Dedicated to Greece and socialist everywhere

Has nothing to do with socialism. More like the corrupt oligarchy left over from Nixon supported DICTATORSHIP, and Lehman Bros. Pub advice on toxic assets...not reported on the Pub Dupe channel?
Has nothing to do with socialism. More like the corrupt oligarchy left over from Nixon supported DICTATORSHIP, and Lehman Bros. Pub advice on toxic assets...not reported on the Pub Dupe channel?

It's a socialist country or didn't you know that?
my you tube buddy Reggie

[ame=]GLOBAL MARKETS PLUNGE: MF Global Implodes! Greece Near Default! - YouTube[/ame]
Has nothing to do with socialism. More like the corrupt oligarchy left over from Nixon supported DICTATORSHIP, and Lehman Bros. Pub advice on toxic assets...not reported on the Pub Dupe channel?

You Retarded Liberal. What is going on in Greece has absolutely Nothing to do with Nixon, or Lehman Brothers, and Everything to do with Socialism, Entitlements, and the Failed EU experiment.
Sweden the best economy around, is also socialist.

Sweden is also a tiny Country of less than 4 Million, the Vast Majority of which live in the large Cities, Sweden is also Rich in natural Resources.

You can not recreate Sweden on the scale of something like the US. Countries all across Europe, All of which are very Socialist Democracies, with Large Entitlement Programs, are having serious Debt Problems, and you point to a tiny Country like Sweden that is doing ok and say look see it works.

I mean dude, get a clue.
dumbazzes- makes NO difference.Tell me the name of the Greek PM, and where he came from. Google something, I'm not your mother, dupes.

[ame=]Wake Up From Your Trance - YouTube[/ame]
The Greeks don't pay their taxes.

They are the European Tea Party.
Has nothing to do with socialism. More like the corrupt oligarchy left over from Nixon supported DICTATORSHIP, and Lehman Bros. Pub advice on toxic assets...not reported on the Pub Dupe channel?



It's all America and Nixon's fault? With a side dish of Lehman Bros. thrown in?

This is what the Liberal Democrats want to turn America towards.

Gridlock is far better imo.

The Greeks don't pay their taxes.

They are the European Tea Party.

OWS Parties....
^^ Obsessed...
Corrupt as it was, Greece would have been fine without GWB, Wall St. Pubs- the usual suspects. They fucked the US housing market so bad, far from over and far from limited to here. Xenophic dittoheads don't get the picture.....and now paralyzing the recovery to get back power. Too obvious except to brainwashed ignorami.

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