
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
One of the layers of Genesis is the revelation of the false prophet deemed serpent in the story. Even Christian Preachers state this is what the serpent represents.
Read Genesis again, there's a story within the story there if you know standard meaning of Hebrew words and representations of the bride of man.
Adam (word meaning =man) had taken a bride Eve (the church because it's not his first wife which was Lilian-Israel's Temple Congregation)
Remember G0d created Lilith with Adam but Eve came out of Adams (man’s) rib-[thus man begot the church]The Serpent (false prophet Jesus) offers a forbidden fruit (teachings) referred to as an apple (a Paul)to Eve (the church) and Eve (the Church) convinces Adam (man) to partake of that forbidden fruit. In doing so brought those thousands of wars and Millions of murders for G0d said we surely would die in partaking of that forbidden fruit in the center of the garden of Eden and so WE DID.
*note the location of that Garden through mention of the crossing rivers is shown to be ancient Iran (Persia) in which Mithraism was born and Jesus is but a plagiarism to that same character and it's teachings of mystical luciferous light.

As you see the Vatican doing today in trying to unite the faiths, this has already occurred in the formation of the Christian religion which converged the many messianic cult figures with the mythical deities and gentile christ figures creating one image which represented all the cultures and faiths of that time.
Although it seems like a great and holy thing to unite all peoples and cultures to one unified faith as Rome thought to do under their political authority, it can not be done by mixing the good ideology with bad doctrines, as the knowledge that is good and truthful should not be mixing with the knowledge that is evil and or false. No more could you mix the truth with the lie and have good come from it then if you mixed spiritual water with Bull chips and expected pure holy water, because all you’d actually get is toilet water.
Never can you mix mud with water and expect water to be the end product, therefore you can’t expect to mix the mystery cults and pagan beliefs and practices to come up with anything righteous or of Light (knowledge and truth).
In Genesis 2:15-17 it warned about this tree of knowledge of good and evil in the center of the garden. Where was this located according to the prior verses in Genesis 2:10-14?
It was where the 4 rivers of paradise met and converged which symbolises the flow of the spiritual waters converging to the cross as in converging the many spiritual beliefs which origin comes from that garden
(in ancient Persia).
So we are not to partake of this one world religion even if it’s mans goal to unite it must be done in understanding truth and not in converging and mixing good with evil, truth with lies and myths.

So how can we unite under the truth?
When Moshiach comes the veil will be removed (Isaiah 25:7) and all will understand how things are and according to Isaiah 66 regarding the Temple procession, especially 66:19 the gentiles will finally see the face of G-d, meaning they have not yet known G-d.

That's why the NT says it is they who will grab the garb of a Jew asking them to teach them about their spiritual ways and knowledge, not the other way around.
This is why evangelists and pastors are asking assistance from Rabbis, you see this on TV even, but never do you see Rabbis asking priests to teach them how to get away with breaking all the commands or how to carve idols.
WTF are you smoking??? Gee whiz, man, something is wrong with your thinking. Did you have a stroke or something?
So using that standard you are saying the 2 billion Christians have something wrong with their thinking and had a stroke or something? That would explain why you can almost never get your order right through any drive through.
So using that standard you are saying the 2 billion Christians have something wrong with their thinking and had a stroke or something? That would explain why you can almost never get your order right through any drive through.

In his defense, don't make long ass orders at the drive through. Take the family inside so that they can stare at the menu.

The legend of Lilith has its roots in the biblical book of Genesis 1:26-27 the one created with Adam not the one created from Adam's rib.
People have a form of Lilith from later centuries mythology not The Torah or oral traditions of the sages. This is because they confused Liliam and Lilly in future accts which was demonic to Solomon, but not the same figure in the Genesis. Lilith was the Night Spector.
We know Adam and Eve aren't literal first inhabitants, they are symbols in a story representing something.
adam and eve and Lilith are all symbols-----in a sublime book----the book called genesis ------ POPE FRANCES, is, unfortunately, a real player-----in the world
called EARTH
He's visiting Philly at the end of this tour, looking for someone there? Retracing steps where Moshiach walked?
They love doing that stuff.
Hankering for a Pat's Steak Sandwich?

I just recommend not parking his Pope Mobile anywhere in Philly, because it is the home of the parking authority tv program and there's a reason they chose Philly for that.
Poor Lilith she preferred to be co equal with Adam(Man) but he preferred to dominate her (Jeremiah misunderstood the last time I posted this) missionary style... So Lilith invoked Gds name and fled to the wilderness unfortunately out of her spawned Demons (Christianity and Islam and any other offshoots)...If they had stuck to the original teachings(Fruit) and not eaten from the A PAUL(Apple fruit of Paul) they would have been okay......All Symbolism and the deeper meaning....There is much more but one should try to delve into these things for themselves and come to their own understandings...
He's visiting Philly at the end of this tour, looking for someone there? Retracing steps where Moshiach walked?
They love doing that stuff.
Hankering for a Pat's Steak Sandwich?

I just recommend not parking his Pope Mobile anywhere in Philly, because it is the home of the parking authority tv program and there's a reason they chose Philly for that.

