The Brutal Murder of a Jewish Teen-A glimpse into the horrific Palestinian practice of Pay for Slay

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I'm sure one day we'll have a Democrat President, then the US can help pay the killers again. Wonder how our new Somali and palestinian House members feel about murders like this. Certainly we understand the killer's motive, the young lady is an occupier, after all. Another new Democrat House member indicates there should be no barrier to immigration by Latinos, presumably Latinas too but she left them out, because they're natives. Wonder what sort of actions she thinks are justified by the new natives.

Read the rest of this horrific story Frontpagemagazine ^


When police and security forces discovered 19-year-old Ori Ansbacher in Jerusalem’s Ein Yael forest on Friday, she was already dead. Police noted that she was murdered in a brutal fashion having been stabbed at least 12 times in the chest and neck. There were other signs of brutality but in deference to police requests and the dignity of the Ansbacher family, I will refrain from noting them here. Needless to say, this was a barbaric crime even by Palestinian standards of barbarity.

Forensic teams scoured the site for evidence and within 24 hours, there was a significant evidentiary breakthrough that led to the doorstep of 29-year-old Hebron resident, Arafat Irfayia. So strong was the physical evidence that police noted that they could secure a conviction even without a confession. Following the crime, Irfayia hid in a mosque in the Arab village of El-Bireh, and subsequently made his way to a home adjacent to the mosque where Israeli security forces nabbed him. His Hebron home has already been mapped for demolition.

On Sunday, Irfayia reenacted the crime for investigators. On day of the murder, Irfayia, who was known to law enforcement, left his Hebron home armed with a knife and made his way to Jerusalem, where he stumbled upon his innocent female victim. It was a crime of opportunity and unfortunately, Ori became a victim of Irfayia’s monstrous hate of Jews and deviant sexual proclivities.

The horrific nature of the crime instantly reverberated throughout Israel and revived calls for capital punishment for acts of terror with aggravating circumstances. Protestors assembled at Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square where they called for the death penalty for Ori’s killer. This sentiment was echoed by Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked, who stated that prosecutors should seek the death penalty. Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan expressed a similar position noting that certain aggravating circumstances such as abuse of the victim and inability to rehabilitate should be considered when assessing a capital case.

Though Israel has a death penalty statute, it has only been implemented once in the case of Adolf Eichmann, the notorious Nazi who played an integral role in the murder of six million Jews during the Holocaust. Eichmann was captured in Buenos Aires by a Mossad team and spirited out of Argentina to Israel where he was tried and sentenced to death by hanging. He was executed on June 1, 1962 and cremated with his ashes spread over the Mediterranean Sea, outside of Israel’s maritime boundaries.

Those arguing against the death penalty reason that the death penalty does not serve as a deterrent as most of those who carry out these types of crimes expect to die and may even in fact yearn for death on the promise of being received by 72 virgins and lifetime pecuniary benefits for the terrorist’s family members. Moreover, the death of the terrorist serves to elevate him to martyrdom status.

Many Palestinians maintain a death cult mentality.....
El malei rachamim. So horrible. RIP to the beautiful soul.

A continuing tragedy is that the young lady won't be the last victim of the islamic Death Cult. The Islamic terrorists continue to receive welfare fraud money from European nations. For as long as the islamic Death Cult is rewarded for killing, the killing will continue.
Israel will have to slaughter a few hundred civilians and hope that doesn’t inspire survivors to engage in terrorism.
Blogger Abu Yehuda has called for capital punishment for this Arab murderer -- who has the apt name of Arafat -- and others like him who have spilt innocent blood.

Let this Arafat and the rest of his ilk join Eichmann and may their souls rot in hell! (May the original Arafat be there already awaiting his namesake.)

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