The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

Meet the packs of new Nazis, posing as Righteousness and Virtue, pursuing new exterminationist policies against Israel and, right after that, the Jews.

"In Nazi Germany," noted Brendan O'Neill in the Wall Street Journal, "it was all the rage to make one's town Judenfrei."

"Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one's town or city what we might call 'Zionistfrei' -- free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves 'Israel-free zones,' insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago."

The Nazis said "kauft nicht bei Juden": do not buy from Jews. The slogan of these new racists is "kauft nicht beim Judenstaat": do not buy from the Jewish State. The Nazis repeated "Geh nach Palästina, du Jud": Go to Palestine, you Jew. Racists in Europe shout "Jews out of Palestine!"

The "Virtuous" New Nazis
The Nazi movement is certainly gaining steam across Europe, though fueled far less by hatred of Jews as you suggest than by hatred of Muslims fleeing wars the West started in their home countries.

huh? can you expand on that delusion?
Are you suggesting the neo-Nazis in Europe are actually okay with Muslim refugees? Are you suggesting that the West has nothing to do with the Middle East?

lots of people have problems with the influx of refugees from the Middle East wherever they are INFLUXING-------NO LARGE AND PROMINENT COUNTRY IN THE WORLD -----has "nothing to do with the middle east" As to the present situation in Syria-----the USA did not MAKE IT HAPPEN----not by a long shot

The US had a lot to do with what happened when it set things in motion by invading Iraq. But equally to blame was Europe's carving up of the Ottoman Empire creating large artificial states.
The way forward is to recognize that that land belongs to two peoples who have historic ties there and the resolution is NOT ethnically cleansing either one.

Why do you want to deny anyone's rights?

It's a complex long standing dispute - not a simplistic one.

So THAT'S why you support those who have actually indulged in ethnic cleansing -- it's because you are actually against it.

There were once a million Jews living in Arab lands. Today, there are just a few thousand. Meanwhile, the Arab population in Israel continues to grow faster than that of the Jewish.

When the original Mandate of Palestine was divided, Arabs were given over 78%. Not content with that, you antisemites want Arabs to have even more.

And what do they have now? Oh and what use to be 80% arabs is now 20% from the slow genocide.

It was never arab in the first place, they are just illegal immigrants sent by the surrounding arab nations after 1917. Under International laws 22% of palestine was granted to the Jews as their national home, the other 78% became arab muslim and was called Jordan. So the arab's have their 80% and that is where they should be living, not on the land they have stolen from Israel. Or dont you understand that palestine was originally much bigger and the arab lived on the 78% granted as trans Jordan
Meet the packs of new Nazis, posing as Righteousness and Virtue, pursuing new exterminationist policies against Israel and, right after that, the Jews.

"In Nazi Germany," noted Brendan O'Neill in the Wall Street Journal, "it was all the rage to make one's town Judenfrei."

"Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one's town or city what we might call 'Zionistfrei' -- free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves 'Israel-free zones,' insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago."

The Nazis said "kauft nicht bei Juden": do not buy from Jews. The slogan of these new racists is "kauft nicht beim Judenstaat": do not buy from the Jewish State. The Nazis repeated "Geh nach Palästina, du Jud": Go to Palestine, you Jew. Racists in Europe shout "Jews out of Palestine!"

The "Virtuous" New Nazis
Big nonsense. It is a simple fact that Europe is not as good in kissing Israel´s ass as the US is. The EU is aware of Israel´s wrongdoing. Banning Israel´s goods, labeling settler goods, is the consequence of Israel´s persistent land grabbing and racism - something they have in common with the Nazis.

So who is trying to increase their 78% of palestine to 100% of palestine then. You muslims forget that Jordan was palestine and that you received 99.9% of the former Ottoman empire as muslim lands. The other 1% went to the Christians in Lebanon and the Jews in Israel. All the land stolen has been done by islamonazi terrorists, who also happen to be the racists. Just read the 3 charter in existence that all say a Jew free M.E.

And what do they have now? Oh and what use to be 80% arabs is now 20% from the slow genocide.

