The Fake President


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

For all his ranting about fake news and fake media...

There’s a narcissistic fraud in the White House. An angry, hollow, vindictive man is running the country. What bottomless emotional need does he have for acclaim? It is hard to know where his rampant narcissism ends and serious mental problems ensue. He lies prodigiously and for no reason except he obviously has an unclear vision of what the truth is.

Is his narcissism the driving force behind his lies? Look no further than the lobbies atseven of his golf courses, where he has hung fake Time Magazine covers with made-up headlines of effusive praise for himself. What a bizarre intersection between vanity and fraud. That is a president whose cabinet officials obsequiously offer tribute to his greatness while cameras roll. What is next, Dear Leader... a new haircut?

Trump has lied so much there was a New York Times article listing just the lies he’s told since taking the oath of office. This is to say nothing of the lies told repeatedly on the campaign trail and the ones he used to sell investors before bankrupting six business deals. He tells us he is very rich, but disregards the Constitution to enrich himself and his family. The chief government ethics officer just quit over it.

Trump continues to lie about the number of people at his inauguration. Why is that so important to him? Is he so obsessed with losing the popular vote by 3 million that he established a partisan, taxpayer-funded commission to search for non-existent voter fraud? A Stanford analysis of what Trump’s “voter fraud” panel would do, shows how devastating it would be to legitimate voters, “For every one case of double voting the program identified, it yielded 200 false positives that would purge the registrations of people legitimately eligible to vote.” Luckily, 44 states (as of July 5th) have refused to fully comply and hand over the invasive partisan information requested by the commission.Business Insider pointed out the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t even intend to investigate whether voting machines were hacked in November, and the commission is not bothering to investigate Russian interference. As I write this, it is being reported that Trump has accepted, despite our intelligence community’s unanimous finding otherwise, Putin’s denial that Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

He has a particular problem with any criticism from strong women. We all saw the disgusting tweet he put out about Mika Brzezinski, “She was bleeding badly from a face-lift.” At dinner at Mar-a-Lago? I doubt that. What is his obsession with blood? When Megyn Kelly hosted the GOP debate, he was so put off by her appropriately tough questioning of his record that he denigrated her saying, “She had blood coming out of her wherever.” He went on to retweet someone who called her a “bimbo.” He regularly disparages women’s looks, debases them to sexual objects and even brags about sexually assaulting them... and yet he became president?

In his Twitter battle with Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Brzezinski, he called Scarborough “psycho” and Brzezinski “crazy” with a “low I.Q.” He called former FBI Director James Comey “a real nut job” to the Russians. This seems to be yet another example of Trump suffering from “the disowned self,” the psychological condition of a person who projects his own flaws onto others. Does his ego blind him?

The large ego of a small man drives the vindictiveness of his policies. This presidency is all about the perception of “winning” for Trump – no matter the cost to others. He is a president who only enjoys the roar of the crowd at the rallies, and doesn’t want to learn even the basics of federal policy. While Trump presides over the circus in his mind, his vice president, Mike Pence, is pushing the extreme agenda of the Koch brothers through both the appointments and policies of federal agencies. They have undone environmental, labor and consumer protections. The Education Department is undermining public schools, and now attorneys general from 18 states and DC are suing Betsy DeVos for undoing loan protections for students who were cheated by fraudulent colleges. In fact, many in the cabinet seem dedicated to undoing the historic missions of their agencies. No surprise, since Trump’s financial supporters are getting what they want – deregulation in the guise of preventing necessary public oversight.

For all his ranting about fake news and fake media... the truth is, he is the fake president.

More: The Fake President

Amen! I salute Ms. Barbara Streisand. This is a great article - and I highly recommend you read the rest of the link if you care about such things. She nailed it.
More fucking lies from the huffy puffy post, the blue ribbon panel on on voter fraud has no power to alter even one voter registration. No need to let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda though, right?

barbara streisand?....geezus you have some of the worst examples of people lakota that you feel we should read and listen too.....who is next,michael moore?....
Barbra Streisand. Now THERE'S a real political heavyweight. Whenever I want to put my finger on the American pulse I go straight to Babs.
More fucking lies from the huffy puffy post, the blue ribbon panel on on voter fraud has no power to alter even one voter registration. No need to let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda though, right?


HuffPost is not the only one to venture into his sociopathic state. There's a lot out there about his mental instability.
You scroll down these traits of a sociopath and tell me which one DOESN'T apply to Trump.

#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets. As a great example of this in action, watch this interview of Charles Manson on YouTube.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth
merely because they say it!

