The hottest July on record Global Warming News, Science, Myths, Articles

It should be noted, however, according to the UCAR News story, the readings, collected at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center, undergo a quality control process at the data center that looks for such potential problems as missing data as well as inconsistent readings caused by changes in thermometers, station locations, or other factors.

"If the climate weren't changing, you would expect the number of temperature records to diminish significantly over time," says Claudia Tebaldi, a statistician with Climate Central who is one of the paper's co-authors. "As you measure the high and low daily temperatures each year, it normally becomes more difficult to break a record after a number of years. But as the average temperatures continue to rise this century, we will keep setting more record highs." Global Warming News, Science, Myths, Articles

It should be noted, however, according to the UCAR News story, the readings, collected at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center, undergo a quality control process at the data center that looks for such potential problems as missing data as well as inconsistent readings caused by changes in thermometers, station locations, or other factors.

"If the climate weren't changing, you would expect the number of temperature records to diminish significantly over time," says Claudia Tebaldi, a statistician with Climate Central who is one of the paper's co-authors. "As you measure the high and low daily temperatures each year, it normally becomes more difficult to break a record after a number of years. But as the average temperatures continue to rise this century, we will keep setting more record highs."
the climate is ALWAYS changing

get back to me when you have something more significant
No month in Washington's official weather history was ever hotter than the month just past.

Many Washington residents suspected that. But on Monday, the National Weather Service confirmed it.

The average temperature of July 2010 was 83.1 degrees. In all the years since 1871 in which the weather service has kept records for Washington, no month has ever had an average temperature higher than that.
send a little of that up here
its 63° right now and it was only 51° here last night
yep, let's just extrapolate one small portion of landmass to be indicative to the entire world.

This is yet one of the reasons why warmists have no credibility.
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No month in Washington's official weather history was ever hotter than the month just past.

Many Washington residents suspected that. But on Monday, the National Weather Service confirmed it.

The average temperature of July 2010 was 83.1 degrees. In all the years since 1871 in which the weather service has kept records for Washington, no month has ever had an average temperature higher than that.
send a little of that up here
its 63° right now and it was only 51° here last night
yep, let's just extrapolate one small portion of landmass to be indicative to the entire world.

This is yet one of the reasons why warmists have no credibility.
the problem i see is they want to take 30, 40, hell even 300 years of data and extrapolate that out as if it covers the 4.5 BILLION years the earth has existed
1. A new all-time high in Asia
Temperatures in Pakistan's ancient city of Mohenjo-daro reached a scorching 129 degrees on June 1, marking the hottest weather ever recorded in Asia, and the fourth highest temperature in history.

2. An unprecedented heat wave in Russia
With smoke from burning peat-bogs clogging the muggy air, the heat in Moscow on Friday broke the "psychological barrier" of 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Record heat in Sudan
While searing weather is common in Sudan, the 121-degree temperature recorded on June 25 in the city of Dongola was the hottest the country has ever seen. The previous record was set in 1987.

4. New all-time highs in the Middle East
U.S. troops in Iraq endured some of the most intense heat of the summer. The mercury hit a blistering 125.6 degrees Fahrenheit in July, the highest temperature ever recorded in the country.

The 2010 heat wave: 5 excruciating climate records - The Week
send a little of that up here
its 63° right now and it was only 51° here last night
yep, let's just extrapolate one small portion of landmass to be indicative to the entire world.

This is yet one of the reasons why warmists have no credibility.
the problem i see is they want to take 30, 40, hell even 300 years of data and extrapolate that out as if it covers the 4.5 BILLION years the earth has existed

but Al Whore said so.
1. A new all-time high in Asia
Temperatures in Pakistan's ancient city of Mohenjo-daro reached a scorching 129 degrees on June 1, marking the hottest weather ever recorded in Asia, and the fourth highest temperature in history.

2. An unprecedented heat wave in Russia
With smoke from burning peat-bogs clogging the muggy air, the heat in Moscow on Friday broke the "psychological barrier" of 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Record heat in Sudan
While searing weather is common in Sudan, the 121-degree temperature recorded on June 25 in the city of Dongola was the hottest the country has ever seen. The previous record was set in 1987.

4. New all-time highs in the Middle East
U.S. troops in Iraq endured some of the most intense heat of the summer. The mercury hit a blistering 125.6 degrees Fahrenheit in July, the highest temperature ever recorded in the country.

The 2010 heat wave: 5 excruciating climate records - The Week
still posting anecdotal BS i see
1. A new all-time high in Asia
Temperatures in Pakistan's ancient city of Mohenjo-daro reached a scorching 129 degrees on June 1, marking the hottest weather ever recorded in Asia, and the fourth highest temperature in history.

2. An unprecedented heat wave in Russia
With smoke from burning peat-bogs clogging the muggy air, the heat in Moscow on Friday broke the "psychological barrier" of 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Record heat in Sudan
While searing weather is common in Sudan, the 121-degree temperature recorded on June 25 in the city of Dongola was the hottest the country has ever seen. The previous record was set in 1987.

