The perfect example of how whites love black sellouts


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Say What?!? Candace Owens Declares Racism Is Over, Because "I've Never Been A Slave"

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

Racist threats case filed by Stamford High student settled for $37,500

I guess racism ended when she got that check.
Wow. This is the second thread OP has started about Candace Owens.

Methinks he has a crush on her. :laughing0301:
She is telling people like you to grow a set. I agree.
Why does your faggot ass set the tone for blacks? You arent important. You are a dumbass racist.
Um, at what point exactly does she say racism is over? Here is what she said verbatim:

"Stop selling us our own oppression. Stop taking away our self confidence by telling us that we can’t because of racism, because of slavery. I’ve never been a slave in this country."

She said to stop telling blacks they can't (achieve, succeed, etc) because of racism and because of slavery. She never said racism is over.

But, this is no surprise coming from IM2.
Racism will never die because you need it to excuse your failures in life.
What, precisely, is the definition of a 'sell-out'?

Anyone that does not agree with the OP'er view when it come to racism.

Candace Owens has never been a slave. (neither were her parents or grandparents or great grandparents)

So how does stating this "Fact" make her a sell out?? ... :dunno:

Neither has the OP'er.

She is telling people like you to grow a set. I agree.
Why does your faggot ass set the tone for blacks? You arent important. You are a dumbass racist.

I doubt he has any influence in his community and is more like the Louis Farrakhan of his community.

^Racism lives between OP's ears.

Best post so far...
What, precisely, is the definition of a 'sell-out'?

That would be a successful black person, as opposed to one who subsists on government handouts.

No that is not the definition. Why isn't Michael Dyson called a sellout? He's far more successful than Owens.
A sellout is any Black who rejects the comfort blankee of White Racism carefully knitted by the Democrats.:sleep:

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

She didn't reject that comfortable $37,500 now did she.
Don't worry, IM2. You are still a miserable failure in life with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and nobody could possibly accuse you of being a sellout.

I have done better than you.
Candace Owens has never been a slave. (neither were her parents or grandparents or great grandparents)

So how does stating this "Fact" make her a sell out?? ... :dunno:

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

But now racism is over according to her because she was not a slave. I know you are far too dumb to see the contradiction.
What, precisely, is the definition of a 'sell-out'?

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

A person who gets awarded money in a racial case then claims there is no more racism.
And you guys once again are show how correct the OP is.

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