The one idea that shaped all of human history.

The most significant idea in human history has been that MIGHT Does NOT Make Right.
THAT is why policing forces are enabled by societies.

police forces are enabled because the most significant idea is that might does not make right?
Of course that makes no sense. You have to be a liberal-right? Welfare is good- right?

Ad hominem..
Your statement shows the idiot you are.
The concept of freedom can only come about when a society ensures equal protection to it's law abiding citizens.
And please don't fill us with the bullshit that you're self actualized.
The concept of freedom can only come about when a society ensures equal protection to it's law abiding citizens.

dear, I'm sure everyone agrees with that. Do you know why you bothered to write it? Can you tell us?

Ad hominem...I'm winning.
Because it is the EXACT opposite of your fantasy Libertarian hypothesis.
YOUR hypothesis presumes no preexisting condition for zero government and would completley preclude Right Over Might.

But go ahead and post another ad hominem.
From Plato and Aristotle forward the only significant idea in human history has been about freedom versus government. As freedom from liberal govt has advanced mankind's condition has advanced.

Liberalism stands squarely opposed to mankind's advancement but liberals simply lack the IQ to understand it.

The the age of enlightenment and the blooming of liberalism retarded humanity!!:cuckoo:

But the subjection of the human mind with backward superstitions of the dark ages really advanced the world :eek:

Eddy, speaking of Low IQ you sound like a swamp gumba just off the boat
And the bigger, meaner, tougher dog will get the mat regardless of which one put it there.

unless we have govt to protect your natural right to the home you have built.

“Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

-Ronald Reagan

"Washington couldn't tell a lie, Nixon couldn't tell the truth, and Reagan couldn't tell the difference."
Mort Sahl

From Plato and Aristotle forward the only significant idea in human history has been about freedom versus government.

"The only significant idea in human history"?

You returned your library book too soon.

so then please tell us what human history has been about if not the battle for freedom from liberal govt. Thanks

Are you suffering from a diagnosed mental illness? Leftist government is a recipe for disaster, but "the only significant idea in human history"? You're a fucking imbecile.
“Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

-Ronald Reagan

"Washington couldn't tell a lie, Nixon couldn't tell the truth, and Reagan couldn't tell the difference."
Mort Sahl


liberal without IQ for subject tries to change subject.

Hey EdWARDDDDDDDOOOOO....there is no "subject" to this thread.

Please take a short quizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

America's founding fathers created:

A) a rock band

B) indoor plumbing


Take your time pea brain...
Q. The one idea which shaped human history?

A. The Construct*** of god(s)

***"an image, idea, or theory, especially a complex one formed from a number of simpler elements."
"The only significant idea in human history"?

You returned your library book too soon.

so then please tell us what human history has been about if not the battle for freedom from liberal govt. Thanks

Are you suffering from a diagnosed mental illness? Leftist government is a recipe for disaster, but "the only significant idea in human history"? You're a fucking imbecile.

dear, can you say why??
argumentum ad hominem from typical liberal who lacks IQ for substance

What "liberal" are you referring to, imbecile?

argumentum ad hominem

You won't even answer the question, imbecile? You go to the trouble of starting this asinine thread - an obvious excuse to proclaim how 'conservative' you think you are - hoping to sound philosophical at the same time; not realizing how laughably juvenile it appears, and you won't even participate? You're a waste of time. You're not a conservative, you're an idiot. Stop giving real conservatives a bad name.

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