The Right of peoples to self-determination has been destroyed


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
The Monroe Doctrine is the only legal foundation for the Right of Peoples to independence and free choice of their path. The only guarantor of this Right is the US Army.

Since the fraudulent US feds abandoned the Doctrine, the right of peoples to self-determination is not justified in any way in the legal field, and is not guaranteed by anyone.

Instead of the right to self-determination, the fascist imperialists impose on the Peoples the slavish imperial principle of “preserving the integrity” of the totalitarian regimes of the imperialists.
The Monroe Doctrine was designed to stop colonization of the New World. In other words, once the colonists had their colony, they wanted to make sure no one else got theirs.

But the Monroe Doctrine was a waste of time. The US does not get to tell every other nation in the New World who they can and cannot deal with or who they will be. US citizens have self-determination. The rest of the nations in the New World have the same thing.

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