The Vietnam War

I watched the documentary about The War, and in that, the point was made about the atom bomb. The Germans were well on the way to producing one, and also the Japanese. It was a race to whoever got there first.
that is an argument for building a bomb,

not one for how, why and when or where or whether to use it

The Japanese were not going to surrender. Not even at the thought of that bomb.

Generals committing suicide, people jumping off cliffs. Kamikaze pilots destroying American ships. Hundreds of civilian prisoners of war trapped in horrendous internment camps. a matter of fact I'm reading The Winter Fortress: the Epic Mission to Sabotage Hitler's Atomic Bomb right now....this was the mission to destroy the heavy water the Germans used
..of course the book talks about the German on how close the Germans were to building a bomb
the V2 warhead was about 2000 lbs with 200 mile range
Abombs were about 10,000 lbs
you mean they were designing/inventing a delivery system?

the US used graphite to moderate the ''reactor''
the Germans did not
the Germans were not that close to an Abomb and/or a delivery system
At best this would have been far less destructive than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan
The Nazi Nuclear Program – How Close Were the Nazis to Developing an Atomic Bomb?

.....remember--the Allies are not snowmen just sitting there = the bombing of Germany starts to get effective/sizable/sustained/etc into 1944 and 1945 = much harder for the Germans to do anything efficiently/significantly

The V2 with nuke warheads could have brought down England, and stopped the strategic bombing campaign. That could in itself changed the outcome of the war, and yes Germany was developing a longer range guided, ballistic missile. That technology directly contributed to us getting to the Moon. stated in my previous post: the Germans ruled out graphite, this might have sped up tests [from the book's epilogue ]
..the book says Speer and the Army '''backed away from committing to such an expansive program'''
....the US program was NOT hampered by day and night bombings/naval blockade/etc
and the US had MASSIVE $$$ and people to work on the program
the Trinity Test was July 1945
VE day was May 1945
it would have been a miracle if the Germans developed even a small bomb
I watched the documentary about The War, and in that, the point was made about the atom bomb. The Germans were well on the way to producing one, and also the Japanese. It was a race to whoever got there first.
that is an argument for building a bomb,

not one for how, why and when or where or whether to use it

The Japanese were not going to surrender. Not even at the thought of that bomb.

Generals committing suicide, people jumping off cliffs. Kamikaze pilots destroying American ships. Hundreds of civilian prisoners of war trapped in horrendous internment camps.
What is your point?

Maybe a little clarification here? You stated others were trying to a build a bomb too. This in the context of a debate over whether Truman should have used a bomb, or was a bad man for having used the bomb.

You stated others were trying to a build a bomb too.
I stated that the above statement is an argument for building a bomb. Not one for how, why and when or where or whether to use one.

So again, what is your point?
the V2 warhead was about 2000 lbs with 200 mile range
Abombs were about 10,000 lbs
you mean they were designing/inventing a delivery system?

the US used graphite to moderate the ''reactor''
the Germans did not
the Germans were not that close to an Abomb and/or a delivery system
At best this would have been far less destructive than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan
The Nazi Nuclear Program – How Close Were the Nazis to Developing an Atomic Bomb?

.....remember--the Allies are not snowmen just sitting there = the bombing of Germany starts to get effective/sizable/sustained/etc into 1944 and 1945 = much harder for the Germans to do anything efficiently/significantly

The V2 with nuke warheads could have brought down England, and stopped the strategic bombing campaign. That could in itself changed the outcome of the war, and yes Germany was developing a longer range guided, ballistic missile. That technology directly contributed to us getting to the Moon.
the V2 could not have carried a 10,000 lb warhead
the V2 warhead was about 2000 lbs with 200 mile range
Abombs were about 10,000 lbs
you mean they were designing/inventing a delivery system?

the US used graphite to moderate the ''reactor''
the Germans did not
the Germans were not that close to an Abomb and/or a delivery system
At best this would have been far less destructive than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan
The Nazi Nuclear Program – How Close Were the Nazis to Developing an Atomic Bomb?