Arabs have 22 states encompassing 12.9 million square Kilometers including Jordan, the original Palestinian State. There are only a few thousand Jews left.

Israel is a mere 20 thousand square Kilometers and contains approximately 1.7 million Arabs.

You are very stupid, very dishonest, and very racist and so ignore facts in favor of your relentless persecution.

I am only talking about Israel. The other arab state are not Israel. The jews have no right to Israel. Rome got it from the Greeks and the Greeks captured it from the Persians who captured it from the Babylonians. What right the original Canaanites had on it died out long long ago, besides they were Arab as well.

International law says they do. In fact they have more right to all of palestine than you have to even the smallest dust particle of America. The lands Sovereign owners handed them the Keys and title to what is now Israel. The arab muslim illegal immigrants got nothing other than the order to leave.

This is the crux of the matter.

What this topic is about.


and it has acted like a roll call for some of the forum's virtuous new Nazis.

The topic being: the demonising of the Jews, and the justifications for it, now, and during 1930's Germany. It's also been referred to in literature, time and time again.

"Jews, go back to Palestine!"

"Jews, get out of Palestine!"

Is that an oxymoron,or what?
Meet the packs of new Nazis, posing as Righteousness and Virtue, pursuing new exterminationist policies against Israel and, right after that, the Jews.

"In Nazi Germany," noted Brendan O'Neill in the Wall Street Journal, "it was all the rage to make one's town Judenfrei."

"Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one's town or city what we might call 'Zionistfrei' -- free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves 'Israel-free zones,' insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago."

The Nazis said "kauft nicht bei Juden": do not buy from Jews. The slogan of these new racists is "kauft nicht beim Judenstaat": do not buy from the Jewish State. The Nazis repeated "Geh nach Palästina, du Jud": Go to Palestine, you Jew. Racists in Europe shout "Jews out of Palestine!"

The "Virtuous" New Nazis
The Nazi movement is certainly gaining steam across Europe, though fueled far less by hatred of Jews as you suggest than by hatred of Muslims fleeing wars the West started in their home countries.

huh? can you expand on that delusion?
Are you suggesting the neo-Nazis in Europe are actually okay with Muslim refugees? Are you suggesting that the West has nothing to do with the Middle East?

lots of people have problems with the influx of refugees from the Middle East wherever they are INFLUXING-------NO LARGE AND PROMINENT COUNTRY IN THE WORLD -----has "nothing to do with the middle east" As to the present situation in Syria-----the USA did not MAKE IT HAPPEN----not by a long shot

The US had a lot to do with what happened when it set things in motion by invading Iraq. But equally to blame was Europe's carving up of the Ottoman Empire creating large artificial states.

"Set things in motion"---??? what "THINGS"??? Why not
blame it on NAPOLEON?
the subject is the present situation in Syria-------What does the
invasion into Iraq have to do with THE PRESENT SITUATION
IN SYRIA???-------the events have no correlation other than TIME. Why not blame it all on my birthday party in 1995.
The "carving up of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE"? why not blame it on my mom's birthday in 1920?
The Nazi movement is certainly gaining steam across Europe, though fueled far less by hatred of Jews as you suggest than by hatred of Muslims fleeing wars the West started in their home countries.

I agree.

I think it's fueled by a melting pot of scapegoats. Boycotting commodities produced in the Occupied Territories seems in my opinion a legitimate action to try to force a resolution of the IP situation much like boycotts did with South Africa. But there are hidden dangers there that ought to be examined.

How many of those supporting the movements truly care about the Palestinians? How many of them are opposing Israel's policies, and how many of them are simply finding a way of legitimizing the scapegoating of Jews - all Jews?

I'm seeing a lot of things that are very concerning: the rise, around Europe (and America) of far right nationalistic politics that are based, in part, on the politics of exclusion - anti-immigrant for example. Those are often the same groups that scapegoat Jews. They are legitimizing themselves on the issues of immigration and Islam where they have gained widespread support, because it's not "socially acceptable" to outwardly hate Jews the way it is Muslims but I think it's there, and can be seen in the propogation of conspiracy theories.

