The real deal on so called "habitable" extrasolar planets.


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2015
Every time a somewhat earth sized extrasolar planet is found the press claims that scientist have found earth 2. Its annoying.

I believe that time will prove me correct when I say; "moons will be the most numerous bodies capable of supporting life".
Wouldn't matter, we'd take this perceptual reality to a new planet, set up the same failed shit again, and then need somewhere else to expand at some point.
The OP is absolutely right. Even more annoying are the stupid CGI graphics they roll out to show us what this "new Earth" looks like... but they never say it's a simulation. I'm sure there are plenty of really dumb people out there who think we've actually been that close and took those amazing photos!

People say all the time that the universe is huge and that's true, but they contend that there must be more planets like Earth out there. Maybe there is and maybe there isn't. I don't believe the impressive size of the universe makes that an automatic. Our Earth has some pretty phenomenal shit happening that was the result of an amazing string of events. For instance, a large planetary body collided with early Earth creating a perfectly-sized moon to maintain a geosynchronous orbit giving our unique "water world" it's ocean tides and causing a wobbling rotation giving us seasons. It's believed the friction and energy from this event is what "cooked" our planet, allowing the nickel/lead/iron elements to form our molten core which is essential for our magnetic field which protects us from cosmic and gamma rays and helps maintain our atmosphere. It's the motion in the ocean which allows oxygenation enabling sea life. It is the convection currents caused by the seasons which allows that life to flourish.

There are literally hundreds of things like this that just so happened to be the case here on Earth or certain life forms couldn't have ever existed. That's not to say that other life forms may have emerged under different criteria elsewhere, that's possible... but the idea that we'll ever find a planet "just like Earth" isn't a given by a long shot, in my opinion.
Planets that are in the habitual zone(Enough solar energy to be near our temperature with the right atmosphere) and near our size should be exciting. The reason we freak out about it is the reality that there's a possibility that such planets could have atmospheres(Thinking it is quite likely) and possibly oceans of liquid.

I don't believe life needs 100% our set up to develop either. Life earlier in earth history developed in the oceans with much different atmospheric set-up compared to what we humans are use to today. For example 700 million years ago oxygen levels were so much lower that a human on land would of died within minutes of landing on this planet....300 million years later there was so much of the stuff in the atmosphere that bugs grew to shocking sizes and a fire would of burnt 2-3 times as fast because of it. What you need to realize that from 4.3 billion years ago to around half a billion years ago this planet would of killed human life if we time traveled to that time without oxygen.

The red dwarf planets would be tidally locked...With one side facing the star...So what you'd get is rising motion on the side that faces the star and downward motion on the opposite side that would drive a single hadley cell like weather system...Based on where it would be in the habitual zone such a planet would have a area of favorable temperatures that would could take advantage of.

Sorry but we'd need a bigger telescope to see oceans, atmosphere and even bigger to find life. Why not be exited by the real chance that these worlds could have atmospheres, oceans and at least there's a possibility of life.

Seeing how wide spread water is I can't imagine such massive worlds not having atmospheres and oceans.
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Also we have to think and find a way about aliens because what will happen if they want to attack us ? Have we got enough technology and civilization ?

That article explains us why we shouldn't communicate with them ?

Finding Aliens
Every time a somewhat earth sized extrasolar planet is found the press claims that scientist have found earth 2. Its annoying.

About the only thing you ThunderKiss1965 are going to get out of this thread is a grammar lesson, so pay attention.

"earth" NOT capitalized means dirt.

"Earth" capitalized is the name of our planet.

Same is true of Sun and Moon too.
Also we have to think and find a way about aliens because what will happen if they want to attack us ? Have we got enough technology and civilization ?

That article explains us why we shouldn't communicate with them ?

Finding Aliens
Aliens live too far away to attack anybody but themselves.

This is not Star Trek.
The OP is absolutely right. Even more annoying are the stupid CGI graphics they roll out to show us what this "new Earth" looks like... but they never say it's a simulation. I'm sure there are plenty of really dumb people out there who think we've actually been that close and took those amazing photos!

People say all the time that the universe is huge and that's true, but they contend that there must be more planets like Earth out there. Maybe there is and maybe there isn't. I don't believe the impressive size of the universe makes that an automatic. Our Earth has some pretty phenomenal shit happening that was the result of an amazing string of events. For instance, a large planetary body collided with early Earth creating a perfectly-sized moon to maintain a geosynchronous orbit giving our unique "water world" it's ocean tides and causing a wobbling rotation giving us seasons. It's believed the friction and energy from this event is what "cooked" our planet, allowing the nickel/lead/iron elements to form our molten core which is essential for our magnetic field which protects us from cosmic and gamma rays and helps maintain our atmosphere. It's the motion in the ocean which allows oxygenation enabling sea life. It is the convection currents caused by the seasons which allows that life to flourish.

