The growth of extremism in US politics

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

There seems to be a huge appetite for unpleasant, authoritarian,jingoistic politics.

Much of the rhetoric on here is intolerant,racist and akin to what I would expect to read on a 30s message board in Nazi Germany.

People spout the most vile racist accusations but can never back them up with actual facts. Anybody with an alternative view is shouted down and there is little or no discussion, there is a default ideological position for every issue.

It seems that you cannot criticize the Israeli state without being an anti semite.

I have been a member for nearly two weeks and I have learned that -

The KKK were a neighbourhood watch group who only strung up black racists

That a Hollywood film was produced in order to forment a racial holocaust amongst the black population.

That socialism is akin to marxism/communism

That helping out a neighbour is Anti- American.

That decent drinking water is not a right.

that there is no connection between bombing somebodies home and them becoming a refugee.

That a realistic foreign policy is to bomb Syria and everyone in it.

That European politicians encourage "Muslim Rape gangs".

The President is a communist muslim.

That Donald Trump is a force for good.

Knowledge of Europe is minimal. I am sure that some frothers think that we are being raped every day by armed communist/muslim gangs. Its a hysterical agenda whipped up by people who seem happy to behave as latter day Nazis. There are problems in Europe and they can be traced back to the Bush/Blair illegal wars in the middle east. This seems to be beyond the ken of the frothers.

When any of these things is challenged with boring facts then this is ignored and the yahoos continue to reiterate their half baked crap.

It seems that moderate voices are drowned out be a tidal wave of ignorant semi literate hate speech.

Is this modern America or are the smart folks talking elsewhere ?

I believe this must be the case as America has rejected right wing politics for the past two elections. You dont hear much of the democratic candidates though. Where are they ?

Is right wing imbecility gaining ground in the US or is the media just highlighting, for example, Trumps followers for comic value ?

Its a worry for those of us who live on Planet Earth.
Yes, we do have a problem with extremism in the US. The idiocy on the Malhuer Game Refuge just highlighted the seriousness of that problem. And that so many here were cheering the felons on, is an example of that very extremism.

But, in many way, that area is an example of the behavior that has created the extremism. In 1973, Harney County, Oregon had the highest per capital income of any county in Oregon. They were harvesting timber way ahead of growth, and everyone there was making money. A strong lad with only a grade school education could get a job on the green chain, and make upper middle class wages.

But when you harvest ahead of growth, it has to end sometime, and it ended. And now, even when the growth is ready to cut, the mills will only hire a third of the people that the old mills used to. And they will process more wood with those people. If you do not already have work experiance, with referances, you are not going to get any kind of job. High school education, minimum, preferably community college. Without a definate skill set, you are not going to make upper middle class wages, even if you do get hired.

For those that are middle aged, this is a real bummer. Most do not have the means or time to go back to school, and the good paying jobs they had are gone. So now they have seen their standard of living in steady decline, and continuing to do so. So they look for someone to blame. And since the good jobs now require an education they don't have, those damned educated liberals are keeping them from having a decent life. A situation rife with possibilities for demagogues.

So we see groups like the militias and the Sovereign Citizen movement. A sad comment on a lot of people's ability to reason.
Yes, we do have a problem with extremism in the US. The idiocy on the Malhuer Game Refuge just highlighted the seriousness of that problem. And that so many here were cheering the felons on, is an example of that very extremism.

But, in many way, that area is an example of the behavior that has created the extremism. In 1973, Harney County, Oregon had the highest per capital income of any county in Oregon. They were harvesting timber way ahead of growth, and everyone there was making money. A strong lad with only a grade school education could get a job on the green chain, and make upper middle class wages.

But when you harvest ahead of growth, it has to end sometime, and it ended. And now, even when the growth is ready to cut, the mills will only hire a third of the people that the old mills used to. And they will process more wood with those people. If you do not already have work experiance, with referances, you are not going to get any kind of job. High school education, minimum, preferably community college. Without a definate skill set, you are not going to make upper middle class wages, even if you do get hired.

