The affirmative case for Christianity

"The idea that there is only one God “may well have been the single most important innovation in history.”3 For our purposes monotheism’s importance lies primarily in the fact that it is the only viable source of absolute truth. Only a single creator God can establish such truths. Monotheism also allowed for the formation of the rule of law, whereby God stands over and above His creation, and establishes immutable laws that are equally applicable to all people without exception.4 With no such conception of God and His law, individual people or cultures occupy God’s throne, dispensing justice as they see fit. Man-made laws are as changeable as the human mind and may not be applicable to the ruling power.

For example, God commanded people to not murder one another. This command may seem “self-evident” to most yet in many non-Western cultures female infanticide has long been a common and accepted practice. Only absolute truths based on an objective foundation (a single creator God) can help us determine if it is right or wrong to kill female infants.

As we’ll see moving forward, absolutes are fundamental to Western civilization. In this regard Judaism’s monotheistic worldview was the invaluable first step."

Reasons To Believe : How Christianity Shaped Western Civilization
Patience and virtue missing is the only Christian affirmation:
example 5 minutes ago you repeated your same sins after it was pointed out yesterday.
This repeated behavior repeated former posting habits same fights and arguments over and over is through lack of Teshuva (proper repentance).

Source evidence:
3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

I rest my case you are deflecting what you think Jesus was, because he claimed to be a top messenger of (Baal) his father.
This is Christian teachings, but better yet they make him a flying man coming out of literal clouds.(Ezekiel warning of Beelzebub the flying lord).
So since your frail human ego canct admit your faith beliefs insane you need to deflect and displace. -psychology 101
Hence the ad hominem responses that attack Biblical sources and even your own texts and fictional character.
Patience and virtue missing is the only Christian affirmation:
example 5 minutes ago you repeated your same sins after it was pointed out yesterday.
This repeated behavior repeated former posting habits same fights and arguments over and over is through lack of Teshuva (proper repentance).

Source evidence:
3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

I rest my case you are deflecting what you think Jesus was, because he claimed to be a top messenger of (Baal) his father.
This is Christian teachings, but better yet they make him a flying man coming out of literal clouds.(Ezekiel warning of Beelzebub the flying lord).
So since your frail human ego canct admit your faith beliefs insane you need to deflect and displace. -psychology 101
Hence the ad hominem responses that attack Biblical sources and even your own texts and fictional character.

Still adept as ever in making new friends... How does that jibe with your delusions of throngs of adoring crowds waiting to be served by you at some temple slaughterhouse/kitchen for a bring your own plate back yard barbecue where your dedicated fans who own a plate get to throw scraps to the poor who don't??
Patience and virtue missing is the only Christian affirmation:
example 5 minutes ago you repeated your same sins after it was pointed out yesterday.
This repeated behavior repeated former posting habits same fights and arguments over and over is through lack of Teshuva (proper repentance).

Source evidence:
3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

I rest my case you are deflecting what you think Jesus was, because he claimed to be a top messenger of (Baal) his father.
This is Christian teachings, but better yet they make him a flying man coming out of literal clouds.(Ezekiel warning of Beelzebub the flying lord).
So since your frail human ego canct admit your faith beliefs insane you need to deflect and displace. -psychology 101
Hence the ad hominem responses that attack Biblical sources and even your own texts and fictional character.
You are bat shit crazy. You literally believe you are God's Top Prophet. You are delusional.
Patience and virtue missing is the only Christian affirmation:
example 5 minutes ago you repeated your same sins after it was pointed out yesterday.
This repeated behavior repeated former posting habits same fights and arguments over and over is through lack of Teshuva (proper repentance).

Source evidence:
3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

I rest my case you are deflecting what you think Jesus was, because he claimed to be a top messenger of (Baal) his father.
This is Christian teachings, but better yet they make him a flying man coming out of literal clouds.(Ezekiel warning of Beelzebub the flying lord).
So since your frail human ego canct admit your faith beliefs insane you need to deflect and displace. -psychology 101
Hence the ad hominem responses that attack Biblical sources and even your own texts and fictional character.

