The Commiecrats Already Called Trump A "Nazi"

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
How can they now feign surprise that he's a racist?

This is how we know our leftist trash won't win back the House or the Senate this year....they threw their haymaker after the election LAST November. Ali had a theory called "slap/tap/BAM" which applies here. He never hit an opponent hard until the 3rd or 4th round...the thinking being the other guy got used to the power that was hitting him. At first they were pretty light, then to keep him honest, he'd tap him with medium power. When the time was right after a few rounds and he had an opening, Ali would throw as good a punch as he had...BAM... and the guy would go down mostly from surprise.

So by using their most outrageous claim from the opening bell, the Rats have already thrown their best shot...and it missed. Badly. Now we know Trump isn't a racist or a bigot and so do the Rats....we know that by their current faked outrage....if they truly believed he was a Hitler then, they'd be saying "told ya so" now instead of endlessly repeating the word "shithole" which supposedly disgusted them when/if Trump said it. How calling a country a shithole is racist they haven't explained but I suppose it falls somewhere under the general subject of "white privilege".

Now that that's settled, here's some video of a Trump as a young man being attacked and defending himself with only his sportcoat.....the man isn't Hitler, but he is nobody to mess with:

Actually, I believe the right here is throwing it out more than the left...
Just saying.
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You leftist twerps should also recognize that Trump is the great destroyer of scandals. What was the shelf-life of the crapography by the little sissy, Wolff? About a week. And that's how long this will last even though UpChuck Todd devoted 58 minutes of Meet the Press to it....not a peep about the booming stock market, unrivaled employment for the darkies he's supposed to hate, and Chrysler moving back to Michigan with 25,000 jobs....which means Mehico just paid for the wall. We don't have to say a word before the midterms....folks' fatter paychecks will do our talking for us.
Everyone who opposes the democrat dogma is a nazi and a racist. Democrats are giving real nazis and racists a good name.
Let's see. He is a businessman. He employs whites, blacks, Jews, women, Hispanics. So which race is he racist against?
Trump's actions speak louder than your words. About the only thing that Trump hates is stupidity, and it is race inclusive. That, and the unpatriotic.
The undisputable fact is...if Trump is a Nazi he is the most benign Nazi in history.

Two results of coming up today wont really mind Nazis because they will remember this time of Nazi rule as not so bad. Future teachers will speak of the horrors of Nazi rule and they will look at each other and shrug and say "i was alive then...wasn't so bad...and my mom, dad, aunts, uncles all supported him. They weren't monsters"
And two, as you say, they have shot their wad. You going to argue economics, immigration, environment, jobs...with Adolph Hitler? Say what?
Let's see. He is a businessman. He employs whites, blacks, Jews, women, Hispanics. So which race is he racist against?
Trump's actions speak louder than your words. About the only thing that Trump hates is stupidity, and it is race inclusive. That, and the unpatriotic.

That's right....he's transactional like all great salesmen....he can try to gut you on one deal and schmooze you until you give him want he wants on the next deal. Durbin should never be allowed in the WH again for his cowardly snitching, but watch, Trump will give him a hearty handshake and a smile when he gets the wall and the end of chain-migration. The Rats are dealing with somebody they are terrified of...he took on the GOP and the Clinton machine and beat them both....the likes of Chuck and Nancy are child's play to him.
You know, it is possible to not like Donald Trump the person, but still support most of the agenda his Presidency is advancing. There's nothing unusual about this. Be honest: Most Democrats would have been in the same position if Hillary had won. I mean...who likes Hillary?
Bringing up by posting threads about his supposed comment.
Actually, I believe the right here is throwing it out more than the left...
Just saying.


Those in the room are simply saying they: "don't recall him using those words" and smiling at the cameras. There isn't a kitchen table in these Untied States that those sitting around it wouldn't agree Haiti and Africa are shitholes. Once again Trump has "supposedly" said what everybody else is thinking...especially the Lexus Liberals who run the media.
Further: the left has been bragging for years that we whites will be in the minority in twenty years. Just for self-preservation we should be inviting in more whites than blacks to keep things working. Folks from shitholes tend to create new ones....they don't know any better.
Let's see. He is a businessman. He employs whites, blacks, Jews, women, Hispanics. So which race is he racist against?
Trump's actions speak louder than your words. About the only thing that Trump hates is stupidity, and it is race inclusive. That, and the unpatriotic.

That's right....he's transactional like all great salesmen....he can try to gut you on one deal and schmooze you until you give him want he wants on the next deal. Durbin should never be allowed in the WH again for his cowardly snitching, but watch, Trump will give him a hearty handshake and a smile when he gets the wall and the end of chain-migration. The Rats are dealing with somebody they are terrified of...he took on the GOP and the Clinton machine and beat them both....the likes of Chuck and Nancy are child's play to him.

"Haiti and Africa"? :lol:

You realize that "Africa" is an entire continent, do you not?

Never let geography get in the way of a good mass generalization emotional hissyfit....
He dresses like a slob and acts like an idiot, I mean reaally dumb, not just borderline stupid.

Not a Nazi.
"Haiti and Africa"? :lol:

You realize that "Africa" is an entire continent, do you not?

Never let geography get in the way of a good mass generalization emotional hissyfit....

Uh yeah Pogo.....and an entire continent is shithole....look what the blacks did to S.Africa and the Zim when they took power. Forget an inner-city in the US that isn't a shithole.

While only 13% of the population in the USA is black:
93% of all black murder victims are murdered by another black
85% of all violent interracial crimes are committed by blacks
80% of all shootings are committed by blacks
79% of all robberies are committed by blacks
59% of all murders are committed by blacks
52% of all violent juvenile crimes are committed by blacks
49% of all murder victims are black
45% of all drug offenses are committed by blacks
42% of all cop killers are black
8% of America’s population are black men, yet they account for 40% of American’s total prison population.
99% of all major riots involving property damage, looting and civil disobedience are committed by blacks
Blacks commit 25 X more violent assaults against whites, than whites against blacks. 33% of all crime in America is committed by 3% of the population…
Blacks between the ages of 16 and 36 40% of all blacks are on welfare (US Census)
59% of blacks graduate high school (only 20% in Detroit)
60% of black households have no fathers present.
72% of black mothers are unwed, 72%…is it any wonder young black men don’t know how to act?
3 out of 4 black children have never had a stable, working, father…a man who is home every night, and helps with home work…no wonder black culture is so broken.

Dept. of Justice, FBI and USA Census website. Google "FBI table 49a" for crime stats by race

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