Story of Joseph Smith - Founder of Mormonism

The Masonic lodges were determined that Morgan's manuscript must never be printed. They made false charges against him and had him arrested.

The next night the jailer was not there and Morgan was released. Suddenly a loud whistle was heard and men grabbed Morgan and threw him into a carriage - never to be seen alive again!

Three months later his book was printed. People demanded an investigation into his disappearance. Later it was revealed that Morgan was bound and thrown into the Niagara River. He death became a powerful symbol of the evils of Masonry. Out of 50,000 Masons in America 45,000 renounced their oaths and quit, forcing 2,000 lodges to close. It was a devastating blow!

Captain Morgan's beautiful young widow, Lucinda Morgan, identified her husband's body, found in Lake Ontario. She won the heart of the nation with her plight. later she became a Mormon and one of the plural* wives of none other than "The Enchanter" himself. Joseph Smith!

Interesting note:
The first baptism for the dead in the Mormon Temple was for Captain Morgan.

Footnote* One of his many secret wives.

Despite the uproar, Joseph Smith Sr. not only remained a Mason but the very next year encouraged his older son Hyrum to join the lodge. And he did!

Would Joseph Smith Jr. back away from this controversy? It was a tough decision. By siding with his father and brother he could sink his new religion.

Or he could become a closet Mason!
Page 15 The Enchanter by Jack Chick Publications

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Want to talk about virgin births and wearing a means of execution around your neck?
If Jesus was beheaded would you wear a guillotine around your neck?
Mormonism was taking shape, despite the protest of churchgoers. While the Mormons proclaimed,
Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. The Christians protested No! he's a scoundrel! You're a cult! Blasphemy! Everything you teach is a lie!

This was the "persecution" they faced in their early years. People hated the unbiblical new doctrines he was creating, following his "translation" into English of the Book of Mormon.

In the following scene we see the Christian asking the ex-Mormon - David, how this was possible!

Christian: David, I'm stumped! How could he translate the Book of Mormon from invisible golden plates?

David the ex - Mormon: Joseph may have believed they were there and that he could see them. Some say he used magical glasses to do it. Out of this craziness came forth "The Book of Mormon." Satan gave Joseph its message.

Christian: Unbelievable! Is it still the same, or has it been changed, too, like the story of the "angel" Moroni?

Ex-Mormon - David: Are you kidding? You'd be stunned to know how many times!

Christian: How many? 40 or 50?

Ex-Mormon David: Try 3,913 times! That's the magic of Mormonism: It has always changed and it always will.

The Mormons hold the Bible as the lowest of all their books.

It's no surprise to see the Book of Mormon above the Word of God. In Mormonism, the writings of Joseph Smith supercede anything God has written in His bible.

ALL Mormons are supposed to believe this.
Page 16 of The Enchanter by Jack Chick Publications.
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Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Want to talk about virgin births and wearing a means of execution around your neck?
If Jesus was beheaded would you wear a guillotine around your neck?

I do not wear a crucifix or a cross around my neck. Could you please use the quote button in the future, RW? I have no idea who you are addressing here.
Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Want to talk about virgin births and wearing a means of execution around your neck?
If Jesus was beheaded would you wear a guillotine around your neck?

I do not wear a crucifix or a cross around my neck. Could you please use the quote button in the future, RW? I have no idea who you are addressing here.

Jeremiah....any religion can be mocked for the silly shit they believe in

Even your own
On page 17 we see the Christian and the ex- Mormon who he assisted in escaping from people seeking to murder him - have the following exchange:

Christian: That means that all Mormons are damned! He put his own writings above the words of God! That devil created another gospel.*

The Ex - Mormon: It's true! That's found in their 8th Article of Faith. His new religion is a dangerous fantasy, destroying everyone in it.

* It is written: If any man teach any other gospel unto you than ye have received, let him be accursed. (damned to hell)
-Galatians 1: 6-9

Joseph Smith was being lifted up by powerful dark forces. He was becoming famous. His circle of influence was growing rapidly. He was visited by pastors, evangelists and even "angels." Joseph Smith was a black hole of information. He absorbed stories, legends and books from other authors, then made them his own. He had an amazing ability to condense all of it into his own "holy books" and "revelations." He had visions of grandeur.

The ex - Mormon continues: This guy was a very clever speaker. When persecutions came, he claimed he was treated cruelly, just like Christ...... .....and the "other prophets". At this point he played the part of a lamb. But later he would show his true colors and become a raging bull.

Page 17 The Enchanter by Jack Chick Publications.