For all his ranting about fake news and fake media...

There’s a narcissistic fraud in the White House. An angry, hollow, vindictive man is running the country. What bottomless emotional need does he have for acclaim? It is hard to know where his rampant narcissism ends and serious mental problems ensue. He lies prodigiously and for no reason except he obviously has an unclear vision of what the truth is.

Is his narcissism the driving force behind his lies? Look no further than the lobbies atseven of his golf courses, where he has hung fake Time Magazine covers with made-up headlines of effusive praise for himself. What a bizarre intersection between vanity and fraud. That is a president whose cabinet officials obsequiously offer tribute to his greatness while cameras roll. What is next, Dear Leader... a new haircut?

Trump has lied so much there was a New York Times article listing just the lies he’s told since taking the oath of office. This is to say nothing of the lies told repeatedly on the campaign trail and the ones he used to sell investors before bankrupting six business deals. He tells us he is very rich, but disregards the Constitution to enrich himself and his family. The chief government ethics officer just quit over it.

Trump continues to lie about the number of people at his inauguration. Why is that so important to him? Is he so obsessed with losing the popular vote by 3 million that he established a partisan, taxpayer-funded commission to search for non-existent voter fraud? A Stanford analysis of what Trump’s “voter fraud” panel would do, shows how devastating it would be to legitimate voters, “For every one case of double voting the program identified, it yielded 200 false positives that would purge the registrations of people legitimately eligible to vote.” Luckily, 44 states (as of July 5th) have refused to fully comply and hand over the invasive partisan information requested by the commission.Business Insider pointed out the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t even intend to investigate whether voting machines were hacked in November, and the commission is not bothering to investigate Russian interference. As I write this, it is being reported that Trump has accepted, despite our intelligence community’s unanimous finding otherwise, Putin’s denial that Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

He has a particular problem with any criticism from strong women. We all saw the disgusting tweet he put out about Mika Brzezinski, “She was bleeding badly from a face-lift.” At dinner at Mar-a-Lago? I doubt that. What is his obsession with blood? When Megyn Kelly hosted the GOP debate, he was so put off by her appropriately tough questioning of his record that he denigrated her saying, “She had blood coming out of her wherever.” He went on to retweet someone who called her a “bimbo.” He regularly disparages women’s looks, debases them to sexual objects and even brags about sexually assaulting them... and yet he became president?

In his Twitter battle with Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Brzezinski, he called Scarborough “psycho” and Brzezinski “crazy” with a “low I.Q.” He called former FBI Director James Comey “a real nut job” to the Russians. This seems to be yet another example of Trump suffering from “the disowned self,” the psychological condition of a person who projects his own flaws onto others. Does his ego blind him?

The large ego of a small man drives the vindictiveness of his policies. This presidency is all about the perception of “winning” for Trump – no matter the cost to others. He is a president who only enjoys the roar of the crowd at the rallies, and doesn’t want to learn even the basics of federal policy. While Trump presides over the circus in his mind, his vice president, Mike Pence, is pushing the extreme agenda of the Koch brothers through both the appointments and policies of federal agencies. They have undone environmental, labor and consumer protections. The Education Department is undermining public schools, and now attorneys general from 18 states and DC are suing Betsy DeVos for undoing loan protections for students who were cheated by fraudulent colleges. In fact, many in the cabinet seem dedicated to undoing the historic missions of their agencies. No surprise, since Trump’s financial supporters are getting what they want – deregulation in the guise of preventing necessary public oversight.

For all his ranting about fake news and fake media... the truth is, he is the fake president.

More: The Fake President

Amen! I salute Ms. Barbara Streisand. This is a great article - and I highly recommend you read the rest of the link if you care about such things. She nailed it.

We get it. You lost. And you are sad. Sad.
More fucking lies from the huffy puffy post, the blue ribbon panel on on voter fraud has no power to alter even one voter registration. No need to let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda though, right?


HuffPost is not the only one to venture into his sociopathic state. There's a lot out there about his mental instability.
You scroll down these traits of a sociopath and tell me which one DOESN'T apply to Trump.

#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets. As a great example of this in action, watch this interview of Charles Manson on YouTube.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth
merely because they say it!

More fucking lies from the huffy puffy post, the blue ribbon panel on on voter fraud has no power to alter even one voter registration. No need to let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda though, right?


HuffPost is not the only one to venture into his sociopathic state. There's a lot out there about his mental instability.
You scroll down these traits of a sociopath and tell me which one DOESN'T apply to Trump.