Still adept as ever in making new friends... How does that jibe with your delusions of throngs of adoring crowds waiting to be served by you at some temple slaughterhouse/kitchen for a bring your own plate back yard barbecue where your dedicated fans who own a plate get to throw scraps to the poor who don't??

You just proved my point busting Ding for always being that same lacking patience bad friend to those he can not discuss or source the Bible with. Case closed!
Got your toothbrush picked out yet?
If I were you I'd get one of those gag size display toothbrushes to reach more grout and ground that way. If you let me pick it out I'm gonna hand you one of those tiny gum brushes, so you take longer to clean the temple mount for me.
Patience and virtue missing is the only Christian affirmation:
example 5 minutes ago you repeated your same sins after it was pointed out yesterday.
This repeated behavior repeated former posting habits same fights and arguments over and over is through lack of Teshuva (proper repentance).

Source evidence:
3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

I rest my case you are deflecting what you think Jesus was, because he claimed to be a top messenger of (Baal) his father.
This is Christian teachings, but better yet they make him a flying man coming out of literal clouds.(Ezekiel warning of Beelzebub the flying lord).
So since your frail human ego canct admit your faith beliefs insane you need to deflect and displace. -psychology 101
Hence the ad hominem responses that attack Biblical sources and even your own texts and fictional character.

Still adept as ever in making new friends... How does that jibe with your delusions of throngs of adoring crowds waiting to be served by you at some temple slaughterhouse/kitchen for a bring your own plate back yard barbecue where your dedicated fans who own a plate get to throw scraps to the poor who don't??

You just proved my point busting Ding for always being that same lacking patience bad friend to those he can not discuss or source the Bible with. Case closed!
Got your toothbrush picked out yet?
If I were you I'd get one of those gag size display toothbrushes to reach more grout and ground that way. If you let me pick it out Icm gonna hand you one of those tiny gum brushes so you take longer to clean the temple mount for me.

Not a problem!

Once I finish scrubbing the Temple clean for rededication, everyone will notice that you are the only unclean thing left to remove, like a giant white boulder, stained with blood, or a red heifer standing where it doesn't belong in the middle of a plowed field.
Last edited:
Patience and virtue missing is the only Christian affirmation:
example 5 minutes ago you repeated your same sins after it was pointed out yesterday.
This repeated behavior repeated former posting habits same fights and arguments over and over is through lack of Teshuva (proper repentance).

Source evidence:
3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

I rest my case you are deflecting what you think Jesus was, because he claimed to be a top messenger of (Baal) his father.
This is Christian teachings, but better yet they make him a flying man coming out of literal clouds.(Ezekiel warning of Beelzebub the flying lord).
So since your frail human ego canct admit your faith beliefs insane you need to deflect and displace. -psychology 101
Hence the ad hominem responses that attack Biblical sources and even your own texts and fictional character.
You are bat shit crazy. You literally believe you are God's Top Prophet. You are delusional.

I just got you to admit Jesus was delusional, even standard remember.
But I also busted this so called affirmation- virtues post, you got caught abusing and harassing what you consider to be a mentally handicaped person.
Keep finding more faults with your post for us, PLEASE! :)
Last edited:
*L* You keep stepping on the same mouse traps. You know they are there, but you always manage to walk right into one anyway.
It's like watching the criminals in Home Alone abuse themselves going after the clever kid.
"Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" So war, famine, disease, overpopulation, a deteriorating environment, racism, gender inequality... We have Christianity to thank for all this? Really? Do you want a mulligan? :D
Sure. If that's how you want to see it. Go right ahead. Never mind the fact that you are wrong. Your beliefs don't change history. Some people can only see the bad in life. I think you are one of those people.
How can I be wrong? YOU said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!". All I did was enumerate some aspects of our civilization. So I guess YOU are wrong. Again.
But you failed to make the linkage or see the other side of each issue. For instance, Christians are responsible for alleviating many of the things you describe. Please feel free to make your arguments and I will be more than happy to show you the flip side for how you are wrong.
War is being waged by Christians today.
Sure, war is a part of the human condition. So what? Wars are not the sole domain of any creed. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century, what have atheists done? .
You said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" An this civilization is full of wars, pretty much non-stop. So ipso facto, Christianity is the source of war.
Patience and virtue missing is the only Christian affirmation:
example 5 minutes ago you repeated your same sins after it was pointed out yesterday.
This repeated behavior repeated former posting habits same fights and arguments over and over is through lack of Teshuva (proper repentance).