There are literally hundreds of things like this that just so happened to be the case here on Earth or certain life forms couldn't have ever existed. That's not to say that other life forms may have emerged under different criteria elsewhere, that's possible... but the idea that we'll ever find a planet "just like Earth" isn't a given by a long shot, in my opinion.
At least you capitalized "Earth" Boss thank you.

Obviously you went to better schools than ThunderKiss1965 did.
Every time a somewhat earth sized extrasolar planet is found the press claims that scientist have found earth 2. Its annoying.

About the only thing you ThunderKiss1965 are going to get out of this thread is a grammar lesson, so pay attention.

"earth" NOT capitalized means dirt.

"Earth" capitalized is the name of our planet.

Same is true of Sun and Moon too.

Holly shit get a hobby. By the way here's you E.
Every time a somewhat earth sized extrasolar planet is found the press claims that scientist have found earth 2. Its annoying.

About the only thing you ThunderKiss1965 are going to get out of this thread is a grammar lesson, so pay attention.

"earth" NOT capitalized means dirt.

"Earth" capitalized is the name of our planet.

Same is true of Sun and Moon too.

Hey asshat I found some other posts where people didn't capitalize earth, better zip on over there and exert you mighty brain power
Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.
Arthur C. Clarke
This is from the realms of thought in Philosophy however, not Science.

Science has not given us any data to speculate on an informed basis yet.

Here are some more dualities from Philosophy.

- Either there are no gods or there are one or more;

- God(s) either love(s) us or not;

- God(s) either watch over us or not;

- God(s) either have angels or not;

- Gods' angels either watch over us or not;

- God(s) either created us or not;

- Either way, whoever or whatever created us, we are either the first or the last, since it took 4.5 billion years to create us, in billion year intervals or not.

- Ergo we are either alone in the Universe or we are not.
Every time a somewhat earth sized extrasolar planet is found the press claims that scientist have found earth 2. Its annoying.

About the only thing you ThunderKiss1965 are going to get out of this thread is a grammar lesson, so pay attention.

"earth" NOT capitalized means dirt.

"Earth" capitalized is the name of our planet.

Same is true of Sun and Moon too.

Hey asshat I found some other posts where people didn't capitalise earth, better zip on over there and exert you mighty brain power

Don't blame your sh!tty grammar on me ThunderKiss1965 .

Just because your dumbazz teachers did not teach you anything has nothing to do with me.

Keep me out of this, Mr. Sh!t-For-Brains.
Every time a somewhat earth sized extrasolar planet is found the press claims that scientist have found earth 2. Its annoying.

About the only thing you ThunderKiss1965 are going to get out of this thread is a grammar lesson, so pay attention.

"earth" NOT capitalized means dirt.

"Earth" capitalized is the name of our planet.

Same is true of Sun and Moon too.

Hey asshat I found some other posts where people didn't capitalise earth, better zip on over there and exert you mighty brain power

Don't blame your sh!tty grammar on me ThunderKiss1965 .

Just because your dumbazz teachers did not teach you anything has nothing to do with me.

Keep me out of this, Mr. Sh!t-For-Brains.

No sport you had to be an asshat about something so insignificant instead of what the OP was about. You fucking pulled that trigger.
Every time a somewhat earth sized extrasolar planet is found the press claims that scientist have found earth 2. Its annoying.

About the only thing you ThunderKiss1965 are going to get out of this thread is a grammar lesson, so pay attention.

"earth" NOT capitalized means dirt.

"Earth" capitalized is the name of our planet.

Same is true of Sun and Moon too.

Hey asshat I found some other posts where people didn't capitalise earth, better zip on over there and exert you mighty brain power

Don't blame your sh!tty grammar on me ThunderKiss1965 .

Just because your dumbazz teachers did not teach you anything has nothing to do with me.

Keep me out of this, Mr. Sh!t-For-Brains.

No sport you had to be an asshat about something so insignificant instead of what the OP was about. You fucking pulled that trigger.

Your fokking illiteracy is nothing insignificant.

It is a plague upon the USA.

Our schools are not working.

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