The Koch brothers are planning your future this weekend


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Washington (CNN) - This weekend, at a posh resort near Palm Springs, California, two billionaire corporate titans will convene a semi-annual meeting of a politically well-connected set. It will include wealthy donors and powerful Republicans, including House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

At David and Charles Koch's meeting, attendees will discuss items like how best to promote free markets and how to help elect conservatives. Donors are expected to be asked to donate to conservative causes.

It will be conducted virtually in secret, with no press or public allowed and many attendees keeping event details on the hush.

That's fueled criticism that this gathering is a sort of secret cabal - a "Billionaires Caucus," critics say. Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary in the Clinton administration, even said that the Koch brothers' meeting represents "a threat to our democracy."

TRENDING: ‘Secret’ weekend meeting fires up debate over $$$, politics & influence – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Talk about tin-foil head crazy conspiracies and bad timing. The (anti-semitic) left alleges that the NY based philanthropists "Koch Brothers" are conspiring to take over the Country while crazy internet messages are promoting rallies in several major cities in support of the riots in Egypt.
China has been planning our future for about 100 years. They've almost got enough power to act on it.
Washington (CNN) - This weekend, at a posh resort near Palm Springs, California, two billionaire corporate titans will convene a semi-annual meeting of a politically well-connected set. It will include wealthy donors and powerful Republicans, including House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

At David and Charles Koch's meeting, attendees will discuss items like how best to promote free markets and how to help elect conservatives. Donors are expected to be asked to donate to conservative causes.

It will be conducted virtually in secret, with no press or public allowed and many attendees keeping event details on the hush.

That's fueled criticism that this gathering is a sort of secret cabal - a "Billionaires Caucus," critics say. Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary in the Clinton administration, even said that the Koch brothers' meeting represents "a threat to our democracy."

TRENDING: ‘Secret’ weekend meeting fires up debate over $$$, politics & influence – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs a bunch of rich Conservatives are getting together to plot how they are going to take over the you get this scared when a bunch of rich Liberals get together and discuss the same shit?....
Here's how hair-brained hypocritical the left can be at times- I worked for a small energy company about 20 years ago. NPR was broadcasting "The Prize" by Dan Yergin so we thought we'd help sponsor the local broadcasts.

I called them up with our offer and was told "no- you can't do that. We think it would be a conflict of interest".

I said ok- can you send me a listing of the sponsors for the national broadcast?

I get the list in the mail - there is Koch Industries. So I call the local station back and politely remind them just who it is that's sponsoring NPR. All of a sudden they were glad to take my money.

If it's so 'secret', how come CNN are reporting it? Anyone see the flaw in this assertion?


as if no rich liberal billionaires ever get together and discuss the future of this country or the entire dare rich people have an opinion!

gheyest thread ever

well its started by Chrissey.....nuff said......
Nobody plans my future, other than one person. I'm getting ready to go look at him.........while I brush my teeth....... and head out to make sure the cattle get into the lecheria.
Fuck these Nazi's and especially the **** Bruddahz.
Gee I wonder what horrors they are coming up with?

Will they finally unleash the Kraken?
Sick the Sith lords on us?
Unleash the hounds?


even more terrible

Try to conceive a way to expand their businesses to hire people on.

Oh the horror of it all!!!
Nobody plans my future, other than one person. I'm getting ready to go look at him.........while I brush my teeth....... and head out to make sure the cattle get into the lecheria.
Fuck these Nazi's and especially the **** Bruddahz.

dont forget to pick up the shit.....your rent is due.....
If anything, this thread proves that the wingnuts LOVE to be led around. That's why the wingnuts are the only teabags that can be used over and over
Washington (CNN) - This weekend, at a posh resort near Palm Springs, California, two billionaire corporate titans will convene a semi-annual meeting of a politically well-connected set. It will include wealthy donors and powerful Republicans, including House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

At David and Charles Koch's meeting, attendees will discuss items like how best to promote free markets and how to help elect conservatives. Donors are expected to be asked to donate to conservative causes.

It will be conducted virtually in secret, with no press or public allowed and many attendees keeping event details on the hush.

That's fueled criticism that this gathering is a sort of secret cabal - a "Billionaires Caucus," critics say. Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary in the Clinton administration, even said that the Koch brothers' meeting represents "a threat to our democracy."

TRENDING: ‘Secret’ weekend meeting fires up debate over $$$, politics & influence – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Secret folks....DON"T YOU TELL ANYONE! :eusa_shhh:

Talk about tin-foil head crazy conspiracies and bad timing. The (anti-semitic) left alleges that the NY based philanthropists "Koch Brothers" are conspiring to take over the Country while crazy internet messages are promoting rallies in several major cities in support of the riots in Egypt.

You're new here so I'll be polite. The Koch Brothers are the antitheisis of philanthropists; anyone who suggests differently is a liar.

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