There are disturbing "groupings" - anti-semitism with some if the far right, anti-semitism painted as "anti-Israel" from some of the far left, and anti-semitism from some Muslim immigrants. But it's dishonest to label all opposition to Israel as anti-semitism.

Instead of the politics of seperation and division, there needs to be a move towards interfaith action in order to overcome this trend. It's been heading towards a dangerous repetition of history and the politics and rhetoric are the same, even if the targeted scapegoats now include others.

Why do you see the only way forward to be stealing Israeli land and giving it to illegalimmigrants, is this because that is how you ended up owning America ?

Why should the Jews ALWAYS be the ones to give up what is theirs under international law, and why do those who deny they are anti semitic deny the Jews their rights

The way forward is to recognize that that land belongs to two peoples who have historic ties there and the resolution is NOT ethnically cleansing either one.

Why do you want to deny anyone's rights?

It's a complex long standing dispute - not a simplistic one.

Here you go again with the islamonazi propaganda lies that arab muslims have historic ties to Israel. They invaded illegally after 1917 and flooded the country with muslims to gain superior numbers. They then had an international law enacted that made it illegal for Jews to live in any arab muslim nation.

What rights do illegal immigrants, terrorists and criminals have ?

Only if you make it so by ignoring historical facts and international law. Why did the UN have to create UNWRA to support the arab muslims who fled the fighting in palestine, after all the law was they became full citizens after living there for just 2 years. Work it out and see why this was so, and when you allow one small piece of truth to seep through the rest follows and you see how you have been made a fool of all these years

More propaganda.

WHERE you saying it is does not make it so, it just shows that you have lost the argument and have no reply in regards to historically correct data and extant international laws. The facts are there for anyone with an open mind to find, and they are published on unbiased sites that just hold the truth for future generations. All you have is suspect sources that omit much of the data because it would alter the authors POV.

Are you saying that the International law that set up Jordan, Iraq, Iran and Syria is only illegal when it set up Israel ? Are you saying that the Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian deserters had lived in palestine for the two years prior to their invasion in 1947 ? Are you saying that the Jews have no rights under international law and never did, because that is what it sounds like from here. The same stance taken by the Germans in the 1930's and by the islamonazi's since
The way forward is to recognize that that land belongs to two peoples who have historic ties there and the resolution is NOT ethnically cleansing either one.

Why do you want to deny anyone's rights?

It's a complex long standing dispute - not a simplistic one.

So THAT'S why you support those who have ACTUALLY indulged in ethnic cleansing -- it's because you are against it.

Not sure such retarded rhetoric deserves a serious response, but here goes.

I don't support ethnic cleansing - not of Palestinians, not of Jews. It's a pretty simple concept.

There were once a million Jews living in Arab lands. Today, there are just a few thousand. Meanwhile, the Arab population in Israel continues to grow faster than that of the Jewish.

And? That has what to do with the people currently living in Israel and the Occupied Territories?

Has anyone supported the forced explulsion of Jews from Arab countries?

When the original Mandate of Palestine was divided, Arabs were given over 78%. Not content with that, you antisemites want Arabs to have even more.

I'm curious - are you saying you support forced expulsions then?

I don't.

Yes the people who you support in their endeavours to take what is now Israel and wipe out the Jews once and for all. And they are very vocal in their aims so you cant say you have not heard them.

Of illegal immigrants, islamonazi terrorists and criminals YES. You seem to be in support of these same people expelling the rightful owners so that islam can at last own all of the M.E. and shortly the world
Meet the packs of new Nazis, posing as Righteousness and Virtue, pursuing new exterminationist policies against Israel and, right after that, the Jews.

"In Nazi Germany," noted Brendan O'Neill in the Wall Street Journal, "it was all the rage to make one's town Judenfrei."

"Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one's town or city what we might call 'Zionistfrei' -- free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves 'Israel-free zones,' insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago."

The Nazis said "kauft nicht bei Juden": do not buy from Jews. The slogan of these new racists is "kauft nicht beim Judenstaat": do not buy from the Jewish State. The Nazis repeated "Geh nach Palästina, du Jud": Go to Palestine, you Jew. Racists in Europe shout "Jews out of Palestine!"