.....remember--the Allies are not snowmen just sitting there = the bombing of Germany starts to get effective/sizable/sustained/etc into 1944 and 1945 = much harder for the Germans to do anything efficiently/significantly

The V2 with nuke warheads could have brought down England, and stopped the strategic bombing campaign. That could in itself changed the outcome of the war, and yes Germany was developing a longer range guided, ballistic missile. That technology directly contributed to us getting to the Moon.
the US only developed TWO bombs by August 1945
VE was May 1945 a matter of fact I'm reading The Winter Fortress: the Epic Mission to Sabotage Hitler's Atomic Bomb right now....this was the mission to destroy the heavy water the Germans used
..of course the book talks about the German on how close the Germans were to building a bomb
saw the movies. not new news LOL

but it is good reading the history without the Hollywood drama
I watched the documentary about The War, and in that, the point was made about the atom bomb. The Germans were well on the way to producing one, and also the Japanese. It was a race to whoever got there first.
that is an argument for building a bomb,

not one for how, why and when or where or whether to use it

The Japanese were not going to surrender. Not even at the thought of that bomb.

Generals committing suicide, people jumping off cliffs. Kamikaze pilots destroying American ships. Hundreds of civilian prisoners of war trapped in horrendous internment camps.
What is your point?

Maybe a little clarification here? You stated others were trying to a build a bomb too. This in the context of a debate over whether Truman should have used a bomb, or was a bad man for having used the bomb.

You stated others were trying to a build a bomb too.
I stated that the above statement is an argument for building a bomb. Not one for how, why and when or where or whether to use one.

So again, what is your point?

To end the war with Japan, because it was dragging on too long.

And also to be ahead of the game with nuclear. I wasn't aware of that 'race' till I watched the documentary. Opened up another way of thinking about those past events. For me at least.
LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam on a faked bogus "crisis". The knee jerk media backed him at first like they back all democrats and he set the rules so that the U.S. could win every battle and still lose the war. Just when it seemed that the strategy of wearing down the V.C. might be working, LBJ quit the effort and gave General Giap breathing room and recruiting opportunities. Meanwhile unelected and unappointed clerks in the CIA were in charge and the Generals stood back and took the flack.
Wow! Revisionist bs!

It was the media that exposed his deceit . and he was still a great man and a great president

and facts are it was the CIA that warned about a losing battle to win the war,.

get yer facts straight troll man
LBJ lost 2 wars for US, the war in Vietnam and the War on Poverty. The last one has cost US 22 trillion dollars and many black lives in the inner city. Could that be similar with LBJ sending the troops to a war overseas that couldn't be won either? I must speculate on this.....
A Bright Shining Lie by Vann is a very good read on the Vietnam War/corruption/etc
You fellas are more clever than me, but i do remember the old saying "you had to be there". People who were in or around during the war have a unique perspective.
especially the ones on the ground who argue military strategy and tactics, as if being in a uniform is equivalent to having attended West Point. LOL

Many are the very same arseholes who will say (on a stool at the end of the bar at Vets club with cheap beers) "What we need is a war" when talking about tough economic times. And some of the same ones who voted for Trump and support pulling troops out of nations and backing pulling out of alliances that have made the world safer - not safe - against all advice of experienced diplomats foreign service personnel and military leaders
Make the world safer, like the UN? Bwaaaahhaaaaaahhaaaaa.

UN peacekeepers accused of killing and rape in Central African Republic
I watched the documentary about The War, and in that, the point was made about the atom bomb. The Germans were well on the way to producing one, and also the Japanese. It was a race to whoever got there first.
that is an argument for building a bomb,

not one for how, why and when or where or whether to use it

The Japanese were not going to surrender. Not even at the thought of that bomb.

Generals committing suicide, people jumping off cliffs. Kamikaze pilots destroying American ships. Hundreds of civilian prisoners of war trapped in horrendous internment camps.
What is your point?

