The Horowitz Report: Documenting One of the Worst Scandals of our History


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Having read the entire IG Report, it is fair to say that the facts IG Horowitz documents are damning. The biggest scandal that can be inferred from his report is that the FBI continued to investigate the Trump administration after January, 2017, by which time the FBI’s case had collapsed (pp. 241-247) and there was no longer any reasonable ground to suspect that Trump or anyone in his campaign or administration had conspired with Russia. Despite this incontrovertible knowledge, Comey manipulated things to ensure a special counsel and two more years of investigations. Beyond that, the IG documents multiple other instances of fraud and deceit relating to the FISA warrants that the DOJ/FBI obtained against Carter Page.

Some FBI conduct was outright fraud. For example, Kevin Clinesmith doctored an electronic communication from the CIA addressing Carter Page’s relationship with the CIA (p. 252). Another example is that “Case Agent 1” told the attorney drafting the FISA request that Steele’s Primary Sub-Source appeared honest and reliable and that his extensive interview supported the criminal allegations Steele made when, in fact, both statements were outright lies. (pp. 241-247) And yet another fraud occurred when Dana Boente, the Acting Attorney General, signed two FISA re-authorization requests knowing that neither accurately reflected the significant fact that the Clinton campaign had employed Steele (p. 229).

Read the whole thing. What happens next will tell the world if Deep State has total control of our government or not.

The Horowitz Report: Documenting One of the Worst Scandals of our History - Bookworm Room
The FBI is beyond repair. Their credibility is totally gone,
Another once great institution ruin by the Obama administration.
The FBI needs to be dismantled from the top down and rebuilt.
Having read the entire IG Report, it is fair to say that the facts IG Horowitz documents are damning. The biggest scandal that can be inferred from his report is that the FBI continued to investigate the Trump administration after January, 2017, by which time the FBI’s case had collapsed (pp. 241-247) and there was no longer any reasonable ground to suspect that Trump or anyone in his campaign or administration had conspired with Russia. Despite this incontrovertible knowledge, Comey manipulated things to ensure a special counsel and two more years of investigations. Beyond that, the IG documents multiple other instances of fraud and deceit relating to the FISA warrants that the DOJ/FBI obtained against Carter Page.

Some FBI conduct was outright fraud. For example, Kevin Clinesmith doctored an electronic communication from the CIA addressing Carter Page’s relationship with the CIA (p. 252). Another example is that “Case Agent 1” told the attorney drafting the FISA request that Steele’s Primary Sub-Source appeared honest and reliable and that his extensive interview supported the criminal allegations Steele made when, in fact, both statements were outright lies. (pp. 241-247) And yet another fraud occurred when Dana Boente, the Acting Attorney General, signed two FISA re-authorization requests knowing that neither accurately reflected the significant fact that the Clinton campaign had employed Steele (p. 229).

Read the whole thing. What happens next will tell the world if Deep State has total control of our government or not.

The Horowitz Report: Documenting One of the Worst Scandals of our History - Bookworm Room

I don't think we should expect any form of real accountability by way of indictments. Part of the issue is the FBI was allowed to do what they did with the oversight of congress. Much of what was determined by the Horowitz report was already known information but had been ignored by the majority in congress including many republicans who are just now showing outrage.
If even one tenth of this malfeasance had been committed by Republicans, the GOP would join in punishing the perpetrators (e.g., Nixon). Democrats, on the other hand, celebrate this sort of behavior if it benefits them.

Unhinged Democrats should probe FBI.

“The Inspector General’s report — it’s worse than you’ve been told. A few years ago, you would have said that this sort of top-to-bottom corruption, even in the ethical cesspool that is the FBI, was beyond belief. But now it’s all too believable. The FBI has become the secret police of the Democrat party, their KGB, their Stasi.

We’re paying for an American Gestapo to railroad people like us into prison, on behalf of crooked Democrats. . . . Trump is being “impeached” for asking about corruption, while the people who actually were corrupt — a befuddled old hack and his crackhead son — cannot be questioned about their Quid Pro Joe.”​


Democrats are largely in collusion, so were some Republicans, John McCain for example, who was tight as ticks with Lindsey Graham.

Historically, even the Republicans have been no assistance in reigning in these excesses. Mike Lee has long been a loud voice for reform, as is Andrew McCarthy. But, nothing approaching a majority of even Republicans seems to have any real energy on reform.

