Stay Tuned


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Does this mean Trump is getting ready to fire the absolute criminal Mueller?

Sounds like it to me;

“This is an illegally brought Rigged Witch Hunt run by people who are totally corrupt and/or conflicted. It was started and paid for by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats. Phony Dossier, FISA disgrace and so many lying and dishonest people already fired. 17 Angry Dems? Stay tuned!” he tweeted.
I hope not. Let the witch hunt continue. It will lead to nothing
I agree. Its a huge waste of time.

It does, however, keep the lefty idiots on this board all aglow. Just hoping for something they can hang on Trump.

Gotta laugh at how stupid they are.
Does this mean Trump is getting ready to fire the absolute criminal Mueller?

Sounds like it to me;

“This is an illegally brought Rigged Witch Hunt run by people who are totally corrupt and/or conflicted. It was started and paid for by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats. Phony Dossier, FISA disgrace and so many lying and dishonest people already fired. 17 Angry Dems? Stay tuned!” he tweeted.
It's a whiny rant by a mobster who is trying to convict the law in the court of public opinion.

It's theater for you rubes with bumper sticker intellects to copy, paste, and parrot.
Poor Donnie. All hot and bothered. Cracking under the strain. Poor baby.

"Someone bring me another cheeseburger!"
Poor Donnie. All hot and bothered. Cracking under the strain. Poor baby.

"Someone bring me another cheeseburger!"

Oh he can handle the strain better than you can.

The only poor baby I see here is you. LOL
Look at all those trigger words to get the rubes twitching and dancing! :lol:

Crooked Hillary, Rigged Witch Hunt, 17 Angry Dems...

It sounds like the song titles to Donnie and the Naked Emperors Greatest Hits album.

Stay tuned...for more night sweats.
I agree. Its a huge waste of time.

It does, however, keep the lefty idiots on this board all aglow. Just hoping for something they can hang on Trump.

Gotta laugh at how stupid they are.

No, it's not a "Waste of Time".

It's what dimocrap FILTH do. It's what they've always done.

They "Punish you with the Process"

They don't care if you're found Not Guilty, the damage is done. A Man or Woman's reputation is sullied, he is BROKE from paying all his Legal Bills while the persecution uses YOUR TAX MONEY to push their PERSONAL AGENDA.

It also frightens good people into staying out of Public Service. Who needs it? You can be innocent as a Lamb and dimocrap FILTH will prosecute you for no reason other than you're on the wrong side.

The thing is....... The ABSOLUTE CRIMINALS IN THE FBI, declined to prosecute this case ten years ago!!

Why, all of the sudden are they so interested in it?

Why do you think??

They're criminals.

Mueller needs to be fired, investigated, prosecuted and sent to Prison for the rest of his fucking life.

It is NOT a waste of time. These scum know exactly what they're doing.
More hit songs:

Show Me The Birth Certificate
Locker Room Talk
Fifth Avenue Base
I Barely Knew The Guy I'm Throwing Under The Bus
Five Million Illegal Mexican Voters
Thousands And Thousands Of Muslims On The Roof
Two Corinthians Walked Into A Bar
Does this mean Trump is getting ready to fire the absolute criminal Mueller?

Sounds like it to me;

“This is an illegally brought Rigged Witch Hunt run by people who are totally corrupt and/or conflicted. It was started and paid for by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats. Phony Dossier, FISA disgrace and so many lying and dishonest people already fired. 17 Angry Dems? Stay tuned!” he tweeted.

Fake news.
New York Post...tsk, tsk.
But it's not fake when it's a headline you like, hmmmm?
I call your post a winner except it should be laid at the feet of Rosenstein. He had to give Mueller the broad scope to go after anything unrelated to Russia.
I agree. Its a huge waste of time.

It does, however, keep the lefty idiots on this board all aglow. Just hoping for something they can hang on Trump.

Gotta laugh at how stupid they are.

No, it's not a "Waste of Time".

It's what dimocrap FILTH do. It's what they've always done.

They "Punish you with the Process"

They don't care if you're found Not Guilty, the damage is done. A Man or Woman's reputation is sullied, he is BROKE from paying all his Legal Bills while the persecution uses YOUR TAX MONEY to push their PERSONAL AGENDA.

It also frightens good people into staying out of Public Service. Who needs it? You can be innocent as a Lamb and dimocrap FILTH will prosecute you for no reason other than you're on the wrong side.

The thing is....... The ABSOLUTE CRIMINALS IN THE FBI, declined to prosecute this case ten years ago!!

Why, all of the sudden are they so interested in it?

Why do you think??

They're criminals.

Mueller needs to be fired, investigated, prosecuted and sent to Prison for the rest of his fucking life.

It is NOT a waste of time. These scum know exactly what they're doing.
More hit songs:

Show Me The Birth Certificate
Locker Room Talk
Fifth Avenue Base
I Barely Knew The Guy I'm Throwing Under The Bus
Five Million Illegal Voters
Thousands And Thousands Of Muslims On The Roof
Two Corinthians Walked Into A Bar

Where Are The Norwegians?
Cry Me a Border Wall
No, No, NATO
The Biggest Little WhoreHouse in D.C.
I call your post a winner except it should be laid at the feet of Rosenstein. He had to give Mueller the broad scope to go after anything unrelated to Russia.
I agree. Its a huge waste of time.