Maybe a little clarification here? You stated others were trying to a build a bomb too. This in the context of a debate over whether Truman should have used a bomb, or was a bad man for having used the bomb.

You stated others were trying to a build a bomb too.
I stated that the above statement is an argument for building a bomb. Not one for how, why and when or where or whether to use one.

So again, what is your point?

To end the war with Japan, because it was dragging on too long.

And also to be ahead of the game with nuclear. I wasn't aware of that 'race' till I watched the documentary. Opened up another way of thinking about those past events. For me at least.
Interesting. You must be very young, or had any deep interest in history. Okay.

One attack argument used against Truman using the A-Bomb was just this "To end the war with Japan, because it was dragging on too long." Was the loss of innocent civilian justified? I forget which one, but one of the two bomb sites chosen supposedly had a strategic military value. I do know they were all leery of using it, so they chose sites they believed could./would retain the fallout

Would another leader have chosen differently? we will never know.
You fellas are more clever than me, but i do remember the old saying "you had to be there". People who were in or around during the war have a unique perspective.
especially the ones on the ground who argue military strategy and tactics, as if being in a uniform is equivalent to having attended West Point. LOL

Many are the very same arseholes who will say (on a stool at the end of the bar at Vets club with cheap beers) "What we need is a war" when talking about tough economic times. And some of the same ones who voted for Trump and support pulling troops out of nations and backing pulling out of alliances that have made the world safer - not safe - against all advice of experienced diplomats foreign service personnel and military leaders
Make the world safer, like the UN? Bwaaaahhaaaaaahhaaaaa.

UN peacekeepers accused of killing and rape in Central African Republic
Please do not confuse safe with safer. Don't be a complete fool. Try responding to what is posted, not something you make up. Stop being a troll

and if you want to rid the world of UN Peacekeeper because of a few who are bad? Do you support getting rid of Law Enforcement because a few went rogue? I doubt you could stand on any principle.

After WWII, most of Europe lay in destruction, as did much of parts of Asia. Nothing like that has happened since. Much of the whole world was at war.
This could have been a great thread about the Vietnam War and the social unrest the country went through because of it.

But unfortunately it went way off course by the third page. .... :cool:
LBJ lost 2 wars for US, the war in Vietnam and the War on Poverty. The last one has cost US 22 trillion dollars and many black lives in the inner city. Could that be similar with LBJ sending the troops to a war overseas that couldn't be won either? I must speculate on this.....
So the war on poverty was lost before 1968?

See how dumb you come across?

and the Vietnam War ended when? Was it lost before LBJ left office, and if it was lost why would so many conservatives and President Nixon not know this and keep demanding funding the war?

and when people like you speak of blacks lives, inner cities .. I see visions of chew toys and leashes and collars - and Doggie Bone treats
A Bright Shining Lie by Vann is a very good read on the Vietnam War/corruption/etc
What is the point of the book? The title is off putting, as it starts with "Lie" as a conclusion. Is it a conclusion in search of premises ?

I just checked and: A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam (1988) is a book by Neil Sheehan,

is English a second language for you? I'm not flaming. I'm just not sure why you had me looking for an author named Vann
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This could have been a great thread about the Vietnam War and the social unrest the country went through because of it.

But unfortunately it went way off course by the third page. .... :cool:
so two full pages on track? That's the Gold Standard here.

and the Baby Boomer Navel Gazing is pathetic
CIA often warned about dangers and losing strategies. They were also more on point than many Pentagon estimates, predictions ...

interesting reading: Memorandum from the Director of the CIA to Secretary of Defense McNamara on the Strategic Hamlet Program, 13 July 1962

the Montagnard problem


11. In sum, we believe strategic hamlet program definitely moving forward both as organizing principle around which whole GVN counterinsurgency program has fair chance of being sold to people and as specific tactic in preventing spread Viet Cong influence among people. But strategic hamlets in themselves not sufficient to carry day against still strong and determined enemy. Until they supplemented by broader pacification programs involving wide variety of counterinsurgency measures, they remain vulnerable Viet Cong countermeasures.

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