Source evidence:
3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

I rest my case you are deflecting what you think Jesus was, because he claimed to be a top messenger of (Baal) his father.
This is Christian teachings, but better yet they make him a flying man coming out of literal clouds.(Ezekiel warning of Beelzebub the flying lord).
So since your frail human ego canct admit your faith beliefs insane you need to deflect and displace. -psychology 101
Hence the ad hominem responses that attack Biblical sources and even your own texts and fictional character.

Still adept as ever in making new friends... How does that jibe with your delusions of throngs of adoring crowds waiting to be served by you at some temple slaughterhouse/kitchen for a bring your own plate back yard barbecue where your dedicated fans who own a plate get to throw scraps to the poor who don't??

You just proved my point busting Ding for always being that same lacking patience bad friend to those he can not discuss or source the Bible with. Case closed!
Got your toothbrush picked out yet?
If I were you I'd get one of those gag size display toothbrushes to reach more grout and ground that way. If you let me pick it out Icm gonna hand you one of those tiny gum brushes so you take longer to clean the temple mount for me.

Not a problem!

Once I finish scrubbing the Temple clean for rededication, everyone will notice that you are the only unclean thing left to remove, like a giant white boulder, stained with blood, or a red heifer standing where it doesn't belong in the middle of a plowed field.

Never claimed to be perfect (see my 88% post), but thanks for exposing the problematic claim of an image of perfection in the created idol god.
Where were you warned? Ezekiel 28:15
The only prophet ever fulfilling son of perdition (lucifer)in Ezekiel 28 was Jesus the created image of a man.
Ezekiel 28:14-15 he's called
the anointed(christ) cherub(guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene) that would be deemed perfect (sinless) till we saw the iniquities in that created image....
image created by Rome, like people notice in the Fallacious virginal Mary image created by the RCC.
Patience and virtue missing is the only Christian affirmation:
example 5 minutes ago you repeated your same sins after it was pointed out yesterday.
This repeated behavior repeated former posting habits same fights and arguments over and over is through lack of Teshuva (proper repentance).

Source evidence:
3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

I rest my case you are deflecting what you think Jesus was, because he claimed to be a top messenger of (Baal) his father.
This is Christian teachings, but better yet they make him a flying man coming out of literal clouds.(Ezekiel warning of Beelzebub the flying lord).
So since your frail human ego canct admit your faith beliefs insane you need to deflect and displace. -psychology 101
Hence the ad hominem responses that attack Biblical sources and even your own texts and fictional character.
You are bat shit crazy. You literally believe you are God's Top Prophet. You are delusional.

