The Bible. Myth or Reality?

Either way, you have to be open to the fact that you could be wrong. Even if 2 billion people agree with you.

If a non-believer is wrong about God being real, and God has not directly shown himself to that person, for God to punish him would be quite immoral.

Do you agree?


Doesn't matter what I think, but, I do believe every human being on Earth has or will be given the opportunity and/or God will reveal Himself to them in one way or another.

It matters that your religion produces such weak minds that they cannot make moral judgement just as you have shown you cannot do here.

Religion is all about morals and yours are not worthy. You might wonder why.

You and others here who run from moral discussions are doing my work of discrediting Christianity for me.

Keep it up.


The Scriptures tell us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and your words here reveal the motive of your own heart, DL. You say your work is to discredit Christianity. Who is the accuser of the Brethren, DL? Satan. As you admit that your work is to discredit Christianity - there is no reason for anyone to listen to a word you have to say (in fact, I'd strongly advise people not to listen to you)

You have an ulterior motive. You are not interested in the truth. You're only interest is in accomplishing your own objective which is to destroy the faith of others. By whatever deceptive strategies you can devise. What you do not realize is that you shall one day give an account before God for what you have done here.

Christianity discredit's itself with its homophobia, misogyny and adoration of a genocidal son murdering demiurge.

The fact that those like you who run from moral discussions make whatever case I try to make.

I see you end with the usual Christian fear tactic.

Another immoral trait that your religion has given you.


I beg to differ. Do you recall the seat belt commercial where they put the dummy in the car without a seat belt and smashed him into a wall to show the viewers what happens to those who get into a car accident without their seat belts on? It was very effective and in my own city about 99% of the population obeys the seat belt law! Would you also accuse them of using fear tactics in order to save lives?

Please buckle up. (Romans 10:9,10) Arrive alive.
If a non-believer is wrong about God being real, and God has not directly shown himself to that person, for God to punish him would be quite immoral.

Do you agree?


Doesn't matter what I think, but, I do believe every human being on Earth has or will be given the opportunity and/or God will reveal Himself to them in one way or another.

It matters that your religion produces such weak minds that they cannot make moral judgement just as you have shown you cannot do here.

Religion is all about morals and yours are not worthy. You might wonder why.

You and others here who run from moral discussions are doing my work of discrediting Christianity for me.

Keep it up.


The Scriptures tell us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and your words here reveal the motive of your own heart, DL. You say your work is to discredit Christianity. Who is the accuser of the Brethren, DL? Satan. As you admit that your work is to discredit Christianity - there is no reason for anyone to listen to a word you have to say (in fact, I'd strongly advise people not to listen to you)

You have an ulterior motive. You are not interested in the truth. You're only interest is in accomplishing your own objective which is to destroy the faith of others. By whatever deceptive strategies you can devise. What you do not realize is that you shall one day give an account before God for what you have done here.

Christianity discredit's itself with its homophobia, misogyny and adoration of a genocidal son murdering demiurge.

The fact that those like you who run from moral discussions make whatever case I try to make.

I see you end with the usual Christian fear tactic.

Another immoral trait that your religion has given you.


I beg to differ. Do you recall the seat belt commercial where they put the dummy in the car without a seat belt and smashed him into a wall to show the viewers what happens to those who get into a car accident without their seat belts on? It was very effective and in my own city about 99% of the population obeys the seat belt law! Would you also accuse them of using fear tactics in order to save lives?

Please buckle up. (Romans 10:9,10) Arrive alive.

The wall was real.

See the difference?

GreatestIam melt down!

I say this only because you have, yet again, condemned foolishly. I have been married twice and have never known other women. I was not with my wife until marriage. My first wife died, and I was continent until I married again. And I served tours for months on end away from my spouse. Can you say you have only known your mate and only within marriage?

I have always loved the Lord my God, and I have always tried to love my fellow human beings as myself. I have always given tithe to the poor and needy. I try to seek out to do acts of kindness daily without being seen. Can you say that you have done this?

I don't care if my fellow man knows not my heart and my actions, but my Lord God does. I call him "Lord" and he calls me by my first name.

Step along, GreatestIam, step along.

I never condemn foolishly and if you are to state such you should at least have the balls to show what you are talking about and provide your argument against.

