The Monopoly-Busting Case Against Google and more Social Media


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
How to break up Facebook, Google, and other tech giants

I said this awhile back and the movement seems to be picking up steam. as facebook, google, twitter and other "liberal" orgs use their services to stifle voices from the other side, it will cost them. it doesn't matter if you feel "their company they can do what they want" or "find something else" - you see, i'm in that category also. if you don't like facebook, find/build a better answer.

but that isn't how government works when you get *that big* and in that much control of daily lives. i started my microsoft career in 1992 as the world was just beginning to change for them. it didn't matter it was *their* os, it didn't matter it was *their* browser and it didn't matter you could download options at will to add to your system. netscape and other providers demanded the same desktop space microsoft had cause otherwise it was unfair as users were lazy and would only use what is provided.

so the DoJ stepped in and janet reno showed the world what a displaced librarian in our government could look like and she went to town on MS. so much so many features of the OS were removed because they were not necessary to boot a computer. ie - browser, media player, base graphics program and so forth.

the years went, the EU got involved and things just got crazy.

this is where we're headed again and why i don't freak out too much about the liberal desire to squash conservative speech. first of all it's what they do anyway. second, yes they have an advantage at this point but the flaunting is going to cost them. the "games" they like to play of "no we didn't" when asked about shadow banning and so forth will bite them in the ass. microsoft never said "no we didn't do it" they said "we have every right to do what we want with our OS". turns out they were wrong.

twitter and the other social media giants can pretend they're above all this but it's only going to make the fall from grace that much more painful. it won't matter if you think they can or should be allowed to do this, the DoJ and other world powers will stop it and, if we hold true to past form, they won't be smart enough to know what needs to be done so they'll do stupid shit that hurts more than helps.

example #1.
Europe just approved new copyright rules that could change the internet

they are talking link tax and in this case, also revenue sharing for artists and musicians. being in internet radio for so long i can't begin to tell you how complicated this would be. facebook and google don't know what's coming. but it's coming and hard.
And suddenly ppl post what alex jones warned years ago, suddenly it's not a conspiracy any moer lmfao.
And suddenly ppl post what alex jones warned years ago, suddenly it's not a conspiracy any moer lmfao.
the part that gets to me is "their business they can do what they want" coming in after "MAKE THAT DAMN CAKE YOU HOMOPHOBE!"

when you want things both ways, it causes a lot of social issues.
And suddenly ppl post what alex jones warned years ago, suddenly it's not a conspiracy any moer lmfao.

Yeah. Alex Jones is a fucking prophet. A genius. A man among men. My hero!
he's a doosh, sure.

but in this instance, he's a correct doosh.
If you claim a conspiracy on everything, eventually one of them is going to end up being true. Even a broken watch is right twice per day.
And suddenly ppl post what alex jones warned years ago, suddenly it's not a conspiracy any moer lmfao.

Yeah. Alex Jones is a fucking prophet. A genius. A man among men. My hero!
he's a doosh, sure.

but in this instance, he's a correct doosh.
If you claim a conspiracy on everything, eventually one of them is going to end up being true. Even a broken watch is right twice per day.
yea then we suddenly declare that one the ONLY one that matters and forget the other hysteria that never went anywhere.
I love how the right suddenly wants big gubmint intervention on free speech to make it more “fair” for them. Remember, the way they defeated net neutrality was by arguing (completely incorrectly) that that’s what net neutrality was, and now they are desperate for it :laugh:
I love how the right suddenly wants big gubmint intervention on free speech to make it more “fair” for them. Remember, the way they defeated net neutrality was by arguing (completely incorrectly) that that’s what net neutrality was, and now they are desperate for it :laugh:
i love it how you don't even read what is happening and my background on what i see happening nor my own stance on it.

you want to be a dick and lob out GUBBERMENT and rag on the right w/o even having to understand the issue or it's overall place in the total conversation. how "liberal" of you.

And suddenly ppl post what alex jones warned years ago, suddenly it's not a conspiracy any moer lmfao.
the part that gets to me is "their business they can do what they want" coming in after "MAKE THAT DAMN CAKE YOU HOMOPHOBE!"

when you want things both ways, it causes a lot of social issues.
Yep and I should have clarified that I wasn't referring ot you as the poster, I meant the source. Sorry if it came across that way.
And suddenly ppl post what alex jones warned years ago, suddenly it's not a conspiracy any moer lmfao.
the part that gets to me is "their business they can do what they want" coming in after "MAKE THAT DAMN CAKE YOU HOMOPHOBE!"

when you want things both ways, it causes a lot of social issues.
Yep and I should have clarified that I wasn't referring ot you as the poster, I meant the source. Sorry if it came across that way.
heh - i think we were both speaking in generic terms; at least that's how i took it.

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