The Good Witch and the Evil Witch


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
Carrabelle, fl. 60 miles s of tallahassee
Last night the wise wizard gathered all his subjects into the great hall to tell them what fate awaits them in the new year. Young and old, rich and poor all crowded in to hear what the wizard had to say, even a larger throng waited outside to hear what the wizard Would predict.Before he took the podium, his wife, the beautiful white witch entered the hall to wild applause and adulation. She entered surrounded by citizens of the kingdom from every walk of life. She exuded a radiance as she smiled and acknowledged her adoring public. All were inspired by her presence.

When the wizard began his story, a figure appeared in the lowest level of seating. At first it was hard to make out because she had removed her hat and hidden her broom, she stayed in the shadows murmuring dark chants under her breath, but soon it was clear it was the wicked witch. She wore her usual torn black smock and charcoal tinged face. She had surrounded herself with orcs, warlocks, and fellow,witches who seemed totally under the wicked witches spell. They belched and grunted, hung their heads, and shifted from one haunch to another. As the great wizard brought most of the crowd to their feet in thunderous applause, the wicked witch became more and more distraught, rolling her long tongue from one cheek to another, looking back and growling at her minions who dare to stand and clap.

The great wizard asked every citizen around the white queen to stand and be honored by the crowd, each time looking at the evil queen offering her a chance to come out of the shadows, offering her a hand of healing. She silently rebuked all his entreaties sneering openly at his kindness. She became enraged as Love for the wizard permeated the hall. Soon her following began slithering out of the hall even before the ceremony was over. At the end the evil,witch waved her broom at the wizard sending one impotent spell after the other his way, all of which were swatted aside by the wizards pity. Finally the wicked witch cackled to her followers and fled on her broom leaving a stench of brimstone in her wake.

The good witch watched over her peopleand protected them with good. The great wizard left the hall in a throng of boisterous and happy citizens who believed they would prosper and succeed under the benevolent rule of their great wizard. And the people lived happily ever after.

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