The growth of extremism in US politics

So America has two roads to hoe. Either it will further empower the institution that they hate and is clearly corrupt beyond measure by voting for someone like a Bernie Sanders, or they can have an intervention via the Article V movement. Through the Constitution, states can rise up and withdraw power from the federal government, since checks and balances within the federal government have clearly failed.

There are two amendments about 80% of Americans support. Namely, term limits for Congress and a balanced budget amendment of some type. That would be a good beginning.

It's like Hillary. Everyone admits she broke the law, but there is this lingering question as to whether or not anyone gives a damn to do anything about it.
What did Hillary actually do ?

She conducted government business on a private server which is not allowed. She then put top secret information on the server which she initially denied and tried to hide by deleting the e-mails. Then the FBI recovered them and proved that she not only broke the rules regarding having a private server, she broke the law by compromising top secret information, something General Petraeus was fired for doing. She did this over 20 different times.
Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

The President is a communist muslim.


Wrong. Obama is a Nazi Muslim.

sheesh, I can't remember all the things they had Bush. hell they had him the devil himself. they are still harping over that petty crap about Obama. see that is a people who has nothing else

Interestingly, both "W" and Obama pursued pretty much the same agenda.

1. Limitless spending.
2. Create wars abroad.
3. Create massive entitlements
4. Ignore illegal immigration.
5. Tinker with schools with such failed programs as No Child Left Behind or Common Core
6. Crap on the Constitution with programs like the Patriot Act and the NDAA. etc.

People are just tired of it.

Both the left and right fight have traditionally fought for bigger government. The left fights for bigger government at home and the right fights for it abroad, while both left and right are deluded about constraining the said government from acting either at home or abroad.

Again, another massive entitlement via Bernie Sanders is not going to remedy anything. What we need is to have the federal government restrained via the Article V movement.
you can't say that. Obama has been our savior, don't ya know? :rolleyes-41:

Both the left and right seem to be looking for a savior. To my knowledge there is only one, and he will come back when he is good and ready. And no GOP, your savior is not Trump.

Instead, we should be looking at a return to federalism. Why should we all look to one man for all the answers? The last time I checked, no one of us is as smart as all of us. That is the appeal to federalism. States need to regain their power and assume the Constitutional responsibilities.

Why should we divide the country by following one man? Why can't states run their own affairs and decide such things as health care? The state of MA did just that, and interestingly they tried to stop Obamacare by voting for the Republican Scott Brown who ran on the premise of stopping Obamcare.

With the election of Scott Brown, democracy should have worked, he should have been allowed to vote to stop it, however, with the democracy hating far left they used Reconciliation to bypass the democratic process.
Cruz is a bit of an unknown over here. I dont really know much about his politics but it is disturbing that he courts the support of homophobics.
Benham Brothers Back Cruz

I actually think the authorities got it right with the Oregon situation. They havent really created any martyrs and the longer they left it the more ridiculous these characters became.
What's a homophobic? Can you define it or are you as stupid as you sound? The Oregon situation shows us modern day folks here what tyranny is. When the state strips away personal liberty in favor of a favored political demographic, that's not freedom in any definition.

some of the Dem. supporters just can grasp how people could reject them and their idiot views and visions for all of us. we see it all the time on this board. it's so sad
so instead they need to come up and claim everyone is an Extremist if they are of different views than them. that's messed up, ugly and only used for Division of our country

Stephanie, I hate to break the news, but you are one ugly, uneducated, dingbat.
Donald Trump is the best Used Car salesman in America, and Cruz in the reincarnation of Tailgunner Joe. The only rational candidate is Kasich, and, in todays GOP, he doesn't stand a chance.
I am interested in where the normal conservatives have disappeared to.
When I was young I asked my Dad about the parties in American politics. He told me that they were pretty much the same but that the Democrats were slightly to the left of the middle and the Republicans were slightly to the right. He told me to buy a magnifying glass to help me spot the differences.
From a distance it looks like the Republicans have gone off the scale completely. I have no idea where the Democrats are. Mrs Clinton seems to be despised and Mr Sanders is being described as a socialist but I am not convinced of that.I saw a picture of him marching with Martin Luther King the other day and that suggests his heart is in the right place.

I will have a look at Mr Kasich.

