The movie Gosnell, a must see


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Gosnell Movie: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer Film Depicts Abortion | National Review

Everyone should see this movie. It's the only way for most to understand what goes on in abortion clinics around the country. The press certainly won't tell you. In fact, not one journalist showed up to report the Gosnell court case.

Then again, many probably don't want to know, much like many Germans had no interest in finding out what happened in those concentration camps.

I saw this mentioned on Fedbook today. I definitely want to see it!
Gosnell focused on minority women to target by giving them subpar care. He did this because he knew that they were poor and had little help and representation while saving a buck or two. He did this for over 30 years after the state had found numerous health violations. But instead of shutting him down, they just stopped coming round because any limitation on abortion is seen as a threat by Dims.

Not a word from the NAACP.

Back alley abortions are alive and well in this day and age as is black lynchings via abortion
Back Alley Bullshit. Because today you can, abstain, wear a condom, take birth control. They call it birth...control for a reason, and a morning after pill. You don't have to kill the unborn anymore. You can prevent it from ever forming.
What we are doing is hideous.
Back Alley Bullshit. Because today you can, abstain, wear a condom, take birth control. They call it birth...control for a reason, and a morning after pill. You don't have to kill the unborn anymore. You can prevent it from ever forming.
What we are doing is hideous.

Abortion is the heart and soul of the Swamp. When deciding such things as a Supreme Court Justice, Roe vs. Wade is the number one consideration.

We have been taken over by radical extremists who would not allow children in school to so much as have an aspirin from a school nurse without her parents knowing, but that same nurse can drive her somewhere to have an abortion without her parents knowing.

Incidentally, one such teen was given the morning after pill by the school nurse and they bleed to death.

The father had no legal recourse.
Geez, did they actually make a documentary about the real house of horrors? I wonder if they included the part where the City of Philadelphia monitored pet shops and small animal breeding locations for potential violations of animal cruelty but they never inspected a single abortion clinic for health violations. Dr. Gosnell specialized in late term abortions which turned out to be nothing but cutthroat baby killing slaughter houses. PETA would be demonstrating in the streets if they treated animals the same way they treated humans.
Gosnell Movie: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer Film Depicts Abortion | National Review

Everyone should see this movie. It's the only way for most to understand what goes on in abortion clinics around the country. The press certainly won't tell you. In fact, not one journalist showed up to report the Gosnell court case.

Then again, many probably don't want to know, much like many Germans had no interest in finding out what happened in those concentration camps.
Gave them a chunk of cash to film it. I’m very happy to see it doing well in the box office. Next step is to have every High School show it.
Gosnell Movie: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer Film Depicts Abortion | National Review

Everyone should see this movie. It's the only way for most to understand what goes on in abortion clinics around the country. The press certainly won't tell you. In fact, not one journalist showed up to report the Gosnell court case.

Then again, many probably don't want to know, much like many Germans had no interest in finding out what happened in those concentration camps.
I was listening to The hit of the AM radio sphere. Denis Prager. Because I am like that. I am a really disillusioned cynic. I want to know what the catholic church is doing to curb pedophile priests. I want to know what WHABBAI Muslim leaders are doing to stop terrorism. But as for the Jews, well. Stop defending your existence? I got nothing...
Gosnell Movie: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer Film Depicts Abortion | National Review

Everyone should see this movie. It's the only way for most to understand what goes on in abortion clinics around the country. The press certainly won't tell you. In fact, not one journalist showed up to report the Gosnell court case.

Then again, many probably don't want to know, much like many Germans had no interest in finding out what happened in those concentration camps.
Another Roe v. Wade monster.
Gosnell Movie: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer Film Depicts Abortion | National Review

Everyone should see this movie. It's the only way for most to understand what goes on in abortion clinics around the country. The press certainly won't tell you. In fact, not one journalist showed up to report the Gosnell court case.

Then again, many probably don't want to know, much like many Germans had no interest in finding out what happened in those concentration camps.

You understand that what Gosnell did was illegal long before he did it, when he did it, and still today, don't you. His disgusting actions were nothing like how legal abortions were legally done at the time, or how they are legally done today. Your claim that that type thing happens around the country is a lie. Why do you think you need to lie to convince people?
Gosnell Movie: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer Film Depicts Abortion | National Review

Everyone should see this movie. It's the only way for most to understand what goes on in abortion clinics around the country. The press certainly won't tell you. In fact, not one journalist showed up to report the Gosnell court case.

