Perfect example of how media spins a story: School Board member fired for linking black teachers to high dropout rate

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
This is a local story, if the behemoth Houston area can be called "local." I saw it because I am in the Houston area. It caught my eye because I am a teacher in the Houston area.

CYPRESS, Texas (KTRK) -- The Cypress Fairbanks ISD trustee at the center of a viral video in which he linked Black teachers to poor school performance is out of a job, according to Splunk.

Splunk, which is an IT company, shared the news of Scott Henry no longer being an employee in response to a tag on Twitter.

So, what happened?

Henry came under fire after a video of the Jan. 10 school board work session went viral. Henry's remarks on Monday insinuated that HISD's dropout rate was linked to a higher percentage of Black teachers.

"Houston ISD, which I'll use to shine an example, you know what their average percentage of Black teachers is? 36%. I looked that up. You know what their dropout rate is? 4%. I don't want to be 4%. I don't want to be HISD. I want to be a shining example. I want to be the district standard. I want to be the premium place where people go to be," he said during the session.

OMG! Of course, if those are the facts, this guy should be fired from his job and impeached or voted out of the school board. Why would he just suddenly start a rant against Black teachers, when they are vitally needed and dedicated professionals? Has he no SHAME?!?!?!?!

But is there a "rest of the story?" Yes. But it was only vaguely alluded to in the new coverage:

"Because I dared to disagree that it equates to high retention rates, there have been threats upon my life, and my wife and my children have been targeted. I will take responsibility for not saying it more eloquently," Henry said.

So what does that mean? What is missing? What did he disagree with? What was the "it" he spoke of?

If you look at this video:

You can see that the "it" is Affirmative Action, Quotas, Equity, or whatever new name this idea is called by proponents to hide the fact that it is a plan to address the effects of past racial discrimination by implementing present discrimination. He offered a perfectly reasonable example of how choosing teachers based on race can have a harmful effect on children's lives.

Now, that is not definitive proof that this kind of racism is not effective in bringing about "equity." Maybe discriminating against people whose ancestors benefited from past discrimination really is the right way to solve our racial problems. I disagree that it is, but I am willing to have a rational debate about it.

Proponents of "corrective racism," as I call it, are not willing to have a rational debate, or any debate. They prefer to simply cancel anyone who dares to disagree with them. That is much easier than presenting a case and defending it. Sadly, their cohorts in the media are only too eager to help them.
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This is yet another attack by our Professional Umbrage Takers.

His remark could alternatively have been stated: "Houston has a lot of Black teachers and their dropout rate is twice what ours is, so don't look to "diversity" to improve our academic outcomes."

The Elephant in the Room is the following fact: The higher the percentage of Blacks in the student body, the worse the academic performance of the school (district) will be. Increasing the number of fully qualified Black teachers may make a slight difference, but is no solution.
lol they're a joke, is all; they don't have the slightest interest in producing anything but feral animals.
It is an open secret that many African American parents and students prefer Caucasian (or Asian) teachers.

But for the sake of civility, this hurtful fact must never be publicly aired.

It is felt that while many African American teachers are lovely people, their knowledge of their subject field may be less than sterling. And that goes for their competence in running their classrooms.
It should all just be based on individual ability on a case by case basis. If a black teacher is good, they’re good. If they’re bad, they’re bad and should be let go. Same with white teachers.

No one should be discriminated against, or be assumed to be ignorant or incompetent because of their race. If you’re not giving a black teacher a fair chance then you’re racist.

At the same time no one should be given a free pass or special consideration for positions just because they’re a minority. End affirmative action.
Affirmative action exists in the medical professions, so some nurses and doctors are incompetent. I wonder how many people have died as a result?

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