I just got you to admit Jesus was delusional, even standard remember.
But I also busted this so called affirmation- virtues post, you got caught abusing and harassing what you consider to be a mentally handicaped person.
Keep finding more faults with your post for us, PLEASE! :)
Only in your twisted mind. You know, the mind that makes you believe that you are archangel Michael, God's top prophet.
Sure. If that's how you want to see it. Go right ahead. Never mind the fact that you are wrong. Your beliefs don't change history. Some people can only see the bad in life. I think you are one of those people.
How can I be wrong? YOU said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!". All I did was enumerate some aspects of our civilization. So I guess YOU are wrong. Again.
But you failed to make the linkage or see the other side of each issue. For instance, Christians are responsible for alleviating many of the things you describe. Please feel free to make your arguments and I will be more than happy to show you the flip side for how you are wrong.
War is being waged by Christians today.
Sure, war is a part of the human condition. So what? Wars are not the sole domain of any creed. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century, what have atheists done? .
You said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" An this civilization is full of wars, pretty much non-stop. So ipso facto, Christianity is the source of war.
With that kind of logic it is not surprising that you reject the overwhelming evidence of God's existence. You are just one rung lower than Ha Shev's bat shit craziness.
How can I be wrong? YOU said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!". All I did was enumerate some aspects of our civilization. So I guess YOU are wrong. Again.
But you failed to make the linkage or see the other side of each issue. For instance, Christians are responsible for alleviating many of the things you describe. Please feel free to make your arguments and I will be more than happy to show you the flip side for how you are wrong.
War is being waged by Christians today.
Sure, war is a part of the human condition. So what? Wars are not the sole domain of any creed. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century, what have atheists done? .
You said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" An this civilization is full of wars, pretty much non-stop. So ipso facto, Christianity is the source of war.
With that kind of logic it is not surprising that you reject the overwhelming evidence of God's existence. You are just one rung lower than Ha Shev's bat shit craziness.
I don't know what's you're so bent outta shape over. You said Christianity was the source of a civilization, that's constantly at war. What don't you get?
Patience and virtue missing is the only Christian affirmation:
example 5 minutes ago you repeated your same sins after it was pointed out yesterday.
This repeated behavior repeated former posting habits same fights and arguments over and over is through lack of Teshuva (proper repentance).

Source evidence:
3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

I rest my case you are deflecting what you think Jesus was, because he claimed to be a top messenger of (Baal) his father.
This is Christian teachings, but better yet they make him a flying man coming out of literal clouds.(Ezekiel warning of Beelzebub the flying lord).
So since your frail human ego canct admit your faith beliefs insane you need to deflect and displace. -psychology 101
Hence the ad hominem responses that attack Biblical sources and even your own texts and fictional character.

Still adept as ever in making new friends... How does that jibe with your delusions of throngs of adoring crowds waiting to be served by you at some temple slaughterhouse/kitchen for a bring your own plate back yard barbecue where your dedicated fans who own a plate get to throw scraps to the poor who don't??

You just proved my point busting Ding for always being that same lacking patience bad friend to those he can not discuss or source the Bible with. Case closed!
Got your toothbrush picked out yet?
If I were you I'd get one of those gag size display toothbrushes to reach more grout and ground that way. If you let me pick it out Icm gonna hand you one of those tiny gum brushes so you take longer to clean the temple mount for me.

Not a problem!

Once I finish scrubbing the Temple clean for rededication, everyone will notice that you are the only unclean thing left to remove, like a giant white boulder, stained with blood, or a red heifer standing where it doesn't belong in the middle of a plowed field.

Never claimed to be perfect (see my 88% post), but thanks for exposing the problematic claim of an image of perfection in the created idol god.
Where were you warned? Ezekiel 28:15
The only prophet ever fulfilling son of perdition (lucifer)in Ezekiel 28 was Jesus the created image of a man.
Ezekiel 28:14-15 he's called
the anointed(christ) cherub(guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene) that would be deemed perfect (sinless) till we saw the iniquities in that created image....
image created by Rome, like people notice in the Fallacious virginal Mary image created by the RCC.

Sin is disobedience to the law. Thats it. To be righteous is to be without sin.

A person can be as imperfect as anyone else and still be righteous, by conforming to what the law demands in any given situation, even when mistakes are made and purification is required.

