The Palestinians need a Military.

Chili won't be taking in any "Pali" Arabs. You must have noticed that not a single Arab country wants anything to do with the "Palestinian" welfare cheats. Jordan learned a bloody and painful lesson regarding the dangers of "Palestinian" subversives and that lesson has caused the homelands of the Pali squatters and deadbeats to be treat like carriers of the plague.

Yes I am really sure the Palestinians were quite angry at the time being forced out of their homeland. Jordan cares very much for the Palestinians, they always send truckloads to Gaza.

LMAO! Good one Penelope. Oh yes, Jordan loves Palestinians. That is why the Jordanians gave them Black September. And you bet they send "truckloads to Gaza." They sure don't want Palestinians to return back to Jordan.

And don't you just love Jordan's open borders with Israel? Isn't that a wonderful gesture for peace?

Curious that the gesture isn't reciprocated by the Zionists, why is the Jordan valley a "military zone" again? Oh, yes "Security™"

Why didn't Jordan and Egypt create this mythical Palestine when they were occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 1948 to 1967? Why wasn't there an Palestinian uprising demanding statehood from their Arab Muslim brethren?

Because Palestine is the world's biggest hoax.
Why didn't Jordan and Egypt create this mythical Palestine when they were occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 1948 to 1967? Why wasn't there an Palestinian uprising demanding statehood from their Arab Muslim brethren?

Because Palestine is the world's biggest hoax.

You really need to study some real history, not the Zionist talking points you keep regurgitating.

Seems thqat you read the same Friday sermon as the other islamonazi's, or you are using their terminology because you cant think up some of your own.

So why since 1917 and right up until 1988 was there no terrorist attacks on Islamic nations when they controlled gaza and the west bank ?
Cause we know that Arabs who have militaries are brave fighters and never drop their weapons and run for their lives.

It doesn't seem fair to blame The Zionists™ for Arab incompetence.

Someone's forgetting the Yom Kippur war of 1973, "This is the end of the third temple (reich)"-- Moshe Dayan to Golda Meir 9th October 1973, or for that matter Hezbollah kicked the IDF out of Lebanon and fought the world's 4th most powerful military to a stalemate, maybe not so incompetent given the right equipment.

Ha right keep jerking yourself of to these mythical Arab victories, Achmed.

Like always Israel will be ten steps ahead. Arabs cannot fight any longer in armies wearing uniforms. The last time they did that successfully was 900 years ago.

So now depraved barbarians resort to Islamic terrorism, targeting of civilians while being into their own civilian population or hiding and shooting from schools, hospitals, mosques, etc. This is what the savages are good at, and it has been documented by Americans and Europeans as well as the UN.

Arabs cannot fight any longer in armies wearing uniforms. The last time they did that successfully was 900 years ago.

Really, the last time Arab armies wore uniforms was in 1115? Prove it.

In 1973 the Zionists were so close to defeat that they were considering using their nuclear weapons, "This is the end of the third temple" was the code phrase for what is now called Operation Samson. Hezbollah is still thriving after two wars against the IDF, which got kicked out of Lebanon; not much of a defeat, is it?

And you got this nugget from which of the travelling imams preaching in your mosque ?
Cause we know that Arabs who have militaries are brave fighters and never drop their weapons and run for their lives.

It doesn't seem fair to blame The Zionists™ for Arab incompetence.

Someone's forgetting the Yom Kippur war of 1973, "This is the end of the third temple (reich)"-- Moshe Dayan to Golda Meir 9th October 1973, or for that matter Hezbollah kicked the IDF out of Lebanon and fought the world's 4th most powerful military to a stalemate, maybe not so incompetent given the right equipment.
Only in the warped view of a Moslem would we see Pom Poms flailing for the Hizbollocks.

Odd how you would define such an abysmal ass kicking taken by your Iranian sponsored heroes as anything close to victory. The Hizbollocks spokes-beard would even acknowledge that his "oops" of kidnapping Israeli soldiers was in error. Lebanon'istan suffered some 1200 dead and millions of billows of dollars in property damage, yet you define that as a "victory" for Islamic terrorism.

Very strange what you Islamics define as victory.

When you are fighting the 4th most powerful military in the world with popguns and rockets and get a stalemate, that's a good result. I suppose, it doesn't seem fair to blame Hezbullah™ for Zionist incompetence.
When you are celebrating the death of 1200 Lebanese and billions of dollars in property damage, well, that speaks for itself.

You fail to understand that Hizbollocks unilaterally chose to wage an act of war against Israel. As Hizbollocks held seats in the Lebanese Parliament, they hold responsibility for the results of their act of war.

Hizbollocks, as is typical for Islamic terrorist cowards, chose not to wage war as a uniformed military but performed in the usual, cowardly Islamic fashion and waged war from civilian areas.

Ultimately, there was no standstill. Israel dismantled the majority of the Islamic terrorists and chose not to continue a month long air campaign followed by a ground invasion to thoroughly trash Lebanon in the program of rooting out your terrorist heroes.

Bu honestly, who cares about 1200 dead Lebanese when the the Iranian Mullocrats can send in their Hizbollocks stooges to pin prick Israel.
The Jews are the intruders. No it is not theirs, they have crossed the lines.

No the arab muslims are the intruders as they did not exist in Palestine before the late 7C. They were evicted from Palestine in 1099 never to return as sovereign land owners. In 1917 the sovereign land owners passed ownership of Palestine to the LoN who portioned Palestine into 2 parts an arab muslim part of 78% of Palestine to a Saudi prince called trans Jordan. The remaining 22% of Palestine was granted to the Jews as their national home. so where in international law was the land granted to the arab muslims

Save it I'm aware of the history and the Palestinians are the ones who stayed. You have a lot of explaining to do when you try and tell us why so many jews were in Russia, Germany, Poland , US , S. America and Africa, everywhere but Palestine. I think I just proved my case.