John Kasich and Rand Paul are the two sane candidates on the right, but neither are qualified to be President, in my opinion.

True, neither one is a community organizer, nor do they own a Nobel Peace Prize.
Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

The President is a communist muslim.


Wrong. Obama is a Nazi Muslim.

sheesh, I can't remember all the things they had Bush. hell they had him the devil himself. they are still harping over that petty crap about Obama. see that is a people who has nothing else

Interestingly, both "W" and Obama pursued pretty much the same agenda.

1. Limitless spending.
2. Create wars abroad.
3. Create massive entitlements
4. Ignore illegal immigration.
5. Tinker with schools with such failed programs as No Child Left Behind or Common Core
6. Crap on the Constitution with programs like the Patriot Act and the NDAA. etc.

People are just tired of it.

Both the left and right fight have traditionally fought for bigger government. The left fights for bigger government at home and the right fights for it abroad, while both left and right are deluded about constraining the said government from acting either at home or abroad.

Again, another massive entitlement via Bernie Sanders is not going to remedy anything. What we need is to have the federal government restrained via the Article V movement.
you can't say that. Obama has been our savior, don't ya know? :rolleyes-41:

Both the left and right seem to be looking for a savior. To my knowledge there is only one, and he will come back when he is good and ready.

Instead, we should be looking at a return to federalism. Why should we all look to one man for all the answers? The last time I checked, no one of us is as smart as all of us. That is the appeal to federalism. States need to regain their power and assume the Constitutional responsibilities.

Why should we divide the country by following one man? Why can't states run their own affairs and decide such things as health care? The state of MA did just that, and interestingly they tried to stop Obamacare by voting for the Republican Scott Brown who ran on the premise of stopping Obamcare.

With the election of Scott Brown, democracy should have worked, however, with the democracy hating far left they used Reconciliation to bypass the democratic process.

oh I agree with all of that. I'm just looking for President who take our side first and listens to the will of the people. that wasn't Obama. and all the ones running now, I like one or two. not one of them a Democrat. I can't support anything from that party anymore watching it transform over my 60 years from the Blue dogs to radical left like Obama, Hillary, and Bernie that has taken over that party
Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

There seems to be a huge appetite for unpleasant, authoritarian,jingoistic politics.

Much of the rhetoric on here is intolerant,racist and akin to what I would expect to read on a 30s message board in Nazi Germany.

People spout the most vile racist accusations but can never back them up with actual facts. Anybody with an alternative view is shouted down and there is little or no discussion, there is a default ideological position for every issue.

It seems that you cannot criticize the Israeli state without being an anti semite.

I have been a member for nearly two weeks and I have learned that -

The KKK were a neighbourhood watch group who only strung up black racists

That a Hollywood film was produced in order to forment a racial holocaust amongst the black population.

That socialism is akin to marxism/communism

That helping out a neighbour is Anti- American.

That decent drinking water is not a right.

that there is no connection between bombing somebodies home and them becoming a refugee.

That a realistic foreign policy is to bomb Syria and everyone in it.

That European politicians encourage "Muslim Rape gangs".

The President is a communist muslim.

That Donald Trump is a force for good.

Knowledge of Europe is minimal. I am sure that some frothers think that we are being raped every day by armed communist/muslim gangs. Its a hysterical agenda whipped up by people who seem happy to behave as latter day Nazis. There are problems in Europe and they can be traced back to the Bush/Blair illegal wars in the middle east. This seems to be beyond the ken of the frothers.

When any of these things is challenged with boring facts then this is ignored and the yahoos continue to reiterate their half baked crap.

It seems that moderate voices are drowned out be a tidal wave of ignorant semi literate hate speech.

Is this modern America or are the smart folks talking elsewhere ?

I believe this must be the case as America has rejected right wing politics for the past two elections. You dont hear much of the democratic candidates though. Where are they ?

Is right wing imbecility gaining ground in the US or is the media just highlighting, for example, Trumps followers for comic value ?

Its a worry for those of us who live on Planet Earth.

Tommy, you hit the nail on the head. I had a feeling you were a quick study. Fortunately, these people are a minority, however, this forum does seems to draw in the extremists.

It's mostly old white men, who have been listening to right wing hate radio. These are not highly educated people and are motivated by fear.
They are frothing away on this thread. I am ignoring them until one of them can make a reasonable point.