As to me, I have a family tradition to follow.

I like being ----

Stop complaining about not being attractive to women pal.


Somewhere along someone's thread make that post that defines them. That last sentence of yours says it all. Some of the people who come to this forum to insult religion are truly shocking in their moral degeneration.


Psychobabble B.S.

Says Mr. Dianetics. :lol:
"Some of the people who come to this forum to insult religion are truly shocking in their moral degeneration." That needs to be said again when a moral degenerate like GreatestIAm comes to slither and deceive, his evil to weave. Oh, well. It's fun to watch.
Doesn't matter what I think, but, I do believe every human being on Earth has or will be given the opportunity and/or God will reveal Himself to them in one way or another.

It matters that your religion produces such weak minds that they cannot make moral judgement just as you have shown you cannot do here.

Religion is all about morals and yours are not worthy. You might wonder why.

You and others here who run from moral discussions are doing my work of discrediting Christianity for me.

Keep it up.


The Scriptures tell us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and your words here reveal the motive of your own heart, DL. You say your work is to discredit Christianity. Who is the accuser of the Brethren, DL? Satan. As you admit that your work is to discredit Christianity - there is no reason for anyone to listen to a word you have to say (in fact, I'd strongly advise people not to listen to you)

You have an ulterior motive. You are not interested in the truth. You're only interest is in accomplishing your own objective which is to destroy the faith of others. By whatever deceptive strategies you can devise. What you do not realize is that you shall one day give an account before God for what you have done here.

Christianity discredit's itself with its homophobia, misogyny and adoration of a genocidal son murdering demiurge.

The fact that those like you who run from moral discussions make whatever case I try to make.

I see you end with the usual Christian fear tactic.

Another immoral trait that your religion has given you.


I beg to differ. Do you recall the seat belt commercial where they put the dummy in the car without a seat belt and smashed him into a wall to show the viewers what happens to those who get into a car accident without their seat belts on? It was very effective and in my own city about 99% of the population obeys the seat belt law! Would you also accuse them of using fear tactics in order to save lives?

Please buckle up. (Romans 10:9,10) Arrive alive.

The wall was real.

See the difference?


The wall was real and so is hell. There is no difference.
The OT is mainly myths and oral stories changed and handed down, wrote by godless barbaric people.

The NT wrote by a more progressive people, more humane, better people that still had to deal with the godless people, which Rome finally did in 70AD, but they are still here.

ROFLMAO I hope the NT was WROTE by people more literate than are you. Unfortunately ---the same people ----who THE NT WAS WROTE by engaged in
extensive barbarity and committed genocide against hundreds of millions upon whom people of your ilk dance with joy. Most of the people who adhere to the writings of the NT----are, fortunately, way ahead of filth of your ilk-----and have repudiated the filth you so love

LOL --- before we throw stones, we might want to wear a helmet.

"THE NT WAS WROTE" should be 'was written' ...

if you want to be picky, be prepared to be picked on.

As for the rest of your post, the logic and intelligence doesn't even the reach the level of your grammatical faux pas.
It matters that your religion produces such weak minds that they cannot make moral judgement just as you have shown you cannot do here.

Religion is all about morals and yours are not worthy. You might wonder why.

You and others here who run from moral discussions are doing my work of discrediting Christianity for me.

Keep it up.


The Scriptures tell us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and your words here reveal the motive of your own heart, DL. You say your work is to discredit Christianity. Who is the accuser of the Brethren, DL? Satan. As you admit that your work is to discredit Christianity - there is no reason for anyone to listen to a word you have to say (in fact, I'd strongly advise people not to listen to you)

You have an ulterior motive. You are not interested in the truth. You're only interest is in accomplishing your own objective which is to destroy the faith of others. By whatever deceptive strategies you can devise. What you do not realize is that you shall one day give an account before God for what you have done here.

Christianity discredit's itself with its homophobia, misogyny and adoration of a genocidal son murdering demiurge.

The fact that those like you who run from moral discussions make whatever case I try to make.

I see you end with the usual Christian fear tactic.

Another immoral trait that your religion has given you.


