The only industrialized country in the world without national health insurance


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
The whole nation should go after Republicans on healthcare. They want to destroy everything that helps We the People and especially our successful and working Healthcare Law. Why do they tell so many lies about it? Because Republicans are bought and paid for by the health insurance industry and the healthcare law cuts into their profits since they can no longer legally deny coverage to people with their "pre-existing condition" game. The Healthcare Act is already saving lives, stopping the bankrupting of families when they save the lives of loved ones with required expensive medical care, allowing more than 3M people and rising to be able to buy healthcare insurance now (which lowers costs for all of us the more people have insurance coverage) and has begun to lower the very expensive use of the ER as a primary care facility for the uninsured.

Vermont just passed a full universal healthcare law for their state. MA, where Romney passed universal healthcare laws years ago is seeing incredible benefits for their citizens because of it - people love it, all people are covered, costs are down, care is up.
Whenever Republicans are violently against something and tell outrageous lies about it - it means they are terrified of it and what it is doing to the profits of their corporations they work for. Republicans don't give a damn about you or any real person other than themselves.
Ever ask yourself why Republicans in Congress still take government taxpayer-funded healthcare coverage and full lifetime pensions but claim the same coverage for you is evil and needs to be destroyed??

Learn the facts on our Healthcare Law. It is not government-run. It just sets up protections for YOU from the abusive health insurance companies allowing you to buy health insurance you can afford, allowing you and your doctor to decide what treatment you need and get it, and all children are covered now so no child goes without proper basic healthcare.
Until now, we were the ONLY civilized major country without healthcare for all as a basic right. It's not evil. It's not killing jobs but creating them in the healthcare industry. It's not socialism - it's called being human - something Republicans know nothing about. Their mantra is money over people every time.

If Republicans hate this Healthcare Law so much - what is their plan? Oh that's right - NOTHING plus killing Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Veterans healthcare, and even school lunches for poor children where it is their only meal for the day.
We need to scrap ObamaCare in favor of the Whole Food Recommendations. We have one more election to see if we continue as a free country -- or not
this is about the 5th time Chris has posted this same fucking story.....its like he does this every 6 months......i guess the Jerk thinks he is going to get different answers....
Yeah, Europe is doing so much better....

Guess all those made in China signs means there is national healthcare there huh?
Finland, the size of Montana with a homogeneous population less than 3 of New York's 5 boroughs.

Yeah, that's a comp
The whole nation should go after Republicans on healthcare. They want to destroy everything that helps We the People and especially our successful and working Healthcare Law. Why do they tell so many lies about it? Because Republicans are bought and paid for by the health insurance industry and the healthcare law cuts into their profits since they can no longer legally deny coverage to people with their "pre-existing condition" game. The Healthcare Act is already saving lives, stopping the bankrupting of families when they save the lives of loved ones with required expensive medical care, allowing more than 3M people and rising to be able to buy healthcare insurance now (which lowers costs for all of us the more people have insurance coverage) and has begun to lower the very expensive use of the ER as a primary care facility for the uninsured.

Vermont just passed a full universal healthcare law for their state. MA, where Romney passed universal healthcare laws years ago is seeing incredible benefits for their citizens because of it - people love it, all people are covered, costs are down, care is up.
Whenever Republicans are violently against something and tell outrageous lies about it - it means they are terrified of it and what it is doing to the profits of their corporations they work for. Republicans don't give a damn about you or any real person other than themselves.
Ever ask yourself why Republicans in Congress still take government taxpayer-funded healthcare coverage and full lifetime pensions but claim the same coverage for you is evil and needs to be destroyed??

Learn the facts on our Healthcare Law. It is not government-run. It just sets up protections for YOU from the abusive health insurance companies allowing you to buy health insurance you can afford, allowing you and your doctor to decide what treatment you need and get it, and all children are covered now so no child goes without proper basic healthcare.
Until now, we were the ONLY civilized major country without healthcare for all as a basic right. It's not evil. It's not killing jobs but creating them in the healthcare industry. It's not socialism - it's called being human - something Republicans know nothing about. Their mantra is money over people every time.

If Republicans hate this Healthcare Law so much - what is their plan? Oh that's right - NOTHING plus killing Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Veterans healthcare, and even school lunches for poor children where it is their only meal for the day.

