The Buoyancy of Psychopaths & the Genesis of the Great Asian War

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
PrintMarch 12, 20247 comments

The Buoyancy of Psychopaths & the Genesis of the Great Asian War​

Fred Reed

On the eve of the Great Asian War against China, in a rousing speech Biden assured the American people that the war was necessary because China was the most dangerous country in Latin America and didnā€™t have American values. The Wall Street Journal pointed out that the United States had the most advanced, lethal, best-trained, hypergalactic, and indomitable military the world had ever seen, and the fact that it could not defeat annoyed goatherders with rifles had no bearing on the matter since the Chinese didnā€™t have goats.

Washington was astonished when the Russian fleet showed up in support of China. It hadnā€™t thought of this. Nor had it occurred to anyone in the Federal Bubble that if America fired on a Russian ship, America would be in a war with Russia. Not a proxy war. Not a regional war. Not a limited war. A war. Everywhere.
This didnā€™t worry anyone, because Washington knew that America had the best-trained, best-armed, most advanced, and most hypergalactic military in the universe. All recent military history supported this understanding, unless you had read it, which nobody had. Further, the New York Times demonstrated that the Russians, then occupying Kiev, were badly trained, poorly equipped, suffered from poor morale, and wanted to overthrow their government as well as divide Russia into five countries under Washingtonā€™s control. The Times was famously independent of government, so no further investigation was thought necessary.

Send the fucking trannie fags and fat brown women to fight
PrintMarch 12, 20247 comments

The Buoyancy of Psychopaths & the Genesis of the Great Asian War​

Fred Reed

On the eve of the Great Asian War against China, in a rousing speech Biden assured the American people that the war was necessary because China was the most dangerous country in Latin America and didnā€™t have American values. The Wall Street Journal pointed out that the United States had the most advanced, lethal, best-trained, hypergalactic, and indomitable military the world had ever seen, and the fact that it could not defeat annoyed goatherders with rifles had no bearing on the matter since the Chinese didnā€™t have goats.

Washington was astonished when the Russian fleet showed up in support of China. It hadnā€™t thought of this. Nor had it occurred to anyone in the Federal Bubble that if America fired on a Russian ship, America would be in a war with Russia. Not a proxy war. Not a regional war. Not a limited war. A war. Everywhere.
This didnā€™t worry anyone, because Washington knew that America had the best-trained, best-armed, most advanced, and most hypergalactic military in the universe. All recent military history supported this understanding, unless you had read it, which nobody had. Further, the New York Times demonstrated that the Russians, then occupying Kiev, were badly trained, poorly equipped, suffered from poor morale, and wanted to overthrow their government as well as divide Russia into five countries under Washingtonā€™s control. The Times was famously independent of government, so no further investigation was thought necessary.

Send the fucking trannie fags and fat brown women to fight
a speculative account. the grain of truth is that the us military is probably the most expensive tail to tooth operation in history, war is so necessary to our economy that we arm and train our enemies so that it will continue.
Pacifists and isolationists who think having a weak military is good for peace are mistaken

Biden invites war by making the US military weak

China and russia are bullies who are triggered by weakness
Pacifists and isolationists who think having a weak military is good for peace are mistaken

Biden invites war by making the US military weak

China and russia are bullies who are triggered by weakness
You don't have to be isolationist...
And that's a cop out for this sorry excuse for this sorry ass empire

I always thought after WW2 the military could of been shrunk and stayed small lean and ready to rumble ..

Before WW2 we had the 14th largest military in the world along with a gigantic economy
The American people were bamboozled by the MIC and intelligence agencies

Yeah yeah I know but the commie Russians
they were really no match for decades. See bamboozled ....I don't know
You don't have to be isolationist...
And that's a cop out for this sorry excuse for this sorry ass empire

I always thought after WW2 the military could of been shrunk and stayed small lean and ready to rumble ..

Before WW2 we had the 14th largest military in the world along with a gigantic economy
The American people were bamboozled by the MIC and intelligence agencies

Yeah yeah I know but the commie Russians
they were really no match for decades. See bamboozled ....I don't know
Before WW2 we had the 14th largest military in the world along with a gigantic economy

And then what happened?

Was FDR a war monger or reckless interventionist?

