that far)-
This isn't a matter of if, it's a matter of when.

But first, let me say this: when havoc is created, chaos ensues and catastrophe is inevitable-

There is another aspect of this that is little talked about, but has been discussed by the brilliant Dr. Judy Mikovits

the 'plandemic' lady, seems the more they censored her, the more she reappears....

It is vital to understand that not only was this virus crisis purposely manufactured in my opinion, but every aspect of the response was manufactured in advance as well. None of this is accidental, as every response by government was long-planned, and structured to take effect once the pandemic was announced

world government at that.....the GPMB was recently formed, and is heavily funded

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It is vital to understand that not only was this virus crisis purposely manufactured in my opinion, but every aspect of the response was manufactured in advance as well. None of this is accidental, as every response by government was long-planned, and structured to take effect once the pandemic was announced
I don't know if it was manufactured on purpose- there is some evidence it may have been but also stories about how it as an accidental release- either way, it has been an integral part of the engineered response built on several false flag incidents to help determine the readiness of the stupid- and ready they were and they far outnumber the not stupid by a wide margin, just in this forum- look at how responses vs new "my guy is better than your guy" bullshit-

I hope to get a new guitar today if he still has it to help me enjoy what time I have left in a world gone stupid, by design, and glorified by, well, the stupid.
I don't know if it was manufactured on purpose- there is some evidence it may have been but also stories about how it as an accidental release- either way, it has been an integral part of the engineered response built on several false flag incidents to help determine the readiness of the stupid- and ready they were and they far outnumber the not stupid by a wide margin, just in this forum- look at how responses vs new "my guy is better than your guy" bullshit-
there are what? maybe 1000 Bio-research labs on this rock, most of which are government funded , working on whatever they;re funded to do Gdjjr?

so manufactured or not , accident or not , the breach of viral security isn't a stretch

and yes, the partisans are the clown show frosting on the covid cake

I hope to get a new guitar today if he still has it to help me enjoy what time I have left in a world gone stupid, by design, and glorified by, well, the stupid.

Music is an escape , always has been , play hard and play long , and if you ever feel like Nero, just go with it :)

It is vital to understand that not only was this virus crisis purposely manufactured in my opinion, but every aspect of the response was manufactured in advance as well. None of this is accidental, as every response by government was long-planned, and structured to take effect once the pandemic was announced
I don't know if it was manufactured on purpose- there is some evidence it may have been but also stories about how it as an accidental release- either way, it has been an integral part of the engineered response built on several false flag incidents to help determine the readiness of the stupid- and ready they were and they far outnumber the not stupid by a wide margin, just in this forum- look at how responses vs new "my guy is better than your guy" bullshit-

I hope to get a new guitar today if he still has it to help me enjoy what time I have left in a world gone stupid, by design, and glorified by, well, the stupid.
That is what I thought at first that it was manufactured but guess what,it’s worse than that,there is no virus,biggest hoax ever put on mankind Even worse than 9/11.follows the same pattern,create a problem,get a reaction,panic mode,then offer a both cases our civil libertys have been taken away.the vaccine they will say is the solution is poison of course and will slowly kill you off,ever since the false flag,they have passes more dreconian laws same as 9/11,there are three major cities now where if you go into their resteraunt,everything you ate and paid for is recorded and they keep track of all your private information,if you don’t give them the information they ask for,they won’t serve you.they are going to keep track of everyone that has the vaccine,the people that don’t,won’t be able to travel or eat or anything eventually,we’ll looks like I will meet my maker dying of starvation because I will do that before I ever take the vaccine and give up my civil libertys and. Become their property.
I ju
I will meet my maker dying of starvation because I will do that before I ever take the vaccine and give up my civil libertys and.
i just wish there was something we could do to stop these criminals like facci,gates,trump and others but what can you do.? People like them and politicians especially presidents,are immune to prosecution and the police for the few officers that are not corrupt,won’t take a stand against the higher ups and fight for us,I just don’t see any other way out than that we’re going to have to die f starvation because this has been planned for decades and now the ball has got started rolling

One of the lynchpins in any effort to control large numbers of people is manufactured confusion, as mass confusion does not allow enough time to sort out the truth. What has happened in a period of a few weeks is a tidal wave of confusion and doubt, with the hype from government assuring those already confused masses that rushing to get a vaccine will free all from risk of death. In order to control the panic, government is claiming to be fast tracking an effort to create a vaccine when the vaccine is already available, and has been for some time in my opinion. In fact, any vaccine that is mandated to the public in the near term will be so deadly as to cause the next wave, followed by more waves of sickness and death, all due to the viruses and adjutants injected directly into a populace that has had their immune systems destroyed due to government mandated isolation. In essence, vaccination will enhance death, and will only lead to more control, more isolation, and more false testing, allowing for constant and continuous lockdowns, surveillance, tracing, and imprisonment.
i just wish there was something we could
It's what "I" can do- not we.
The greater good is created through Individual effort. "We" are but a supporting cast.
It's true that no story, or movie, is complete without a supporting cast, but, who is remembered? "I"- an Individual.

Personally, I strive daily to leave my space better than I found it. I sow seeds of Liberty at every opportunity and seeds bear fruit.

There is no short term, immediate fix. That's dictated by simple mechanics. You can't build or rebuild as fast as you can tear down, or break. It's taken over 240 years to get here. Think about that.

What can *you* do. It is YOUR choice.

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