Then again, many probably don't want to know, much like many Germans had no interest in finding out what happened in those concentration camps.

You understand that what Gosnell did was illegal long before he did it, when he did it, and still today, don't you. His disgusting actions were nothing like how legal abortions were legally done at the time, or how they are legally done today. Your claim that that type thing happens around the country is a lie. Why do you think you need to lie to convince people?
It’s the coverup by the Left that’s the issue.
Gosnell Movie: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer Film Depicts Abortion | National Review

Everyone should see this movie. It's the only way for most to understand what goes on in abortion clinics around the country. The press certainly won't tell you. In fact, not one journalist showed up to report the Gosnell court case.

Then again, many probably don't want to know, much like many Germans had no interest in finding out what happened in those concentration camps.
I was listening to The hit of the AM radio sphere. Denis Prager. Because I am like that. I am a really disillusioned cynic. I want to know what the catholic church is doing to curb pedophile priests. I want to know what WHABBAI Muslim leaders are doing to stop terrorism. But as for the Jews, well. Stop defending your existence? I got nothing...


What does religion have to do with this? The movie was about Dr. Gosnell abusing and killing term infants and minority women. Last time I checked, that was all illegal by today's standards. But because abortion is such a political football, the state would rather ignore it than stop it because in their view any abortion is a good abortion

As for the Catholic church, I'm perplexed why the Catholic church does not take a more firm stand against abortion, something they claim as murder.

Then again, they did very little to speak out about the Holocaust back in the day as well

Instead, the Pope gives sermons on global warming and the evils of building walls
Gosnell Movie: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer Film Depicts Abortion | National Review

Everyone should see this movie. It's the only way for most to understand what goes on in abortion clinics around the country. The press certainly won't tell you. In fact, not one journalist showed up to report the Gosnell court case.

Then again, many probably don't want to know, much like many Germans had no interest in finding out what happened in those concentration camps.

You understand that what Gosnell did was illegal long before he did it, when he did it, and still today, don't you. His disgusting actions were nothing like how legal abortions were legally done at the time, or how they are legally done today. Your claim that that type thing happens around the country is a lie. Why do you think you need to lie to convince people?
These were taxpayer supported legal abortions and $$$ making scheme. Nah...this type of thing doesn’t happen “around the country.” I suppose you think this a lie too?
Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Business Partners Admit Guilt in $7.8 Million Settlement
You guys have me. I never heard of this guy. Gosnell. Was he worse than Jim jones brainwashing 900 people to commit suicide? Living breathing christans and they willingly destroyed their own children. Not fetuses. Walking breathing kids. That is was what Christians did. What differentiates Christianity from abortionists?
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Gosnell Movie: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer Film Depicts Abortion | National Review

Everyone should see this movie. It's the only way for most to understand what goes on in abortion clinics around the country. The press certainly won't tell you. In fact, not one journalist showed up to report the Gosnell court case.

Then again, many probably don't want to know, much like many Germans had no interest in finding out what happened in those concentration camps.

You understand that what Gosnell did was illegal long before he did it, when he did it, and still today, don't you. His disgusting actions were nothing like how legal abortions were legally done at the time, or how they are legally done today. Your claim that that type thing happens around the country is a lie. Why do you think you need to lie to convince people?
It’s the coverup by the Left that’s the issue.

What cover up? Gosnell's arrest, trial, and sentencing was very public. Nobody defended his actions.
You guys have me. I never heard of this guy. Gosnell. Was he worse than Jim jones brainwashing 900 people to commit suicide? We lost nearly nearly same that amount at Pearl harbor, or 9/11.
Yes he was worse...these were defenseless infants.
You guys have me. I never heard of this guy. Gosnell. Was he worse than Jim jones brainwashing 900 people to commit suicide? We lost nearly nearly same that amount at Pearl harbor, or 9/11.
That’s why we made the movie. The media buried it. He’s probably got 3-4 thousand murders under his belt.
So who's in the bidding war to buy up TV rights to the film to make sure it never hits the home screen?


Since Democrats seem to think of abortion as a sport......

How about ESPN?

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