The Obama Administration Is Doing A Bang-Up Job With This Terrorist Attack


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Not a mere 52 hours ago this took place, whilst the man was enjoying some fun time and about a few hundred or so of his media associates and the perp is already caught.

Not only is he already caught, but due to the Administration's wise and thoughtful moves they were able to learn about others in Pakistan and also apprehend them as well.

Compare that to Bush's handling of similar situations. He promised to hunt Bin Laden to the ends of the earth, but stopped short of crossing the Pakistani border to get him. He promised from the beginning of this FIRST Administration that he would find and apprehend the man behind the worst Terrorist attack on American soil and he's come up short. Bush put on quite a Kabuki Theatre with the capture, mock trial and hanging of Hussein, but that SHOULD have already been done under Bush 41, so yet another FAIL by the Right.

Other than the communication talking points the Right can claim over some BS about the Left not wanting to call the events "Terrorist Attacks" the results are surely clear...Obama is no joke. And is a man of action.

He did it with the Pirates, he did it with the Underwear Bomber and he's doing it now with the Times Square bomber. So not only will the economy improve under Obama's AdministrationS but he will actually do a LOT in the area of curbing the National AND Global fight against terror.

And ALL the Right has is foolish, nonsensical and childish talking points.

Had Obama not invaded Pocky-stan would we even have been the subject of this attack?

Obama reckless murder of Pocky-Staany civilians and Jihadists only breeds more Jihadists and finally

Where is bin Laden?
I think you need to ask Lil' Bushy "where is Bin Laden?" Fwankie Boy.

Had Obama not invaded Pocky-stan would we even have been the subject of this attack?

Obama reckless murder of Pocky-Staany civilians and Jihadists only breeds more Jihadists and finally

Where is bin Laden?

really? so you think this is about some 'invasion' of pakistan? (it helps to learn the names of places you want to bomb).

poor nutty frank.

are you really this retarded or you just play this on messageboards?
He was on a plane headed home! LOL

Emerites Airline did more than that fat stupid cow Janet Nappy did!
Had Obama not invaded Pocky-stan would we even have been the subject of this attack?

Obama reckless murder of Pocky-Staany civilians and Jihadists only breeds more Jihadists and finally

Where is bin Laden?

really? so you think this is about some 'invasion' of pakistan? (it helps to learn the names of places you want to bomb).

poor nutty frank.

are you really this retarded or you just play this on messageboards?

Jillian, Obama is murdering civilians in "pocky-staan" (that's how he pronounces it with his first rate Arabic accent)

As we know from listening to Libs during the Bush years, murdering civilians only breeds more Jihadists and invading countries other than AlQaedaLand only invites other to hate us and Obama has invaded a new country and murdered innocent civilians there.

What did you think was going to happen?
Once again, thank to Emerites Airline for stopping the plane and calling it in otherwise the guy would be home having a keg with his fellow Jihadists
Had Obama not invaded Pocky-stan would we even have been the subject of this attack?

Obama reckless murder of Pocky-Staany civilians and Jihadists only breeds more Jihadists and finally

Where is bin Laden?

really? so you think this is about some 'invasion' of pakistan? (it helps to learn the names of places you want to bomb).

poor nutty frank.

are you really this retarded or you just play this on messageboards?

Jillian, Obama is murdering civilians in "pocky-staan" (that's how he pronounces it with his first rate Arabic accent)

As we know from listening to Libs during the Bush years, murdering civilians only breeds more Jihadists and invading countries other than AlQaedaLand only invites other to hate us and Obama has invaded a new country and murdered innocent civilians there.

What did you think was going to happen?

you know, frank. i'd take the time to respond, but that's such a bizarre conglomeration of unrelated things that i can't even be bothered.

like i said... you can continue to say whatever trolling BS comes to your head or you can actually raise points of discussion.

carry on. are such a full-of-shit ignorant asshole.

The ass-clown was being surveiled (sp) by the Feds so they could get information like see who he would call at the LAST minute BEFORE flying "HOME" as you stated. Their wise moved proved fruitful as it already yielded NUMEROUS arrests.

BTW...he IS a naturalized American citizen...who's BEEN living in his Home country of AMERICA for a number of years now.
How old is Fwankie Boy anyway?

Is he another punk kid child like Lil' Pale Rider?

punk-kid.jpg are such a full-of-shit ignorant asshole.

The ass-clown was being surveiled (sp) by the Feds so they could get information like see who he would call at the LAST minute BEFORE flying "HOME" as you stated. Their wise moved proved fruitful as it already yielded NUMEROUS arrests.

BTW...he IS a naturalized American citizen...who's BEEN living in his Home country of AMERICA for a number of years now.

It that were true (and it's not) why didn't they pick him up in Dubai after he had a chance to crack a few brews with his homies? Are they going to arrest the Cab driver he called to take him to JFK? Was that the plan?
Once again, this attack only occurred because Obama is breeding more Jihadists by air raiding villages and killing civilians in Pakistan (Pocky-staan) and totally diverted from bin Laden.

He's made NY far less safer thanks to his warmongering ways and bin Laden is still laughing at us
Once again, this attack only occurred because Obama is breeding more Jihadists by air raiding villages and killing civilians in Pakistan (Pocky-staan) and totally diverted from bin Laden.

He's made NY far less safer thanks to his warmongering ways and bin Laden is still laughing at us

twit :cuckoo:

and which is it, frankie... the arabs love him or they're attacking us for him?

can't have it both ways... even a wacko like you should know that, honey.

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