Taylor Swift Instagram post prompts record-breaking voter registration

This is how you use your celebrity. She's going to end up getting hundreds of thousands of new, young voters registered by election day. I wonder who those legions of young voters will vote for, the guy who's trying to eliminate student debt or the guy who is going around bragging that he ended Roe v Wade? 🤔

Taylor Swift Instagram post prompts record-breaking voter registration

An Instagram post from Taylor Swift prompted a record 35,252 new voters to register Tuesday, according to Vote.org.

The “Only the Young” singer participated in Tuesday’s National Voter Registration Day by urging her fans to make sure they were eligible to cast a ballot in the 2024 presidential election.

“I’ve heard you raise your voices, and I know how powerful they are,” Swift wrote, along with sharing a link to the nonprofit voter registration platform. “Make sure you’re ready to use them in our elections this year!”

Later that day, Vote.org communications director Nick Morrow reported just how much of an impact Swift had.

“Fun fact: After @taylorswift13 posted on Instagram today directing her followers to register to vote on @votedotorg, our site was averaging 13,000 users every 30 minutes. 13!” he wrote on social media. “Let’s just say her reputation for being a mastermind is very well-earned!”
I think you read that story wrong. That's the number of illegals Biden has released into the country in the past three days. They haven't registered them to vote, yet.
Bear in mind this from the same clowns who voted for the guy from The Apprentice.... 😄

Do MAGAts ever think before they speak?
Scary thing is that the nonsense Bidenfluffers spew is after they thought about it.
I think you read that story wrong. That's the number of illegals Biden has released into the country in the past three days. They haven't registered them to vote, yet.
People seeking asylum aren't illegals but who expects you Simps to know what you're talking about? 😄
Few points registering to vote and actually voting are two different things next Swift has fans across the political spectrum so not all of those people are Democrats. In 2020 Biden got to run on the myth of Joe Biden in 2024 he will have to run on the reality of Joe Biden last the election is still over a year away and historically young voters have had short attention spans so what they do today might not mean much on Election Day 2024.
People seeking asylum aren't illegals but who expects you Simps to know what you're talking about? 😄
Sorry sweetcheeks, they swim across the river and crawl under razorwire, they are here illegally, they are illegals. Back in May Biden promised us he would deported them immediately. But that was a baldfaced lie, wasn't it?

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