The Great Gibson Guitar Raid. Months Later and STILL No Charges Filed


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
[ame=]The Great Gibson Guitar Raid: Months Later, Still No Charges Filed - YouTube[/ame]

They…come in with weapons, they seized a half-million dollars worth of property, they shut our factory down, and they have not charged us with anything,” says Gibson Guitars CEO Henry Juszkiewicz, referring to the August 2011 raid on his Nashville and Memphis factories by agents from the Departments of Homeland Security and Fish & Wildlife.

The feds raided Gibson for using an inappropriate tariff code on wood from India, which is a violation of the anti-trafficking statute known as The Lacey Act. At issue is not whether the wood in question was endangered, but whether the wood was the correct level of thickness and finish before being exported from India. “India is wanting to ensure that raw wood is not exported without some labor content from India,” says Juskiewicz.
Andrea Johnson of the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) counters that “it’s not up to Gibson to decide which laws…they want to respect.” She points out that Gibson had previously been raided under The Lacey Act for imports from Madagascar.

This much is clear: The government has yet to file any charges or allow Gibson a day in court to makes its case, much less retrieve its materials.

“This is not about responsible forestry and sustainable wood or illegal logging, this is about a bureaucratic law,” argues Juszkiewicz, who testified last year before a congressional hearing convened by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). It is, he says, ”a blank check for abuse.”

» The Great Gibson Guitar Raid: Months Later, Still No Charges Filed - Big Government

Can you imagine the cries of Bush being Hitler had this happened under Bush? But under Obama? The liberal hypocrites turn a blind eye and just flame anyone who DARES speak against their messiah.

But here we are. Still no charges filed? No chance to go to court? And when WILL their chance to go to court happen? AFTER ELECTION DAY?

My guess is that's when it will be unless more pressure is brought to bear on the Obama administration.
As someone who purchases material for manufacturing for a living, if the issue here was the wood didn't meet standards, just buy some wood that does until the status of the material is resolved.

Are you saying that Gibson Guitars is so under-capitalized they can't take a loss on material? Most companies have to do that all the time.

This is the second time they've been cited for this. The first time, they should have changed their procedures to keep this from ever happening again.
As someone who purchases material for manufacturing for a living, if the issue here was the wood didn't meet standards, just buy some wood that does until the status of the material is resolved.

Are you saying that Gibson Guitars is so under-capitalized they can't take a loss on material? Most companies have to do that all the time.

This is the second time they've been cited for this. The first time, they should have changed their procedures to keep this from ever happening again.

I think the issue here is Gibson hasn't been allowed to have their day in court.

As the article states, no charges were filed so what law was violated?
As someone who purchases material for manufacturing for a living, if the issue here was the wood didn't meet standards, just buy some wood that does until the status of the material is resolved.

Are you saying that Gibson Guitars is so under-capitalized they can't take a loss on material? Most companies have to do that all the time.

This is the second time they've been cited for this. The first time, they should have changed their procedures to keep this from ever happening again.

If they have done anything wrong, WHERE ARE THE CHARGES???????
As someone who purchases material for manufacturing for a living, if the issue here was the wood didn't meet standards, just buy some wood that does until the status of the material is resolved.

Are you saying that Gibson Guitars is so under-capitalized they can't take a loss on material? Most companies have to do that all the time.

This is the second time they've been cited for this. The first time, they should have changed their procedures to keep this from ever happening again.

I think the issue here is Gibson hasn't been allowed to have their day in court.

As the article states, no charges were filed so what law was violated?

Exactly! No charges have been filed, and they have not been allowed a day in court.

My guess is, they won't and will drag their feet until after the election.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...another manufactured "outrage" for the Foxbots.

Under Bush, nobody would have heard about it. Dems don't HAVE a gigantic Fox/Rush/Savage/Moonie/Breitbart/etc etc propaganda machine that never give up on this BS (seepp 3 in sig). Bring back the Fairness Doctine- Pub voters just get more and more OFF THE WALL- totally distracted from real issues...
As someone who purchases material for manufacturing for a living, if the issue here was the wood didn't meet standards, just buy some wood that does until the status of the material is resolved.

Are you saying that Gibson Guitars is so under-capitalized they can't take a loss on material? Most companies have to do that all the time.

This is the second time they've been cited for this. The first time, they should have changed their procedures to keep this from ever happening again.

I think the issue here is Gibson hasn't been allowed to have their day in court.

As the article states, no charges were filed so what law was violated?

Exactly! No charges have been filed, and they have not been allowed a day in court.

My guess is, they won't and will drag their feet until after the election.

More evidence the Obama administration has gone off the deep end.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...another manufactured "outrage" for the Foxbots.