Politics of fear sums it up I think. I am not familiar with hate radio, we dont have it over here.

I sense that they are uncomfortable with facts as well. They really struggle to produce supporting information when spouting gibberish. When you ask them to prove something they either get abusive or disappear, or both.

This is entertaining. Here's what the today's KKKlan looks like.

Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

The President is a communist muslim.


Wrong. Obama is a Nazi Muslim.

sheesh, I can't remember all the things they had Bush. hell they had him the devil himself. they are still harping over that petty crap about Obama. see that is a people who has nothing else

Interestingly, both "W" and Obama pursued pretty much the same agenda.

1. Limitless spending.
2. Create wars abroad.
3. Create massive entitlements
4. Ignore illegal immigration.
5. Tinker with schools with such failed programs as No Child Left Behind or Common Core
6. Crap on the Constitution with programs like the Patriot Act and the NDAA. etc.

People are just tired of it.

Both the left and right fight have traditionally fought for bigger government. The left fights for bigger government at home and the right fights for it abroad, while both left and right are deluded about constraining the said government from acting either at home or abroad.

Again, another massive entitlement via Bernie Sanders is not going to remedy anything. What we need is to have the federal government restrained via the Article V movement.
Obama has been a huge disappointment on the world stage. Americas role on the world stage has been hugely destructive. A threat to world peace.
Who decides policy ? The President,the army or the corporations ?
Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

There seems to be a huge appetite for unpleasant, authoritarian,jingoistic politics.

Much of the rhetoric on here is intolerant,racist and akin to what I would expect to read on a 30s message board in Nazi Germany.

People spout the most vile racist accusations but can never back them up with actual facts. Anybody with an alternative view is shouted down and there is little or no discussion, there is a default ideological position for every issue.

It seems that you cannot criticize the Israeli state without being an anti semite.

I have been a member for nearly two weeks and I have learned that -

The KKK were a neighbourhood watch group who only strung up black racists

That a Hollywood film was produced in order to forment a racial holocaust amongst the black population.

That socialism is akin to marxism/communism

That helping out a neighbour is Anti- American.

That decent drinking water is not a right.

that there is no connection between bombing somebodies home and them becoming a refugee.

That a realistic foreign policy is to bomb Syria and everyone in it.

That European politicians encourage "Muslim Rape gangs".

The President is a communist muslim.

That Donald Trump is a force for good.

Knowledge of Europe is minimal. I am sure that some frothers think that we are being raped every day by armed communist/muslim gangs. Its a hysterical agenda whipped up by people who seem happy to behave as latter day Nazis. There are problems in Europe and they can be traced back to the Bush/Blair illegal wars in the middle east. This seems to be beyond the ken of the frothers.

When any of these things is challenged with boring facts then this is ignored and the yahoos continue to reiterate their half baked crap.

It seems that moderate voices are drowned out be a tidal wave of ignorant semi literate hate speech.

Is this modern America or are the smart folks talking elsewhere ?

I believe this must be the case as America has rejected right wing politics for the past two elections. You dont hear much of the democratic candidates though. Where are they ?

Is right wing imbecility gaining ground in the US or is the media just highlighting, for example, Trumps followers for comic value ?

Its a worry for those of us who live on Planet Earth.

I don't think anything has changed much in the way of popular opinion. It is just heard more, now that an internet troll is running for president.
Donald Trump is the best Used Car salesman in America, and Cruz in the reincarnation of Tailgunner Joe. The only rational candidate is Kasich, and, in todays GOP, he doesn't stand a chance.
I am interested in where the normal conservatives have disappeared to.
When I was young I asked my Dad about the parties in American politics. He told me that they were pretty much the same but that the Democrats were slightly to the left of the middle and the Republicans were slightly to the right. He told me to buy a magnifying glass to help me spot the differences.
From a distance it looks like the Republicans have gone off the scale completely. I have no idea where the Democrats are. Mrs Clinton seems to be despised and Mr Sanders is being described as a socialist but I am not convinced of that.I saw a picture of him marching with Martin Luther King the other day and that suggests his heart is in the right place.

I will have a look at Mr Kasich.

John Kasich and Rand Paul are the two sane candidates on the right, but neither are qualified to be President, in my opinion.

