Submitted- it cannot be debated that the economy under Biden is terrible and that the Democratic Party has lost his way


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
The Democratic Party used to engage with American working class people. They taught them how to fish instead of giving them a fish. They would urge them to work and provide programs for homeless people and poor people to lift them up. It was FDR himself who was adamantly against government handouts. He wanted Americans to be working. Same thing with Walter Reuther, the UAW founder a heroic man.

Today, a small percentage of Americans aka the far left Americans champion Joe Biden, a man who is bringing us Walmart jobs. Amazon jobs, there’s no union there, there’s no benefits their getting paid trash. But back in the glorious past, we had industry in this country and we had pride. All across America black and white people worked middle class jobs the inner cities were thriving now they’re uninhabitable today.

And today the unions of the past have been disgraced by left-wing unions like some of the teachers unions who are pro BLM anti-American’s.

Gas prices bc today are more than double what they were under Trump. The average price of a home under Trump is was 200k under Biden it’s 400k ….We have record low numbers of homes on the market. Under Trump the interest rates were 2% under Biden as high as 8 percent.

Today Somebody making 16 or 18 bucks an hour it’s not gonna keep up in most places in the country with big cities with the cost of inflation the cost of living.

57% of Americans can’t get their hands on $1000 for an emergency.

Today A huge chunk of Americans wage does not keep up with a high cost of living

But you know what we hear from privileged elitist Biden supporters or maybe wanna be elitists who live in small pods but accept it ….well they say “the economy is great “

In reality we have record homelessness in this country.

The price of food is high. You go to any restaurant you’re paying through the roof for your meal.

The disgraced Democrat party of today doesn’t live up to the party of Franklin Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. People like Al Smith and Walter Reuther who stood up for union jobs and for the working class in this country. And today You have people like Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton who once sat on the board of Walmart. They convince people how horrible minorities have it in America instead of looking out for all Americans black and white who are struggling and living paycheck to paycheck. Race baiting, extremist LGBT rhetoric, the war in Ukraine is all a distraction from the horrible economy. And I think today’s Democratic Party is is a disgrace to the men and women who built up the democratic party..

Thx RhodyPatriot for the following very informative link. It cannot be denied how horrible the economy is. And I submit that the Black Lives Matter movement, seeing white people take a knee for rich black athletes is a disturbing site, and it is a total distraction from record homelessness in America, from our black and white brothers living on the streets of this country struggling.

Labor Day was once a sacred day on the Democratic Party calendar, commemorated by massive demonstrations in Detroit—the home of the UAW, the Reuther brothers, and dreams of a guaranteed annual wage.

The American labor movement, born in bloodshed in the 1890s, legitimated by the William Jennings Bryan campaign in 1896 and 1890s judicial opinions by such as Oliver Wendell Holmes and William Howard Taft, was further reinforced by the period of labor peace enforced by President Wilson's War Labor Board, of which Taft was co-chairman. The postwar slump weakened but did not extinguish the movement, which revived with the aid of favoritism during the New Deal, culminating in the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, and the tight labor market and need to avoid production interruptions during World War II.
It was astute of Walmart to thus perceive the hitherto unidentified managerial talents of the wives of upwardly mobile Democratic politicians. The explosive growth of Walmart and Amazon took place during the 16 years of the Clinton and Obama administrations, distinguished by their abandonment of any vestige of antitrust policy. Today those two companies, between them, employ 4 million workers, nearly 30 percent of all workers in retail. Main Streets have been denuded. Through no fault of Franklin Roosevelt, the prophecy of Herbert Hoover in 1932 has been realized: “the grass will grow in the streets of a hundred cities, a thousand towns; the weeds will overrun the fields of a thousand farms.”

What Justice Louis Brandeis would have thought of Walmart, Amazon, and the Democrats' embrace of Judge Bork’s “consumer welfare” theories can well be imagined. It was he who cautioned that “only through participation by the many in the responsibilities and determinations of business can Americans secure the moral and intellectual development which is essential to the maintenance of liberty.”

