The Vietnam War

You fellas are more clever than me, but i do remember the old saying "you had to be there". People who were in or around during the war have a unique perspective.
especially the ones on the ground who argue military strategy and tactics, as if being in a uniform is equivalent to having attended West Point. LOL

Many are the very same arseholes who will say (on a stool at the end of the bar at Vets club with cheap beers) "What we need is a war" when talking about tough economic times. And some of the same ones who voted for Trump and support pulling troops out of nations and backing pulling out of alliances that have made the world safer - not safe - against all advice of experienced diplomats foreign service personnel and military leaders
Make the world safer, like the UN? Bwaaaahhaaaaaahhaaaaa.

UN peacekeepers accused of killing and rape in Central African Republic
Please do not confuse safe with safer. Don't be a complete fool. Try responding to what is posted, not something you make up. Stop being a troll

and if you want to rid the world of UN Peacekeeper because of a few who are bad? Do you support getting rid of Law Enforcement because a few went rogue? I doubt you could stand on any principle.

After WWII, most of Europe lay in destruction, as did much of parts of Asia. Nothing like that has happened since. Much of the whole world was at war.
The UN has been a bullshit organization run by a bunch of Dictatorial Thugs, hell bent on destroying everything it touches...
LBJ lost 2 wars for US, the war in Vietnam and the War on Poverty. The last one has cost US 22 trillion dollars and many black lives in the inner city. Could that be similar with LBJ sending the troops to a war overseas that couldn't be won either? I must speculate on this.....
So the war on poverty was lost before 1968?

See how dumb you come across?

and the Vietnam War ended when? Was it lost before LBJ left office, and if it was lost why would so many conservatives and President Nixon not know this and keep demanding funding the war?

and when people like you speak of blacks lives, inner cities .. I see visions of chew toys and leashes and collars - and Doggie Bone treats
It was LBJ that scooped up all the blacks in Chicago and put them all in a 1 square mile area called the Projects. You must be a proud member of the public education system, for you sure are showing your ignorance...
The Vietnam War was a terrible disaster, yet Americans have failed to learn from it. They continue to allow criminal politicians to make war for profit.

War is ALWAYS about the health of the State...and all wars are banker’s wars.

Perpetual war will result in the demise of the USA, but first we citizens will suffer from an expanding police state, as our rights are taken from us.

Constant war aboard leads to tyranny at home. ALWAYS.
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For what reason?
American involvement spanned almost two decades.

The first years of the war had the backing of the American people and troop moral was high.

Whereas, the public turned against the war during last years and troop moral suffered.

Thus, in my opinion, what time period a person was involved in the war colors their perception about the war. .... :cool:
For what reason?
American involvement spanned almost two decades.

The first years of the war had the backing of the American people and troop moral was high.

Whereas, the public turned against the war during last years and troop moral suffered.

Thus, in my opinion, what time period a person was involved in the war colors their perception about the war. .... :cool:

The film goes into the complications, twists and turns, bad decisions, failures of diplomacy, etc.

The public probably turned against it when the body bags started coming home.

It was like fighting "a ghost in the forest".
The public probably turned against it when the body bags started coming home.
The public started turning against the war when their sons started being conscripted into the Army and sent to Vietnam in large numbers.

That, and pictures of the soldiers killed every week were shown on the nightly news on the family TV ..... :cool:
Are you talking about the Ken Burns mockumentary? I watched some of it until has Left Wing bias showed, and he started to demonize the U.S. and make Ho, and his soldiers look like choir boys.

I've heard that said about Ken Burns.

Today, I watched a segment in which John Kerry was demonising the Americans. Then it was countered by accusations of lying.
Damn, terrible to be upset over a US policy of allowing civilians to be fired on in "free-fire zones"
The film goes into the complications, twists and turns, bad decisions, failures of diplomacy, etc. The public probably turned against it when the body bags started coming home. It was like fighting "a ghost in the forest".
The North Vietnam leadership was using "hit and run" guerrilla tactics. They chose when and were to attack U.S. forces, and then faded into the jungle.

Whereas, the U.S. military leadership was unfortunately still using large scale ground assault tactics they had learned fighting on the open fields of Europe during WWll. ...... :cool:
Are you talking about the Ken Burns mockumentary? I watched some of it until has Left Wing bias showed, and he started to demonize the U.S. and make Ho, and his soldiers look like choir boys.

I've heard that said about Ken Burns.

Today, I watched a segment in which John Kerry was demonising the Americans. Then it was countered by accusations of lying.

Kerry was only over there for four months. He didn't see much. His testimony was bullshit.
I'm watching it on PBS.

I'd like to talk about it. With someone. :)

There is a lot fake news about the war. Most people only know what Hollywood has told them.

The PBS series was terrible.
In a nutshell, the war was a terrible failure caused entirely by a corrupt political class. Of which, unfortunately, no one paid a price. As in all of America’s wars, the criminals who cause it seldom suffer any consequences, but the little people sure pay a high price.
History has shown that Marxism is oppression, slavery and mass murder.
We tried to stop them, but our Left Wing traitors helped the Vietcong win.
I'm watching it on PBS.

I'd like to talk about it. With someone. :)

There is a lot fake news about the war. Most people only know what Hollywood has told them.

The PBS series was terrible.
In a nutshell, the war was a terrible failure caused entirely by a corrupt political class. Of which, unfortunately, no one paid a price. As in all of America’s wars, the criminals who cause it seldom suffer any consequences, but the little people sure pay a high price.

Do you lay any fault on the French?

Of the Vietnamese governments themselves?
Kerry was only over there for four months. He didn't see much. His testimony was bullshit.
About a year ago I was at the local coffee shop and happen to be wearing my veterans hat. A fellow veteran also standing in line, greeted me, and we began a conversation. He told me that he was a crew member on a swift boat that patrolled the Mekong Delta river during the Vietnam war.

I knew that John Kerry was also on a swift boat during his tour in Vietnam, so I asked the guy what he thought about Kerry?

Turns out the guy had served in the same unit as Kerry, and had nothing good to say about him. He told me that Kerry was an arrogant bastard and hated by everyone. That they were all glad when he left the unit and was shipped back to the United States. .... :cool:
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I'm watching it on PBS.

I'd like to talk about it. With someone. :)

There is a lot fake news about the war. Most people only know what Hollywood has told them.

The PBS series was terrible.
In a nutshell, the war was a terrible failure caused entirely by a corrupt political class. Of which, unfortunately, no one paid a price. As in all of America’s wars, the criminals who cause it seldom suffer any consequences, but the little people sure pay a high price.

Do you lay any fault on the French?

Of the Vietnamese governments themselves?
Yes. Plenty of blame to go around. But the funny thing is, the perpetrators all have one thing in common. Government.

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