Taylor Swift Instagram post prompts record-breaking voter registration

Or at least the people with "skin in the game."

If people who are a net drain financially have the same voice as people who contribute to the economy, then that becomes an issue when the former votes for the government to steal from the latter.
That is what tax cuts for the rich are.
Taylor Smith's fans and fanbase are more likely leaning Democrat.

Especially if certain issues are foremost in their thinking.

Just based on the Republican response to this, it's not looking good for their candidates.

Of course they are more likely to lean Democrat. They are kids. Nobody expects prudence from this group.

I couldn't care less what those imbeciles do. My concern is that they could sway an election that would negatively affect our country. Being extremely wealthy, they will be the last to be affected, but it will ultimately hurt them as well. The children that vote with them don't have clue.
Normal adults have understood for a long time that taxes are not theft.

And that they are a shared burden, so you wouldnt just make the same gross amount over time, if taxes go down.
If taxation isn't theft, then what's the limit to which someone should be taxed? Clearly, you don't actually have ownership rights to your income if it isn't theft.
That's your problem to wrestle with, not mine.
So, is your answer, "whatever the government decides is right?"

You seem to have a strong opinion about anything perceived as conservative, yet you never bother with specifics. That's a sure sign your thinking is directed by dogma rather than actual analysis.

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