The 2nd American Civil War

Can you assure us this won't happen?

Do you think any American wants it to happen?

Prevention is paramount.

I do feel many faux right wingers are just a hairs breadth away from donning the armbands and throwing darkies, Jews, homos, and Muslims into the gas ovens. The bigotry is becoming more naked by the day. It's at the point they feel free to spew hatred toward these groups in public with not only no sense of shame, but with actual pride.

This is why they expend so much energy convincing themselves Hitler was not right wing. If they can believe Hitler was not right wing, then it is easy to leap to the conclusion they are not totalitarian fascist wannabe's but merely patriotic white Americans.

I also see the Left running back to socialistic policies which have been demonstrated to be complete and utter failures in our very recent past. I see them as nothing but a giant bucket of crabs trying to pull anyone down who is trying to better themselves.

They suffer from a bizarre mindset which believes any money earned above a subsistence level does not belong to the person who has it.

I have done a lot of volunteer work in prisons, and I remember a bank robber telling me how he would psych himself up before he walked into a bank to rob it. He would convince himself the money in the bank was his, and that anyone who resisted him was trying to keep his money away from him.

This is exactly the same kind of mental twist the Left performs when demanding more and more and more from others. They actually believe other people's money is theirs.

During the Great Depression, the Left and Right became even more polarized than they are today. In some countries, like Germany, we saw the rise of the Marxists on the Left and the Nazis on the Right. But we had our own marxist and nazi movements here in the US, too. It is only because we had a superior form of government that we survived the extremists.

Just as an aside, Hitler and his fellow citizens of Germany believed Marxism was a Jewish movement. They had a lot of evidence to support this. Many of the big names in Marxism were Jews. And we all know how Nazis feel about Jews. So anyone who buys Nazis were left wing is quitely frankly an ignorant idiot being fed bullshit in a knowledge vacuum.

I fear that if we have another financial meltdown in the near future, we will no longer be talking about Too Big To Fail. We will be looking at Too Big To Save. The big banks are even bigger than before. And then it is all over for us. The extremists will hit the streets and the blood will run. And the world may go up in flames again.

This is why I am so angry that our government, left and right, does nothing to rein in the crimes and abuses of Wall Street.

We live in an oligarchy now. This may not end well.
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I heard it put one time...the only thing worse than a battle lost is a battle that is "won" because you have to see the pain and agony that it caused.
We're in the middle of a Civil War right now, there just hasn't been any gunfire

Papa Doc obama is comfortable calling his political opponents enemies, and treating them as enemies.

We are as much in a civil war to day, as we were in a cold war with Russia in 1965.
Another war in America is possible. If we continue down the road of extreme partisanship and bitterness, it could happen if people on both sides ratchet up the notches. Diffusing all of this starting now would help. Maintaining civility and mutual respect goes a long way in warding off violence and hatred. Though you may disagree with people, embrace him or her as you would a sibling, and try to talk about the issues at hand while being on your best behavior. Calling people names and talking to people as if you have disdain or resentment towards them helps no one. Instead of stirring up anger and bitterness, one can stir up feelings of understanding and friendship. I know you can do it, and trust me it's a great feeling to win people over even if at the end of the day you don't agree on the ideas. It's easier than you think, and is rewarding in that you can make a lot of genuine friends who actually give a darn about your opinions. Also, maintaining peace requires that one looks at both the bad and the good in everything, from the Right to the Left. Making conscious efforts to win people over and keep the atmosphere nice and peaceful will make a world of difference in the long run, because people are molded by all of the individual behaviors, actions and responses of others.
No civil war is at all possible unless a catastrophic event brings down the communications and transportation infrastructures.

Then there will be wars and rumors of war, for sure.
Anybody who seriously thinks a state in the USA is willing to arm itself and fight the federal government is a fool. Anybody who thinks an independent little army can go up against the greatest technological and military force in the world deserves to die.
Anybody who seriously thinks a state in the USA is willing to arm itself and fight the federal government is a fool. Anybody who thinks an independent little army can go up against the greatest technological and military force in the world deserves to die.

America's much-loved and vaunted revolutionaries went up against "the greatest technological and military force in the world" of the day.

Did any of them "deserve" to die?
Anybody who seriously thinks a state in the USA is willing to arm itself and fight the federal government is a fool. Anybody who thinks an independent little army can go up against the greatest technological and military force in the world deserves to die.

America's much-loved and vaunted revolutionaries went up against "the greatest technological and military force in the world" of the day.

Did any of them "deserve" to die?

Umm, it wasn't America. British subjects rebelled against tyranny. Anybody for a little dose of treason today? I guarantee you will get your ass kicked.
"Nobody sane wants a civil war" Missourian.., i am glad you qualified that statement, "sane" i would bet big bucks that is exactly what the muslime mulatto in the WH wants, because he is one crazy son-of-a-bitch :up:

I'm thinking the "sane' one don't include those who characterize the President of the United States as "muslime mulatto in the WH"
Anybody who seriously thinks a state in the USA is willing to arm itself and fight the federal government is a fool. Anybody who thinks an independent little army can go up against the greatest technological and military force in the world deserves to die.

America's much-loved and vaunted revolutionaries went up against "the greatest technological and military force in the world" of the day.

Did any of them "deserve" to die?

Umm, it wasn't America. British subjects rebelled against tyranny. Anybody for a little dose of treason today? I guarantee you will get your ass kicked.

Quite right. I stand corrected. Either way, did those British subjects rebelling against tyranny deserve to die?
America's much-loved and vaunted revolutionaries went up against "the greatest technological and military force in the world" of the day.

Did any of them "deserve" to die?

Umm, it wasn't America. British subjects rebelled against tyranny. Anybody for a little dose of treason today? I guarantee you will get your ass kicked.

Quite right. I stand corrected. Either way, did those British subjects rebelling against tyranny deserve to die?

Precisely. It was British subjects that pulled the trigger for tyrant overlords, and it will be the poor and dispossessed that pull the trigger for tyrant overlords again.
The funny thing is that the lame asses who fantasize about armed rebellion already have a venue but they are either too ignorant or lazy to understand it. The greatest form of government ever created by the Founding Fathers allows us to hire and fire the people who work for us in government every two, four and six years but the revolution nut cases are the first ones to criticize the brave members of the Tea Party. If you are conservative republican join the Tea Party and work within the system and if you are radical democrat join the communist party and quit whining about what a terrible thing it is to live in the greatest Country in the world.
Anybody who seriously thinks a state in the USA is willing to arm itself and fight the federal government is a fool. Anybody who thinks an independent little army can go up against the greatest technological and military force in the world deserves to die.

Sometimes force is succesful at overthrowing a government, but you need the military (or a large part of it) on your side. Such as the 1917 Russian revolution.

But there is more than one way to skin a cat. Hitler did not sieze power by force, although he did try that, and failed. He siezed it by exploiting the ignorance of the angry populace and the weaknesses in the system. It took only a very small dedicated and energetic minority to bring down the entire structure.

That is the kind of internal hazard we are facing.
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