Stay tuned because at the end of this study we are going to find that there is deliverance from oppression, depression, mental torments that are invited in when one becomes a Mormon! There is deliverance in the Name of Jesus Christ! Many testimonies of people who were formerly in the occult have testified to the depression, the torment leaving them after having renounced the occult teachings they followed and becoming born again Christians. There is deliverance in only one name. The name of Jesus Christ!
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Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Want to talk about virgin births and wearing a means of execution around your neck?
If Jesus was beheaded would you wear a guillotine around your neck?

I do not wear a crucifix or a cross around my neck. Could you please use the quote button in the future, RW? I have no idea who you are addressing here.

Jeremiah....any religion can be mocked for the silly shit they believe in

Even your own

Wrong. And next time? Ask me before assuming what I wear and what I believe, RW.
Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Want to talk about virgin births and wearing a means of execution around your neck?
If Jesus was beheaded would you wear a guillotine around your neck?

I do not wear a crucifix or a cross around my neck. Could you please use the quote button in the future, RW? I have no idea who you are addressing here.

Jeremiah....any religion can be mocked for the silly shit they believe in

Even your own

Wrong. And next time? Ask me before assuming what I wear and what I believe, RW.
What religion are you?
Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian

10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.

9 - You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.

8 - You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

7 - Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees!

6 - You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.

5 - You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.

4 - You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving."

3 - While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity.

2 - You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.

1 - You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.
That deserves its own thread.
All this takes place about 30 years before the terrible Civil War that tore America apart. God knew what was coming, and He had His servants winning souls with sweeping revivals.

Depiction in scene one of a Christian preacher behind a pulpit preaching to the people.

Preacher: God sees your wickedness, He hears your lies and you sinners will have to face God for your crimes.

Note* These men preached about hell and coming judgment. They hit sin as hard as possible. People were convicted of their sinful lives and gave themselves to Christ.

Preacher: He shed his precious blood on the cross to wash away your sins. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Note* The power of the Holy Ghost was moving across the whole country. Multitudes were being saved. On the east coast God Himself was keeping the fires of revival alive with men like Charles G. Finney. Under his preaching over half a million souls were saved. On the western frontier, God was using circuit riders (preachers on horseback) who faced storms to reach distant villages and wagon trains. All these men had one thing in common: they believed with all their hearts that the King James Bible was God's holy words.

Page 18 The Enchanter by Jack Chick Publications
Satan was not taking this lying down. In Europe he had his Roman Catholic Jesuits in an all-out war to destroy the King James bible. * Their Master plan was making progress with no opposition. In Great Britain, the birth of evolution was underway. This movement would sweep the world by the 20th century.

In addition to Mormonism, Satan kept raising up new beliefs throughout the 1800s. Mary Baker Edy brought forth Christian Science and Divine Science. These four were collectively called, "New Thought." Other cults and occultic movements were also springing up.

Satan did everything he could to kill the move of God. The purpose of all of these movements, cults, and belief systems was to destroy the souls of billions of people, and Joseph Smith would play a big part in this.

Footnotes* See Did the Catholic Church Give us the Bible? by David W. Daniels. Available from Chick Publications.

Page 19 of The Enchanter - please note that the Word of God addresses using science falsely - in 1 Timothy 6: 20,21 we read the following:

O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoid profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called; Which some professing erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.

Also please visit the thread on religion forum with title about Pre-flood information which uses Dr. Kent Hovind's debates to soundly defeat and dismiss the false teaching of evolution. It's a must see for all who desire to know the truth about the evolution teaching.

For information on the history of the Jesuits please see the Jack Chick thread and also the history forum for WWI & WWII Hidden causes behind it - thank you for reading.
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Page 20 begins.......

By the early 1830's the Mormon Church had over 500 members. Joseph's loyal disciples became early leaders in this new religion. Brigham Young, Herbert C, Kimball, Sidney Rigdon, Oliver Cowdery.

Joseph Smith's seat of power was among the wealthy in Kirtland, Ohio. Mormons sold their homes and property, and laid the money at his feet. But Smith wanted more.

Joseph Smith then announced: God has revealed His Holy Plan! We must invest on a land he will show us, a land of peace - the New Jerusalem. He chose Independence, Missouri, to be their "Zion." So being obedient Mormons, they started a mass migration to Independence, Missouri. But they were shocked at what they found. Independence was only a tiny frontier town of three stores.