It does, however, keep the lefty idiots on this board all aglow. Just hoping for something they can hang on Trump.

Gotta laugh at how stupid they are.

No, it's not a "Waste of Time".

It's what dimocrap FILTH do. It's what they've always done.

They "Punish you with the Process"

They don't care if you're found Not Guilty, the damage is done. A Man or Woman's reputation is sullied, he is BROKE from paying all his Legal Bills while the persecution uses YOUR TAX MONEY to push their PERSONAL AGENDA.

It also frightens good people into staying out of Public Service. Who needs it? You can be innocent as a Lamb and dimocrap FILTH will prosecute you for no reason other than you're on the wrong side.

The thing is....... The ABSOLUTE CRIMINALS IN THE FBI, declined to prosecute this case ten years ago!!

Why, all of the sudden are they so interested in it?

Why do you think??

They're criminals.

Mueller needs to be fired, investigated, prosecuted and sent to Prison for the rest of his fucking life.

It is NOT a waste of time. These scum know exactly what they're doing.

So you're into "fake news", too, huh?
I call your post a winner except it should be laid at the feet of Rosenstein. He had to give Mueller the broad scope to go after anything unrelated to Russia.

Then by extension, we have to lay the blame at Sessionzzzz feet for being a dishonest coward.

He either should not have recused himself (which he did under false circumstances) or he should have never accepted the AG job.

I predict that, after the MidTerms, Sessionzzz is Frog-Marched out of the DoJ Offices.

He is a coward and should be shown no mercy and given no respect -- At all
‘‘Tis a pity. The more we spend on Mueller the less we have to spend on the poor!
I agree. Its a huge waste of time.

It does, however, keep the lefty idiots on this board all aglow. Just hoping for something they can hang on Trump.

Gotta laugh at how stupid they are.

No, it's not a "Waste of Time".

It's what dimocrap FILTH do. It's what they've always done.

They "Punish you with the Process"

They don't care if you're found Not Guilty, the damage is done. A Man or Woman's reputation is sullied, he is BROKE from paying all his Legal Bills while the persecution uses YOUR TAX MONEY to push their PERSONAL AGENDA.

It also frightens good people into staying out of Public Service. Who needs it? You can be innocent as a Lamb and dimocrap FILTH will prosecute you for no reason other than you're on the wrong side.

The thing is....... The ABSOLUTE CRIMINALS IN THE FBI, declined to prosecute this case ten years ago!!

Why, all of the sudden are they so interested in it?

Why do you think??

They're criminals.

Mueller needs to be fired, investigated, prosecuted and sent to Prison for the rest of his fucking life.

It is NOT a waste of time. These scum know exactly what they're doing.

Wow, I bet if we could rewind the clock to five years ago and show this stupid post to you, you wouldn't recognize yourself.

I bet 5 years ago you would have lauded Mueller for his receiving the Bronze Star, a Purple Heart, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry and two Navy Commendation Medals for his service in Vietnam.

And overseeing the prosecution of Manuel Noriega, John Gotti and the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.

Not to mention transforming the FBI to focus on national security after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Honey bunny, the man hasn't changed. But the times and players in high office have.
I wouldn't get too excited about the "Stay tuned." comment.
Trump is always tweeting out his ass.
Anyone remember this beauty, a few hours after Don Jr's Russian emails were revealed?

Hours after Donald Trump Jr received Russia emails his father held a press conference promising more dirt on Clinton

Hours after Donald Trump Jr confirmed a meeting with a Russian lawyer to discuss information on Hillary Clinton, his father promised to make a speech with new information about his former rival for the US presidency.

“I think you’re going to find it very informative and very very interesting,” the US leader said, adding that it would likely take place next week. """"

"We are going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons," he said.

Guess what?

Wow, I bet if we could rewind the clock to five years ago and show this stupid post to you, you wouldn't recognize yourself.

I bet 5 years ago you would have lauded Mueller for his receiving the Bronze Star, a Purple Heart, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry and two Navy Commendation Medals for his service in Vietnam.

And overseeing the prosecution of Manuel Noriega, John Gotti and the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.

Not to mention transforming the FBI to focus on national security after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Honey bunny, the man hasn't changed. But the times and players in high office have.

Mueller goddamned sure wouldn't be the first scumbag to go from Hero to Heel.

Happens every day.
Wow, I bet if we could rewind the clock to five years ago and show this stupid post to you, you wouldn't recognize yourself.

I bet 5 years ago you would have lauded Mueller for his receiving the Bronze Star, a Purple Heart, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry and two Navy Commendation Medals for his service in Vietnam.

And overseeing the prosecution of Manuel Noriega, John Gotti and the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.

Not to mention transforming the FBI to focus on national security after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Honey bunny, the man hasn't changed. But the times and players in high office have.

Mueller goddamned sure wouldn't be the first scumbag to go from Hero to Heel.

Happens every day.

So if it happens every day you shouldn't have any trouble reeling a few off.
You know, on the same level as Mueller, who was also the longest serving FBI director next to Hoover.

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