I beg to differ. Do you recall the seat belt commercial where they put the dummy in the car without a seat belt and smashed him into a wall to show the viewers what happens to those who get into a car accident without their seat belts on? It was very effective and in my own city about 99% of the population obeys the seat belt law! Would you also accuse them of using fear tactics in order to save lives?

Please buckle up. (Romans 10:9,10) Arrive alive.

The wall was real.

See the difference?


The wall was real and so is hell. There is no difference.

If hell is real then your God is an immoral looser as he could not create for the best possible end.

Care to debate the morality of hell or will you run away from that moral discussion as well?

Judgment and punishment go hand in hand.

Our human laws have a form of punishment where the penalty is graduated to fit the crime. An eye for an eye type of justice.

God‘s punishment seems to surpass this standard with hell. Hell used here is the eternal fire and torture type of hell and I am not particularly interested in the myriad of other definitions and theories that some use to supplant this traditional view.

To ascertain if hell would be a moral construct or not, all you need do is answer these simple question for yourself.

1. Is it good justice for a soul to be able to sin for only 120 years and then have to suffer torture for 12000000000000000000000000 + years?

2. Is it good justice for small or mediocre sinners to have to bear the same sentence as Hitler, Stalin and other genocidal maniacs?

This might actually include God if you see Noah’s flood as God using genocide and not justice against man. Pardon the digression.

Punishment is usually only given to change attitude or actions and cause the sinner to repent.

3. Is it good justice to continue to torture a soul in hell if no change in attitude or actions are to result?

4. If you answered yes to these questions, then would killing the soul not be a better form of justice than to torture it for no possible good result or purpose?

Is hell a moral construct or not?

Please explain your reasons and know that ---just because you think God created it ---does not explain your moral judgment. It is your view I seek and not God’s as no one can speak for God.

I disagree. I happen to be a Christian, but I don't leave my brain at the church doors. There are MANY very intelligent Christians out there. Maybe they just don't frequent the message boards.

The Bible makes sense to Christian's or "saved" people. An unsaved person and understand the content, research the translations etc. but, how can you expect an unsaved person to relate to or understand the indwelling of the Holy Spirit when they have not experienced it. To dismiss it out of hand is what is ignorant.
Most atheists were at one time christians or part of another religion. Do you consider yourself ignorant for dismissing every other god and religion?

I was an atheist or agnostic. I'm not sure if I would call myself ignorant. I have learned a lot about other religions, but, Christianity (how I have experienced it) seems to be the only one that rings true in my heart/soul. It's hard to discuss a personal belief that is an experience outside of "just the facts" - that's why there is such debate, but, if you accept the premise and/or are convicted that Jesus is the only way to heaven, since the Bible states that, you are simply making a choice to believe that. I don't think that is ignorant in my opinion.
You completely dodged my question. You alluded that one may be ignorant if they dismiss the Holy Spirit. I turned this argument back on yourself by questioning that since you dismiss all other gods/religions that you may be ignorant also. Throughout history people have had personal beliefs about so many other gods and spiritual beings. To them their belief was the only way, the only truth. It was just as real to them as your belief is as real to you.To call one ignorant because they don't accept your version of your religion not only alienates atheists and agnostics but those who follow other gods and religions. That is the majority of all the humans that have ever lived on this planet.
I do not believe in luck. I believe in the Word of God that tells me that Gods Word will not return back unto Him void without going forth and performing the work it was sent to do.

There is no debate about whether the Bible is myth or truth. The Word of God is true. God is not a man that He should lie. You can rely on the Word of God being 100% true. With that, if you will read it, study it, and do what it says you will find eternal life.
So if someone were to approach you and tell you the god they believe in (which is different than your god) is the truth and 100% true, how would you respond to them. Remember they have zero evidence to back up this claim. How would you respond to them.
I disagree. I happen to be a Christian, but I don't leave my brain at the church doors. There are MANY very intelligent Christians out there. Maybe they just don't frequent the message boards.

The Bible makes sense to Christian's or "saved" people. An unsaved person and understand the content, research the translations etc. but, how can you expect an unsaved person to relate to or understand the indwelling of the Holy Spirit when they have not experienced it. To dismiss it out of hand is what is ignorant.
Most atheists were at one time christians or part of another religion. Do you consider yourself ignorant for dismissing every other god and religion?