Our best home is Trump - I doubt the GOP would actively sabotage his efforts at reform. Barr may prove to be Trump's most consequential appointment.

Despite our unimaginable current prosperity, the pampered pukes at the Capital have one overriding grievance, and one grievance only, and they just keep airing it, over and over and over again.

Donald Trump won the 2016 election! No fair, no fair! Mommy, make the bad orange man go away! No fair!

Forget impeaching the president, what should be happening today is the arrest of all the crooked G-men and Deep Staters who started this ongoing coup attempt against Donald Trump.

Given the magnitude of this unprecedented scandal, no wonder the Deep State is pushing this latest phony-baloney Ukraine hoax — Russia Lite. This is Operation Change the Subject. But despite the 24/7 torrent of fake news, the people aren’t buying it. The polls show a lot more Americans want the crooked G-men in prison than the president “impeached.”

The Democrats charge Donald Trump with winning the 2016 election.​

Let’s consider the “sloppiness,” as crooked fed James “Stretch” Comey described their botched frame-up. Think about Hillary Clinton hireling Christopher Steele, and what was in his “dossier.”

Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen went to Prague to meet the Russians. No, he didn’t.

The Russians were running their subversion operation out of the Russian consulate in Miami. There is no Russian consulate in Miami.

Carter Page was offered an $11 billion bribe to get Trump to end the sanctions against Russia. Totally concocted out of thin air by the foreigner on Clinton’s payroll.

The pee tape story — “rumor and speculation … made in jest,” the original source said. But Steele added that he had “confirmed” it with Western staffers at the hotel. Again, totally bogus.

Bottom line: With his penchant for just making hysterically false stuff up, Steele is more qualified to be a metro columnist for The Boston Globe than he is to be overthrowing the U.S. government on behalf of his paymasters, the Clintons.

So Steele, on the Clinton payroll, gets his dossier to the FBI, where Andrew McCabe, later fired for lying under oath to federal investigators, whose wife took $700,000 from Clinton toady Terry McAuliffe in a legislative race, ordered it used in an application for a warrant to wiretap a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy.

Then the FBI caught Hillary’s boy lying (about leaking to Clinton groupies in the media) and fired him, sort of. So as he concocted his new fantasies, Steele passed them on to a hack in the DOJ, Bruce Ohr, whose wife Nellie, by a happy coincidence, also happened to be on the Clinton payroll.

And then Mr. Ohr passed on the Democrats’ latest made-up smears to … Clinton operative McCabe, who handed them off to the FBI’s rabidly anti-Trump adulterers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

And then, when the time came, the dossier was leaked to the aptly named Clinton News Network, CNN, where it was reported on by Jake Tapper, who used to work for Chelsea Clinton’s mother-in-law, and Carl Bernstein, author of a slobbering biography of … Hillary Clinton.

Once the “scandal” broke, it was picked up by all the other Democrat operatives with press passes, like George Stephanopoulos of ABC “News,” who used to work in the Bimbo Eruptions Unit of the Clinton Crime Family back in 1992.

But none of it worked. Not even when another goateed Clinton-worshipping pajama boy in the FBI falsified information from the CIA about Carter Page to keep the spying going — Stretch Comey called it “business.” Obstruction of justice, perjury — that’s business to these crooks.

Monkey business.

It was an attempted coup, and it failed. So now they’re just on to their next fake narrative — the Ukraine. Even the Soviet-born Vindman has admitted there’s nothing in the Trump-Zelenskiy transcript except … the transcript.


The Democrats don’t have a case, so why won’t they just accept the Election result and go back to work for the American People?
the FISA courts may also be headed to oblivion
This is a huge moment in American history whether action is taken or Deep State is in total control.

This is a huge moment in American history- Trump is likely to be impeached today.

Just a reminder- Horowitz found no evidence of your mythical Deep State.

But thanks for the holiday spin!
This is the day voters solidify around Trump for his November victory and impeachment now is meaningless the same thing to everyone as racism, sexism and homophobia thanks to you Leftards.

And of course you think it’s OK for a President to have his cabinet lie to Judges in order to spy on his opponents.

Next 5 years are going to be fun.
Last edited:
the FISA courts may also be headed to oblivion
This is a huge moment in American history whether action is taken or Deep State is in total control.

