The Men Behind The War On Women


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Laura Bassett

A group of men with no real background in law or medicine, but blessed with a strong personal interest in women’s bodies, have quietly influenced all of the major anti-abortion legislation over the past several years. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops may be one of the quietest, yet most powerful lobbies on Capitol Hill, with political allies that have enabled them to roll back decades of law and precedent.

Over the past two years the GOP-controlled House of Representatives has launched one of the most extreme assaults on women's choice the U.S. has seen in decades. Republicans voted twice to slash federal family planning funds for low-income women, moved to prevent women from using their own money to buy insurance plans that cover abortion, introduced legislation that would force women to have ultrasounds before receiving an abortion and, most recently, passed a bill that will allow hospitals to refuse to perform emergency abortions for women with life-threatening pregnancy complications.

But the erosion of women's rights didn't begin with the GOP takeover. President Barack Obama's health care reform law contained some of the most restrictive abortion language seen in decades.

Lift the curtain, and behind the assault was the conference of bishops.

Video & Much More: The Men Behind The War On Women
Abortions increase a woman's chance of breast and cervical cancer:
Abortion, Miscarriage, and Breast Cancer Risk - National Cancer Institute

Doesn't seem like the smartest thing you could to do to yourself.

I'm glad my Mom didn't exercise her "reproductive rights" and have me killed. Because now she'd be divorced from my Dad AND be all alone.


About what her son might have grown up to be.
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LOL, reproductive rights??

So, having a ABORTION is reproductive? and what RIGHTS did the unborn child have?
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Abortions increase a woman's chance of breast and cervical cancer:
Abortion, Miscarriage, and Breast Cancer Risk - National Cancer Institute

Doesn't seem like the smartest thing you could to do to yourself.

I'm glad my Mom didn't exercise her "reproductive rights" and have me killed. Because now she'd be divorced from my Dad AND be all alone.


About what her son might have grown up to be.

Didn't you bother to read the link you posted? Cervical wasn't even mentioned.

The newer studies consistently showed no association between induced and spontaneous abortions and breast cancer risk.

Abortion, Miscarriage, and Breast Cancer Risk - National Cancer Institute
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I'm a guy, but I find the assault on female reproductive rights very troubling.

Course you do. If women dont kill their children, then you might have to take responsibility for yourself.

My reproductive years are over. Why do you righties always try to make things personal? This thread is about the political assault on female reproductive rights. Either you agree or disagree.
I'm a guy, but I find the assault on female reproductive rights very troubling.

Course you do. If women dont kill their children, then you might have to take responsibility for yourself.

My reproductive years are over. Why do you righties always try to make things personal? This thread is about the political assault on female reproductive rights. Either you agree or disagree.

For one thing it's from the Hufferpost and thinkprogress. so I don't BELIEVE a damn thing they say.
I'm a guy, but I find the assault on female reproductive rights very troubling.

Course you do. If women dont kill their children, then you might have to take responsibility for yourself.

My reproductive years are over. Why do you righties always try to make things personal? This thread is about the political assault on female reproductive rights. Either you agree or disagree.

Memo: abortion is a personal issue. Personal, as in the rights of the aborted.
I'm a guy, but I find the assault on female reproductive rights very troubling.

Course you do. If women dont kill their children, then you might have to take responsibility for yourself.

My reproductive years are over. Why do you righties always try to make things personal? This thread is about the political assault on female reproductive rights. Either you agree or disagree.

Killing a baby is OK with you lefties I see.... why do ya'll hate babies so much?

Good thing your mommy loved you enough to let you be birthed. To bad for all of us though :doubt:
I'm a guy, but I find the assault on female reproductive rights very troubling.

Course you do. If women dont kill their children, then you might have to take responsibility for yourself.

My reproductive years are over. Why do you righties always try to make things personal? This thread is about the political assault on female reproductive rights. Either you agree or disagree.

Because politics is personal.
Ever see a partial birth abortion? Full term babies are turned in the womb to cause a breach birth where most of the the head remains in the birth canal while the baby is stabbed in the back of the head and it's brain sucked out until the skull collapses and the tiny faces look like shrunken apples. If the killer slips and the baby's head comes out of the birth canal it would be manslaughter to kill the child. That's how the libs have it worked out. Some abortionists don't care. The depraved money hungry killers stabbed living babies to death as they laid helpless on the table. How's that for a way to make a living? Don't want to think about it. Neither did the German people during the Holocaust.The world is upside down in the liberal mind. Saving babies means war on women in their shrunken minds.
By Laura Bassett

A group of men with no real background in law or medicine, but blessed with a strong personal interest in women’s bodies, have quietly influenced all of the major anti-abortion legislation over the past several years. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops may be one of the quietest, yet most powerful lobbies on Capitol Hill, with political allies that have enabled them to roll back decades of law and precedent.

Over the past two years the GOP-controlled House of Representatives has launched one of the most extreme assaults on women's choice the U.S. has seen in decades. Republicans voted twice to slash federal family planning funds for low-income women, moved to prevent women from using their own money to buy insurance plans that cover abortion, introduced legislation that would force women to have ultrasounds before receiving an abortion and, most recently, passed a bill that will allow hospitals to refuse to perform emergency abortions for women with life-threatening pregnancy complications.

But the erosion of women's rights didn't begin with the GOP takeover. President Barack Obama's health care reform law contained some of the most restrictive abortion language seen in decades.

Lift the curtain, and behind the assault was the conference of bishops.

Video & Much More: The Men Behind The War On Women

Not seeing the problem. Show me where in the Constitution the government should be paying for abortion.

And why should hospitals be required to perform abortions if they don't want to?

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