I wish Chili would take the Palestinians in and Israel and all the Jews in the US can live in Israel, that would be great. WE can then fence all of Israel in and they can just live there by themselves. That would be great.

WE can then fence all of Israel in and they can just live there by themselves. That would be great.

The Zionist death cult is doing that all by themselves at the moment.

Wrong again, Achmed. You Muslims have told us that you love death while we infidels love life, remember?

Not a Muslim, as I've said countless times before. Zionism is a death cult because it wants to draw in every last Jewish person in the world to one place, Israel. We call it putting all your eggs in one basket. Judaism survived as a religion because it had many scattered communities; even the Nazis couldn't eradicate it, for that reason. Of course, once all Jewish people go to live in Israel like the Zionists want....

Just more of your islamonazi LIES and PROPAGANDA
Cause we know that Arabs who have militaries are brave fighters and never drop their weapons and run for their lives.

It doesn't seem fair to blame The Zionists™ for Arab incompetence.

Someone's forgetting the Yom Kippur war of 1973, "This is the end of the third temple (reich)"-- Moshe Dayan to Golda Meir 9th October 1973, or for that matter Hezbollah kicked the IDF out of Lebanon and fought the world's 4th most powerful military to a stalemate, maybe not so incompetent given the right equipment.
Only in the warped view of a Moslem would we see Pom Poms flailing for the Hizbollocks.

Odd how you would define such an abysmal ass kicking taken by your Iranian sponsored heroes as anything close to victory. The Hizbollocks spokes-beard would even acknowledge that his "oops" of kidnapping Israeli soldiers was in error. Lebanon'istan suffered some 1200 dead and millions of billows of dollars in property damage, yet you define that as a "victory" for Islamic terrorism.

Very strange what you Islamics define as victory.

When you are fighting the 4th most powerful military in the world with popguns and rockets and get a stalemate, that's a good result. I suppose, it doesn't seem fair to blame Hezbullah™ for Zionist incompetence.
When you are celebrating the death of 1200 Lebanese and billions of dollars in property damage, well, that speaks for itself.

You fail to understand that Hizbollocks unilaterally chose to wage an act of war against Israel. As Hizbollocks held seats in the Lebanese Parliament, they hold responsibility for the results of their act of war.

Hizbollocks, as is typical for Islamic terrorist cowards, chose not to wage war as a uniformed military but performed in the usual, cowardly Islamic fashion and waged war from civilian areas.

Ultimately, there was no standstill. Israel dismantled the majority of the Islamic terrorists and chose not to continue a month long air campaign followed by a ground invasion to thoroughly trash Lebanon in the program of rooting out your terrorist heroes.

Bu honestly, who cares about 1200 dead Lebanese when the the Iranian Mullocrats can send in their Hizbollocks stooges to pin prick Israel.

Blah, blah. Standard hasbara excuses to cover up the IDF's humiliation. Even your Winograd commission reported, "Israel initiated a long war, which ended without a defined military victory...a semi-military organization of a few thousand men resisted, for a few weeks, the strongest army in the Middle East, which enjoyed full air superiority and size and technology advantages."
Chili won't be taking in any "Pali" Arabs. You must have noticed that not a single Arab country wants anything to do with the "Palestinian" welfare cheats. Jordan learned a bloody and painful lesson regarding the dangers of "Palestinian" subversives and that lesson has caused the homelands of the Pali squatters and deadbeats to be treat like carriers of the plague.

Yes I am really sure the Palestinians were quite angry at the time being forced out of their homeland. Jordan cares very much for the Palestinians, they always send truckloads to Gaza.

LMAO! Good one Penelope. Oh yes, Jordan loves Palestinians. That is why the Jordanians gave them Black September. And you bet they send "truckloads to Gaza." They sure don't want Palestinians to return back to Jordan.

And don't you just love Jordan's open borders with Israel? Isn't that a wonderful gesture for peace?

Curious that the gesture isn't reciprocated by the Zionists, why is the Jordan valley a "military zone" again? Oh, yes "Security™"

Why didn't Jordan and Egypt create this mythical Palestine when they were occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 1948 to 1967? Why wasn't there an Palestinian uprising demanding statehood from their Arab Muslim brethren?

Because Palestine is the world's biggest hoax.
Why didn't Jordan and Egypt create this mythical Palestine when they were occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 1948 to 1967? Why wasn't there an Palestinian uprising demanding statehood from their Arab Muslim brethren?

Because Palestine is the world's biggest hoax.

You really need to study some real history, not the Zionist talking points you keep regurgitating.
You didn't answer the question.
Cause we know that Arabs who have militaries are brave fighters and never drop their weapons and run for their lives.

It doesn't seem fair to blame The Zionists™ for Arab incompetence.

Someone's forgetting the Yom Kippur war of 1973, "This is the end of the third temple (reich)"-- Moshe Dayan to Golda Meir 9th October 1973, or for that matter Hezbollah kicked the IDF out of Lebanon and fought the world's 4th most powerful military to a stalemate, maybe not so incompetent given the right equipment.

Ha right keep jerking yourself of to these mythical Arab victories, Achmed.

Like always Israel will be ten steps ahead. Arabs cannot fight any longer in armies wearing uniforms. The last time they did that successfully was 900 years ago.

So now depraved barbarians resort to Islamic terrorism, targeting of civilians while being into their own civilian population or hiding and shooting from schools, hospitals, mosques, etc. This is what the savages are good at, and it has been documented by Americans and Europeans as well as the UN.

Arabs cannot fight any longer in armies wearing uniforms. The last time they did that successfully was 900 years ago.

Really, the last time Arab armies wore uniforms was in 1115? Prove it.