This is a huge moment in American history- Trump is likely to be impeached today.

Just a reminder- Horowitz found no evidence of your mythical Deep State.

But thanks for the holiday spin!
And thanks for all of your help in getting Trump re-elected.

Trump approval rating on impeachment day hits highest point since March 2017
The US IG reports and FISA Court rebuke confirms the Democrats are a criminal organization that has committed crimes, violated the Constitution, victimized Americans, & endangered our national security all for Party benefit.

the FISA courts may also be headed to oblivion
This is a huge moment in American history whether action is taken or Deep State is in total control.

This is a huge moment in American history- Trump is likely to be impeached today.

Just a reminder- Horowitz found no evidence of your mythical Deep State.

But thanks for the holiday spin!
There’s no Deep State; there’s outright corruption.
The US IG reports and FISA Court rebuke confirms the Democrats are a criminal organization that has committed crimes, violated the Constitution, victimized Americans, & endangered our national security all for Party benefit.


good post crappy sound bite
the FISA courts may also be headed to oblivion
This is a huge moment in American history whether action is taken or Deep State is in total control.

This is a huge moment in American history- Trump is likely to be impeached today.

Just a reminder- Horowitz found no evidence of your mythical Deep State.

But thanks for the holiday spin!
Actually the IG report found that it was most foul that the Corrupt FBI deliberately concealed the fact that Steele was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being the U.S. President.”

The IG report detailed additional information the Corrupt FBI had received that raised “significant questions about the reliability of the Steele election reporting.” The IG also faulted the Corrupt FBI for asserting in the FISA applications that “Steele’s prior reporting had been ‘corroborated and used in criminal proceedings,’” when “his past contributions to the FBI’s criminal program had been ‘minimally corroborated.”

The IG report further noted that Steele’s handling agent noted that “only ‘some’ of Steele’s prior reporting had been corroborated-most of it had not.” Additionally, “Steele’s information was never used in a criminal proceeding.” Accordingly, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz concluded that the Corrupt FBI “created the inaccurate impression in the applications that at least some of Steele’s past reporting had been deemed sufficiently reliable by prosecutors to use in court, and that more of his information had been corroborated than was actually the case.”

That's a lot of lying for an application to spy on a rival Presidential campaign and fellow American Citizen.

IG Report Proves Schiff Has Been Lying About Spygate Since Beginning
The last line of the OP link sums up the situation pretty well, its what I hope as well:
"I had limited expectations for the IG Report, but I will admit, Horowitz did a good a job as possible given his strictures. I have much greater hopes for the Durham investigation."

Here's wishing Durham good hunting!!
Having read the entire IG Report, it is fair to say that the facts IG Horowitz documents are damning. The biggest scandal that can be inferred from his report is that the FBI continued to investigate the Trump administration after January, 2017, by which time the FBI’s case had collapsed (pp. 241-247) and there was no longer any reasonable ground to suspect that Trump or anyone in his campaign or administration had conspired with Russia. Despite this incontrovertible knowledge, Comey manipulated things to ensure a special counsel and two more years of investigations. Beyond that, the IG documents multiple other instances of fraud and deceit relating to the FISA warrants that the DOJ/FBI obtained against Carter Page.

Some FBI conduct was outright fraud. For example, Kevin Clinesmith doctored an electronic communication from the CIA addressing Carter Page’s relationship with the CIA (p. 252). Another example is that “Case Agent 1” told the attorney drafting the FISA request that Steele’s Primary Sub-Source appeared honest and reliable and that his extensive interview supported the criminal allegations Steele made when, in fact, both statements were outright lies. (pp. 241-247) And yet another fraud occurred when Dana Boente, the Acting Attorney General, signed two FISA re-authorization requests knowing that neither accurately reflected the significant fact that the Clinton campaign had employed Steele (p. 229).

Read the whole thing. What happens next will tell the world if Deep State has total control of our government or not.