True, neither one is a community organizer, nor do they own a Nobel Peace Prize.

Obama, who was a senator, studied and taught Constitutional law. We were losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took office. You give him no credit because you've been listening to right wing hate media.

I am yet to figure out what's wrong with being a community organizer. You say it as if it were a dirty thing.
Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

The President is a communist muslim.


Wrong. Obama is a Nazi Muslim.

sheesh, I can't remember all the things they had Bush. hell they had him the devil himself. they are still harping over that petty crap about Obama. see that is a people who has nothing else

Interestingly, both "W" and Obama pursued pretty much the same agenda.

1. Limitless spending.
2. Create wars abroad.
3. Create massive entitlements
4. Ignore illegal immigration.
5. Tinker with schools with such failed programs as No Child Left Behind or Common Core
6. Crap on the Constitution with programs like the Patriot Act and the NDAA. etc.

People are just tired of it.

Both the left and right fight have traditionally fought for bigger government. The left fights for bigger government at home and the right fights for it abroad, while both left and right are deluded about constraining the said government from acting either at home or abroad.

Again, another massive entitlement via Bernie Sanders is not going to remedy anything. What we need is to have the federal government restrained via the Article V movement.
Obama has been a huge disappointment on the world stage. Americas role on the world stage has been hugely destructive. A threat to world peace.
Who decides policy ? The President,the army or the corporations ?
Obama has been not only destructive around the world. but what he's done here to us. We won't know the full extent until he is gone
Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

The President is a communist muslim.


Wrong. Obama is a Nazi Muslim.

sheesh, I can't remember all the things they had Bush. hell they had him the devil himself. they are still harping over that petty crap about Obama. see that is a people who has nothing else

Interestingly, both "W" and Obama pursued pretty much the same agenda.

1. Limitless spending.
2. Create wars abroad.
3. Create massive entitlements
4. Ignore illegal immigration.
5. Tinker with schools with such failed programs as No Child Left Behind or Common Core
6. Crap on the Constitution with programs like the Patriot Act and the NDAA. etc.

People are just tired of it.

Both the left and right fight have traditionally fought for bigger government. The left fights for bigger government at home and the right fights for it abroad, while both left and right are deluded about constraining the said government from acting either at home or abroad.

Again, another massive entitlement via Bernie Sanders is not going to remedy anything. What we need is to have the federal government restrained via the Article V movement.
Obama has been a huge disappointment on the world stage. Americas role on the world stage has been hugely destructive. A threat to world peace.
Who decides policy ? The President,the army or the corporations ?

Corporations are a government construct. Perhaps some amendments could be proposed by the states to address this problem.

As for politicians, they don't produce anything. They just rely on corporate money to survive.

If power was decentralized, buying politicians would become statistically more problematic for corporations. Instead of focusing on a few hundred politicians to buy off in the federal government, multiply that by about 50. Corruption will never go away entirely, but you can at least throw a wrench into their power base.
I sense that they are uncomfortable with facts as well. They really struggle to produce supporting information when spouting gibberish. When you ask them to prove something they either get abusive or disappear, or both.
Just the opposite is true. The left lies and smears. It's all you have.
I sense that they are uncomfortable with facts as well. They really struggle to produce supporting information when spouting gibberish. When you ask them to prove something they either get abusive or disappear, or both.
Just the opposite is true. The left lies and smears. It's all you have.

I think Tommy is smart enough to figure it out for himself.
Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

That is how you go wrong. The latitude is pretty wide on what is acceptable here. There are going to be racists, homophobes, and bigots in general. All you can do is ignore them and/or not participate in their threads. It's the internet and unavoidable. In reality these people are dismissed. Most of the crap they spew in support of political, social, or economic ideologies would be disavowed by the very same people they vote for to enact them. America isn't all doom and gloom. Most of us are sensible, moderate, and civil.
Donald Trump is the best Used Car salesman in America, and Cruz in the reincarnation of Tailgunner Joe. The only rational candidate is Kasich, and, in todays GOP, he doesn't stand a chance.
I am interested in where the normal conservatives have disappeared to.
When I was young I asked my Dad about the parties in American politics. He told me that they were pretty much the same but that the Democrats were slightly to the left of the middle and the Republicans were slightly to the right. He told me to buy a magnifying glass to help me spot the differences.
From a distance it looks like the Republicans have gone off the scale completely. I have no idea where the Democrats are. Mrs Clinton seems to be despised and Mr Sanders is being described as a socialist but I am not convinced of that.I saw a picture of him marching with Martin Luther King the other day and that suggests his heart is in the right place.

