The Republican Candidate *NO* List...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
When I saw the article stating there a was new study that proclaims Jeb Bush is the republican front runner, not only did I find that absolutely absurd, but unbelievable as well.

So this is the list of republican candidates that conservatives/republicans do NOT want to see even attempt a run at president...

2) Mitt Romney
3) Chris Christie
4) Marko Rubio
5) Rick Perry
6) Mick Huckabee
7) Rick Santorum
8) Sarah Palin

Feel free to add to the list, subtract from the list, or make your own. But that is my list so far of candidates on the right that I definitely do NOT want to see anywhere near a presidential race for 2016.
Santorum would have my vote simply for his social conservatism. I would consider Palin and Huckabee but that's it.
I like Rand Paul but realize he likely won't get there. He's too much like dad and American's despise common sense solutions to our national problems.

Sooooo ... I have no clue. I like list presented by the OP ... so far. We need someone who loves the Constitution; hates the Federal Reserve; enjoys true American history; wants a strong military; believes in a strong, free-market economy; knows the importance of a sealed southern border; and someone who doesn't believe in getting entangled in foreign affairs. You know ... a Thomas Jefferson type.
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Bush, Perry, Huckabee, and Santorum would be acceptable. A Palin match against the Hildebeast would be interesting though. Palin would win that if the MSM would be a bit more fair. Still, Palin is not my choice.

Rand Paul would be quite acceptable also.
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When I saw the article stating there a was new study that proclaims Jeb Bush is the republican front runner, not only did I find that absolutely absurd, but unbelievable as well.

So this is the list of republican candidates that conservatives/republicans do NOT want to see even attempt a run at president...

2) Mitt Romney
3) Chris Christie
4) Marko Rubio
5) Rick Perry
6) Mick Huckabee
7) Rick Santorum
8) Sarah Palin

Feel free to add to the list, subtract from the list, or make your own. But that is my list so far of candidates on the right that I definitely do NOT want to see anywhere near a presidential race for 2016.

Sorry, the aristocracy will only allow another Bush or Clinton to rule the empire.
When I saw the article stating there a was new study that proclaims Jeb Bush is the republican front runner, not only did I find that absolutely absurd, but unbelievable as well.

So this is the list of republican candidates that conservatives/republicans do NOT want to see even attempt a run at president...

3) Chris Christie
4) Marko Rubio
5) Rick Perry
6) Mick Huckabee
7) Rick Santorum
8) Sarah Palin

Feel free to add to the list, subtract from the list, or make your own. But that is my list so far of candidates on the right that I definitely do NOT want to see anywhere near a presidential race for 2016.

There. I fixed your list to reflect my personal feelings.

When is the time wrong for an honorable, American loving, caring, successful, accomplished, God fearing, superstar businessman who was proven smarter than Obama just recently when it was recalled that Mitt identified Russia as an adversary but Barack laughed at him?
I like Rand Paul but realize he likely won't get there. He's too much like dad and American's despise common sense solutions to our national problems.

Sooooo ... I have no clue. I like list presented by the OP ... so far. We need someone who loves the Constitution; hates the Federal Reserve; enjoys true American history; wants a strong military; believes in a strong, free-market economy; knows the importance of a sealed southern border; and someone who doesn't believe in getting entangled in foreign affairs. You know ... a Thomas Jefferson type.

When I saw the article stating there a was new study that proclaims Jeb Bush is the republican front runner, not only did I find that absolutely absurd, but unbelievable as well.

So this is the list of republican candidates that conservatives/republicans do NOT want to see even attempt a run at president...

2) Mitt Romney
3) Chris Christie
4) Marko Rubio
5) Rick Perry
6) Mick Huckabee
7) Rick Santorum
8) Sarah Palin

Feel free to add to the list, subtract from the list, or make your own. But that is my list so far of candidates on the right that I definitely do NOT want to see anywhere near a presidential race for 2016.

9) John McCain
10) Lindsey Graham

When I saw the article stating there a was new study that proclaims Jeb Bush is the republican front runner, not only did I find that absolutely absurd, but unbelievable as well.

So this is the list of republican candidates that conservatives/republicans do NOT want to see even attempt a run at president...

2) Mitt Romney
3) Chris Christie
4) Marko Rubio
5) Rick Perry
6) Mick Huckabee
7) Rick Santorum
8) Sarah Palin

Feel free to add to the list, subtract from the list, or make your own. But that is my list so far of candidates on the right that I definitely do NOT want to see anywhere near a presidential race for 2016.

Rubio? Por que?
My vote is for the majic eight ball to be president. It answers questions 'bout as well as a politician.
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I still think that Haley Barbour is one of the well hidden heavy hitters within your party and I bet he would have a fair shot at winning. The man is more resilient than people may think. He probably won't run and if he ran, he would probably not get nominated, but he really think he would run a much tougher campaign than people would be expecting.

That comment is not sarcastic. Barbour is well liked among his fellow governors.
The GOP Big Shots Are Gonna Love This Guy!


In a speech Friday, Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush praised illegal immigrants as "risk takers" who embody the entrepreneurial spirit of America and doubled down on his defense of Common Core.

Okay, so I got it from a Breitbart site but it linked to the Miami-Herald which should sooth some of the liberals @ From Common Core to immigration, Jeb Bush shows he's 'the Eat Your Broccoli' Republican | Naked Politics

Is this going to be the 2016 GOP candidate? At least he might stand a chance to beat Billary – and certainly Uncle Joe! :eusa_whistle:

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