The Horowitz Report: Documenting One of the Worst Scandals of our History - Bookworm Room

Good post
Having read the entire IG Report, it is fair to say that the facts IG Horowitz documents are damning. The biggest scandal that can be inferred from his report is that the FBI continued to investigate the Trump administration after January, 2017, by which time the FBI’s case had collapsed (pp. 241-247) and there was no longer any reasonable ground to suspect that Trump or anyone in his campaign or administration had conspired with Russia. Despite this incontrovertible knowledge, Comey manipulated things to ensure a special counsel and two more years of investigations. Beyond that, the IG documents multiple other instances of fraud and deceit relating to the FISA warrants that the DOJ/FBI obtained against Carter Page.

Some FBI conduct was outright fraud. For example, Kevin Clinesmith doctored an electronic communication from the CIA addressing Carter Page’s relationship with the CIA (p. 252). Another example is that “Case Agent 1” told the attorney drafting the FISA request that Steele’s Primary Sub-Source appeared honest and reliable and that his extensive interview supported the criminal allegations Steele made when, in fact, both statements were outright lies. (pp. 241-247) And yet another fraud occurred when Dana Boente, the Acting Attorney General, signed two FISA re-authorization requests knowing that neither accurately reflected the significant fact that the Clinton campaign had employed Steele (p. 229).

Read the whole thing. What happens next will tell the world if Deep State has total control of our government or not.

The Horowitz Report: Documenting One of the Worst Scandals of our History - Bookworm Room
Well stated.

Matt Taibbi of the Rolling Stone wrote, "Five Questions Still Remaining After the Release of the Horowitz Report."

1. Who is Joseph Mifsud?

A congressional source last week said, “I don’t see any way the investigation can be aboveboard if Mifsud isn’t a Russian agent.”

Horowitz said all four of the FISA warrant applications for Carter Page relied upon a core probable-cause argument based on the idea that the FBI was conducting a legitimate investigation into Russian election interference.

Horowitz wrote that the “sole predication” for that investigation was a statement former Trump aide George Papadopoulos made to an Australian diplomat named Alexander Downer. Papadopoulos allegedly told Downer that a Maltese academic named Joseph Mifsud told him that Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.

If Mifsud is not a Russian agent, the absurdity factor of all this multiplies: A years-long counterintelligence investigation will have been based on a botched game of telephone between three Westerners of varying degrees of shadiness, with no Russian-intelligence link ever found.

2. Someone is not telling the truth, Vol. 1:

The Horowitz report is not kind to former CIA chief John Brennan.

Brennan in May of 2017 testified before Congress that he was “aware of intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons” that “served as the basis for the FBI investigation.”

Horowitz contradicts this:

We also asked those FBI officials involved . . . whether the FBI received any other information, such as from members of the USIC, that the FBI relied upon to predicate Crossfire Hurricane. All of them told us that there was no such information. . . . We also asked [James] Comey and [Andrew] McCabe about then-CIA Director John Brennan’s statements. . . . Comey told us that while Brennan shared intelligence . . . [he] did not provide any information that predicated or prompted the FBI to open Crossfire Hurricane.

3. Someone is not telling the truth, Vol. 2:

Horowitz on pages 75-76 of his report says former Attorney General Loretta Lynch told his office that “in the spring of 2016, Comey and [former Deputy Director Andrew] McCabe pulled her aside and provided information about Carter Page, which Lynch believed they learned from another member of the Intelligence Community.”

Comey and McCabe both denied this, telling Horowitz they did not remember being told about Carter Page. With regard to Lynch’s recollection of a conversation, Comey said “he did not think it was possible for such conversation to have occurred in the spring of 2016 because the FBI did not receive the [tip from Alexander Downer] concerning Papadopoulos until late July.”

To recap: The attorney general recalled being told about Page by the FBI in the spring of 2016, and believed the information came from another intelligence service. The former head of the CIA testified he gave information to the FBI that was the “basis” for Crossfire Hurricane. Top FBI officials said they didn’t remember any of this, and insisted the investigation began with the Downer tip in July of 2016.

Three different stories, from officials at the CIA, FBI, and Justice Department.

4. To whom does footnote 461 refer?
At the bottom of page 310, Horowitz describes an unusual communication to the FBI by a “former” confidential informant:

[A] former FBI CHS . . . contacted an FBI agent in an FBI field office in late July 2016 to report information from “a colleague who runs an investigative firm . . . hired by two entities (the Democratic National Committee [DNC] as well as another individual . . . [who was] not name[d]) to explore Donald Trump’s longstanding ties to Russian entities.” The former CHS also gave the FBI agent a list of “individuals and entities who have surfaced in [the investigative firm’s] examination,” which the former CHS described as “mostly public source material.”

