This is How We Fix Black Lives Matter Issues

Yeah it doesn't help.civil rights groups to raise cash and gain power.......
This is how we do it, not with bullets and Molotov cocktails.

Her is an even better idea. Have cops actually LIVE in the areas they patrol. Give Cps, White or Black, an incentive to live in the worst neighborhoods buy giving them FREE middle class quality housing there. The strategy is to install the cops as community leaders who interact in positive ways with their neighbors. This kind of policing will undoubtedly open avenues of communication and build trust.
It may decrease the killing of unarmed people because the cop will know who is dangerous or not. And if he does have to shoot someone, his neighbors will know he probably had good reason.
Too often it seems that the political system is afraid of fixing problems and instead seems to prefer letting problems fester for ever as a campaign contribution issue.

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