The "Virtuous" New Nazis
The Nazi movement is certainly gaining steam across Europe, though fueled far less by hatred of Jews as you suggest than by hatred of Muslims fleeing wars the West started in their home countries.

huh? can you expand on that delusion?
Are you suggesting the neo-Nazis in Europe are actually okay with Muslim refugees? Are you suggesting that the West has nothing to do with the Middle East?

lots of people have problems with the influx of refugees from the Middle East wherever they are INFLUXING-------NO LARGE AND PROMINENT COUNTRY IN THE WORLD -----has "nothing to do with the middle east" As to the present situation in Syria-----the USA did not MAKE IT HAPPEN----not by a long shot

The US had a lot to do with what happened when it set things in motion by invading Iraq. But equally to blame was Europe's carving up of the Ottoman Empire creating large artificial states.

See you ignore the truth and go for islamonazi propaganda instead. The LoN ( not Europe) gave the inhabitants of the former Ottoman empire the nations they wanted based on historic borders. They are not "artificial states" other than Jordan and palestine that never existed in antiquity
The way forward is to recognize that that land belongs to two peoples who have historic ties there and the resolution is NOT ethnically cleansing either one.

Why do you want to deny anyone's rights?

It's a complex long standing dispute - not a simplistic one.

So THAT'S why you support those who have ACTUALLY indulged in ethnic cleansing -- it's because you are against it.

Not sure such retarded rhetoric deserves a serious response, but here goes.

I don't support ethnic cleansing - not of Palestinians, not of Jews. It's a pretty simple concept.

There were once a million Jews living in Arab lands. Today, there are just a few thousand. Meanwhile, the Arab population in Israel continues to grow faster than that of the Jewish.

And? That has what to do with the people currently living in Israel and the Occupied Territories?

Has anyone supported the forced explulsion of Jews from Arab countries?

Yes----muhummad did. Any country that uses any aspect of
shariah law as its legal code supports the forced expulsion
of jews. Your question is as silly as claiming that no country ever supported the enslavement of blacks
The Nazi movement is certainly gaining steam across Europe, though fueled far less by hatred of Jews as you suggest than by hatred of Muslims fleeing wars the West started in their home countries.

huh? can you expand on that delusion?
Are you suggesting the neo-Nazis in Europe are actually okay with Muslim refugees? Are you suggesting that the West has nothing to do with the Middle East?

lots of people have problems with the influx of refugees from the Middle East wherever they are INFLUXING-------NO LARGE AND PROMINENT COUNTRY IN THE WORLD -----has "nothing to do with the middle east" As to the present situation in Syria-----the USA did not MAKE IT HAPPEN----not by a long shot

The US had a lot to do with what happened when it set things in motion by invading Iraq. But equally to blame was Europe's carving up of the Ottoman Empire creating large artificial states.

"Set things in motion"---??? what "THINGS"??? Why not
blame it on NAPOLEON?
the subject is the present situation in Syria-------What does the
invasion into Iraq have to do with THE PRESENT SITUATION
IN SYRIA???-------the events have no correlation other than TIME. Why not blame it all on my birthday party in 1995.
The "carving up of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE"? why not blame it on my mom's birthday in 1920?


And what do these fatuous circular arguments we see dominating most of the Israel threads, done to death and beyond, have to do with the age old scapegoating of Jews, down through the centuries? And still going on today.
I wonder what took them so long.

In 1965, the Second Vatican Council established that the Jewish people were not to be held responsible for the death of Christ.
huh? can you expand on that delusion?
Are you suggesting the neo-Nazis in Europe are actually okay with Muslim refugees? Are you suggesting that the West has nothing to do with the Middle East?

lots of people have problems with the influx of refugees from the Middle East wherever they are INFLUXING-------NO LARGE AND PROMINENT COUNTRY IN THE WORLD -----has "nothing to do with the middle east" As to the present situation in Syria-----the USA did not MAKE IT HAPPEN----not by a long shot

The US had a lot to do with what happened when it set things in motion by invading Iraq. But equally to blame was Europe's carving up of the Ottoman Empire creating large artificial states.