For those that are middle aged, this is a real bummer. Most do not have the means or time to go back to school, and the good paying jobs they had are gone. So now they have seen their standard of living in steady decline, and continuing to do so. So they look for someone to blame. And since the good jobs now require an education they don't have, those damned educated liberals are keeping them from having a decent life. A situation rife with possibilities for demagogues.

So we see groups like the militias and the Sovereign Citizen movement. A sad comment on a lot of people's ability to reason.

Economic slumps are a key ingredient for right wing extremists. Hitler would have got nowhere if the German economy had been strong.The message that your hardships are caused by that group of people is quite attractive to a low educated, low intellect demographic.
Is the situation in Oregon localised or is it a similar picture across the US ?
I find the level of extremism in America today to be frightening and dangerous, re: the takeover of Federal property in Oregon and last year in Nevada. Armed protestors ready to do battle with authorities and take over government land. What are we coming to, that some think power rests in guns and not in votes? Do these people not see that it's just as illegal as going into a bank and demanding someone else's money? They think of themselves as patriots, liberating something. I'd like to "liberate" the Grand Canyon and call it my own. I'm sure extremism has always existed, but now these nuts are coming out of the shadows and finding validation by some of today's politicians, such as Cruz who was willing to shut down the government.
Pretty general in many of the rural areas of America. Automation has done a real job of creating a situation where there really isn't that many jobs for low education citizens. Those areas that saw the handwriting, moved to attract companies like Google and Amazon. Those that did not think ahead, now have little future.

In that particular area, Harney county, they have huge potential in energy, Geothermal, wind, and solar. Yet it is a very conservative community, and will fight anyone trying to develop those resources.
Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

There seems to be a huge appetite for unpleasant, authoritarian,jingoistic politics.

Much of the rhetoric on here is intolerant,racist and akin to what I would expect to read on a 30s message board in Nazi Germany.

People spout the most vile racist accusations but can never back them up with actual facts. Anybody with an alternative view is shouted down and there is little or no discussion, there is a default ideological position for every issue.

It seems that you cannot criticize the Israeli state without being an anti semite.

I have been a member for nearly two weeks and I have learned that -

The KKK were a neighbourhood watch group who only strung up black racists

That a Hollywood film was produced in order to forment a racial holocaust amongst the black population.

That socialism is akin to marxism/communism

That helping out a neighbour is Anti- American.

That decent drinking water is not a right.

that there is no connection between bombing somebodies home and them becoming a refugee.

That a realistic foreign policy is to bomb Syria and everyone in it.

That European politicians encourage "Muslim Rape gangs".

The President is a communist muslim.

That Donald Trump is a force for good.

Knowledge of Europe is minimal. I am sure that some frothers think that we are being raped every day by armed communist/muslim gangs. Its a hysterical agenda whipped up by people who seem happy to behave as latter day Nazis. There are problems in Europe and they can be traced back to the Bush/Blair illegal wars in the middle east. This seems to be beyond the ken of the frothers.

When any of these things is challenged with boring facts then this is ignored and the yahoos continue to reiterate their half baked crap.

It seems that moderate voices are drowned out be a tidal wave of ignorant semi literate hate speech.

Is this modern America or are the smart folks talking elsewhere ?

I believe this must be the case as America has rejected right wing politics for the past two elections. You dont hear much of the democratic candidates though. Where are they ?

Is right wing imbecility gaining ground in the US or is the media just highlighting, for example, Trumps followers for comic value ?

Its a worry for those of us who live on Planet Earth.

And so, as you blather the identical nonsense and reach the same erroneous conclusions as our dimwitted resident Leftists here on the board - "it's Bush's fault" - I will ask that you please remain in Europe while the Islamists usher in the Caliphate in that region, to little resistance.