Pat's > Geno's
He's visiting Philly at the end of this tour, looking for someone there? Retracing steps where Moshiach walked?
They love doing that stuff.
Hankering for a Pat's Steak Sandwich?

I just recommend not parking his Pope Mobile anywhere in Philly, because it is the home of the parking authority tv program and there's a reason they chose Philly for that.

If the POOP makes an allusion to Philadelphia as "the city of brotherly love"----
I intend to throw up publically
Yeah steak meat in the sandwiches are better cut up not whole slices.
But the best steak sandwiches were not found in South Philly nor at the typical places.
Greater Northeast had a few places with better steak sandwiches.
He's visiting Philly at the end of this tour, looking for someone there? Retracing steps where Moshiach walked?
They love doing that stuff.
Hankering for a Pat's Steak Sandwich?

I just recommend not parking his Pope Mobile anywhere in Philly, because it is the home of the parking authority tv program and there's a reason they chose Philly for that.

If the POOP makes an allusion to Philadelphia as "the city of brotherly love"----
I intend to throw up publically

Would be more symbolic to stay an extra 2 days to be in the city of
"the oracle of God"
during the celebration of the
oracle of God as
Michaelemas is Sept 29th.
The legend of Lilith has its roots in the biblical book of Genesis 1:26-27 the one created with Adam not the one created from Adam's rib.
People have a form of Lilith from later centuries mythology not The Torah or oral traditions of the sages. This is because they confused Liliam and Lilly in future accts which was demonic to Solomon, but not the same figure in the Genesis. Lilith was the Night Spector.
We know Adam and Eve aren't literal first inhabitants, they are symbols in a story representing something.

No, it does not, HaShev. God created Eve. Not Lileth. That teaching is not found in Scripture. Genesis 1:26 - 27 is speaking of Eve. Not Lileth. The story in Genesis is to be taken literally. It happened. Satan spoke through the serpent in order to deceive Eve and tempt her to disobey God.
Adam's Lilith can be found in the MIDRASHIM ABOUT LILITH

Genesis 2 tells how the original male-female person was divided into separate male and female persons.

Others through ORAL TRADITIONS & COMMENTARY understood the female of Gen 1:27 to be Lilith, Adam's first wife, who left him
Adam always represented and is a word that means MAN.
So Adam represents Mankind.
Lilith represents the first bride of mankind who was never treated as an equal
so she left mankind as his bride.
You say the first bride is Israel (which never was allowed equal footing with man)
or rather the Temple of Israel while the second Bride of Mankind (Adam) was the

The Mythical, new agers, or Demonic Lilith seems to me derived from another Lilith who came to
Solomon's judgement seat, disguised as one of the 2 harlots of Jerusalem.
His judgement on the two harlots is recorded in 1 Kings III:16.
According to Isaiah XXXIV:14-15, Lilith dwells among the desolate ruins in the Edomite Desert where satyrs ("se'ir"), reems {2}, pelicans, owls {3}, jackals, ostriches, arrow-snakes and kites {4} keep her company. Therefore Isaiah's Lilith is not to be confused with
the first woman Lilith in the creation story.

This proves how easy it is to confuse and combine characters that use similar names or in case of messianic figures common titles and terms like Christ. :)
The legend of Lilith has its roots in the biblical book of Genesis 1:26-27 the one created with Adam not the one created from Adam's rib.
People have a form of Lilith from later centuries mythology not The Torah or oral traditions of the sages. This is because they confused Liliam and Lilly in future accts which was demonic to Solomon, but not the same figure in the Genesis. Lilith was the Night Spector.
We know Adam and Eve aren't literal first inhabitants, they are symbols in a story representing something.

Lilith is much older than the Book of Genesis. It dates to the Akkadians and Sumer, or earlier.

Many scholars think that Dilmun or Bahrain is the location that inspires the Eden story.
Lilith is much older than the Book of Genesis. It dates to the Akkadians and Sumer, or earlier.

Many scholars think that Dilmun or Bahrain is the location that inspires the Eden story.
Yes Ancient Persia, by way of describing where the Rivers meet. Knowing where the Garden was is essential in grasping the Genesis warning of partaking of the fruits (knowledge) of that
"cross section" of beliefs in Ancient Persia= mixing "knowledge that is good and evil"
The church did indeed take it's roots (tree) from that cross section mix of Mithraism and Zoroastrianism with Babylonian mysteries into it's claimed Judaic extension.
Yes Ancient Persia, by way of describing where the Rivers meet. Knowing where the Garden was is essential in grasping the Genesis warning of partaking of the fruits (knowledge) of that
"cross section" of beliefs in Ancient Persia= mixing "knowledge that is good and evil"
The church did indeed take it's roots (tree) from that cross section mix of Mithraism and Zoroastrianism with Babylonian mysteries into it's claimed Judaic extension.

Well, Dilmun or Bahrain is still well known for its many freshwater springs the bubble up on land and on the ocean floor. Remember that Sargon was a Nephilim.