In 1973 the Zionists were so close to defeat that they were considering using their nuclear weapons, "This is the end of the third temple" was the code phrase for what is now called Operation Samson. Hezbollah is still thriving after two wars against the IDF, which got kicked out of Lebanon; not much of a defeat, is it?
Cause we know that Arabs who have militaries are brave fighters and never drop their weapons and run for their lives.

It doesn't seem fair to blame The Zionists™ for Arab incompetence.

Someone's forgetting the Yom Kippur war of 1973, "This is the end of the third temple (reich)"-- Moshe Dayan to Golda Meir 9th October 1973, or for that matter Hezbollah kicked the IDF out of Lebanon and fought the world's 4th most powerful military to a stalemate, maybe not so incompetent given the right equipment.

Ha right keep jerking yourself of to these mythical Arab victories, Achmed.

Like always Israel will be ten steps ahead. Arabs cannot fight any longer in armies wearing uniforms. The last time they did that successfully was 900 years ago.

So now depraved barbarians resort to Islamic terrorism, targeting of civilians while being into their own civilian population or hiding and shooting from schools, hospitals, mosques, etc. This is what the savages are good at, and it has been documented by Americans and Europeans as well as the UN.

Arabs cannot fight any longer in armies wearing uniforms. The last time they did that successfully was 900 years ago.

Really, the last time Arab armies wore uniforms was in 1115? Prove it.

In 1973 the Zionists were so close to defeat that they were considering using their nuclear weapons, "This is the end of the third temple" was the code phrase for what is now called Operation Samson. Hezbollah is still thriving after two wars against the IDF, which got kicked out of Lebanon; not much of a defeat, is it?

Arab armies were defeated by the Ottomans over 800 years ago, and since then they haven't had a successful military campaign. They're worse than the French.
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Chili won't be taking in any "Pali" Arabs. You must have noticed that not a single Arab country wants anything to do with the "Palestinian" welfare cheats. Jordan learned a bloody and painful lesson regarding the dangers of "Palestinian" subversives and that lesson has caused the homelands of the Pali squatters and deadbeats to be treat like carriers of the plague.

Yes I am really sure the Palestinians were quite angry at the time being forced out of their homeland. Jordan cares very much for the Palestinians, they always send truckloads to Gaza.

LMAO! Good one Penelope. Oh yes, Jordan loves Palestinians. That is why the Jordanians gave them Black September. And you bet they send "truckloads to Gaza." They sure don't want Palestinians to return back to Jordan.

And don't you just love Jordan's open borders with Israel? Isn't that a wonderful gesture for peace?

Curious that the gesture isn't reciprocated by the Zionists, why is the Jordan valley a "military zone" again? Oh, yes "Security™"

Why didn't Jordan and Egypt create this mythical Palestine when they were occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 1948 to 1967? Why wasn't there an Palestinian uprising demanding statehood from their Arab Muslim brethren?

Because Palestine is the world's biggest hoax.
Why didn't Jordan and Egypt create this mythical Palestine when they were occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 1948 to 1967? Why wasn't there an Palestinian uprising demanding statehood from their Arab Muslim brethren?

Because Palestine is the world's biggest hoax.

You really need to study some real history, not the Zionist talking points you keep regurgitating.

Stop whining like an IslamoNazi asshole and answer the question Achmed. Why wasn't there any mention of this mythical Palestine during the 20 years Jordan and Egypt occupied the West Bank and Gaza?
Cause we know that Arabs who have militaries are brave fighters and never drop their weapons and run for their lives.

It doesn't seem fair to blame The Zionists™ for Arab incompetence.

Someone's forgetting the Yom Kippur war of 1973, "This is the end of the third temple (reich)"-- Moshe Dayan to Golda Meir 9th October 1973, or for that matter Hezbollah kicked the IDF out of Lebanon and fought the world's 4th most powerful military to a stalemate, maybe not so incompetent given the right equipment.
Only in the warped view of a Moslem would we see Pom Poms flailing for the Hizbollocks.

Odd how you would define such an abysmal ass kicking taken by your Iranian sponsored heroes as anything close to victory. The Hizbollocks spokes-beard would even acknowledge that his "oops" of kidnapping Israeli soldiers was in error. Lebanon'istan suffered some 1200 dead and millions of billows of dollars in property damage, yet you define that as a "victory" for Islamic terrorism.

Very strange what you Islamics define as victory.

When you are fighting the 4th most powerful military in the world with popguns and rockets and get a stalemate, that's a good result. I suppose, it doesn't seem fair to blame Hezbullah™ for Zionist incompetence.
When you are celebrating the death of 1200 Lebanese and billions of dollars in property damage, well, that speaks for itself.

You fail to understand that Hizbollocks unilaterally chose to wage an act of war against Israel. As Hizbollocks held seats in the Lebanese Parliament, they hold responsibility for the results of their act of war.

Hizbollocks, as is typical for Islamic terrorist cowards, chose not to wage war as a uniformed military but performed in the usual, cowardly Islamic fashion and waged war from civilian areas.

Ultimately, there was no standstill. Israel dismantled the majority of the Islamic terrorists and chose not to continue a month long air campaign followed by a ground invasion to thoroughly trash Lebanon in the program of rooting out your terrorist heroes.

Bu honestly, who cares about 1200 dead Lebanese when the the Iranian Mullocrats can send in their Hizbollocks stooges to pin prick Israel.

Blah, blah. Standard hasbara excuses to cover up the IDF's humiliation. Even your Winograd commission reported, "Israel initiated a long war, which ended without a defined military victory...a semi-military organization of a few thousand men resisted, for a few weeks, the strongest army in the Middle East, which enjoyed full air superiority and size and technology advantages."

Yawn....delusional IslamoNazi talk.
Cause we know that Arabs who have militaries are brave fighters and never drop their weapons and run for their lives.

It doesn't seem fair to blame The Zionists™ for Arab incompetence.