Between our Democrats and their media servants, we're just chock full of crazy here and seriously, we do not have a need to import more.
Yes, we do have a problem with extremism in the US. The idiocy on the Malhuer Game Refuge just highlighted the seriousness of that problem. And that so many here were cheering the felons on, is an example of that very extremism.

But, in many way, that area is an example of the behavior that has created the extremism. In 1973, Harney County, Oregon had the highest per capital income of any county in Oregon. They were harvesting timber way ahead of growth, and everyone there was making money. A strong lad with only a grade school education could get a job on the green chain, and make upper middle class wages.

But when you harvest ahead of growth, it has to end sometime, and it ended. And now, even when the growth is ready to cut, the mills will only hire a third of the people that the old mills used to. And they will process more wood with those people. If you do not already have work experiance, with referances, you are not going to get any kind of job. High school education, minimum, preferably community college. Without a definate skill set, you are not going to make upper middle class wages, even if you do get hired.

For those that are middle aged, this is a real bummer. Most do not have the means or time to go back to school, and the good paying jobs they had are gone. So now they have seen their standard of living in steady decline, and continuing to do so. So they look for someone to blame. And since the good jobs now require an education they don't have, those damned educated liberals are keeping them from having a decent life. A situation rife with possibilities for demagogues.

So we see groups like the militias and the Sovereign Citizen movement. A sad comment on a lot of people's ability to reason.

Tommy Tainant: "Is right wing imbecility gaining ground in the US or is the media just highlighting, for example, Trumps followers for comic value ?
It a worry for those of us who live on Planet Earth."

In my opinion, this is worldwide. I love the distant USA, and will do everything I do go there at sometime in the future. In the US, free will is valid, there is no dictatorship. You do not know when the extremes themselves the government, and they are the laws.
And most of it comes from the left/democrat supporters. Its gotten so ugly, just look how they treat any woman who is Republican. look how they treat a Black person who is a Republican. you find extremism is all the left/dem followers
I find the level of extremism in America today to be frightening and dangerous, re: the takeover of Federal property in Oregon and last year in Nevada. Armed protestors ready to do battle with authorities and take over government land. What are we coming to, that some think power rests in guns and not in votes? Do these people not see that it's just as illegal as going into a bank and demanding someone else's money? They think of themselves as patriots, liberating something. I'd like to "liberate" the Grand Canyon and call it my own. I'm sure extremism has always existed, but now these nuts are coming out of the shadows and finding validation by some of today's politicians, such as Cruz who was willing to shut down the government.

The Colonists, of course, were definitely NOT impolite extremists.

You really should read the Constitution sometime. Though you may disagree with it, it is the overriding law, and any law created in opposition to it is invalid.
I find the level of extremism in America today to be frightening and dangerous, re: the takeover of Federal property in Oregon and last year in Nevada. Armed protestors ready to do battle with authorities and take over government land. What are we coming to, that some think power rests in guns and not in votes? Do these people not see that it's just as illegal as going into a bank and demanding someone else's money? They think of themselves as patriots, liberating something. I'd like to "liberate" the Grand Canyon and call it my own. I'm sure extremism has always existed, but now these nuts are coming out of the shadows and finding validation by some of today's politicians, such as Cruz who was willing to shut down the government.
Cruz is a bit of an unknown over here. I dont really know much about his politics but it is disturbing that he courts the support of homophobics.
Benham Brothers Back Cruz

I actually think the authorities got it right with the Oregon situation. They havent really created any martyrs and the longer they left it the more ridiculous these characters became.
And most of it comes from the left/democrat supporters. Its gotten so ugly, just look how they treat any woman who is Republican. look how they treat a Black person who is a Republican. you find extremism is all the left/dem followers

The golden mean way would be the optimal.
I believe this must be the case as America has rejected right wing politics for the past two elections. You dont hear much of the democratic candidates though. Where are they ?

Is right wing imbecility gaining ground in the US or is the media just highlighting, for example, Trumps followers for comic value ?

