Tenn. Dems are all aghast and shit over their own nominee for Senate


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head

The Tennessee Dims are all worked up that the citizens of Tennessee have nominated a Democrat opponent to the Republican Senate incumbent, and the Dim Party has some real issues with their own nominee. Accordingly, they will not support him in ANY way.

As the ad campaign for Mickey D's has been known to say, "I'm lovin' it!"


Did you even read your own link? :cuckoo: The guy in a right wing white supremacist that was trolling the election.

If I were living in Tennessee right around Dejection Day, I might even vote for a Dim for the first time in a long time (for someone other than a local candidate).

Of course, I don't actually agree with all of that guy's so-called "social conservative" views. But it remains amusing to me to note that no matter which Tennesse Senate candidate wins, the Dims lose. :lmao:
Did you even read your own link? :cuckoo: The guy in a right wing white supremacist that was trolling the election.

As I said, you insufferable dimwit, I don't even agree with all of the guy's so-called "social conservative" views.

But the POINT (which an asshole like you studiously aims to miss) is that he IS now the Dim Party nominee!

YOU guys suck. You must actually try to be that massively full of suck.

It's funny that a Blue Dog Democrap is rejected by the socialists running the DNC today, but still he is still helping Nancy Pelosi in the end with a (D) behind his name if hell froze over and he wins the seat.

I hate Blue Dogs just as much as liberals because they are all Democraps in the end. I don't care if someone claims to be pro-military, pro-life, etc as a Blue Dog since they are a sellout giving Nancy Pelosi a chance to be the speaker by having more Democraps in the HoR.
Did you even read your own link? :cuckoo: The guy in a right wing white supremacist that was trolling the election.

And he got twice as many votes as his nearest competitor. The People have spoken. Tough shit if that makes you unhappy. Maybe voter ID cards would have effected the results. Probably dead Republicans all voted for him, right?
Did you even read your own link? :cuckoo: The guy in a right wing white supremacist that was trolling the election.

And he got twice as many votes as his nearest competitor. The People have spoken. Tough shit if that makes you unhappy. Maybe voter ID cards would have effected the results. Probably dead Republicans all voted for him, right?

Bingo! We all know how those Republicans love to register dead folks.
Did you even read your own link? :cuckoo: The guy in a right wing white supremacist that was trolling the election.

White supremacist?

Are you fucking nuts?

Good question. I see no basis for Crack_Fable's claim that the group has anything at all to say on race. One does not have to agree with everything they say or support in order to see that th group isn't a "hate group." That's just a baseless smear.

On the other hand, if Crack_Fable ever wants to be man up and be honest, someday, perhaps he could share with the class ANY valid basis for his ridiculous claim. I'm prepared to change my mind in the face of actual proof.
Did you even read your own link? :cuckoo: The guy in a right wing white supremacist that was trolling the election.

So, a person who is pro-life and pro-traditional marriage is a "right wing white supremacist" in the "Black Label Dictionary".

Just for the record, NOWHERE in the link is the phrase "right wing white supremacist" used.
Did you even read your own link? :cuckoo: The guy in a right wing white supremacist that was trolling the election.

White supremacist?

Are you fucking nuts?

Good question. I see no basis for Crack_Fable's claim that the group has anything at all to say on race. One does not have to agree with everything they say or support in order to see that th group isn't a "hate group." That's just a baseless smear.

On the other hand, if Crack_Fable ever wants to be man up and be honest, someday, perhaps he could share with the class ANY valid basis for his ridiculous claim. I'm prepared to change my mind in the face of actual proof.

As am I, but all I see is a group that sounds a little wacko on the social conservative scale.

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