After WWII the US shrunk our military and the communists invaded South Korea

A strong military is the best deterrence against war
Before WW2 we had the 14th largest military in the world along with a gigantic economy

And then what happened?

Was FDR a war monger or reckless interventionist?

After WWII the US shrunk our military and the communists invaded South Korea

A strong military is the best deterrence against war

Who knows it would of probably ended up entirely communist and failed nam who has made great strides the last couple decades

Vietnam we shouldn't of bothered with by picking up were the frogs left off
That could of went a different way also if we supported ho when he came to Washington DC
Unnecessary horrendous misguided meddling for both

No need for the empire

Who knows it would of probably ended up entirely communist and failed nam who has made great strides the last couple decades

Vietnam we shouldn't of bothered with by picking up were the frogs left off
That could of went a different way also if we supported ho when he came to Washington DC
Unnecessary horrendous misguided meddling for both

No need for the empire
It was widely assumed that Ho was a world communism flunky in the mold of Kim in North Korea

But in fact he was a true nationalist independent more like Tito in Yugoslavia

But we didnt know

Anyway human nature doesent change

Nations such as russia or red china prey on weakness and only a strong military deters them
It was widely assumed that Ho was a world communism flunky in the mold of Kim in North Korea

But in fact he was a true nationalist independent more like Tito in Yugoslavia

But we didnt know

Anyway human nature doesent change

Nations such as russia or red china prey on weakness and only a strong military deters them
I said we should maintain a strong leaner military able to hit hard empire many bases around the planet ?

The founding fathers warned against empire ...
I said we should maintain a strong leaner military able to hit hard empire many bases around the planet ?

The founding fathers warned against empire ...
I dont know how many

But enough to maintain stability

As long as we are the world superpower that will be our responsibility
What territory is ours to give up ? None of it except the Continental FUsA, Hawaiian islands Alaska and our little smattering of assorted Caribbean and Pacific island territories one's giving those up ..

Korea ...Germany ...not ours


We were gonna also take Antarctica but the lizzid people threw us out

Admiral Byrd knew
The South Koreans might see it differently

If not for the United States they would be slaving under a hereditary communist dictatorship today
Decades of American meddling has brought us to this current shitshow that was never really meant to be.
Never should of been...

How's Ukraine goin
You have not answered my point about S Korea yet
I kind of did with Vietnam and Korea is not ours
Chips still would of been made elsewhere ... preferably here but that's another issue

Like Ukraine

Like the mocking commentary I posted which is really the topic of his most excellent piece..which bout today ?...gonna defend Taiwan and south Korea simultaneously..

Debt star Empire could be in a tight spot ...round the planet...
The past has lead us here

The founders They warned us
I kind of did with Vietnam and Korea is not ours
Chips still would of been made elsewhere ... preferably here but that's another issue

Like Ukraine

Like the mocking commentary I posted which is really the topic of his most excellent piece..which bout today ?...gonna defend Taiwan and south Korea simultaneously..

Debt star Empire could be in a tight spot ...round the planet...
The past has lead us here

The founders They warned us
Vietnam is arguable as to what would have happened if the US had not intervened after the French left

It would have been pretty bad for any Vietnamese who was not a devoted communist

Nor do we know if the Domino Theory was correct or not

Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore and even the Philippines might have been the next targets of communist expansion

But there is no question that the war in Korea was worth everything it cost in lives and money

Pro America South Korea is a paradise compared to the hereditary communist dictatorship / insane asylum in North Korea
Vietnam is arguable as to what would have happened if the US had not intervened after the French left

It would have been pretty bad for any Vietnamese who was not a devoted communist

Nor do we know if the Domino Theory was correct or not

Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore and even the Philippines might have been the next targets of communist expansion

But there is no question that the war in Korea was worth everything it cost in lives and money

Pro America South Korea is a paradise compared to the hereditary communist dictatorship / insane asylum in North Korea
Well since we're stuck on history ... absolutely south Korea would of been over run .no doubt
If thing were different then who knows how long the hermit kingdom would of stood

Dominoe theory unfortunately we'll never really know for sure ...but I have a feeling the founders were onto to something

Put three Koreans together in Queens and they start a church :p

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