Under Bush, nobody would have heard about it. Dems don't HAVE a gigantic Fox/Rush/Savage/Moonie/Breitbart/etc etc propaganda machine that never give up on this BS (seepp 3 in sig). Bring back the Fairness Doctine- Pub voters just get more and more OFF THE WALL- totally distracted from real issues...

I love the delusional fiction liberals live under.

Do you remember all the kerfuffle about the Patriot Act and YET, any thing to do with Obama is "manufactured?

Jesse Macbeth was manufactured. Cindy Sheehan was manufactured. The Jersey Girls were manufactured, but any charges against Obama's admin?

Nothing to see here people, move on!

Typical liberal hypocrisy.

You're comparing the Patriot Act (I thought that was an outrage now Obama's in charge?) to the gov't checking to see whether a company is following regulations? Pub dupe idiocy.
The Great Gibson Guitar Raid: Months Later, Still No Charges Filed - YouTube

They…come in with weapons, they seized a half-million dollars worth of property, they shut our factory down, and they have not charged us with anything,” says Gibson Guitars CEO Henry Juszkiewicz, referring to the August 2011 raid on his Nashville and Memphis factories by agents from the Departments of Homeland Security and Fish & Wildlife.

The feds raided Gibson for using an inappropriate tariff code on wood from India, which is a violation of the anti-trafficking statute known as The Lacey Act. At issue is not whether the wood in question was endangered, but whether the wood was the correct level of thickness and finish before being exported from India. “India is wanting to ensure that raw wood is not exported without some labor content from India,” says Juskiewicz.
Andrea Johnson of the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) counters that “it’s not up to Gibson to decide which laws…they want to respect.” She points out that Gibson had previously been raided under The Lacey Act for imports from Madagascar.

This much is clear: The government has yet to file any charges or allow Gibson a day in court to makes its case, much less retrieve its materials.

“This is not about responsible forestry and sustainable wood or illegal logging, this is about a bureaucratic law,” argues Juszkiewicz, who testified last year before a congressional hearing convened by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). It is, he says, ”a blank check for abuse.”

» The Great Gibson Guitar Raid: Months Later, Still No Charges Filed - Big Government

Can you imagine the cries of Bush being Hitler had this happened under Bush? But under Obama? The liberal hypocrites turn a blind eye and just flame anyone who DARES speak against their messiah.

But here we are. Still no charges filed? No chance to go to court? And when WILL their chance to go to court happen? AFTER ELECTION DAY?

My guess is that's when it will be unless more pressure is brought to bear on the Obama administration.

These are the types of action you can always expect from democrats. One of the reasons I can not and will not side with them.
Who TH are Jesse Macbeth and the Jersey girls, dittohead? LOL! How about you, your friends and neighbor hood going to hell under voodoo the last 30 years?
The Great Gibson Guitar Raid: Months Later, Still No Charges Filed - YouTube

They…come in with weapons, they seized a half-million dollars worth of property, they shut our factory down, and they have not charged us with anything,” says Gibson Guitars CEO Henry Juszkiewicz, referring to the August 2011 raid on his Nashville and Memphis factories by agents from the Departments of Homeland Security and Fish & Wildlife.

The feds raided Gibson for using an inappropriate tariff code on wood from India, which is a violation of the anti-trafficking statute known as The Lacey Act. At issue is not whether the wood in question was endangered, but whether the wood was the correct level of thickness and finish before being exported from India. “India is wanting to ensure that raw wood is not exported without some labor content from India,” says Juskiewicz.
Andrea Johnson of the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) counters that “it’s not up to Gibson to decide which laws…they want to respect.” She points out that Gibson had previously been raided under The Lacey Act for imports from Madagascar.

This much is clear: The government has yet to file any charges or allow Gibson a day in court to makes its case, much less retrieve its materials.

“This is not about responsible forestry and sustainable wood or illegal logging, this is about a bureaucratic law,” argues Juszkiewicz, who testified last year before a congressional hearing convened by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). It is, he says, ”a blank check for abuse.”

» The Great Gibson Guitar Raid: Months Later, Still No Charges Filed - Big Government

Can you imagine the cries of Bush being Hitler had this happened under Bush? But under Obama? The liberal hypocrites turn a blind eye and just flame anyone who DARES speak against their messiah.

But here we are. Still no charges filed? No chance to go to court? And when WILL their chance to go to court happen? AFTER ELECTION DAY?

My guess is that's when it will be unless more pressure is brought to bear on the Obama administration.