Someone's forgetting the Yom Kippur war of 1973, "This is the end of the third temple (reich)"-- Moshe Dayan to Golda Meir 9th October 1973, or for that matter Hezbollah kicked the IDF out of Lebanon and fought the world's 4th most powerful military to a stalemate, maybe not so incompetent given the right equipment.
Only in the warped view of a Moslem would we see Pom Poms flailing for the Hizbollocks.

Odd how you would define such an abysmal ass kicking taken by your Iranian sponsored heroes as anything close to victory. The Hizbollocks spokes-beard would even acknowledge that his "oops" of kidnapping Israeli soldiers was in error. Lebanon'istan suffered some 1200 dead and millions of billows of dollars in property damage, yet you define that as a "victory" for Islamic terrorism.

Very strange what you Islamics define as victory.

When you are fighting the 4th most powerful military in the world with popguns and rockets and get a stalemate, that's a good result. I suppose, it doesn't seem fair to blame Hezbullah™ for Zionist incompetence.
When you are celebrating the death of 1200 Lebanese and billions of dollars in property damage, well, that speaks for itself.

You fail to understand that Hizbollocks unilaterally chose to wage an act of war against Israel. As Hizbollocks held seats in the Lebanese Parliament, they hold responsibility for the results of their act of war.

Hizbollocks, as is typical for Islamic terrorist cowards, chose not to wage war as a uniformed military but performed in the usual, cowardly Islamic fashion and waged war from civilian areas.

Ultimately, there was no standstill. Israel dismantled the majority of the Islamic terrorists and chose not to continue a month long air campaign followed by a ground invasion to thoroughly trash Lebanon in the program of rooting out your terrorist heroes.

Bu honestly, who cares about 1200 dead Lebanese when the the Iranian Mullocrats can send in their Hizbollocks stooges to pin prick Israel.

Blah, blah. Standard hasbara excuses to cover up the IDF's humiliation. Even your Winograd commission reported, "Israel initiated a long war, which ended without a defined military victory...a semi-military organization of a few thousand men resisted, for a few weeks, the strongest army in the Middle East, which enjoyed full air superiority and size and technology advantages."
"Blah blah". I am, of course, impressed by such a stunningly concise argument. Additionally, your use of the " hasbara" slogan is standard islamo-weasel for a failed argument.

Next time, I'll expect to see The Zionists™ peppering your posts.

But all seriousness aside, I just find it curious that you never addressed the unilateral actions of hizbollocks in connection with their war-like actions and the resulting death and destruction suffered by the Lebanese.

And let's be honest, had Israel chosen to let loose with an unlimited war, they could have caused far greater mayhem than what Lebanon suffered. Had that occurred, you and others would be in a perpetual whine-fest about Israel "not playing fair" by using the options available in their arsenal.

You're disappointed that more death and destruction wasn't railed on Lebanon so that you can buttress your insensate Joooooooo hatreds. You want to excuse the actions of your hero Iranian mullocrats for unleashing their hizbollocks dogs as it calms an emotional requirement to dismiss the Lebanese dead as something other than the wages of Islamic terrorism.
Yes I am really sure the Palestinians were quite angry at the time being forced out of their homeland. Jordan cares very much for the Palestinians, they always send truckloads to Gaza.

LMAO! Good one Penelope. Oh yes, Jordan loves Palestinians. That is why the Jordanians gave them Black September. And you bet they send "truckloads to Gaza." They sure don't want Palestinians to return back to Jordan.

And don't you just love Jordan's open borders with Israel? Isn't that a wonderful gesture for peace?

Curious that the gesture isn't reciprocated by the Zionists, why is the Jordan valley a "military zone" again? Oh, yes "Security™"

Why didn't Jordan and Egypt create this mythical Palestine when they were occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 1948 to 1967? Why wasn't there an Palestinian uprising demanding statehood from their Arab Muslim brethren?

Because Palestine is the world's biggest hoax.
Why didn't Jordan and Egypt create this mythical Palestine when they were occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 1948 to 1967? Why wasn't there an Palestinian uprising demanding statehood from their Arab Muslim brethren?

Because Palestine is the world's biggest hoax.

You really need to study some real history, not the Zionist talking points you keep regurgitating.
You didn't answer the question.

The Jews are the intruders. No it is not theirs, they have crossed the lines.

No the arab muslims are the intruders as they did not exist in Palestine before the late 7C. They were evicted from Palestine in 1099 never to return as sovereign land owners. In 1917 the sovereign land owners passed ownership of Palestine to the LoN who portioned Palestine into 2 parts an arab muslim part of 78% of Palestine to a Saudi prince called trans Jordan. The remaining 22% of Palestine was granted to the Jews as their national home. so where in international law was the land granted to the arab muslims

Save it I'm aware of the history and the Palestinians are the ones who stayed. You have a lot of explaining to do when you try and tell us why so many jews were in Russia, Germany, Poland , US , S. America and Africa, everywhere but Palestine. I think I just proved my case.

I wish Chili would take the Palestinians in and Israel and all the Jews in the US can live in Israel, that would be great. WE can then fence all of Israel in and they can just live there by themselves. That would be great.
The Jews are the intruders. No it is not theirs, they have crossed the lines.

No the arab muslims are the intruders as they did not exist in Palestine before the late 7C. They were evicted from Palestine in 1099 never to return as sovereign land owners. In 1917 the sovereign land owners passed ownership of Palestine to the LoN who portioned Palestine into 2 parts an arab muslim part of 78% of Palestine to a Saudi prince called trans Jordan. The remaining 22% of Palestine was granted to the Jews as their national home. so where in international law was the land granted to the arab muslims

Save it I'm aware of the history and the Palestinians are the ones who stayed. You have a lot of explaining to do when you try and tell us why so many jews were in Russia, Germany, Poland , US , S. America and Africa, everywhere but Palestine. I think I just proved my case.

