The 4 questions to ask your doctor before receiving treatment


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

How often do we just sit there and let the doctor do his thing? We should speak up.

Is this really necessary?

What are the risks?

Are there other options?

What happens if I don’t do anything?

Details @ Prevent unnecessary medical care — by asking your doctor these 4 questions first
A good post. I love health and fitness issues.

Those four questions are ones I generally know the answer to before I even ask the doctor (I try and do my research beforehand).

I can be a pain in the butt for a doctor, who I thankfully (God willing) don't see very often, but, I look at it this way, "who is going to look after your health better than you"? So I ask questions, get clarification, challenge him where need be.

The doctor sees me 15-20 min., I live in my body everyday, I've got no way around it. Thus, try your best to take care of yourself, a doctor alone cannot do it for you. It's why I believe in prevention rather than medicine after the problem has taken shape.

Now, obviously some diseases are out of our control. Its a sad reality of life. However, we have to all be our best doctors. It's a major problem in the West, in particular in Canada, to just believe a doctor can cure everything and we have no responsibility.

Doctors aren't Gods. Ask questions, get answers. Demand proper treatment.

How often do we just sit there and let the doctor do his thing? We should speak up.

Is this really necessary?

What are the risks?

Are there other options?

What happens if I don’t do anything?

Details @ Prevent unnecessary medical care — by asking your doctor these 4 questions first

Notice what's missing?

The single most important question any consumer should ask. How much?

lol indeed. I asked mine that all the time, and when he would say it's covered, I'd say' then you will cover it if it isn't, right'? Then he would go and check with his insurance clerk. lol

Now that I'm self-insured, it's amazing how cheap everything gets all of a sudden.
My doctors have always covered these things without my having to ask. But what I hear from others...

An acquaintance of mine in Georgia is preparing for a biopsy of one of his eyes. The recovery FROM THE BIOPSY will be a month in bed. And remember, this is from a TEST, not a procedure that will have some arguable benefit. A TEST.

Several years ago, a person in my urologist's office suggested that I sign up for a prostate operation (to alleviate mild symptoms). I thought about it, and brought it up with the doctor, and he was quite surprised that it would have been brought up in such a casual manner. He recommended against it, emphatically, citing the occasional problems after surgery with incontinency and impotence (neither of which was a problem for me at the time). But if I hadn't been thinking cautiously, I might have just signed up and had the unnecessary surgery.

Not to generalize, but I think everyone over 75 (where possible) should be accompanied by an "advocate" when they start talking with doctors about surgeries and such. They tend to hear what they want to hear and ignore what they don't.
Doctors should never be trusted. When the third leading cause of death in the USA is death by doctor, you better be very thorough. Also, life expectancy is falling for the first time. Further proof our amazingly expensive HC system is failing many.
Primary Doctors aren't trained in Nutrition, and they don't typically keep up to date with recent science.

Cholesterol, Fat - they've got both completely wrong and there's still the "conventional" wisdom that's not tamped out yet, despite the overwhelming evidence.

It's grossly negligent.

Inflammation causes damn near all starts with learning the correct diet as it correlates to your personal genetics. I never knew I could feel THIS good...THIS high...all day long, every day. But..I studied, and grinded...and grinded and studied...and boom. I hacked my biology.

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