Do you think its impossible for a person to always do what the law demands and live without sin?
But you failed to make the linkage or see the other side of each issue. For instance, Christians are responsible for alleviating many of the things you describe. Please feel free to make your arguments and I will be more than happy to show you the flip side for how you are wrong.
War is being waged by Christians today.
Sure, war is a part of the human condition. So what? Wars are not the sole domain of any creed. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century, what have atheists done? .
You said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" An this civilization is full of wars, pretty much non-stop. So ipso facto, Christianity is the source of war.
With that kind of logic it is not surprising that you reject the overwhelming evidence of God's existence. You are just one rung lower than Ha Shev's bat shit craziness.
I don't know what's you're so bent outta shape over. You said Christianity was the source of a civilization, that's constantly at war. What don't you get?
Why do you think I am bent out of shape? Is it because I believe you are just one rung lower than Ha Shev's bat shit craziness? Do you want me to explain the logic?
War is being waged by Christians today.
Sure, war is a part of the human condition. So what? Wars are not the sole domain of any creed. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century, what have atheists done? .
You said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" An this civilization is full of wars, pretty much non-stop. So ipso facto, Christianity is the source of war.
With that kind of logic it is not surprising that you reject the overwhelming evidence of God's existence. You are just one rung lower than Ha Shev's bat shit craziness.
I don't know what's you're so bent outta shape over. You said Christianity was the source of a civilization, that's constantly at war. What don't you get?
Why do you think I am bent out of shape? Is it because I believe you are just one rung lower than Ha Shev's bat shit craziness? Do you want me to explain the logic?
Our civilization is full of war, and you said Christianity is the source of our civilization. So Christianity is the source of our wars as well.
Patience and virtue missing is the only Christian affirmation:
example 5 minutes ago you repeated your same sins after it was pointed out yesterday.
This repeated behavior repeated former posting habits same fights and arguments over and over is through lack of Teshuva (proper repentance).

Source evidence:
3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

I rest my case you are deflecting what you think Jesus was, because he claimed to be a top messenger of (Baal) his father.
This is Christian teachings, but better yet they make him a flying man coming out of literal clouds.(Ezekiel warning of Beelzebub the flying lord).
So since your frail human ego canct admit your faith beliefs insane you need to deflect and displace. -psychology 101
Hence the ad hominem responses that attack Biblical sources and even your own texts and fictional character.

Still adept as ever in making new friends... How does that jibe with your delusions of throngs of adoring crowds waiting to be served by you at some temple slaughterhouse/kitchen for a bring your own plate back yard barbecue where your dedicated fans who own a plate get to throw scraps to the poor who don't??

You just proved my point busting Ding for always being that same lacking patience bad friend to those he can not discuss or source the Bible with. Case closed!
Got your toothbrush picked out yet?
If I were you I'd get one of those gag size display toothbrushes to reach more grout and ground that way. If you let me pick it out Icm gonna hand you one of those tiny gum brushes so you take longer to clean the temple mount for me.

Not a problem!

Once I finish scrubbing the Temple clean for rededication, everyone will notice that you are the only unclean thing left to remove, like a giant white boulder, stained with blood, or a red heifer standing where it doesn't belong in the middle of a plowed field.

Never claimed to be perfect (see my 88% post), but thanks for exposing the problematic claim of an image of perfection in the created idol god.
Where were you warned? Ezekiel 28:15
The only prophet ever fulfilling son of perdition (lucifer)in Ezekiel 28 was Jesus the created image of a man.
Ezekiel 28:14-15 he's called
the anointed(christ) cherub(guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene) that would be deemed perfect (sinless) till we saw the iniquities in that created image....
image created by Rome, like people notice in the Fallacious virginal Mary image created by the RCC.

Sin is disobedience to the law. Thats it. To be righteous is to be without sin.

A person can be as imperfect as anyone else and still be righteous, by conforming to what the law demands in any given situation, even when mistakes are made and purification is required.

Do you think its impossible for a person to always do what the law demands and live without sin?

Yes you are repeating what I have said many a times with sources:
A person is still righteous even if he/she occasionally sins: see
I Kings 15:5, Num 32:11-12.
Look at Isaiah 43:25 "It I, I who, for my own sake, wipe your transgressions away and remember your sins no more." Just an aside, notice who's sins are wiped away and how their sins are wiped away.

