Harrison Butker’s ‘extreme’ political views has made him extremely popular…the number one selling jersey. Are we watching a political movement happen?

All legit people are boycotting the NFL….what does that have to do with Butker and or a conservative movement?
Are you saying ButtKisser is not a "legitimate" person?

well that's just stupid.

As stupid as offending 45% of your fans.

That is because that person never understood the issue to begin.

The boycott was to get the NFL to stop televising the kneeling for the National Anthem.

The NFL stopped televising the kneeling for the National Anthem and we then went back to watching and sometimes supporting our favorite players and/or teams.

But who am I to ruin their made-up narrative? :)
Yes because what you dont see doesnt upset you.
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Hmmm…because purple hair abnormals want to believe that to be true?
I’d say it’s more likely he’ll get a bonus for his courage to witness.
You don't know anything about KC. And the Hunts have not built a bigoted culture. His father would have cut this guy. Butker is in trouble.
Making a statement of support for Butker by buying his jersey has nothing to do with support of the NFL.
Haha. Sure it does. :auiqs.jpg: Only a moron would shell out $100+ to buy his jersey (directly supporting the NFL via licensing, btw.) to 'make a statement'. :auiqs.jpg:To 99.9% of people, that statement would reveal 'I support the Chiefs'.
hahahaha…it seems like only yesterday that it was “extreme” for men to want to pound other men in their ass….for chicks to have dicks, for men to play in womens sports, for men in dresses to shit next to our teen daughters….etc etc

Your obsession with this is extreme. There aren't very many people doing those things. Apparently you must be intersted in joining that lifestyle.
I think they see the statement made on the jersey purchase as more valuable than the boycott for the moment. You can’t wrap your head around that can you?
So you think MAGATS are going to buy 210M Buttkisser jerseys?
Cause that's how many fans will walk away from the Chiefs.
Haha! Thousands of wild-eyed anarchists give college commencement speeches every graduating season and all it takes is for one steadfast religious conservative to give one and it makes the lead story on every so-called news network.

And don't get me started on the media's treatment of noted Jewish comedian Jerry Seinfeld.
Preach your hate for women.
Get the desired result.
Or maybe not so desired.
I'm sure 7-11 has room for him.


See "persona non grata"
Haha. Sure it does. :auiqs.jpg: Only a moron would shell out $100+ to buy his jersey (directly supporting the NFL via licensing, btw.) to 'make a statement'. :auiqs.jpg:To 99.9% of people, that statement would reveal 'I support the Chiefs'.
Again, I live in the KC area and his jersey isn't even close to number 1. Mahomes and Kelce are killing it. Very few people are running around here with a kickers jersey on.
George Floyd took command of the NFL, the NBA and all of corporate America from six feet under. That’s how fucking retarded leftists are.
So the ownership of the NFL, NBA and all American corporations are leftists?

Pretty sure the retard is in your mirror.
Again, I live in the KC area and his jersey isn't even close to number 1. Mahomes and Kelce are killing it. Very few people are running around here with a kickers jersey on.
Okay, but that wasn't really the point of my comment.
So you think MAGATS are going to buy 210M Buttkisser jerseys?
Cause that's how many fans will walk away from the Chiefs.
I don't know where that idiot is getting his information, but don'tbe surpised that if in the near future Butker is made to apologize. The Chiefs are trying to make history and they already have the Rasheed Rice problem. They don't need this added on. And they will get rid of him if it gets too bad.
This schtick of yours is played the fuck out. NOBODY here believes you know the first thing about conservatism, we‘ve read your posts, you have a posting history, you are left as fuck.
Now stop trying to sell that shit here….
It is you that knows nothing of Conservatism.
That you believe your anger and hate make you conservative is proof of your ignorance.
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Which "girlfriend?"
Miss Lefty or Madam righty?

Of course it's the Madam.
You even have to pay for beating it.
There are a lot of people around KC who will have a problem with that speech. The NFL may have a problem with it because of what he said about women.
So you think MAGATS are going to buy 210M Buttkisser jerseys?
Cause that's how many fans will walk away from the Chiefs.

It's the Midwest.
Not a radical coastal town.
In the real world what he said was perfect.

The owners daughter's response was also perfect.

Choices terrify you guys.

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