I will have a look at Mr Kasich.

John Kasich and Rand Paul are the two sane candidates on the right, but neither are qualified to be President, in my opinion.

All I hear from Kasich is we need unity.

Really? Do we want all Americans to either embrace socialism or a limited government? Is there one method of government that we should all religiously embrace as superior? Should the state force a conservative state to embrace socialism or a socialist state to embrace conservatism? Wouldn't it be preferable for states to pursue their own beliefs and let them succeed or fail based on their own merits?
I sense that they are uncomfortable with facts as well. They really struggle to produce supporting information when spouting gibberish. When you ask them to prove something they either get abusive or disappear, or both.
Just the opposite is true. The left lies and smears. It's all you have.
I think Tommy is smart enough to figure it out for himself.
He's proven otherwise. And admits he knows little about the particulars.
Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

That is how you go wrong. The latitude is pretty wide on what is acceptable here. There are going to be racists, homophobes, and bigots in general. All you can do is ignore them and/or not participate in their threads. It's the internet and unavoidable. In reality these people are dismissed. Most of the crap they spew in support of political, social, or economic ideologies would be disavowed by the very same people they vote for to enact them. America isn't all doom and gloom. Most of us are sensible, moderate, and civil.

do we owe you for this psycho babble of how everyone is in YOUR opinion? pfeeeeesh what a snob
Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

There seems to be a huge appetite for unpleasant, authoritarian,jingoistic politics.

Much of the rhetoric on here is intolerant,racist and akin to what I would expect to read on a 30s message board in Nazi Germany.

People spout the most vile racist accusations but can never back them up with actual facts. Anybody with an alternative view is shouted down and there is little or no discussion, there is a default ideological position for every issue.

It seems that you cannot criticize the Israeli state without being an anti semite.

I have been a member for nearly two weeks and I have learned that -

The KKK were a neighbourhood watch group who only strung up black racists

That a Hollywood film was produced in order to forment a racial holocaust amongst the black population.

That socialism is akin to marxism/communism

That helping out a neighbour is Anti- American.

That decent drinking water is not a right.

that there is no connection between bombing somebodies home and them becoming a refugee.

That a realistic foreign policy is to bomb Syria and everyone in it.

That European politicians encourage "Muslim Rape gangs".

The President is a communist muslim.

That Donald Trump is a force for good.

Knowledge of Europe is minimal. I am sure that some frothers think that we are being raped every day by armed communist/muslim gangs. Its a hysterical agenda whipped up by people who seem happy to behave as latter day Nazis. There are problems in Europe and they can be traced back to the Bush/Blair illegal wars in the middle east. This seems to be beyond the ken of the frothers.

When any of these things is challenged with boring facts then this is ignored and the yahoos continue to reiterate their half baked crap.

It seems that moderate voices are drowned out be a tidal wave of ignorant semi literate hate speech.

Is this modern America or are the smart folks talking elsewhere ?

I believe this must be the case as America has rejected right wing politics for the past two elections. You dont hear much of the democratic candidates though. Where are they ?

Is right wing imbecility gaining ground in the US or is the media just highlighting, for example, Trumps followers for comic value ?

Its a worry for those of us who live on Planet Earth.

Tommy, you hit the nail on the head. I had a feeling you were a quick study. Fortunately, these people are a minority, however, this forum does seems to draw in the extremists.

It's mostly old white men, who have been listening to right wing hate radio. These are not highly educated people and are motivated by fear.
They are frothing away on this thread. I am ignoring them until one of them can make a reasonable point.

Politics of fear sums it up I think. I am not familiar with hate radio, we dont have it over here.

I sense that they are uncomfortable with facts as well. They really struggle to produce supporting information when spouting gibberish. When you ask them to prove something they either get abusive or disappear, or both.

This is entertaining. Here's what the today's KKKlan looks like.