We are also the only industrialized country in the world without a regressive VAT, do you think there might be a cause/effect relationship between those two facts?
Chris, if all the other kids were jumping off a bridge, would you too? ;)
He's a fucking idiot and liar. He looks at UHC with rose colored glasses like every other proponent and likes to pretend the other industrialized nations and even the U.S. states that have it aren't experiencing some very real problems as a result. There is so much wrong practically and ethically with UHC there is little point in getting into here. Especially with someone as close minded as Chris.
The only industrialized country in the world without national health insurance

And the right wingers are Damn proud of it.

Seems like we also pay lots more per capita for health care than the other industrialilzed nations?
The only industrialized country in the world without national health insurance

And the right wingers are Damn proud of it.

Why do peole keep repeating this over and over as if it means something? The statement itself is evidence of nothing. It isn't something to be proud of or not proud of. It's a stated observation with no inherent postive or negative value. It's like saying the sky is blue. Ummm yeah it is and yeah we're one of few countries that doesn't use national health insurance. Now....WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE A FUCKING POINT.

Seems like we also pay lots more per capita for health care than the other industrialilzed nations?

Another idiotic argument I don't get. First, NO, there is almost no connection between our per capita health care spending and the fact that we don't have UHC. Anyone who has any grasp of economics knows why. Our health care costs so much for a variety of reasons. An obvious one being the quality of it is second to none in the world. Generally the best costs the most. Again a fairly simply economic principle. Second, what something costs to provide and how much the consumer pays for it are two different numbers. The cost of providing an MRI exam in terms of the cost of the machine, the people to operate it, etc. is probably not too different. The difference is what the consumer pays is subsidized by the government in other countries and/or the government basically has the authority to say, 'we don't care what it costs you to do this, this is what we're gonna pay you'. Thirdly, you ignore that peopel can to large extent control their own health. In America we just don't. By in large we're a pretty unhealthy nation. That is not a reflection of the quality of our medical resources. It is a reflection on the health choices individuals make where their diets and exercise are concerned. Generally the cost of health care expenses for a person that doesn't keep themselves in good phyical health is going to be more than a person that does. Ans the simple fact is our country has one of the highest obesity rates in the world which sets people up for all kinds of health issues which cost money.
For one thing, we treat many more people than our own citizens, which raises per capita costs.
Chris, if all the other kids were jumping off a bridge, would you too? ;)

He might if the hospital costs wouldn't bankrupt him. :lol: In fact we could ALL take more chances in starting businesses and and hiring people if we didn't have to pay for thier health care until our startup businesses started making money. Single payer would be a game changer in America....for big business and small ones.
Ah yes, and we see just how successful it is working out for the EU economy.

Not to mention all they ever do is complain about it.
Ah yes, and we see just how successful it is working out for the EU economy.

Not to mention all they ever do is complain about it.

Health care is an "up front" cost the way we work it now. It stiffles business. If it came out of the treasury in tax revenues it would be paid with taxes..AKA profits. We need more start ups. That leads to innovation and the next Microsoft. We need to trust in America's business and do everything possible to promote it.
Ah yes, and we see just how successful it is working out for the EU economy.

Not to mention all they ever do is complain about it.

Health care is an "up front" cost the way we work it now. It stiffles business. If it came out of the treasury in tax revenues it would be paid with taxes..AKA profits. We need more start ups. That leads to innovation and the next Microsoft. We need to trust in America's business and do everything possible to promote it.

MODS someone with common sense hacked Huggies account
Chris, if all the other kids were jumping off a bridge, would you too? ;)

He might if the hospital costs wouldn't bankrupt him. :lol: In fact we could ALL take more chances in starting businesses and and hiring people if we didn't have to pay for thier health care until our startup businesses started making money. Single payer would be a game changer in America....for big business and small ones.

The taxes would be too high to get a start up, started up. You think that single payer means no one pays. It doesn't. Ask Greece.
Chris, if all the other kids were jumping off a bridge, would you too? ;)

He might if the hospital costs wouldn't bankrupt him. :lol: In fact we could ALL take more chances in starting businesses and and hiring people if we didn't have to pay for thier health care until our startup businesses started making money. Single payer would be a game changer in America....for big business and small ones.

The taxes would be too high to get a start up, started up. You think that single payer means no one pays. It doesn't. Ask Greece.

What are you thinking? No one pays taxes BEFORE they make money. .. AKA after the start up has established a profit.

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