My 88% Spiritual Light vs 88% spiritual darkness post is important, it's from the scrolls and with the knowledge of the symbol used for both the Evening Star and Morning Star and historical events and figures proves they were given info nobody else could know but that which was from a time to come (olam habah(heaven)=world to come=future)
Still adept as ever in making new friends... How does that jibe with your delusions of throngs of adoring crowds waiting to be served by you at some temple slaughterhouse/kitchen for a bring your own plate back yard barbecue where your dedicated fans who own a plate get to throw scraps to the poor who don't??

You just proved my point busting Ding for always being that same lacking patience bad friend to those he can not discuss or source the Bible with. Case closed!
Got your toothbrush picked out yet?
If I were you I'd get one of those gag size display toothbrushes to reach more grout and ground that way. If you let me pick it out Icm gonna hand you one of those tiny gum brushes so you take longer to clean the temple mount for me.

Not a problem!

Once I finish scrubbing the Temple clean for rededication, everyone will notice that you are the only unclean thing left to remove, like a giant white boulder, stained with blood, or a red heifer standing where it doesn't belong in the middle of a plowed field.

Never claimed to be perfect (see my 88% post), but thanks for exposing the problematic claim of an image of perfection in the created idol god.
Where were you warned? Ezekiel 28:15
The only prophet ever fulfilling son of perdition (lucifer)in Ezekiel 28 was Jesus the created image of a man.
Ezekiel 28:14-15 he's called
the anointed(christ) cherub(guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene) that would be deemed perfect (sinless) till we saw the iniquities in that created image....
image created by Rome, like people notice in the Fallacious virginal Mary image created by the RCC.

Sin is disobedience to the law. Thats it. To be righteous is to be without sin.

A person can be as imperfect as anyone else and still be righteous, by conforming to what the law demands in any given situation, even when mistakes are made and purification is required.

Do you think its impossible for a person to always do what the law demands and live without sin?

Yes you are repeating what I have said many a times with sources:
A person is still righteous even if he/she occasionally sins: see
I Kings 15:5, Num 32:11-12.
Look at Isaiah 43:25 "It I, I who, for my own sake, wipe your transgressions away and remember your sins no more." Just an aside, notice who's sins are wiped away and how their sins are wiped away.

My 88% Spiritual Light vs 88% spiritual darkness post is important, it's from the scrolls and with the knowledge of the symbol used for both the Evening Star and Morning Star and historical events and figures proves they were given info nobody else could know but that which was from a time to come (olam habah(heaven)=world to come=future)
Everything is not about you you egocentric fool.

Your claim was that Jesus claimed to be perfect. This is patently false. Jesus submitted to the baptism of John as a token for the forgiveness of sins. Why would anyone do this if they were not confessing sin and re-dedicating themselves to purification?

The perfect man, the magician who claimed to be a three in one god in the flesh is a roman fabrication, a false counterfeit sugar coated pusillanimous Jesus that never existed.
I NEVER SAID THAT, the Bible states son of perdition is an Image of a man and that he would be Deemed perfect not that he'd claim it himself. Until iniquities are found in that fake image. -Ezekiel 28:15
You yourself teach this about the fake image Jesus the church teaches.

Reflected mirror:
Everything is not about Jesus that megalomaniac fool.
Everything in the OT is not about Jesus that megalomaniac fool. In fact none is except Son of perdition aka Lucifer.
Jesus face is not in every cloud those megalomaniac fools.
Jesus face isn't in your coffee creamer swirl
you megalomaniac fools.
Jesus face isn't in burnt toast you megalomaniac fools.
Jesus isn't in in a window or walk stain you megalomaniac fools.
He is however seen in toilet bowl stains, you guys do claim him to be the great scarab (dung beetle) and on St Pattys day around the world Christians were bowing down and kneeling to this porcelin god crying "oh Jesus please let me get through this" *LOL*
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