I was an atheist or agnostic. I'm not sure if I would call myself ignorant. I have learned a lot about other religions, but, Christianity (how I have experienced it) seems to be the only one that rings true in my heart/soul. It's hard to discuss a personal belief that is an experience outside of "just the facts" - that's why there is such debate, but, if you accept the premise and/or are convicted that Jesus is the only way to heaven, since the Bible states that, you are simply making a choice to believe that. I don't think that is ignorant in my opinion.
You completely dodged my question. You alluded that one may be ignorant if they dismiss the Holy Spirit. I turned this argument back on yourself by questioning that since you dismiss all other gods/religions that you may be ignorant also. Throughout history people have had personal beliefs about so many other gods and spiritual beings. To them their belief was the only way, the only truth. It was just as real to them as your belief is as real to you.To call one ignorant because they don't accept your version of your religion not only alienates atheists and agnostics but those who follow other gods and religions. That is the majority of all the humans that have ever lived on this planet.

If I said anyone was ignorant for not being a Christian I apologize. That is NOT what I meant to say. There are non-Christian people MUCH more intelligent than Christian people, that is a fact.

The only way to become a Christian is to hear the Gospel and for the Holy Spirit to draw you. It has nothing to do with intelligence.
I do not believe in luck. I believe in the Word of God that tells me that Gods Word will not return back unto Him void without going forth and performing the work it was sent to do.

There is no debate about whether the Bible is myth or truth. The Word of God is true. God is not a man that He should lie. You can rely on the Word of God being 100% true. With that, if you will read it, study it, and do what it says you will find eternal life.
So if someone were to approach you and tell you the god they believe in (which is different than your god) is the truth and 100% true, how would you respond to them. Remember they have zero evidence to back up this claim. How would you respond to them.

I would explain to them why Jesus is the only way. Why I believe that and how it has changed my life
I do not believe in luck. I believe in the Word of God that tells me that Gods Word will not return back unto Him void without going forth and performing the work it was sent to do.

There is no debate about whether the Bible is myth or truth. The Word of God is true. God is not a man that He should lie. You can rely on the Word of God being 100% true. With that, if you will read it, study it, and do what it says you will find eternal life.
So if someone were to approach you and tell you the god they believe in (which is different than your god) is the truth and 100% true, how would you respond to them. Remember they have zero evidence to back up this claim. How would you respond to them.

I would explain to them why Jesus is the only way. Why I believe that and how it has changed my life
That is great that it changed your life and I'm happy for you. You still dismissed the person in the scenario's claim and I'm just asking you to think about the reasons why you would dismiss anyone else's claim of another god or religion.
That is great that it changed your life and I'm happy for you. You still dismissed the person in the scenario's claim and I'm just asking you to think about the reasons why you would dismiss anyone else's claim of another god or religion

I have heard them, I don't dismiss them, but they don't ring true - I have listened to and learned about quite a few other religions. Most people simply choose the religion that already agrees with their lifestyle of life philosophy. When I was born again, it necessitated a radical change - not because man said so, but because I needed to be obedient to God, not because if I didn't I would burn in hell, but because I accepted him as my Lord and knew he has the best in mind for me and my life.
That is great that it changed your life and I'm happy for you. You still dismissed the person in the scenario's claim and I'm just asking you to think about the reasons why you would dismiss anyone else's claim of another god or religion

I have heard them, I don't dismiss them, but they don't ring true - I have listened to and learned about quite a few other religions. Most people simply choose the religion that already agrees with their lifestyle of life philosophy. When I was born again, it necessitated a radical change - not because man said so, but because I needed to be obedient to God, not because if I didn't I would burn in hell, but because I accepted him as my Lord and knew he has the best in mind for me and my life.
I think most choose the religion of their parents. Most Hindus had Hindu parents, most Muslims had Muslim parents and of course most Christians had Christian parents. Of course this is not the same for everyone and some choose religions that is different from their family or community. If you feel another religion or another god does not ring true then I feel you are dismissing it.
The Bible. Myth or Reality?

As a Gnostic Christian I see literal reading of the Bible as a gross distortion of what the Bible was written to do. That being to inspire people to seek God and his best laws and rules. Literal readers just become idol worshipers and do not seek God the way Jesus instructed.

