Ignoring Vaccines

To people who don't trust vaccines: What other modern medical miracles don't you trust?
You haven't mentioned a first miracle yet .

And intelligent people who do not trust the Covid vaccine do so because the science clearly indicates it is a bio weapon that is unsafe for humans .
We were a much healthier people when we were getting our recommended vaxxes.
We were much healthier in the 70s and 80s when there were only 3-4 vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule. You never heard of autism, asthma, eczema, or even peanut allergies. Now they are common conditions.

Now there are 19 recommended vaccines before children are 15 months old. No other country in the world shoots up their kids like this. It's criminal. Australia comes close. See the asthma rate image in this article.
Asthma, eczema, or even peanut allergies were, of course, known sixty years ago.

Vaxxes are good.

In the United States, the childhood and adolescent immunization schedule includes several vaccines to protect children from potentially serious diseases. Here are the recommended vaccines for different age groups:

Birth to 15 Months:

  • Hepatitis B (HepB)
  • Rotavirus (RV)
  • Diphtheria, tetanus, & acellular pertussis (DTaP)
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
  • Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV15, PCV20)
  • Inactivated poliovirus (IPV)
  • COVID-19 (1vCOV-mRNA, 1vCOV-aPS)
  • Influenza (IIV4)
  • Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
  • Varicella (VAR)
  • Hepatitis A (HepA)
  • Tetanus, diphtheria, & acellular pertussis (Tdap)
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Meningococcal (MenACWY-CRM ≥2 mos, MenACWY-TT ≥2 years)
  • Meningococcal B (MenB-4C, MenB-FHbp)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine (RSV [Abrysvo])
  • Dengue (DEN4CYD: 9-16 yrs)
Asthma, eczema, or even peanut allergies were, of course, known sixty years ago.

Vaxxes are good.

In the United States, the childhood and adolescent immunization schedule includes several vaccines to protect children from potentially serious diseases. Here are the recommended vaccines for different age groups:

Birth to 15 Months:

  • Hepatitis B (HepB)
  • Rotavirus (RV)
  • Diphtheria, tetanus, & acellular pertussis (DTaP)
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
  • Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV15, PCV20)
  • Inactivated poliovirus (IPV)
  • COVID-19 (1vCOV-mRNA, 1vCOV-aPS)
  • Influenza (IIV4)
  • Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
  • Varicella (VAR)
  • Hepatitis A (HepA)
  • Tetanus, diphtheria, & acellular pertussis (Tdap)
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Meningococcal (MenACWY-CRM ≥2 mos, MenACWY-TT ≥2 years)
  • Meningococcal B (MenB-4C, MenB-FHbp)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine (RSV [Abrysvo])
  • Dengue (DEN4CYD: 9-16 yrs)
A great example on this list is the Hepatitis vaccines. Fucking ridiculous to inject babies with that shit. The only reason is to line the pockets of the medical-pharma-regulatory cabal.

From The Mayo Clinic

Hepatitis A
You're at increased risk of hepatitis A if you:
  • Travel or work in areas of the world where hepatitis A is common
  • Live with another person who has hepatitis A
  • Are a man who has sexual contact with other men
  • Have any type of sexual contact with someone who has hepatitis A
  • Are HIV positive
  • Are homeless
  • Use any type of recreational drugs, not just those that are injected
Hepatitis B

Risk factors​

Hepatitis B spreads through contact with blood, semen or other body fluids from an infected person. Your risk of hepatitis B infection increases if you:
  • Have unprotected sex with multiple sex partners or with someone who's infected with HBV
  • Share needles during IV drug use
  • Are a man who has sex with other men
  • Live with someone who has a chronic HBV infection
  • Are an infant born to an infected mother
  • Have a job that exposes you to human blood
  • Travel to regions with high infection rates of HBV, such as Asia, the Pacific Islands, Africa and Eastern Europe
Burgermeister, you may be right. Or not.

Parents have a duty to study all this, and so many don't at all, or adopt a position and won't look at the other side.
We were much healthier in the 70s and 80s when there were only 3-4 vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule. You never heard of autism, asthma, eczema, or even peanut allergies. Now they are common conditions.

Now there are 19 recommended vaccines before children are 15 months old. No other country in the world shoots up their kids like this. It's criminal. Australia comes close. See the asthma rate image in this article.

I don't trust THIS vaccine, mRNA , you are probably referencing. I do and have trusted others in the past. I have not been vaccinated with anything COVID-19-related and do not intend to.
That is the key point. Vaccines have historically been beneficial but unfortunately this experimental Covid DNA modifier jab has cast a dark shadow across ALL vaccines.

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