How many young people in America even know what Labor Day is Or what this country stood for in World War II? Hell you might even ask some of them. Hey, do you know what happened on “d day“ ask young Americans about that they prob say “oh a demolition derby”.

We have a record low amount of patriotism among young Americans, record depression and drug usage among young Americans.

Most young people are no longer proud to be American’s

Is there any hope for the future of the democratic party? And what will the future of America look like.???
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Politics has become way to professional and there is way to much money in government.

That is why big business and government are no longer distinguishable.

Great post.

There is a lot to unpack there. I am currently re-reading Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell.

His points in that book are very relevant today.
The Democratic Party used to engage with American working class people. They taught them how to fish instead of giving them a fish. They would urge them to work and provide programs for homeless people and poor people to lift them up. It was FDR himself who was adamantly against government handouts. He wanted Americans to be working. Same thing with Walter Reuther, the UAW founder a heroic man.

Today, a small percentage of Americans aka the far left Americans champion Joe Biden, a man who is bringing us Walmart jobs. Amazon jobs, there’s no union there, there’s no benefits their getting paid trash. But back in the glorious past, we had industry in this country and we had pride. All across America black and white people worked middle class jobs the inner cities were thriving now they’re uninhabitable today.

And today the unions of the past have been disgraced by left-wing unions like some of the teachers unions who are pro BLM anti-American’s.

Gas prices bc today are more than double what they were under Trump. The average price of a home under Trump is was 200k under Biden it’s 400k ….We have record low numbers of homes on the market. Under Trump the interest rates were 2% under Biden as high as 8 percent.

Today Somebody making 16 or 18 bucks an hour it’s not gonna keep up in most places in the country with big cities with the cost of inflation the cost of living.

57% of Americans can’t get their hands on $1000 for an emergency.

Today A huge chunk of Americans wage does not keep up with a high cost of living

But you know what we hear from privileged elitist Biden supporters or maybe wanna be elitists who live in small pods but accept it ….well they say “the economy is great “

In reality we have record homelessness in this country.

The price of food is high. You go to any restaurant you’re paying through the roof for your meal.

The disgraced Democrat party of today doesn’t live up to the party of Franklin Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. People like Al Smith and Walter Reuther who stood up for union jobs and for the working class in this country. And today You have people like Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton who once sat on the board of Walmart. They convince people how horrible minorities have it in America instead of looking out for all Americans black and white who are struggling and living paycheck to paycheck. Race baiting, extremist LGBT rhetoric, the war in Ukraine is all a distraction from the horrible economy. And I think today’s Democratic Party is is a disgrace to the men and women who built up the democratic party..

Thx RhodyPatriot for the following very informative link. It cannot be denied how horrible the economy is. And I submit that the Black Lives Matter movement, seeing white people take a knee for rich black athletes is a disturbing site, and it is a total distraction from record homelessness in America, from our black and white brothers living on the streets of this country struggling.

Labor Day was once a sacred day on the Democratic Party calendar, commemorated by massive demonstrations in Detroit—the home of the UAW, the Reuther brothers, and dreams of a guaranteed annual wage.

The American labor movement, born in bloodshed in the 1890s, legitimated by the William Jennings Bryan campaign in 1896 and 1890s judicial opinions by such as Oliver Wendell Holmes and William Howard Taft, was further reinforced by the period of labor peace enforced by President Wilson's War Labor Board, of which Taft was co-chairman. The postwar slump weakened but did not extinguish the movement, which revived with the aid of favoritism during the New Deal, culminating in the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, and the tight labor market and need to avoid production interruptions during World War II.
It was astute of Walmart to thus perceive the hitherto unidentified managerial talents of the wives of upwardly mobile Democratic politicians. The explosive growth of Walmart and Amazon took place during the 16 years of the Clinton and Obama administrations, distinguished by their abandonment of any vestige of antitrust policy. Today those two companies, between them, employ 4 million workers, nearly 30 percent of all workers in retail. Main Streets have been denuded. Through no fault of Franklin Roosevelt, the prophecy of Herbert Hoover in 1932 has been realized: “the grass will grow in the streets of a hundred cities, a thousand towns; the weeds will overrun the fields of a thousand farms.”