"Set things in motion"---??? what "THINGS"??? Why not
blame it on NAPOLEON?
the subject is the present situation in Syria-------What does the
invasion into Iraq have to do with THE PRESENT SITUATION
IN SYRIA???-------the events have no correlation other than TIME. Why not blame it all on my birthday party in 1995.
The "carving up of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE"? why not blame it on my mom's birthday in 1920?


And what do these fatuous circular arguments we see dominating most of the Israel threads, done to death and beyond, have to do with the age old scapegoating of Jews, down through the centuries? And still going on today.

I am trying to find out. -----the fall of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE----did it all------I wonder if anyone who blames the fall of the
Ottoman Empire have any idea just what the Ottoman empire
was. The Austrian Hapsburg empire also fell. Anybody want to name the evil agency that "CARVED IT UP"?-----
The Moghul Empire fell------if you want to know how much evil
the destruction of the NOBLE AND UTOPIAN MOGHUL EMPIRE caused the world------ask a Pakistani or a muslim from India
The way forward is to recognize that that land belongs to two peoples who have historic ties there and the resolution is NOT ethnically cleansing either one.

Why do you want to deny anyone's rights?

It's a complex long standing dispute - not a simplistic one.

So THAT'S why you support those who have actually indulged in ethnic cleansing -- it's because you are actually against it.

There were once a million Jews living in Arab lands. Today, there are just a few thousand. Meanwhile, the Arab population in Israel continues to grow faster than that of the Jewish.

When the original Mandate of Palestine was divided, Arabs were given over 78%. Not content with that, you antisemites want Arabs to have even more.

And what do they have now? Oh and what use to be 80% arabs is now 20% from the slow genocide.

There's no genocide going on.

Well I believe there, is slowly and daily, a few killed here and there. Land stole and more illegal settlements.
Not all genocides happen at one, its the daily killing of several which is a daily occurrence.

There are Jews killed here and there, does that make it a genocide ?

When did the arab muslims get ownership of this land as I can find no mention of it since 1099

Is that like your home in America then, as that is an illegal settlement just the same
Meet the packs of new Nazis, posing as Righteousness and Virtue, pursuing new exterminationist policies against Israel and, right after that, the Jews.

"In Nazi Germany," noted Brendan O'Neill in the Wall Street Journal, "it was all the rage to make one's town Judenfrei."

"Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one's town or city what we might call 'Zionistfrei' -- free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves 'Israel-free zones,' insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago."

The Nazis said "kauft nicht bei Juden": do not buy from Jews. The slogan of these new racists is "kauft nicht beim Judenstaat": do not buy from the Jewish State. The Nazis repeated "Geh nach Palästina, du Jud": Go to Palestine, you Jew. Racists in Europe shout "Jews out of Palestine!"

The "Virtuous" New Nazis
Big nonsense. It is a simple fact that Europe is not as good in kissing Israel´s ass as the US is. The EU is aware of Israel´s wrongdoing. Banning Israel´s goods, labeling settler goods, is the consequence of Israel´s persistent land grabbing and racism - something they have in common with the Nazis.

Something about Europe, glass houses, land grabbing and racism comes to mind here and it's nothing to do with the Nazi's. In fact, it's Europe's "land grabbing" division of the Ottoman Empire that led to some of the mess we are in now in the ME.

And again you repeat the islamonazi/white supremacist mantra only found on their sites. You do know that the US was also involved in the LoN and sat on the many formal meettings
The way forward is to recognize that that land belongs to two peoples who have historic ties there and the resolution is NOT ethnically cleansing either one.

Why do you want to deny anyone's rights?

It's a complex long standing dispute - not a simplistic one.

So THAT'S why you support those who have actually indulged in ethnic cleansing -- it's because you are actually against it.

There were once a million Jews living in Arab lands. Today, there are just a few thousand. Meanwhile, the Arab population in Israel continues to grow faster than that of the Jewish.