Its a worry for those of us who live on Planet Earth.
The problem, Tommy, is we have stupid lying assholes like you that constantly try to frame the argument to make yours look better. America rejected right wing politics the last two elections? How far up your ass do we need to send the news for you to see it? The fact is the progressives have hijacked the Democrat party and the further away the get from main stream America the louder they shout the right is moving backwards. So fuck you Tommy. People like you create the divide, conservatives by nature aren't the ones trying to change direction.
Cruz is a bit of an unknown over here. I dont really know much about his politics but it is disturbing that he courts the support of homophobics.
Benham Brothers Back Cruz

I actually think the authorities got it right with the Oregon situation. They havent really created any martyrs and the longer they left it the more ridiculous these characters became.
What's a homophobic? Can you define it or are you as stupid as you sound? The Oregon situation shows us modern day folks here what tyranny is. When the state strips away personal liberty in favor of a favored political demographic, that's not freedom in any definition.
Cruz is a bit of an unknown over here. I dont really know much about his politics but it is disturbing that he courts the support of homophobics.
Benham Brothers Back Cruz

I actually think the authorities got it right with the Oregon situation. They havent really created any martyrs and the longer they left it the more ridiculous these characters became.
What's a homophobic? Can you define it or are you as stupid as you sound? The Oregon situation shows us modern day folks here what tyranny is. When the state strips away personal liberty in favor of a favored political demographic, that's not freedom in any definition.

some of the Dem. supporters just can grasp how people could reject them and their idiot views and visions for all of us. we see it all the time on this board. it's so sad
so instead they need to come up and claim everyone is an Extremist if they are of different views than them. that's messed up, ugly and only used for Division of our country
Yes, we do have a problem with extremism in the US. The idiocy on the Malhuer Game Refuge just highlighted the seriousness of that problem. And that so many here were cheering the felons on, is an example of that very extremism.

But, in many way, that area is an example of the behavior that has created the extremism. In 1973, Harney County, Oregon had the highest per capital income of any county in Oregon. They were harvesting timber way ahead of growth, and everyone there was making money. A strong lad with only a grade school education could get a job on the green chain, and make upper middle class wages.

But when you harvest ahead of growth, it has to end sometime, and it ended. And now, even when the growth is ready to cut, the mills will only hire a third of the people that the old mills used to. And they will process more wood with those people. If you do not already have work experiance, with referances, you are not going to get any kind of job. High school education, minimum, preferably community college. Without a definate skill set, you are not going to make upper middle class wages, even if you do get hired.

For those that are middle aged, this is a real bummer. Most do not have the means or time to go back to school, and the good paying jobs they had are gone. So now they have seen their standard of living in steady decline, and continuing to do so. So they look for someone to blame. And since the good jobs now require an education they don't have, those damned educated liberals are keeping them from having a decent life. A situation rife with possibilities for demagogues.

So we see groups like the militias and the Sovereign Citizen movement. A sad comment on a lot of people's ability to reason.

Tommy Tainant: "Is right wing imbecility gaining ground in the US or is the media just highlighting, for example, Trumps followers for comic value ?
It a worry for those of us who live on Planet Earth."

In my opinion, this is worldwide. I love the distant USA, and will do everything I do go there at sometime in the future. In the US, free will is valid, there is no dictatorship. You do not know when the extremes themselves the government, and they are the laws.
I hope you get the chance to go there.Its a great place to visit. I think that those freedoms you mention are under attack. Much of the right wing rhetoric is authoritarian and particularly in respect to religious and personal freedoms.

I have been reading about the links between anti gay religious "leaders" and people like Cruz. Anti gay rhetoric is an issue that unites christian and muslim loons and it appears that Gays should be second class citizens in the new world order. Hitler hated gays as well.

But back to my initial point, the Republicans and Democrats should be distancing themselves from religious extremists and not courting their support.
Donald Trump is the best Used Car salesman in America, and Cruz in the reincarnation of Tailgunner Joe. The only rational candidate is Kasich, and, in todays GOP, he doesn't stand a chance.

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