Still, Mormons were filled with hope and promise. They said to the non - Mormons, This is our land now. Soon God will smite you Gentiles* and all you have will be ours!
(This is no way to make friends.) No one wanted them.
*non - Mormons

The "city of peace" was about to erupt into war!
The town was complaining about them and said that it wasn't big enough for all these foreigners.
Page 20 of The Enchanter by Chick Publications
The Mormon population was overwhelming. The townspeople drew up a manifesto that demanded all Mormons leave Missouri as soon as possible. Bishop Partridge responded give us more time...... The townspeople reply was:
Bishop, Partridge, you're their leader. You have 15 minutes to agree to our demands. He couldn't answer so the mob turned on him. The mob broke the Mormon's press office, then tarred and feathered Bishop Partridge. In the next months the mobs beat the men, destroyed the homes and chased the women and children into the cold forest.

Word was sent to the Great Prophet Joseph Smith, their Fearless leader and "Man of God."

The Mormons said Joseph will save us! He'll never let us down. We trust him. We've given him everything we owned. Joseph and the armies of heaven will help us! Finally they received a reply.

The letter arrived and the people exclaimed is that from our Prophet? Yes...... was the reply. Well? What does it say?
page 21 of The Enchanter
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The man holding the letter replied: He basically says we brought this calamity upon ourselves! It's all our fault! The people responded: What? No! It doesn't say that! Read it again!

Man with the letter responds: Nope! - That's what it said! The people responded: Then God has abandoned us!
Note* Joseph's inactions during this crisis deeply hurt his faithful followers. In February of 1834, two men from Missouri returned to Ohio and confronted Joseph on the plight of those trying to hang on in the town of Independence. The men asked Joseph Smith why did you abandon our people? If we don't send an army, we'll never build an army in Zion. Joseph Smith replied: Behold! I say unto you, the redemption of Zion.......must needs come by power!

Note* Which meant he would build an army to protect the Mormon saints. Over the next four years Joseph tried to build his army, but it was a miserable failure. Then one day a mysterious man got Joseph's ear. He told Joseph Smith : I know how to build an army. I've had experience in the military. Joseph Smith replied.....then the job is yours, Samson Avard!

Avard did more than simply train this army, he turned them into fanatics willing to die for the Mormon leaders. The Army was given secret hand signs, code words and took deadly oaths. They became a very scary group that people feared. Avard had created a death squad called, "The Danites".
page 22 of The Enchanter

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Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Want to talk about virgin births and wearing a means of execution around your neck?
If Jesus was beheaded would you wear a guillotine around your neck?

I do not wear a crucifix or a cross around my neck. Could you please use the quote button in the future, RW? I have no idea who you are addressing here.

Jeremiah....any religion can be mocked for the silly shit they believe in

Even your own

Wrong. And next time? Ask me before assuming what I wear and what I believe, RW.

I have seen what you believe.

It is a belief based on hatred of other religions.

Yes, you deserve to be mocked
Years later the Danites were known as "the Avenging Angels." Mormons who spoke against their leaders and who left the church died. Hitler had his SS Troops in World War II, but Joseph Smith had his own Secret Police.
With their backing, this powerful force gave "The Prophet" the courage to flex his muscles. He became fierce with pride and boldness. He actually said:

If the people will let us alone, we will preach the gospel in peace. But if they come on us to molest us, we will establish our religion with the sword.
We will trample down our enemies and make it gore on blood........... from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean, I will be to this generation a 2nd Muhammad, whose motto in treating for peace was "the Al-Qu-ran or the sword." So shall it eventually be with us - "Joseph Smith or the sword!"*
- Words spoken by Joseph Smith

And what does the word of God say about the sin of pride?
It is written: Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. - Proverbs 16:18

Look out, Joseph........
*See History of the Church, Volume 3, page 167
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Don't you realize these rants make you look like a hateful old bitch?

It doesn't impress Jesus
The devil used both Muhammad* and Joseph Smith to create similar religions.
*Both men called themselves prophets of God
* Both were guided by "angels".
* Each had many wives.

The ex-Mormon then told the Christian: Yeah, Muhammad had only 23 wives, But Joseph won out with 28! Both claimed the Bible was wrong, whenever it disagreed with them. So they wrote their own books - "Holy Qur'an for Islam and "the Book of Mormon," Doctrine & Covenants" and "Pearl of Great Price" for the Mormons.

The ex-Mormon continues: Muhammad called all who disagreed with him infidels! And Joseph Smith called outsiders Gentiles. Both claimed they were superior to the Lord Jesus Christ! Yet both claimed he was an ok guy! Both formed militias and became dictators. Listen to this, In 1842, John C. Bennett said that Joseph's "master and model" was Muhammad!**

Christian man replies: So that's why he called himself " a second Muhammad!"


* For more on Muhammad, see Christ, Mohammad and I by Mohammad Al Ghazoli (2007) Available at chick publications. * * History of the Saints by John C. Bennett (1842) page 218
page 24 The Enchanter

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