The Israel Test


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
I think this short video sums up things very well. Forget where the Palestinians should live, and/or whether they need a state of their own (I think they should have one); but this exposes a truth that the neighboring countries cannot deny:

Do you pass the test? I do. Just one tiny example. I have used drip irrigation extensively when I lived in the American SW. And it works well. Where was it invented? If you know that, you might almost pass the test.
"The first formal development of drip irrigation supplies began around 1866 in Afghanistan, where they tested drip irrigation and drainage systems by using various types of clay pipe. A researcher at Colorado State University, Mr. E.B. House, began applying subsurface water directly to the root zone in 1913. "

History of Drip Irrigation Irrigation Direct
I think that little clip is a an oversimplification. Israel is no different than any other Western country in that a small percentage of the population controls most of the wealth. Many middle class Israelis would qualify for food stamps in the US, and the plight of families with disabled children in need special care was one of the triggers for huge demonstrations in Israel a few years ago, regarding the nonexistent state of income distribution. Israel spends vast fortunes on defense but scrimps on basic social services that should be a given in a country so well-educated and driven economically. To lump all of the Middle East's ethnic hostilities into the basket of "envy" is stupid. So many Arabs are capable of suicide because they're "envious" of Jews? That doesn't work for me. It goes deeper than that.
"The first formal development of drip irrigation supplies began around 1866 in Afghanistan, where they tested drip irrigation and drainage systems by using various types of clay pipe. A researcher at Colorado State University, Mr. E.B. House, began applying subsurface water directly to the root zone in 1913. "

History of Drip Irrigation Irrigation Direct

Monti, I would expect nothing else from you than to focus on one tiny part of my thread OP and then post incomplete info about it, i.e. lies.

Let's get real about drip. It has been around for centuries:

Drip irrigation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But to bring that tiny portion of my post back to where it started, lets look at this from my link:

Usage of a plastic emitter in drip irrigation was developed in Israel by Simcha Blass and his son Yeshayahu.[5]

So you can take your Israeli hating and shove it up your fucking ass!
I think that little clip is a an oversimplification. Israel is no different than any other Western country in that a small percentage of the population controls most of the wealth. Many middle class Israelis would qualify for food stamps in the US, and the plight of families with disabled children in need special care was one of the triggers for huge demonstrations in Israel a few years ago, regarding the nonexistent state of income distribution. Israel spends vast fortunes on defense but scrimps on basic social services that should be a given in a country so well-educated and driven economically. To lump all of the Middle East's ethnic hostilities into the basket of "envy" is stupid. So many Arabs are capable of suicide because they're "envious" of Jews? That doesn't work for me. It goes deeper than that.

So basically, what you're saying is that you fail the fucking test.

I think this short video sums up things very well. Forget where the Palestinians should live, and/or whether they need a state of their own (I think they should have one); but this exposes a truth that the neighboring countries cannot deny:

Do you pass the test? I do. Just one tiny example. I have used drip irrigation extensively when I lived in the American SW. And it works well. Where was it invented? If you know that, you might almost pass the test.

I knew about drip irrigation, and the desalinization plants, as well as the science developments.
I was unaware of the industrial expansion though.

By the by , who the hell designed the israeli and palestinian zones ?
A simple line splitting the country north and south would have made much more sense.
"The first formal development of drip irrigation supplies began around 1866 in Afghanistan, where they tested drip irrigation and drainage systems by using various types of clay pipe. A researcher at Colorado State University, Mr. E.B. House, began applying subsurface water directly to the root zone in 1913. "

History of Drip Irrigation Irrigation Direct
Actually Monte,and by the way thanks for your post,I think you will find that the Persians had drip systems throughout their Empire moreover the Chinese had these irrigation systems a thousand years ago.just sayin steve
I think this short video sums up things very well. Forget where the Palestinians should live, and/or whether they need a state of their own (I think they should have one); but this exposes a truth that the neighboring countries cannot deny:

Do you pass the test? I do. Just one tiny example. I have used drip irrigation extensively when I lived in the American SW. And it works well. Where was it invented? If you know that, you might almost pass the test.
I think this short video sums up things very well. Forget where the Palestinians should live, and/or whether they need a state of their own (I think they should have one); but this exposes a truth that the neighboring countries cannot deny:

Do you pass the test? I do. Just one tiny example. I have used drip irrigation extensively when I lived in the American SW. And it works well. Where was it invented? If you know that, you might almost pass the test.

I knew about drip irrigation, and the desalinization plants, as well as the science developments.
I was unaware of the industrial expansion though.

By the by , who the hell designed the israeli and palestinian zones ?
A simple line splitting the country north and south would have made much more sense.

the topography, placements of towns and where the fighting with jordan on the east, egypt on the west and syria on the north stopped.

Drawing a straight line does not work Ground is not flat.

Palestinians want it all. Jews are not giving up their kotel again.
Drawing a straight line does not work Ground is not flat.
If you look at the border between the US and Canada , there's a straight line which goes from Vancouver to Lake of the Woods , Rocky Mountains notwithstanding.

The current arrangement is a receipe for disaster half of the country is in the east and the other is in the west narrowing Israel to a very narrow strip near Tel Aviv.