#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets. As a great example of this in action, watch this interview of Charles Manson on YouTube.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth
merely because they say it!


You're one of the dimmest, laziest people who ever posted on this board.
So take the challenge. Show me one point on here where he doesn't fit right in.
He might love his children, but that is the only room I will give him.

For all his ranting about fake news and fake media...

There’s a narcissistic fraud in the White House. An angry, hollow, vindictive man is running the country. What bottomless emotional need does he have for acclaim? It is hard to know where his rampant narcissism ends and serious mental problems ensue. He lies prodigiously and for no reason except he obviously has an unclear vision of what the truth is.

Is his narcissism the driving force behind his lies? Look no further than the lobbies atseven of his golf courses, where he has hung fake Time Magazine covers with made-up headlines of effusive praise for himself. What a bizarre intersection between vanity and fraud. That is a president whose cabinet officials obsequiously offer tribute to his greatness while cameras roll. What is next, Dear Leader... a new haircut?

Trump has lied so much there was a New York Times article listing just the lies he’s told since taking the oath of office. This is to say nothing of the lies told repeatedly on the campaign trail and the ones he used to sell investors before bankrupting six business deals. He tells us he is very rich, but disregards the Constitution to enrich himself and his family. The chief government ethics officer just quit over it.

Trump continues to lie about the number of people at his inauguration. Why is that so important to him? Is he so obsessed with losing the popular vote by 3 million that he established a partisan, taxpayer-funded commission to search for non-existent voter fraud? A Stanford analysis of what Trump’s “voter fraud” panel would do, shows how devastating it would be to legitimate voters, “For every one case of double voting the program identified, it yielded 200 false positives that would purge the registrations of people legitimately eligible to vote.” Luckily, 44 states (as of July 5th) have refused to fully comply and hand over the invasive partisan information requested by the commission.Business Insider pointed out the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t even intend to investigate whether voting machines were hacked in November, and the commission is not bothering to investigate Russian interference. As I write this, it is being reported that Trump has accepted, despite our intelligence community’s unanimous finding otherwise, Putin’s denial that Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

He has a particular problem with any criticism from strong women. We all saw the disgusting tweet he put out about Mika Brzezinski, “She was bleeding badly from a face-lift.” At dinner at Mar-a-Lago? I doubt that. What is his obsession with blood? When Megyn Kelly hosted the GOP debate, he was so put off by her appropriately tough questioning of his record that he denigrated her saying, “She had blood coming out of her wherever.” He went on to retweet someone who called her a “bimbo.” He regularly disparages women’s looks, debases them to sexual objects and even brags about sexually assaulting them... and yet he became president?

In his Twitter battle with Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Brzezinski, he called Scarborough “psycho” and Brzezinski “crazy” with a “low I.Q.” He called former FBI Director James Comey “a real nut job” to the Russians. This seems to be yet another example of Trump suffering from “the disowned self,” the psychological condition of a person who projects his own flaws onto others. Does his ego blind him?

The large ego of a small man drives the vindictiveness of his policies. This presidency is all about the perception of “winning” for Trump – no matter the cost to others. He is a president who only enjoys the roar of the crowd at the rallies, and doesn’t want to learn even the basics of federal policy. While Trump presides over the circus in his mind, his vice president, Mike Pence, is pushing the extreme agenda of the Koch brothers through both the appointments and policies of federal agencies. They have undone environmental, labor and consumer protections. The Education Department is undermining public schools, and now attorneys general from 18 states and DC are suing Betsy DeVos for undoing loan protections for students who were cheated by fraudulent colleges. In fact, many in the cabinet seem dedicated to undoing the historic missions of their agencies. No surprise, since Trump’s financial supporters are getting what they want – deregulation in the guise of preventing necessary public oversight.

For all his ranting about fake news and fake media... the truth is, he is the fake president.

More: The Fake President

Amen! I salute Ms. Barbara Streisand. This is a great article - and I highly recommend you read the rest of the link if you care about such things. She nailed it.
Washington Redskin, silly fuckers like yourself should've nominated better candidate than the Hildabeast...
barbara streisand?....geezus you have some of the worst examples of people lakota that you feel we should read and listen too.....who is next,michael moore?....

Barbara Streisand----never got over her role as KATIE MOROSKY (the way we were) That which
she says now is KATIE talking

For all his ranting about fake news and fake media...

There’s a narcissistic fraud in the White House. An angry, hollow, vindictive man is running the country. What bottomless emotional need does he have for acclaim? It is hard to know where his rampant narcissism ends and serious mental problems ensue. He lies prodigiously and for no reason except he obviously has an unclear vision of what the truth is.