I wish Chili would take the Palestinians in and Israel and all the Jews in the US can live in Israel, that would be great. WE can then fence all of Israel in and they can just live there by themselves. That would be great.

Chili won't be taking in any "Pali" Arabs. You must have noticed that not a single Arab country wants anything to do with the "Palestinian" welfare cheats. Jordan learned a bloody and painful lesson regarding the dangers of "Palestinian" subversives and that lesson has caused the homelands of the Pali squatters and deadbeats to be treat like carriers of the plague.

Next to Palestine, Chili has the largest Palestinian population and their pop is growing older. Chili is a very good country. Of course to take so many they would need farmland, and service jobs, housekeeping, cooks, carpenters, and there are many educated Palestinians as well, Muslims do learn and are quite intelligent when given the means to learn, they are lawyers , doctors, teachers, they just need a chance to do it.

Chilli is a food or a type of pepper, you mean Chile the south American Catholic country don't you. Many educated muslims go on to become terrorists, as shown by the doctors who planned and executed the Glasgow airport attack. Same with the doctor who planned and executed the Fort Hood attack.

By the way 5% of the populating is arab hardly a significant number, and most are Christians who would not welcome the arab muslim terrorists.

So penny pit stop fails again

Must of been my frustration at ignorance. Yes mainly a RC country, Chile already has the second largest Palestinian population you uneducated or unread person. Is every Arab a terrorist to you. Most are not you know. If I were a Palestinian in Israel, I'd be a terrorist and I'd be wearing a gun.
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LMAO! Good one Penelope. Oh yes, Jordan loves Palestinians. That is why the Jordanians gave them Black September. And you bet they send "truckloads to Gaza." They sure don't want Palestinians to return back to Jordan.

And don't you just love Jordan's open borders with Israel? Isn't that a wonderful gesture for peace?

Curious that the gesture isn't reciprocated by the Zionists, why is the Jordan valley a "military zone" again? Oh, yes "Security™"

Why didn't Jordan and Egypt create this mythical Palestine when they were occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 1948 to 1967? Why wasn't there an Palestinian uprising demanding statehood from their Arab Muslim brethren?

Because Palestine is the world's biggest hoax.
Why didn't Jordan and Egypt create this mythical Palestine when they were occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 1948 to 1967? Why wasn't there an Palestinian uprising demanding statehood from their Arab Muslim brethren?

Because Palestine is the world's biggest hoax.

You really need to study some real history, not the Zionist talking points you keep regurgitating.
You didn't answer the question.


Summary of all wars fought by Arab armies in the last 900 years:

No the arab muslims are the intruders as they did not exist in Palestine before the late 7C. They were evicted from Palestine in 1099 never to return as sovereign land owners. In 1917 the sovereign land owners passed ownership of Palestine to the LoN who portioned Palestine into 2 parts an arab muslim part of 78% of Palestine to a Saudi prince called trans Jordan. The remaining 22% of Palestine was granted to the Jews as their national home. so where in international law was the land granted to the arab muslims

Save it I'm aware of the history and the Palestinians are the ones who stayed. You have a lot of explaining to do when you try and tell us why so many jews were in Russia, Germany, Poland , US , S. America and Africa, everywhere but Palestine. I think I just proved my case.

I wish Chili would take the Palestinians in and Israel and all the Jews in the US can live in Israel, that would be great. WE can then fence all of Israel in and they can just live there by themselves. That would be great.
No the arab muslims are the intruders as they did not exist in Palestine before the late 7C. They were evicted from Palestine in 1099 never to return as sovereign land owners. In 1917 the sovereign land owners passed ownership of Palestine to the LoN who portioned Palestine into 2 parts an arab muslim part of 78% of Palestine to a Saudi prince called trans Jordan. The remaining 22% of Palestine was granted to the Jews as their national home. so where in international law was the land granted to the arab muslims

Save it I'm aware of the history and the Palestinians are the ones who stayed. You have a lot of explaining to do when you try and tell us why so many jews were in Russia, Germany, Poland , US , S. America and Africa, everywhere but Palestine. I think I just proved my case.

I wish Chili would take the Palestinians in and Israel and all the Jews in the US can live in Israel, that would be great. WE can then fence all of Israel in and they can just live there by themselves. That would be great.

Chili won't be taking in any "Pali" Arabs. You must have noticed that not a single Arab country wants anything to do with the "Palestinian" welfare cheats. Jordan learned a bloody and painful lesson regarding the dangers of "Palestinian" subversives and that lesson has caused the homelands of the Pali squatters and deadbeats to be treat like carriers of the plague.

Next to Palestine, Chili has the largest Palestinian population and their pop is growing older. Chili is a very good country. Of course to take so many they would need farmland, and service jobs, housekeeping, cooks, carpenters, and there are many educated Palestinians as well, Muslims do learn and are quite intelligent when given the means to learn, they are lawyers , doctors, teachers, they just need a chance to do it.

Chilli is a food or a type of pepper, you mean Chile the south American Catholic country don't you. Many educated muslims go on to become terrorists, as shown by the doctors who planned and executed the Glasgow airport attack. Same with the doctor who planned and executed the Fort Hood attack.

By the way 5% of the populating is arab hardly a significant number, and most are Christians who would not welcome the arab muslim terrorists.

So penny pit stop fails again

Must of been my frustration at ignorance. Yes mainly a RC country, Chile already has the second largest Palestinian population you uneducated or unread person. Is every Arab a terrorist to you. Most are not you know. If I were a Palestinian in Israel, I'd be a terrorist and I'd be wearing a gun.

Fatima, you should volunteer as a suicide bomber then.

Condolences to the Chileans.
Cause we know that Arabs who have militaries are brave fighters and never drop their weapons and run for their lives.

