The facts about DeSantis wanting to "cut" Social Security, supposedly


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

I've gone through half of this article, will finish it soon. But so far, it looks like DeSantis does not want to make it so that ALL SS recipients have to work until the age of 70, which is what I myself thought just going by the political ads against him.

It pays to investigate things..
site [emphasis added]

Both Trump and DeSantis have, in the past, supported plans that sought to rein in future spending on both Social Security and Medicare. None of those proposed changes would have cut current benefits for seniors or those nearing retirement age, but the plans DeSantis supported, while in Congress, would have done far more to restructure the programs than Trump ever proposed, or did, as president.

not one response...

I guess this information is beyond the IQ level of most posters..

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