When the original Mandate of Palestine was divided, Arabs were given over 78%. Not content with that, you antisemites want Arabs to have even more.

And what do they have now? Oh and what use to be 80% arabs is now 20% from the slow genocide.

There's no genocide going on.

Well I believe there, is slowly and daily, a few killed here and there. Land stole and more illegal settlements.
Not all genocides happen at one, its the daily killing of several which is a daily occurrence.

Genocide is a very specific and powerful term that is overused. Would you then call the Palestinian attacks on Israeli Jewish civilians "genocide"?

When they have already ethnically cleansed 90% of the Jews from the M.E. then it most certainly is a genocide
Are you suggesting the neo-Nazis in Europe are actually okay with Muslim refugees? Are you suggesting that the West has nothing to do with the Middle East?

lots of people have problems with the influx of refugees from the Middle East wherever they are INFLUXING-------NO LARGE AND PROMINENT COUNTRY IN THE WORLD -----has "nothing to do with the middle east" As to the present situation in Syria-----the USA did not MAKE IT HAPPEN----not by a long shot

The US had a lot to do with what happened when it set things in motion by invading Iraq. But equally to blame was Europe's carving up of the Ottoman Empire creating large artificial states.

"Set things in motion"---??? what "THINGS"??? Why not
blame it on NAPOLEON?
the subject is the present situation in Syria-------What does the
invasion into Iraq have to do with THE PRESENT SITUATION
IN SYRIA???-------the events have no correlation other than TIME. Why not blame it all on my birthday party in 1995.
The "carving up of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE"? why not blame it on my mom's birthday in 1920?


And what do these fatuous circular arguments we see dominating most of the Israel threads, done to death and beyond, have to do with the age old scapegoating of Jews, down through the centuries? And still going on today.

I am trying to find out. -----the fall of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE----did it all------I wonder if anyone who blames the fall of the
Ottoman Empire have any idea just what the Ottoman empire
was. The Austrian Hapsburg empire also fell. Anybody want to name the evil agency that "CARVED IT UP"?-----
The Moghul Empire fell------if you want to know how much evil
the destruction of the NOBLE AND UTOPIAN MOGHUL EMPIRE caused the world------ask a Pakistani or a muslim from India

Austrian Empire. Good question.

Travelling around Europe, particularly the East, and the Balkans, one sees the fragments of the Imperial past.

I don't think the Ukraine will ever recover.
The way forward is to recognize that that land belongs to two peoples who have historic ties there and the resolution is NOT ethnically cleansing either one.

Why do you want to deny anyone's rights?

It's a complex long standing dispute - not a simplistic one.

So THAT'S why you support those who have actually indulged in ethnic cleansing -- it's because you are actually against it.

There were once a million Jews living in Arab lands. Today, there are just a few thousand. Meanwhile, the Arab population in Israel continues to grow faster than that of the Jewish.

When the original Mandate of Palestine was divided, Arabs were given over 78%. Not content with that, you antisemites want Arabs to have even more.

And what do they have now? Oh and what use to be 80% arabs is now 20% from the slow genocide.

There's no genocide going on.

Well I believe there, is slowly and daily, a few killed here and there. Land stole and more illegal settlements.
Not all genocides happen at one, its the daily killing of several which is a daily occurrence.

There are Jews killed here and there, does that make it a genocide ?

When did the arab muslims get ownership of this land as I can find no mention of it since 1099

Is that like your home in America then, as that is an illegal settlement just the same

Pay attention to what people SAY-----Penelope makes it clear that the basis of each of her declarations of "FACT" is based
entirely on personal and individual sophistry invented entirely
to fit her personal POV regarding that specific situation.
Her statement "Not all genocides happen at one" means
that regardless of fact and reality----she has DECIDED that
DA JOOOOS are committing "genocide" against the
"Palestinians" -------truth and reality have nothing to do with the
In Europe, most anti Semites come from the Left, including all those that pretend they are simply anti zionists.

They always did and it was only the German Nazi party that forced the left to disown them and claim they were right wing extremists. Look at their history and see that they were originally the National Socialist German Workers party and were allied to the communist party in Russia

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