What Justice Louis Brandeis would have thought of Walmart, Amazon, and the Democrats' embrace of Judge Bork’s “consumer welfare” theories can well be imagined. It was he who cautioned that “only through participation by the many in the responsibilities and determinations of business can Americans secure the moral and intellectual development which is essential to the maintenance of liberty.”

How many young people in America even know what Labor Day is Or what this country stood for in World War II? Hell you might even ask some of them. Hey, do you know what happened on “d day“ ask young Americans about that they prob say “oh a demolition derby”.

We have a record low amount of patriotism among young Americans, record depression and drug usage among young Americans.

Most young people are no longer proud to be American’s

Is there any hope for the future of the democratic party? And what will the future of America look like.???

Sure, it can be debated. The economy is doing fine here. Manufacturing building is up. Factory employment is up. Road Construction is up Employment is up. Oil and gas production have been going up for three years, and we are the world's leading producer. The Dow is doing well. Stocks we are involved with are doing well. Home prices are at high level here, and home are not staying on the market long.

You are welcome to your opinion, but I can't see it.
The Democratic Party used to engage with American working class people. They taught them how to fish instead of giving them a fish. They would urge them to work and provide programs for homeless people and poor people to lift them up. It was FDR himself who was adamantly against government handouts. He wanted Americans to be working. Same thing with Walter Reuther, the UAW founder a heroic man.

Today, a small percentage of Americans aka the far left Americans champion Joe Biden, a man who is bringing us Walmart jobs. Amazon jobs, there’s no union there, there’s no benefits their getting paid trash. But back in the glorious past, we had industry in this country and we had pride. All across America black and white people worked middle class jobs the inner cities were thriving now they’re uninhabitable today.

And today the unions of the past have been disgraced by left-wing unions like some of the teachers unions who are pro BLM anti-American’s.

Gas prices bc today are more than double what they were under Trump. The average price of a home under Trump is was 200k under Biden it’s 400k ….We have record low numbers of homes on the market. Under Trump the interest rates were 2% under Biden as high as 8 percent.

Today Somebody making 16 or 18 bucks an hour it’s not gonna keep up in most places in the country with big cities with the cost of inflation the cost of living.

57% of Americans can’t get their hands on $1000 for an emergency.

Today A huge chunk of Americans wage does not keep up with a high cost of living

But you know what we hear from privileged elitist Biden supporters or maybe wanna be elitists who live in small pods but accept it ….well they say “the economy is great “

In reality we have record homelessness in this country.

The price of food is high. You go to any restaurant you’re paying through the roof for your meal.

The disgraced Democrat party of today doesn’t live up to the party of Franklin Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. People like Al Smith and Walter Reuther who stood up for union jobs and for the working class in this country. And today You have people like Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton who once sat on the board of Walmart. They convince people how horrible minorities have it in America instead of looking out for all Americans black and white who are struggling and living paycheck to paycheck. Race baiting, extremist LGBT rhetoric, the war in Ukraine is all a distraction from the horrible economy. And I think today’s Democratic Party is is a disgrace to the men and women who built up the democratic party..

Thx RhodyPatriot for the following very informative link. It cannot be denied how horrible the economy is. And I submit that the Black Lives Matter movement, seeing white people take a knee for rich black athletes is a disturbing site, and it is a total distraction from record homelessness in America, from our black and white brothers living on the streets of this country struggling.

Labor Day was once a sacred day on the Democratic Party calendar, commemorated by massive demonstrations in Detroit—the home of the UAW, the Reuther brothers, and dreams of a guaranteed annual wage.