4. New all-time highs in the Middle East
U.S. troops in Iraq endured some of the most intense heat of the summer. The mercury hit a blistering 125.6 degrees Fahrenheit in July, the highest temperature ever recorded in the country.

The 2010 heat wave: 5 excruciating climate records - The Week
still posting anecdotal BS i see

It's all he's got. And they're still losing big time! Even the LA Times is moving away from them like the plague.

Climate change: Bare-knuckled politics won't save the planet -
Look here and check the dates on the record highs.
Record Highest Temperatures by State —

Then look here and check the dates on the record lows.
Record Lowest Temperatures by State —

You'll notice that the record lows are more recent than the record highs. It's quite remarkable, really.

I'm sorry, this post was so great I have to quote myself. :clap2:

Before you applaud yourself too much, remember, IT'S THE GASES, STUPID! :cool:
Look here and check the dates on the record highs.
Record Highest Temperatures by State —

Then look here and check the dates on the record lows.
Record Lowest Temperatures by State —

You'll notice that the record lows are more recent than the record highs. It's quite remarkable, really.

I'm sorry, this post was so great I have to quote myself. :clap2:

Before you applaud yourself too much, remember, IT'S THE GASES, STUPID! :cool:
then the OP is a moron for posting all this anecdotal weather, right?
1. A new all-time high in Asia
Temperatures in Pakistan's ancient city of Mohenjo-daro reached a scorching 129 degrees on June 1, marking the hottest weather ever recorded in Asia, and the fourth highest temperature in history.

2. An unprecedented heat wave in Russia
With smoke from burning peat-bogs clogging the muggy air, the heat in Moscow on Friday broke the "psychological barrier" of 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Record heat in Sudan
While searing weather is common in Sudan, the 121-degree temperature recorded on June 25 in the city of Dongola was the hottest the country has ever seen. The previous record was set in 1987.

4. New all-time highs in the Middle East
U.S. troops in Iraq endured some of the most intense heat of the summer. The mercury hit a blistering 125.6 degrees Fahrenheit in July, the highest temperature ever recorded in the country.

The 2010 heat wave: 5 excruciating climate records - The Week

Outright lies. It is not the "highest temperatures in history" for any of these places. Its just the highest as recorded in the last 100 years, which isn't saying much for our planet that is billions of years old. It is scientific fact that our planet was much, MUCH hotter during the Tertiary, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, Carboniferous, Devonian, Silurian, Ordovican, Cambrian, and Precambrian periods.

But, don't let scientific facts stop your doom and gloom political goals. :eusa_whistle:
1. A new all-time high in Asia
Temperatures in Pakistan's ancient city of Mohenjo-daro reached a scorching 129 degrees on June 1, marking the hottest weather ever recorded in Asia, and the fourth highest temperature in history.

2. An unprecedented heat wave in Russia
With smoke from burning peat-bogs clogging the muggy air, the heat in Moscow on Friday broke the "psychological barrier" of 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Record heat in Sudan
While searing weather is common in Sudan, the 121-degree temperature recorded on June 25 in the city of Dongola was the hottest the country has ever seen. The previous record was set in 1987.

4. New all-time highs in the Middle East
U.S. troops in Iraq endured some of the most intense heat of the summer. The mercury hit a blistering 125.6 degrees Fahrenheit in July, the highest temperature ever recorded in the country.

The 2010 heat wave: 5 excruciating climate records - The Week

Outright lies. It is not the "highest temperatures in history" for any of these places. Its just the highest as recorded in the last 100 years, which isn't saying much for our planet that is billions of years old. It is scientific fact that our planet was much, MUCH hotter during the Tertiary, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, Carboniferous, Devonian, Silurian, Ordovican, Cambrian, and Precambrian periods.

But, don't let scientific facts stop your doom and gloom political goals. :eusa_whistle:
oops, there goes that meme of the conservatives dont like science
The East just sweltered through one of its hottest Julys on record, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported Monday. Every state from Maine to Florida endured one its top-10 warmest Julys since records began in 1880. Two states, Delaware and Rhode Island, had their hottest July ever.

Think this summer is hot? Get used to it -
The East just sweltered through one of its hottest Julys on record, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported Monday. Every state from Maine to Florida endured one its top-10 warmest Julys since records began in 1880. Two states, Delaware and Rhode Island, had their hottest July ever.

Think this summer is hot? Get used to it -

And it is so cool in Southern California that fruits and vegetables are having a hard time ripening. So much for that long hot July that NOAA is claiming.

Temperatures continue well below average in Southern California - Whittier Daily News
I am sure it had nothing to do with the Jet Stream maintaining a further North location for a longer period of time than Normal. No I am sure it was all that horrible Carbon stuff.

Stop breathing so much.
114 fucking degrees with 88 percent humidity in arkansas today. I don't care how hot it was in 1400 BC
You guys need to stop the posting of the warm temperatures. It just gives you no arguments when temperatures are lower, which they tend to be turning lately.
Great global warming parody:

[ame=]YouTube - Funny Politics - Global Disastrification (Global Warming Spoof)[/ame]

That about sums it all up for me!

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