Literal reading has created and idol worshiping closed minded people who have settled for an immoral God whom we name as a demiurge as his morals, if literally true, are more satanic than God like.

Literal reading has also created a climate where scholars and experts, historians and archeologist, and all the academically well accepted information they uncover, --- is being ignored or called lies by those who are not academics of the various disciplines.

What is the point of producing good academics if literalists are going to ignore facts because of blind faith?

Remember please that if not a book of myths, then real talking serpents are somehow supposed to still exist and believers have to believe in a lot of supernatural phenomenon without any evidence whatsoever. Literalist Christians, it seems to me, have suspended rational judgement that has created in Christians a new Dark Age of thought and an Inquisitional attitude towards all other thinking. They no longer seek God and are true idol worshipers instead of the God seekers that Jesus wanted to see.

Do you think the Bible to be a book of myths or a book trying to show reality and history?



the same way oral stories get handed down and stories in the form of parables as Jesus taught. Stories tell of a history of a people and how they came to find god. It reflex a reality of how people are not necessary and exact mirror image.

Most myths have a basis in reality.
think most choose the religion of their parents. Most Hindus had Hindu parents, most Muslims had Muslim parents and of course most Christians had Christian parents. Of course this is not the same for everyone and some choose religions that is different from their family or community. If you feel another religion or another god does not ring true then I feel you are dismissing it.

But, there are many cases of Religion "switch" - what rings true for one many not ring true for another. Whether is be an emotional response, intellectual, or, a true Spiritual Awakening from God. I'd never say I can discern for others, I can only speak for myself.....
That is great that it changed your life and I'm happy for you. You still dismissed the person in the scenario's claim and I'm just asking you to think about the reasons why you would dismiss anyone else's claim of another god or religion

I have heard them, I don't dismiss them, but they don't ring true - I have listened to and learned about quite a few other religions. Most people simply choose the religion that already agrees with their lifestyle of life philosophy. When I was born again, it necessitated a radical change - not because man said so, but because I needed to be obedient to God, not because if I didn't I would burn in hell, but because I accepted him as my Lord and knew he has the best in mind for me and my life.
I think most choose the religion of their parents. Most Hindus had Hindu parents, most Muslims had Muslim parents and of course most Christians had Christian parents. Of course this is not the same for everyone and some choose religions that is different from their family or community. If you feel another religion or another god does not ring true then I feel you are dismissing it.

Most mainstream religions are homophobic and misogynistic.

There are religions and even offshoots of the mainstream religions that do not follow those policies.

If people were actually choosing their religions on the morality within them, most would reject their parents religions for those with a better moral position on gays and women.

The fact they do not proves what you say is true.

That or people just do not care about their morals.

The Bible. Myth or Reality?

As a Gnostic Christian I see literal reading of the Bible as a gross distortion of what the Bible was written to do. That being to inspire people to seek God and his best laws and rules. Literal readers just become idol worshipers and do not seek God the way Jesus instructed.

Literal reading has created and idol worshiping closed minded people who have settled for an immoral God whom we name as a demiurge as his morals, if literally true, are more satanic than God like.

Literal reading has also created a climate where scholars and experts, historians and archeologist, and all the academically well accepted information they uncover, --- is being ignored or called lies by those who are not academics of the various disciplines.

What is the point of producing good academics if literalists are going to ignore facts because of blind faith?

Remember please that if not a book of myths, then real talking serpents are somehow supposed to still exist and believers have to believe in a lot of supernatural phenomenon without any evidence whatsoever. Literalist Christians, it seems to me, have suspended rational judgement that has created in Christians a new Dark Age of thought and an Inquisitional attitude towards all other thinking. They no longer seek God and are true idol worshipers instead of the God seekers that Jesus wanted to see.

Do you think the Bible to be a book of myths or a book trying to show reality and history?



the same way oral stories get handed down and stories in the form of parables as Jesus taught. Stories tell of a history of a people and how they came to find god. It reflex a reality of how people are not necessary and exact mirror image.

Most myths have a basis in reality.

True. And the reality of the bible myths is that they were plagiarized by Christianity from other traditions and myths.

They just did not do a good job of it.


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