It doesn't seem fair to blame The Zionists™ for Arab incompetence.

Someone's forgetting the Yom Kippur war of 1973, "This is the end of the third temple (reich)"-- Moshe Dayan to Golda Meir 9th October 1973, or for that matter Hezbollah kicked the IDF out of Lebanon and fought the world's 4th most powerful military to a stalemate, maybe not so incompetent given the right equipment.

Ha right keep jerking yourself of to these mythical Arab victories, Achmed.

Like always Israel will be ten steps ahead. Arabs cannot fight any longer in armies wearing uniforms. The last time they did that successfully was 900 years ago.

So now depraved barbarians resort to Islamic terrorism, targeting of civilians while being into their own civilian population or hiding and shooting from schools, hospitals, mosques, etc. This is what the savages are good at, and it has been documented by Americans and Europeans as well as the UN.

Arabs cannot fight any longer in armies wearing uniforms. The last time they did that successfully was 900 years ago.

Really, the last time Arab armies wore uniforms was in 1115? Prove it.

In 1973 the Zionists were so close to defeat that they were considering using their nuclear weapons, "This is the end of the third temple" was the code phrase for what is now called Operation Samson. Hezbollah is still thriving after two wars against the IDF, which got kicked out of Lebanon; not much of a defeat, is it?
Cause we know that Arabs who have militaries are brave fighters and never drop their weapons and run for their lives.

It doesn't seem fair to blame The Zionists™ for Arab incompetence.

Someone's forgetting the Yom Kippur war of 1973, "This is the end of the third temple (reich)"-- Moshe Dayan to Golda Meir 9th October 1973, or for that matter Hezbollah kicked the IDF out of Lebanon and fought the world's 4th most powerful military to a stalemate, maybe not so incompetent given the right equipment.

Ha right keep jerking yourself of to these mythical Arab victories, Achmed.

Like always Israel will be ten steps ahead. Arabs cannot fight any longer in armies wearing uniforms. The last time they did that successfully was 900 years ago.

So now depraved barbarians resort to Islamic terrorism, targeting of civilians while being into their own civilian population or hiding and shooting from schools, hospitals, mosques, etc. This is what the savages are good at, and it has been documented by Americans and Europeans as well as the UN.

Arabs cannot fight any longer in armies wearing uniforms. The last time they did that successfully was 900 years ago.

Really, the last time Arab armies wore uniforms was in 1115? Prove it.

In 1973 the Zionists were so close to defeat that they were considering using their nuclear weapons, "This is the end of the third temple" was the code phrase for what is now called Operation Samson. Hezbollah is still thriving after two wars against the IDF, which got kicked out of Lebanon; not much of a defeat, is it?

Arab armies were defeated by the Ottomans over 800 years ago, and since then they haven't had a successful military campaign. They're worse than the French.

Really, the last time Arab armies wore uniforms was in 1115? Prove it.

So that's another Rude-ee fail then. Thought as much. FYI uniformed troops were a rarity in Abbasid armies and it was the Mongols who destroyed the Abbasid Caliphate except for remnants in Egypt who were overthrown by the Mameluks. Ottomans never got involved in the region until the 16th century; the Ottoman Empire was originally focused on conquering eastern Europe and the Balkans, not the Middle East. As for the French, they were the most powerful and feared troops from the late 17th century up to the 20th century and have a fine military record. Here's a nice simple run down of French military history. War Nerd: Glory to The French - By Gary Brecher - The eXiled
Someone's forgetting the Yom Kippur war of 1973, "This is the end of the third temple (reich)"-- Moshe Dayan to Golda Meir 9th October 1973, or for that matter Hezbollah kicked the IDF out of Lebanon and fought the world's 4th most powerful military to a stalemate, maybe not so incompetent given the right equipment.
Only in the warped view of a Moslem would we see Pom Poms flailing for the Hizbollocks.

Odd how you would define such an abysmal ass kicking taken by your Iranian sponsored heroes as anything close to victory. The Hizbollocks spokes-beard would even acknowledge that his "oops" of kidnapping Israeli soldiers was in error. Lebanon'istan suffered some 1200 dead and millions of billows of dollars in property damage, yet you define that as a "victory" for Islamic terrorism.

Very strange what you Islamics define as victory.

When you are fighting the 4th most powerful military in the world with popguns and rockets and get a stalemate, that's a good result. I suppose, it doesn't seem fair to blame Hezbullah™ for Zionist incompetence.
When you are celebrating the death of 1200 Lebanese and billions of dollars in property damage, well, that speaks for itself.

You fail to understand that Hizbollocks unilaterally chose to wage an act of war against Israel. As Hizbollocks held seats in the Lebanese Parliament, they hold responsibility for the results of their act of war.

Hizbollocks, as is typical for Islamic terrorist cowards, chose not to wage war as a uniformed military but performed in the usual, cowardly Islamic fashion and waged war from civilian areas.

Ultimately, there was no standstill. Israel dismantled the majority of the Islamic terrorists and chose not to continue a month long air campaign followed by a ground invasion to thoroughly trash Lebanon in the program of rooting out your terrorist heroes.

Bu honestly, who cares about 1200 dead Lebanese when the the Iranian Mullocrats can send in their Hizbollocks stooges to pin prick Israel.

Blah, blah. Standard hasbara excuses to cover up the IDF's humiliation. Even your Winograd commission reported, "Israel initiated a long war, which ended without a defined military victory...a semi-military organization of a few thousand men resisted, for a few weeks, the strongest army in the Middle East, which enjoyed full air superiority and size and technology advantages."
"Blah blah". I am, of course, impressed by such a stunningly concise argument. Additionally, your use of the " hasbara" slogan is standard islamo-weasel for a failed argument.

Next time, I'll expect to see The Zionists™ peppering your posts.