Its not the cast of Frasier is it ?
Joking aside I think that standards of literacy are much higher in the US than the UK. I would imagine that even these characters can form sentences,if not thoughts.
Donald Trump is the best Used Car salesman in America, and Cruz in the reincarnation of Tailgunner Joe. The only rational candidate is Kasich, and, in todays GOP, he doesn't stand a chance.
I am interested in where the normal conservatives have disappeared to.
When I was young I asked my Dad about the parties in American politics. He told me that they were pretty much the same but that the Democrats were slightly to the left of the middle and the Republicans were slightly to the right. He told me to buy a magnifying glass to help me spot the differences.
From a distance it looks like the Republicans have gone off the scale completely. I have no idea where the Democrats are. Mrs Clinton seems to be despised and Mr Sanders is being described as a socialist but I am not convinced of that.I saw a picture of him marching with Martin Luther King the other day and that suggests his heart is in the right place.

I will have a look at Mr Kasich.

John Kasich and Rand Paul are the two sane candidates on the right, but neither are qualified to be President, in my opinion.

All I hear from Kasich is we need unity.

Really? Do we want all Americans to either embrace socialism or a limited government? Is there one method of government that we should all religiously embrace as superior? Should the state force a conservative state to embrace socialism or a socialist state to embrace conservatism? Wouldn't it be preferable for states to pursue their own beliefs and let them succeed or fail based on their own merits?

Dumb, dumb, dumb, naive and childish. smh...

Mississippi is one of the poorest states in the union, with almost half of their GPD from federal welfare. Their school system is one of the worst in the nation, and 20% are on food assistance.

Mississippi receives over two federal dollars in return for every dollar it pays into the federal tax system.
Admittedly taken from conversations on here.

There seems to be a huge appetite for unpleasant, authoritarian,jingoistic politics.

Much of the rhetoric on here is intolerant,racist and akin to what I would expect to read on a 30s message board in Nazi Germany.

People spout the most vile racist accusations but can never back them up with actual facts. Anybody with an alternative view is shouted down and there is little or no discussion, there is a default ideological position for every issue.

It seems that you cannot criticize the Israeli state without being an anti semite.

I have been a member for nearly two weeks and I have learned that -

The KKK were a neighbourhood watch group who only strung up black racists

That a Hollywood film was produced in order to forment a racial holocaust amongst the black population.

That socialism is akin to marxism/communism

That helping out a neighbour is Anti- American.

That decent drinking water is not a right.

that there is no connection between bombing somebodies home and them becoming a refugee.

That a realistic foreign policy is to bomb Syria and everyone in it.

That European politicians encourage "Muslim Rape gangs".

The President is a communist muslim.

That Donald Trump is a force for good.

Knowledge of Europe is minimal. I am sure that some frothers think that we are being raped every day by armed communist/muslim gangs. Its a hysterical agenda whipped up by people who seem happy to behave as latter day Nazis. There are problems in Europe and they can be traced back to the Bush/Blair illegal wars in the middle east. This seems to be beyond the ken of the frothers.

When any of these things is challenged with boring facts then this is ignored and the yahoos continue to reiterate their half baked crap.

It seems that moderate voices are drowned out be a tidal wave of ignorant semi literate hate speech.

Is this modern America or are the smart folks talking elsewhere ?

I believe this must be the case as America has rejected right wing politics for the past two elections. You dont hear much of the democratic candidates though. Where are they ?

Is right wing imbecility gaining ground in the US or is the media just highlighting, for example, Trumps followers for comic value ?

Its a worry for those of us who live on Planet Earth.

Tommy, you hit the nail on the head. I had a feeling you were a quick study. Fortunately, these people are a minority, however, this forum does seems to draw in the extremists.

It's mostly old white men, who have been listening to right wing hate radio. These are not highly educated people and are motivated by fear.
They are frothing away on this thread. I am ignoring them until one of them can make a reasonable point.

Politics of fear sums it up I think. I am not familiar with hate radio, we dont have it over here.

I sense that they are uncomfortable with facts as well. They really struggle to produce supporting information when spouting gibberish. When you ask them to prove something they either get abusive or disappear, or both.

This is entertaining. Here's what the today's KKKlan looks like.

Its not the cast of Frasier is it ?
Joking aside I think that standards of literacy are much higher in the US than the UK. I would imagine that even these characters can form sentences,if not thoughts.

Did you notice Stephanie? She cannot form complete sentences. lol

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