They do remind me a couple who hates each other making love in a dead embrace.
I think this short video sums up things very well. Forget where the Palestinians should live, and/or whether they need a state of their own (I think they should have one); but this exposes a truth that the neighboring countries cannot deny:

Do you pass the test? I do. Just one tiny example. I have used drip irrigation extensively when I lived in the American SW. And it works well. Where was it invented? If you know that, you might almost pass the test.

I don't admire Israel and I don't envy them.

So where does that put me?
I think that little clip is a an oversimplification. Israel is no different than any other Western country in that a small percentage of the population controls most of the wealth. Many middle class Israelis would qualify for food stamps in the US, and the plight of families with disabled children in need special care was one of the triggers for huge demonstrations in Israel a few years ago, regarding the nonexistent state of income distribution. Israel spends vast fortunes on defense but scrimps on basic social services that should be a given in a country so well-educated and driven economically. To lump all of the Middle East's ethnic hostilities into the basket of "envy" is stupid. So many Arabs are capable of suicide because they're "envious" of Jews? That doesn't work for me. It goes deeper than that.
Despite few points you made which are inaccurate I do agree that in some ways Israel failed in the social-economic part, it is the changing prioritize of each election that cause all of these issues as it does elsewhere around the world, but keep in mind the challenging reality it is quite a fair achievement for Israel - if you 'accept' the test or not it is the changing reality and challenges that measure success.
"The first formal development of drip irrigation supplies began around 1866 in Afghanistan, where they tested drip irrigation and drainage systems by using various types of clay pipe. A researcher at Colorado State University, Mr. E.B. House, began applying subsurface water directly to the root zone in 1913. "

History of Drip Irrigation Irrigation Direct

Monti, I would expect nothing else from you than to focus on one tiny part of my thread OP and then post incomplete info about it, i.e. lies.

Let's get real about drip. It has been around for centuries:

Drip irrigation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But to bring that tiny portion of my post back to where it started, lets look at this from my link:

Usage of a plastic emitter in drip irrigation was developed in Israel by Simcha Blass and his son Yeshayahu.[5]

So you can take your Israeli hating and shove it up your fucking ass!

There is nothing "Israeli hating" about pointing out facts as opposed to propaganda. All you do is post pro-Israel propaganda. Your link is just pro-Israeli propaganda.
I think this short video sums up things very well. Forget where the Palestinians should live, and/or whether they need a state of their own (I think they should have one); but this exposes a truth that the neighboring countries cannot deny:

Do you pass the test? I do. Just one tiny example. I have used drip irrigation extensively when I lived in the American SW. And it works well. Where was it invented? If you know that, you might almost pass the test.

I don't really buy this successfull country theory.

I think it has more to do with religion and with the fact that both Israeilis and Palestinians want to have their own countries with equal access to resources ( sea access might be on top of the list ).

I actually like more the explanation from Crash Course. It makes a lot more sense

I think this short video sums up things very well. Forget where the Palestinians should live, and/or whether they need a state of their own (I think they should have one); but this exposes a truth that the neighboring countries cannot deny:

Do you pass the test? I do. Just one tiny example. I have used drip irrigation extensively when I lived in the American SW. And it works well. Where was it invented? If you know that, you might almost pass the test.

I don't really buy this successfull country theory.

I think it has more to do with religion and with the fact that both Israeilis and Palestinians want to have their own countries with equal access to resources ( sea access might be on top of the list ).

I actually like more the explanation from Crash Course. It makes a lot more sense

Crash Course actually focus over the nationalism clash - historically - than religious, in fact I have absolutely no idea what this is all about but it does involve strongly religious differences and nationalism at once.
I think this short video sums up things very well. Forget where the Palestinians should live, and/or whether they need a state of their own (I think they should have one); but this exposes a truth that the neighboring countries cannot deny:

Do you pass the test? I do. Just one tiny example. I have used drip irrigation extensively when I lived in the American SW. And it works well. Where was it invented? If you know that, you might almost pass the test.

I don't admire Israel and I don't envy them.

So where does that put me?

Right in the middle of the fourth reich, or the al quds brigade.
"The first formal development of drip irrigation supplies began around 1866 in Afghanistan, where they tested drip irrigation and drainage systems by using various types of clay pipe. A researcher at Colorado State University, Mr. E.B. House, began applying subsurface water directly to the root zone in 1913. "

History of Drip Irrigation Irrigation Direct

Monti, I would expect nothing else from you than to focus on one tiny part of my thread OP and then post incomplete info about it, i.e. lies.

Let's get real about drip. It has been around for centuries:

Drip irrigation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But to bring that tiny portion of my post back to where it started, lets look at this from my link:

Usage of a plastic emitter in drip irrigation was developed in Israel by Simcha Blass and his son Yeshayahu.[5]

So you can take your Israeli hating and shove it up your fucking ass!

There is nothing "Israeli hating" about pointing out facts as opposed to propaganda. All you do is post pro-Israel propaganda. Your link is just pro-Israeli propaganda.

And this post is a clear indication of your Israel Hatred...............

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