Horowitz goes on to say McCabe sent word that the FBI agent was not to collect any more information from this source, and should not “accept any information regarding the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

During testimony last week, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley asked Horowitz if the “investigative firm” in this footnote was Fusion-GPS. Horowitz said he’d have to get back to him.

This footnote raised a few eyebrows on the Hill. Among other things, it seems to imply that the “investigative firm” was connected with the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane probe at that early juncture in July of 2016. (Why else would McCabe need to insist on not accepting information regarding Crossfire Hurricane?)

It would be interesting to know who this “former FBI CHS” is, why this person felt a need to reach out to the FBI about his colleague’s firm, and why the FBI shut down this source.

5. Are media corrections forthcoming?

The Horowitz report makes clear that multiple news cycles over the past few years were dominated by reports that were either incorrect or lacking factual foundation.

These included assertions by multiple outlets that the Steele dossier was not central to the FBI’s efforts to secure a warrant on Page; that the FBI found Christopher Steele and his dossier “credible”; that tales of FISA abuse were a conspiracy theory (one of many claims Mother Jones called “bullshit”); that the memo written by Devin Nunes on the subject was wrong and had been “debunked”; that Russians “blocked” Trump from nominating Mitt Romney as secretary of state; that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was in Prague (presumably to meet Russian hackers); that a “pee tape” existed; that Russia’s Alfa Bank and the Trump campaign were communicating via a secret server; that the FISA warrant on Page must have been producing good intelligence in order to be renewed three times; and many other things.

The Washington Post is one of the few outlets to start the process of reassessing its coverage, noting in a fact check that a “fair amount” of the Nunes memo had been “vindicated” by Horowitz. Ari Melber of MSNBC also called out James Comey for being “over his skis” on the “pee tape.” These are first steps, but Horowitz’s findings suggest a much broader thematic media FUBAR that’s still being ignored.
Having read the entire IG Report, it is fair to say that the facts IG Horowitz documents are damning. The biggest scandal that can be inferred from his report is that the FBI continued to investigate the Trump administration after January, 2017, by which time the FBI’s case had collapsed (pp. 241-247) and there was no longer any reasonable ground to suspect that Trump or anyone in his campaign or administration had conspired with Russia. Despite this incontrovertible knowledge, Comey manipulated things to ensure a special counsel and two more years of investigations. Beyond that, the IG documents multiple other instances of fraud and deceit relating to the FISA warrants that the DOJ/FBI obtained against Carter Page.

Some FBI conduct was outright fraud. For example, Kevin Clinesmith doctored an electronic communication from the CIA addressing Carter Page’s relationship with the CIA (p. 252). Another example is that “Case Agent 1” told the attorney drafting the FISA request that Steele’s Primary Sub-Source appeared honest and reliable and that his extensive interview supported the criminal allegations Steele made when, in fact, both statements were outright lies. (pp. 241-247) And yet another fraud occurred when Dana Boente, the Acting Attorney General, signed two FISA re-authorization requests knowing that neither accurately reflected the significant fact that the Clinton campaign had employed Steele (p. 229).

Read the whole thing. What happens next will tell the world if Deep State has total control of our government or not.

The Horowitz Report: Documenting One of the Worst Scandals of our History - Bookworm Room
Well stated.

Matt Taibbi of the Rolling Stone wrote, "Five Questions Still Remaining After the Release of the Horowitz Report."

1. Who is Joseph Mifsud?

A congressional source last week said, “I don’t see any way the investigation can be aboveboard if Mifsud isn’t a Russian agent.”

Horowitz said all four of the FISA warrant applications for Carter Page relied upon a core probable-cause argument based on the idea that the FBI was conducting a legitimate investigation into Russian election interference.

Horowitz wrote that the “sole predication” for that investigation was a statement former Trump aide George Papadopoulos made to an Australian diplomat named Alexander Downer. Papadopoulos allegedly told Downer that a Maltese academic named Joseph Mifsud told him that Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.

If Mifsud is not a Russian agent, the absurdity factor of all this multiplies: A years-long counterintelligence investigation will have been based on a botched game of telephone between three Westerners of varying degrees of shadiness, with no Russian-intelligence link ever found.