But all seriousness aside, I just find it curious that you never addressed the unilateral actions of hizbollocks in connection with their war-like actions and the resulting death and destruction suffered by the Lebanese.

And let's be honest, had Israel chosen to let loose with an unlimited war, they could have caused far greater mayhem than what Lebanon suffered. Had that occurred, you and others would be in a perpetual whine-fest about Israel "not playing fair" by using the options available in their arsenal.

You're disappointed that more death and destruction wasn't railed on Lebanon so that you can buttress your insensate Joooooooo hatreds. You want to excuse the actions of your hero Iranian mullocrats for unleashing their hizbollocks dogs as it calms an emotional requirement to dismiss the Lebanese dead as something other than the wages of Islamic terrorism.

Oh, please. Crocodile tears for the victims of Zionist™aggression really doesn't cut it. The Zionists™had smart weapons in 2006 along with bunker busters; they could have taken out Hezbullah with minimum civillian casualties amongst the Lebanese. Instead the IDF launched a policy of collective punishment (war crime) against the Lebanese civillian population, with remarkable similarity to that used by the Nazis in WW2:
High-ranking officer: Halutz ordered retaliation policy
Only in the warped view of a Moslem would we see Pom Poms flailing for the Hizbollocks.

Odd how you would define such an abysmal ass kicking taken by your Iranian sponsored heroes as anything close to victory. The Hizbollocks spokes-beard would even acknowledge that his "oops" of kidnapping Israeli soldiers was in error. Lebanon'istan suffered some 1200 dead and millions of billows of dollars in property damage, yet you define that as a "victory" for Islamic terrorism.

Very strange what you Islamics define as victory.

When you are fighting the 4th most powerful military in the world with popguns and rockets and get a stalemate, that's a good result. I suppose, it doesn't seem fair to blame Hezbullah™ for Zionist incompetence.
When you are celebrating the death of 1200 Lebanese and billions of dollars in property damage, well, that speaks for itself.

You fail to understand that Hizbollocks unilaterally chose to wage an act of war against Israel. As Hizbollocks held seats in the Lebanese Parliament, they hold responsibility for the results of their act of war.

Hizbollocks, as is typical for Islamic terrorist cowards, chose not to wage war as a uniformed military but performed in the usual, cowardly Islamic fashion and waged war from civilian areas.

Ultimately, there was no standstill. Israel dismantled the majority of the Islamic terrorists and chose not to continue a month long air campaign followed by a ground invasion to thoroughly trash Lebanon in the program of rooting out your terrorist heroes.

Bu honestly, who cares about 1200 dead Lebanese when the the Iranian Mullocrats can send in their Hizbollocks stooges to pin prick Israel.

Blah, blah. Standard hasbara excuses to cover up the IDF's humiliation. Even your Winograd commission reported, "Israel initiated a long war, which ended without a defined military victory...a semi-military organization of a few thousand men resisted, for a few weeks, the strongest army in the Middle East, which enjoyed full air superiority and size and technology advantages."
"Blah blah". I am, of course, impressed by such a stunningly concise argument. Additionally, your use of the " hasbara" slogan is standard islamo-weasel for a failed argument.

Next time, I'll expect to see The Zionists™ peppering your posts.

But all seriousness aside, I just find it curious that you never addressed the unilateral actions of hizbollocks in connection with their war-like actions and the resulting death and destruction suffered by the Lebanese.

And let's be honest, had Israel chosen to let loose with an unlimited war, they could have caused far greater mayhem than what Lebanon suffered. Had that occurred, you and others would be in a perpetual whine-fest about Israel "not playing fair" by using the options available in their arsenal.

You're disappointed that more death and destruction wasn't railed on Lebanon so that you can buttress your insensate Joooooooo hatreds. You want to excuse the actions of your hero Iranian mullocrats for unleashing their hizbollocks dogs as it calms an emotional requirement to dismiss the Lebanese dead as something other than the wages of Islamic terrorism.

Oh, please. Crocodile tears for the victims of Zionist™aggression really doesn't cut it. The Zionists™had smart weapons in 2006 along with bunker busters; they could have taken out Hezbullah with minimum civillian casualties amongst the Lebanese. Instead the IDF launched a policy of collective punishment (war crime) against the Lebanese civillian population, with remarkable similarity to that used by the Nazis in WW2:
High-ranking officer: Halutz ordered retaliation policy
Crocodile tears are in order for your misrepresentation.

There was no aggression by The Zionists™. You're hoping to sidestep the acts of the hizbollocks stooges. They were the aggressors and instigators.

Additionally, your silly reference to bunker busters is nonsensical. They are not used against terrorists in an urban environment. Similarly, smart weapons can be useful against Islamic terrorists waging war from civilian areas, but there are always civilian casualties when cowardly Islamic terrorists were from from populated cities.

Hizbollocks chose to unilaterally wage war even though they held seats in the Lebanese parliament thus acting with disregard to the safety and welfare of the Lebanese people they represented.

But yeah, ultimately hizbollocks and their Iranian mullocrats caused just another pile of dead Arabs. That pin prick to Israel was orgasmic for you and those like you.
Curious that the gesture isn't reciprocated by the Zionists, why is the Jordan valley a "military zone" again? Oh, yes "Security™"

Why didn't Jordan and Egypt create this mythical Palestine when they were occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 1948 to 1967? Why wasn't there an Palestinian uprising demanding statehood from their Arab Muslim brethren?

Because Palestine is the world's biggest hoax.
Why didn't Jordan and Egypt create this mythical Palestine when they were occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 1948 to 1967? Why wasn't there an Palestinian uprising demanding statehood from their Arab Muslim brethren?

Because Palestine is the world's biggest hoax.

You really need to study some real history, not the Zionist talking points you keep regurgitating.
You didn't answer the question.