Dilmun, or Telmun, was an ancient Semitic-speaking polity in Arabia mentioned from the 3rd millennium BC onwards.

Based on textual evidence, it was located in the Persian Gulf, on a trade route between Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley Civilisation, close to the sea and to artesian springs.

A number of scholars have suggested that Dilmun originally designated the eastern province of Saudi Arabia, notably linked with the major Dilmunite settlements of Umm an-Nussi and Umm ar-Ramadh in the interior and Tarout on the coast.[6] Dilmun encompassed Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the eastern portion regions of Saudi Arabia. This area is certainly what is meant by references to "Dilmun" among the lands conquered by King Sargon of Akkad and his descendants.

The great commercial and trading connections between Mesopotamia and Dilmun were strong and profound to the point where Dilmun was a central figure to the Sumerian creation myth.

Dilmun was described in the saga of Enki and Ninhursag as pre-existing in paradisiacal state, where predators don't kill, pain and diseases are absent, and people don't get old.

Dilmun was an important trading centre. At the height of its power, it controlled the Persian Gulf trading routes. According to some modern theories, the Sumerians regarded Dilmun as a sacred place, but that is never stated in any known ancient text. Dilmun was mentioned by the Mesopotamians as a trade partner, a source of copper, and a trade entrepôt.

The Sumerian tale of the garden paradise of Dilmun may have been an inspiration for the Garden of Eden story.

One of the layers of Genesis is the revelation of the false prophet deemed serpent in the story. Even Christian Preachers state this is what the serpent represents.
Read Genesis again, there's a story within the story there if you know standard meaning of Hebrew words and representations of the bride of man.
Adam (word meaning =man) had taken a bride Eve (the church because it's not his first wife which was Lilian-Israel's Temple Congregation)
Remember G0d created Lilith with Adam but Eve came out of Adams (man’s) rib-[thus man begot the church]The Serpent (false prophet Jesus) offers a forbidden fruit (teachings) referred to as an apple (a Paul)to Eve (the church) and Eve (the Church) convinces Adam (man) to partake of that forbidden fruit. In doing so brought those thousands of wars and Millions of murders for G0d said we surely would die in partaking of that forbidden fruit in the center of the garden of Eden and so WE DID.
*note the location of that Garden through mention of the crossing rivers is shown to be ancient Iran (Persia) in which Mithraism was born and Jesus is but a plagiarism to that same character and it's teachings of mystical luciferous light.

As you see the Vatican doing today in trying to unite the faiths, this has already occurred in the formation of the Christian religion which converged the many messianic cult figures with the mythical deities and gentile christ figures creating one image which represented all the cultures and faiths of that time.
Although it seems like a great and holy thing to unite all peoples and cultures to one unified faith as Rome thought to do under their political authority, it can not be done by mixing the good ideology with bad doctrines, as the knowledge that is good and truthful should not be mixing with the knowledge that is evil and or false. No more could you mix the truth with the lie and have good come from it then if you mixed spiritual water with Bull chips and expected pure holy water, because all you’d actually get is toilet water.
Never can you mix mud with water and expect water to be the end product, therefore you can’t expect to mix the mystery cults and pagan beliefs and practices to come up with anything righteous or of Light (knowledge and truth).
In Genesis 2:15-17 it warned about this tree of knowledge of good and evil in the center of the garden. Where was this located according to the prior verses in Genesis 2:10-14?
It was where the 4 rivers of paradise met and converged which symbolises the flow of the spiritual waters converging to the cross as in converging the many spiritual beliefs which origin comes from that garden
(in ancient Persia).
So we are not to partake of this one world religion even if it’s mans goal to unite it must be done in understanding truth and not in converging and mixing good with evil, truth with lies and myths.

So how can we unite under the truth?
When Moshiach comes the veil will be removed (Isaiah 25:7) and all will understand how things are and according to Isaiah 66 regarding the Temple procession, especially 66:19 the gentiles will finally see the face of G-d, meaning they have not yet known G-d.

That's why the NT says it is they who will grab the garb of a Jew asking them to teach them about their spiritual ways and knowledge, not the other way around.
This is why evangelists and pastors are asking assistance from Rabbis, you see this on TV even, but never do you see Rabbis asking priests to teach them how to get away with breaking all the commands or how to carve idols.
Another "antichrist" message? Strange is it not.............the message found in the collection of books called the Holy Bible is the best selling literature in human history, even today there are some 100 million copies sold every year. The evidence of its truth? The proof of the soup is in its taste.........a religion that began over 2000 years with the son of a carpenter and 12 close friends has grown, as PROMISED to father Abraham.............into a nation of believers that takes up over 1/3 the world's population.

:boohoo:There is no antichrist message that can stop this everlasting kingdom from existing..........just as promised by God.

The real question here............in propagating an antichrist message, just who is your father? :dev3: Take a look at the Koran........how does that soup taste, how many promises of world conquest have come true? We are to believe in a collection of writings that fail every time placed to the test of truth? The same for any number of antichrist ideologies around the world...........none can stand up to the truth as do the Holy Scriptures. For over 3500 years the Holy Scriptures have remained "Unbroken".
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