2. Someone is not telling the truth, Vol. 1:

The Horowitz report is not kind to former CIA chief John Brennan.

Brennan in May of 2017 testified before Congress that he was “aware of intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons” that “served as the basis for the FBI investigation.”

Horowitz contradicts this:

We also asked those FBI officials involved . . . whether the FBI received any other information, such as from members of the USIC, that the FBI relied upon to predicate Crossfire Hurricane. All of them told us that there was no such information. . . . We also asked [James] Comey and [Andrew] McCabe about then-CIA Director John Brennan’s statements. . . . Comey told us that while Brennan shared intelligence . . . [he] did not provide any information that predicated or prompted the FBI to open Crossfire Hurricane.

3. Someone is not telling the truth, Vol. 2:

Horowitz on pages 75-76 of his report says former Attorney General Loretta Lynch told his office that “in the spring of 2016, Comey and [former Deputy Director Andrew] McCabe pulled her aside and provided information about Carter Page, which Lynch believed they learned from another member of the Intelligence Community.”

Comey and McCabe both denied this, telling Horowitz they did not remember being told about Carter Page. With regard to Lynch’s recollection of a conversation, Comey said “he did not think it was possible for such conversation to have occurred in the spring of 2016 because the FBI did not receive the [tip from Alexander Downer] concerning Papadopoulos until late July.”

To recap: The attorney general recalled being told about Page by the FBI in the spring of 2016, and believed the information came from another intelligence service. The former head of the CIA testified he gave information to the FBI that was the “basis” for Crossfire Hurricane. Top FBI officials said they didn’t remember any of this, and insisted the investigation began with the Downer tip in July of 2016.

Three different stories, from officials at the CIA, FBI, and Justice Department.

4. To whom does footnote 461 refer?
At the bottom of page 310, Horowitz describes an unusual communication to the FBI by a “former” confidential informant:

[A] former FBI CHS . . . contacted an FBI agent in an FBI field office in late July 2016 to report information from “a colleague who runs an investigative firm . . . hired by two entities (the Democratic National Committee [DNC] as well as another individual . . . [who was] not name[d]) to explore Donald Trump’s longstanding ties to Russian entities.” The former CHS also gave the FBI agent a list of “individuals and entities who have surfaced in [the investigative firm’s] examination,” which the former CHS described as “mostly public source material.”

Horowitz goes on to say McCabe sent word that the FBI agent was not to collect any more information from this source, and should not “accept any information regarding the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

During testimony last week, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley asked Horowitz if the “investigative firm” in this footnote was Fusion-GPS. Horowitz said he’d have to get back to him.

This footnote raised a few eyebrows on the Hill. Among other things, it seems to imply that the “investigative firm” was connected with the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane probe at that early juncture in July of 2016. (Why else would McCabe need to insist on not accepting information regarding Crossfire Hurricane?)

It would be interesting to know who this “former FBI CHS” is, why this person felt a need to reach out to the FBI about his colleague’s firm, and why the FBI shut down this source.

5. Are media corrections forthcoming?

The Horowitz report makes clear that multiple news cycles over the past few years were dominated by reports that were either incorrect or lacking factual foundation.

These included assertions by multiple outlets that the Steele dossier was not central to the FBI’s efforts to secure a warrant on Page; that the FBI found Christopher Steele and his dossier “credible”; that tales of FISA abuse were a conspiracy theory (one of many claims Mother Jones called “bullshit”); that the memo written by Devin Nunes on the subject was wrong and had been “debunked”; that Russians “blocked” Trump from nominating Mitt Romney as secretary of state; that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was in Prague (presumably to meet Russian hackers); that a “pee tape” existed; that Russia’s Alfa Bank and the Trump campaign were communicating via a secret server; that the FISA warrant on Page must have been producing good intelligence in order to be renewed three times; and many other things.

The Washington Post is one of the few outlets to start the process of reassessing its coverage, noting in a fact check that a “fair amount” of the Nunes memo had been “vindicated” by Horowitz. Ari Melber of MSNBC also called out James Comey for being “over his skis” on the “pee tape.” These are first steps, but Horowitz’s findings suggest a much broader thematic media FUBAR that’s still being ignored.
Amazingly good points from Leftard Rolling Stone.

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