Summary of all wars fought by Arab armies in the last 900 years:


That is the issue here, you Zionist are grouping all Arabs throughout history into the Palestinians. Unreal.
Save it I'm aware of the history and the Palestinians are the ones who stayed. You have a lot of explaining to do when you try and tell us why so many jews were in Russia, Germany, Poland , US , S. America and Africa, everywhere but Palestine. I think I just proved my case.

I wish Chili would take the Palestinians in and Israel and all the Jews in the US can live in Israel, that would be great. WE can then fence all of Israel in and they can just live there by themselves. That would be great.
Save it I'm aware of the history and the Palestinians are the ones who stayed. You have a lot of explaining to do when you try and tell us why so many jews were in Russia, Germany, Poland , US , S. America and Africa, everywhere but Palestine. I think I just proved my case.

I wish Chili would take the Palestinians in and Israel and all the Jews in the US can live in Israel, that would be great. WE can then fence all of Israel in and they can just live there by themselves. That would be great.

Chili won't be taking in any "Pali" Arabs. You must have noticed that not a single Arab country wants anything to do with the "Palestinian" welfare cheats. Jordan learned a bloody and painful lesson regarding the dangers of "Palestinian" subversives and that lesson has caused the homelands of the Pali squatters and deadbeats to be treat like carriers of the plague.

Next to Palestine, Chili has the largest Palestinian population and their pop is growing older. Chili is a very good country. Of course to take so many they would need farmland, and service jobs, housekeeping, cooks, carpenters, and there are many educated Palestinians as well, Muslims do learn and are quite intelligent when given the means to learn, they are lawyers , doctors, teachers, they just need a chance to do it.

Chilli is a food or a type of pepper, you mean Chile the south American Catholic country don't you. Many educated muslims go on to become terrorists, as shown by the doctors who planned and executed the Glasgow airport attack. Same with the doctor who planned and executed the Fort Hood attack.

By the way 5% of the populating is arab hardly a significant number, and most are Christians who would not welcome the arab muslim terrorists.

So penny pit stop fails again

Must of been my frustration at ignorance. Yes mainly a RC country, Chile already has the second largest Palestinian population you uneducated or unread person. Is every Arab a terrorist to you. Most are not you know. If I were a Palestinian in Israel, I'd be a terrorist and I'd be wearing a gun.

Fatima, you should volunteer as a suicide bomber then.

Condolences to the Chileans.

I think all the men of Gaza and the West Bank should be armed and walk around like the IDF big shots, who shoot bullets instead of stones. It'd make it a bit more fair. I have no idea who the Jews think they are in Palestine / Israel but seems like the Israelis are resorting to the old days of their torah, Deut 7, and it needs to come to an end. That was a story someone wrote, and it was not your lawgiver Moses who was a myth or based on a myth of some person and this is not 1500 BC.
No the arab muslims are the intruders as they did not exist in Palestine before the late 7C. They were evicted from Palestine in 1099 never to return as sovereign land owners. In 1917 the sovereign land owners passed ownership of Palestine to the LoN who portioned Palestine into 2 parts an arab muslim part of 78% of Palestine to a Saudi prince called trans Jordan. The remaining 22% of Palestine was granted to the Jews as their national home. so where in international law was the land granted to the arab muslims

Save it I'm aware of the history and the Palestinians are the ones who stayed. You have a lot of explaining to do when you try and tell us why so many jews were in Russia, Germany, Poland , US , S. America and Africa, everywhere but Palestine. I think I just proved my case.

I wish Chili would take the Palestinians in and Israel and all the Jews in the US can live in Israel, that would be great. WE can then fence all of Israel in and they can just live there by themselves. That would be great.
No the arab muslims are the intruders as they did not exist in Palestine before the late 7C. They were evicted from Palestine in 1099 never to return as sovereign land owners. In 1917 the sovereign land owners passed ownership of Palestine to the LoN who portioned Palestine into 2 parts an arab muslim part of 78% of Palestine to a Saudi prince called trans Jordan. The remaining 22% of Palestine was granted to the Jews as their national home. so where in international law was the land granted to the arab muslims

Save it I'm aware of the history and the Palestinians are the ones who stayed. You have a lot of explaining to do when you try and tell us why so many jews were in Russia, Germany, Poland , US , S. America and Africa, everywhere but Palestine. I think I just proved my case.

I wish Chili would take the Palestinians in and Israel and all the Jews in the US can live in Israel, that would be great. WE can then fence all of Israel in and they can just live there by themselves. That would be great.

Chili won't be taking in any "Pali" Arabs. You must have noticed that not a single Arab country wants anything to do with the "Palestinian" welfare cheats. Jordan learned a bloody and painful lesson regarding the dangers of "Palestinian" subversives and that lesson has caused the homelands of the Pali squatters and deadbeats to be treat like carriers of the plague.

Next to Palestine, Chili has the largest Palestinian population and their pop is growing older. Chili is a very good country. Of course to take so many they would need farmland, and service jobs, housekeeping, cooks, carpenters, and there are many educated Palestinians as well, Muslims do learn and are quite intelligent when given the means to learn, they are lawyers , doctors, teachers, they just need a chance to do it.

Chilli is a food or a type of pepper, you mean Chile the south American Catholic country don't you. Many educated muslims go on to become terrorists, as shown by the doctors who planned and executed the Glasgow airport attack. Same with the doctor who planned and executed the Fort Hood attack.

By the way 5% of the populating is arab hardly a significant number, and most are Christians who would not welcome the arab muslim terrorists.

So penny pit stop fails again

Must of been my frustration at ignorance. Yes mainly a RC country, Chile already has the second largest Palestinian population you uneducated or unread person. Is every Arab a terrorist to you. Most are not you know. If I were a Palestinian in Israel, I'd be a terrorist and I'd be wearing a gun.

Hey great. And I'd be driving a bulldozer.

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