This smacks of WTO agreement violation. We entered into many trade agreements during Clinton and Bush that require governments to act as agents for each other in remedying violations. Obviously India put preasure on the U S to protect/enforce a law that we agreed to honor. It could very well be that confiscating the materials is manditory and Gibson needs to take up the battle in India where the violation occurred.
Who TH are Jesse Macbeth and the Jersey girls, dittohead? LOL! How about you, your friends and neighbor hood going to hell under voodoo the last 30 years?
Jesse MacBeth is a CON$ervative operative who posted a video on YouTube that only CON$ knew about but CON$ claim he was the darling of the Liberal media. In the entire country only one LOCAL newspaper ever interviewed him, but according to CON$ the entire Liberal media empire used him as a symbol of the anti war movement. Jesse MacBeth exists only in CON$ervative fantasyland.
Franco, you're a real fucking idiot. Every time I see a post of yours I cringe because as hard as it is to do, you manage to insult your own intelligence. You really should get back on your meds.
As someone who purchases material for manufacturing for a living, if the issue here was the wood didn't meet standards, just buy some wood that does until the status of the material is resolved.

Dude, you buy crack cocaine and cut it into smaller rocks to sell on the street corner, that isn't "purchasing material for manufacturing."

Are you saying that Gibson Guitars is so under-capitalized they can't take a loss on material? Most companies have to do that all the time.

The Obama administration is waging war on American manufactures, the continuous harassment of Gibson is a concerted effort by the Administration to drive manufacturing and the jobs associated with out out of the United States.

This is the second time they've been cited for this. The first time, they should have changed their procedures to keep this from ever happening again.

This is more than a "cite," it was a raid, due to the thickness and finish to ensure Indian workers had jobs.

Fucking Obama, pulling the bread out of American worker's mouths.
The Great Gibson Guitar Raid: Months Later, Still No Charges Filed - YouTube

They…come in with weapons, they seized a half-million dollars worth of property, they shut our factory down, and they have not charged us with anything,” says Gibson Guitars CEO Henry Juszkiewicz, referring to the August 2011 raid on his Nashville and Memphis factories by agents from the Departments of Homeland Security and Fish & Wildlife.

The feds raided Gibson for using an inappropriate tariff code on wood from India, which is a violation of the anti-trafficking statute known as The Lacey Act. At issue is not whether the wood in question was endangered, but whether the wood was the correct level of thickness and finish before being exported from India. “India is wanting to ensure that raw wood is not exported without some labor content from India,” says Juskiewicz.
Andrea Johnson of the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) counters that “it’s not up to Gibson to decide which laws…they want to respect.” She points out that Gibson had previously been raided under The Lacey Act for imports from Madagascar.

This much is clear: The government has yet to file any charges or allow Gibson a day in court to makes its case, much less retrieve its materials.

“This is not about responsible forestry and sustainable wood or illegal logging, this is about a bureaucratic law,” argues Juszkiewicz, who testified last year before a congressional hearing convened by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). It is, he says, ”a blank check for abuse.”
» The Great Gibson Guitar Raid: Months Later, Still No Charges Filed - Big Government

Can you imagine the cries of Bush being Hitler had this happened under Bush? But under Obama? The liberal hypocrites turn a blind eye and just flame anyone who DARES speak against their messiah.

But here we are. Still no charges filed? No chance to go to court? And when WILL their chance to go to court happen? AFTER ELECTION DAY?

My guess is that's when it will be unless more pressure is brought to bear on the Obama administration.

These are the types of action you can always expect from democrats. One of the reasons I can not and will not side with them.
The modification of the Lacey Act that Gibson is a REPEAT violator of was passed during the BOOOOOOOOsh administration. Other quality guitar manufacturers, like Taylor Guitars, have said that they have no trouble complying with the Lacey Act so why should Gibson be given a free pass by the "rule of law" Republicans simply because Gibson is the darling of FOX/GOP News and GOP hate radio??? Charlie Redden, of Taylor Guitars, said the new rules require a bit more paperwork but are manageable.

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This smacks of WTO agreement violation.

This smacks of the war you leftist are waging on American industry and the American worker.

We entered into many trade agreements during Clinton and Bush that require governments to act as agents for each other in remedying violations. Obviously India put preasure on the U S to protect/enforce a law that we agreed to honor. It could very well be that confiscating the materials is manditory and Gibson needs to take up the battle in India where the violation occurred.

Want to know why jobs are leaving the United States?

Obama: Putting America out of work, one factory at a time.
Franco, you're a real fucking idiot. Every time I see a post of yours I cringe because as hard as it is to do, you manage to insult your own intelligence. You really should get back on your meds.

he also has called our Troops in Vietnam "Thugs" that shows you what kind of Dick he is..

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