The American labor movement, born in bloodshed in the 1890s, legitimated by the William Jennings Bryan campaign in 1896 and 1890s judicial opinions by such as Oliver Wendell Holmes and William Howard Taft, was further reinforced by the period of labor peace enforced by President Wilson's War Labor Board, of which Taft was co-chairman. The postwar slump weakened but did not extinguish the movement, which revived with the aid of favoritism during the New Deal, culminating in the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, and the tight labor market and need to avoid production interruptions during World War II.
It was astute of Walmart to thus perceive the hitherto unidentified managerial talents of the wives of upwardly mobile Democratic politicians. The explosive growth of Walmart and Amazon took place during the 16 years of the Clinton and Obama administrations, distinguished by their abandonment of any vestige of antitrust policy. Today those two companies, between them, employ 4 million workers, nearly 30 percent of all workers in retail. Main Streets have been denuded. Through no fault of Franklin Roosevelt, the prophecy of Herbert Hoover in 1932 has been realized: “the grass will grow in the streets of a hundred cities, a thousand towns; the weeds will overrun the fields of a thousand farms.”

What Justice Louis Brandeis would have thought of Walmart, Amazon, and the Democrats' embrace of Judge Bork’s “consumer welfare” theories can well be imagined. It was he who cautioned that “only through participation by the many in the responsibilities and determinations of business can Americans secure the moral and intellectual development which is essential to the maintenance of liberty.”

How many young people in America even know what Labor Day is Or what this country stood for in World War II? Hell you might even ask some of them. Hey, do you know what happened on “d day“ ask young Americans about that they prob say “oh a demolition derby”.

We have a record low amount of patriotism among young Americans, record depression and drug usage among young Americans.

Most young people are no longer proud to be American’s

Is there any hope for the future of the democratic party? And what will the future of America look like.???

Some schmuck on Newsmax claimed Trump can't win on the economy anymore because we aren't in a recession.
Course, they had to redefine what a recession is to say that.
Our buying power with our money is lower than it was during the Great Depression.
Our wages are lower than during the Great Depression (adjusted to inflation).

Our economy is doing great, says the idiot Deepstater.
Sure, it can be debated. The economy is doing fine here. Manufacturing building is up. Factory employment is up. Road Construction is up Employment is up. Oil and gas production have been going up for three years, and we are the world's leading producer. The Dow is doing well. Stocks we are involved with are doing well. Home prices are at high level here, and home are not staying on the market long.

You are welcome to your opinion, but I can't see it.
you don’t see that the price of gas is double now compared to what it was under Trump. You don’t see that the average price of a home is astronomical now.?

You might be doing OK I’m doing OK. But that’s not going to cut it. We have to be concerned with our fellow Americans.

We have record homelessness in this country, and that is a problem. Even for those Americans that say “someone is homeless because of their own fault”. Homelessness creates problems in the country. Homeless people can attack others . It’s not a good site for the country. It’s dangerous. It’s a dangerous trend. Many homeless people are not drug attic’s btw . … their fellow human beings many of them are willing to work, but can’t find a job that pays enough to afford shelter.

Homeownership Rate Drops to 53 Year Low​

By Barbara Ballinger
June 01, 2023 at 08:04 AM

Meanwhile renter-occupied housing numbers continue a decades-long climb upward.​

I am a democrat, but I put country before politics. So I’m not going support someone like Joe Biden who takes a need for rich black athletes who complain about racism in this country …while there are millions of white people, and Black people who are either homeless or living in poverty.

I suppose Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter had their supporters. But it didn’t do any good. We need change in this country.
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you don’t see that the price of gas is double now compared to what it was under Trump. You don’t see that the average price of a home is astronomical now.?

Homeownership Rate Drops to 53 Year Low​

By Barbara Ballinger
June 01, 2023 at 08:04 AM

Meanwhile renter-occupied housing numbers continue a decades-long climb upward.​

I am a democrat, but I put country before politics. So I’m not going support someone like Joe Biden who takes a need for rich black athletes who complain about racism in this country …while there are millions of white people, and Black people who are either homeless are starving.