Is his narcissism the driving force behind his lies? Look no further than the lobbies atseven of his golf courses, where he has hung fake Time Magazine covers with made-up headlines of effusive praise for himself. What a bizarre intersection between vanity and fraud. That is a president whose cabinet officials obsequiously offer tribute to his greatness while cameras roll. What is next, Dear Leader... a new haircut?

Trump has lied so much there was a New York Times article listing just the lies he’s told since taking the oath of office. This is to say nothing of the lies told repeatedly on the campaign trail and the ones he used to sell investors before bankrupting six business deals. He tells us he is very rich, but disregards the Constitution to enrich himself and his family. The chief government ethics officer just quit over it.

Trump continues to lie about the number of people at his inauguration. Why is that so important to him? Is he so obsessed with losing the popular vote by 3 million that he established a partisan, taxpayer-funded commission to search for non-existent voter fraud? A Stanford analysis of what Trump’s “voter fraud” panel would do, shows how devastating it would be to legitimate voters, “For every one case of double voting the program identified, it yielded 200 false positives that would purge the registrations of people legitimately eligible to vote.” Luckily, 44 states (as of July 5th) have refused to fully comply and hand over the invasive partisan information requested by the commission.Business Insider pointed out the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t even intend to investigate whether voting machines were hacked in November, and the commission is not bothering to investigate Russian interference. As I write this, it is being reported that Trump has accepted, despite our intelligence community’s unanimous finding otherwise, Putin’s denial that Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

He has a particular problem with any criticism from strong women. We all saw the disgusting tweet he put out about Mika Brzezinski, “She was bleeding badly from a face-lift.” At dinner at Mar-a-Lago? I doubt that. What is his obsession with blood? When Megyn Kelly hosted the GOP debate, he was so put off by her appropriately tough questioning of his record that he denigrated her saying, “She had blood coming out of her wherever.” He went on to retweet someone who called her a “bimbo.” He regularly disparages women’s looks, debases them to sexual objects and even brags about sexually assaulting them... and yet he became president?

In his Twitter battle with Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Brzezinski, he called Scarborough “psycho” and Brzezinski “crazy” with a “low I.Q.” He called former FBI Director James Comey “a real nut job” to the Russians. This seems to be yet another example of Trump suffering from “the disowned self,” the psychological condition of a person who projects his own flaws onto others. Does his ego blind him?

The large ego of a small man drives the vindictiveness of his policies. This presidency is all about the perception of “winning” for Trump – no matter the cost to others. He is a president who only enjoys the roar of the crowd at the rallies, and doesn’t want to learn even the basics of federal policy. While Trump presides over the circus in his mind, his vice president, Mike Pence, is pushing the extreme agenda of the Koch brothers through both the appointments and policies of federal agencies. They have undone environmental, labor and consumer protections. The Education Department is undermining public schools, and now attorneys general from 18 states and DC are suing Betsy DeVos for undoing loan protections for students who were cheated by fraudulent colleges. In fact, many in the cabinet seem dedicated to undoing the historic missions of their agencies. No surprise, since Trump’s financial supporters are getting what they want – deregulation in the guise of preventing necessary public oversight.

For all his ranting about fake news and fake media... the truth is, he is the fake president.

More: The Fake President

Amen! I salute Ms. Barbara Streisand. This is a great article - and I highly recommend you read the rest of the link if you care about such things. She nailed it.

Aaaaaaaand, based on the silliness coming from you clowns, he will be a fake president for eight long years. ENJOY!
This ain't no HuffPost:

37 mental health experts sign a letter warning of Trump's 'grave emotional instability'
37 mental health experts sign a letter warning of Trump's 'grave emotional instability'

""""37 psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers said in a joint letter published in the New York Times dated Monday that President Donald Trump is unfit to be president.

"We believe that the grave emotional instability indicated by Mr. Trump’s speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president," the letter reads.

Here's how they explain their reasoning:

Mr. Trump’s speech and actions demonstrate an inability to tolerate views different from his own, leading to rage reactions. His words and behavior suggest a profound inability to empathize. Individuals with these traits distort reality to suit their psychological state, attacking facts and those who convey them (journalists, scientists).""""

The 37 experts who signed the letter write that psychiatry's self-imposed silence was keeping them from sharing their expertise with journalists and members of Congress.

"We fear that too much is at stake to be silent any longer," the letter reads.