I suppose Herbert Hoover, and Jimmy Carter had their supporters. But it didn’t do any good. We need change in this country.
I am not paying double, as I get large discounts, and except for vacations, We don't drive near as much as when we worked for a living. I am not looking for a house, but glad mine has gone up in value due to rise in real estate values here. Are you a kid and haven't found the house you want to keep yet? You are talking to the wrong guy. On the gas thing, talk to the Saudis, they have curtailed their production and shipments and are keeping the price high, and I assure you the petroleum industry are reaping the profits, with far better return on investment than they ever saw with Donny.
Not we these folks. No numbers or facts will matter. They'll just deny and fabricate.

It's gotta be a weird way to go through life.
They live in a different world. They are bizarre, alright. Maybe Roosevelt gave all his money to Donny and is living as broke fk, proud to do his part as a MAGA minion, whining because he doesn't have more to give.
I am not paying double, as I get large discounts, and except for vacations, We don't drive near as much as when we worked for a living. I am not looking for a house, but glad mine has gone up in value due to rise in real estate values here. Are you a kid and haven't found the house you want to keep yet? You are talking to the wrong guy. On the gas thing, talk to the Saudis, they have curtailed their production and shipments and are keeping the price high, and I assure you the petroleum industry are reaping the profits, with far better return on investment than they ever saw with Donny.
Democrat stifling of supply has shifted leverage back to OPEC, et al.
I’m out $40k since the squatter in the White House restricted oil extraction and printed money.
Sure, it can be debated. The economy is doing fine here. Manufacturing building is up. Factory employment is up. Road Construction is up Employment is up. Oil and gas production have been going up for three years, and we are the world's leading producer. The Dow is doing well. Stocks we are involved with are doing well. Home prices are at high level here, and home are not staying on the market long.

You are welcome to your opinion, but I can't see it.
If Americans are not feeling it, then that is a problem for the Democrats. It’s that simple. Production of oil and gas may be at record highs but if prices are averaging significantly higher than four years ago, then that is another problem for Democrats.
Sure, it can be debated. The economy is doing fine here. Manufacturing building is up. Factory employment is up. Road Construction is up Employment is up. Oil and gas production have been going up for three years, and we are the world's leading producer. The Dow is doing well. Stocks we are involved with are doing well. Home prices are at high level here, and home are not staying on the market long.

You are welcome to your opinion, but I can't see it.

Well Americans can, in poll after poll and survey after survey
Sure, it can be debated. The economy is doing fine here. Manufacturing building is up. Factory employment is up. Road Construction is up Employment is up. Oil and gas production have been going up for three years, and we are the world's leading producer. The Dow is doing well. Stocks we are involved with are doing well. Home prices are at high level here, and home are not staying on the market long.

You are welcome to your opinion, but I can't see it.
Lets be honest... The OP called Biden a far left politician...

No need to argue with idiots...
The American economy and the people are so robust that the incredibly poor management of the last two generations has not been as destructive as could have been imagined.
The Democratic Party half of the duopoly has not lost its way. The "way" for it and the other half is the perpetuation of the duopoly and those whom it represents. It is very faithful to its "leaders", all the while betraying the 'people', the voters who continue to keep it in power.
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Then read the fucking title and "shelv" this one as you do mine.

Ask me why that's not gonna happen.
That has been done, now use your indoor voice please.

On the economy…it is improving. But prices remain high.

Does anyone really think companies will lower them?
Some schmuck on Newsmax claimed Trump can't win on the economy anymore because we aren't in a recession.
Course, they had to redefine what a recession is to say that.
Our buying power with our money is lower than it was during the Great Depression.
Our wages are lower than during the Great Depression (adjusted to inflation).

Our economy is doing great, says the idiot Deepstater.
Hogwash! Our buying power and wages are not lower than the Great Depression period, (adjusted for inflation.)
That has been done, now use your indoor voice please.

On the economy…it is improving. But prices remain high.

Does anyone really think companies will lower them?
How can they? Wages are going to have to go up. They will try and milk as much profit as they can for a while, but their own costs increase across the board also.
Hogwash! Our buying power and wages are not lower than the Great Depression period, (adjusted for inflation.)
At the end of Trump’s reign, we had record unemployment, highest since tbe Depression I believe.

Wage growth isn’t bad….


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