Here's the full list of psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers who signed the letter:

Lance Dodes, M.D.

Joseph Schachter, M.D., Ph.D.

Susan Radant, Ph.D.

Judith Schachter, M.D.

Jules Kerman, M.D., Ph.D

Jeffrey Seitelman, M.D., Ph.D.

Henry Friedman, M.D.

Babak Roshanaei-Moghaddam, MD

David Cooper, Ph.D.

Dena Sorbo, LCSW, BCD

Joseph Reppen, Ph.D.

Ernest Wallwork, Ph.D.

Judith E. Vida, M.D.

Richard Reichbart, J.D., Ph.D.

Joseph Abrahams, M.D.

Leslie Schweitzer-Miller, M.D.

Cheryl Y. Goodrich, Ph.D.

Lourdes Henares-Levy, M.D.

Alexandra Rolde, M.D.

Dr. med. Helen Schoenhals Hart

Eva D. Papiasvili, Ph.D.

Mali Mann, M.D.

Phyllis Tyson, Ph.D.

Era A. Loewenstein, Ph.D.

Marianna Adler, Ph.D.

Henry Nunberg, M.D.

Marc R. Hirsch, Ph.D.

Lora Heims Tessman, Ph.D.

Monisha Nayar-Akhtar, Ph.D.

Victoria Schreiber, M.A., L.M.S.W.

Penny M Freedman, Ph.D.

Merton A. Shill, JD. LLM., PhD.

Helen K. Gediman, Ph.D.

Michael P. Kowitt, Ph.D.

Leonard Glass, M.D.

This ain't no HuffPost:

37 mental health experts sign a letter warning of Trump's 'grave emotional instability'
37 mental health experts sign a letter warning of Trump's 'grave emotional instability'

""""37 psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers said in a joint letter published in the New York Times dated Monday that President Donald Trump is unfit to be president.

"We believe that the grave emotional instability indicated by Mr. Trump’s speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president," the letter reads.

Here's how they explain their reasoning:

Mr. Trump’s speech and actions demonstrate an inability to tolerate views different from his own, leading to rage reactions. His words and behavior suggest a profound inability to empathize. Individuals with these traits distort reality to suit their psychological state, attacking facts and those who convey them (journalists, scientists).""""

Big whoop. I can get biased people do to anything I ask them to. So long as it is what they want. This is not exactly compelling silly girl.
Then there's the confusion he had in finding his limo. Unedited video doesn't lie.

CONFUSED Trump Exits Air Force One, Walks Past Limo In Front Of Him, Has To Be Redirected To Limo

Don't mind the Washington Redskin, he can't help it when he gets in the firewater.
This ain't no HuffPost:

37 mental health experts sign a letter warning of Trump's 'grave emotional instability'
37 mental health experts sign a letter warning of Trump's 'grave emotional instability'

""""37 psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers said in a joint letter published in the New York Times dated Monday that President Donald Trump is unfit to be president.

"We believe that the grave emotional instability indicated by Mr. Trump’s speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president," the letter reads.

Here's how they explain their reasoning:

Mr. Trump’s speech and actions demonstrate an inability to tolerate views different from his own, leading to rage reactions. His words and behavior suggest a profound inability to empathize. Individuals with these traits distort reality to suit their psychological state, attacking facts and those who convey them (journalists, scientists).""""

Big whoop. I can get biased people do to anything I ask them to. So long as it is what they want. This is not exactly compelling silly girl.

You can barely handle being a mod on this board, silly boy.
This ain't no HuffPost:

37 mental health experts sign a letter warning of Trump's 'grave emotional instability'
37 mental health experts sign a letter warning of Trump's 'grave emotional instability'

""""37 psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers said in a joint letter published in the New York Times dated Monday that President Donald Trump is unfit to be president.

"We believe that the grave emotional instability indicated by Mr. Trump’s speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president," the letter reads.

Here's how they explain their reasoning:

Mr. Trump’s speech and actions demonstrate an inability to tolerate views different from his own, leading to rage reactions. His words and behavior suggest a profound inability to empathize. Individuals with these traits distort reality to suit their psychological state, attacking facts and those who convey them (journalists, scientists).""""

Big whoop. I can get biased people do to anything I ask them to. So long as it is what they want. This is not exactly compelling silly girl.

You can barely handle being a mod on this board, silly boy.

And I do it way better than you ever could! Which is why I'm the Mod, and you're not!

Either way the point stands. trump is POTUS no matter how much whining and sniveling you all engage in.


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