CDZ Stabbings in Israel

Time to end it. Sterilize palestine.
It's tempting to think of Palestine as Judenrein but the reality is that the Palestinians and the Jews need each other economically and politically. Both countries are dependent on outside assistance for their daily bread. Economic self-sufficiency can only come from integrating the two complementary economies.

The Arab world will never make peace with Israel as long as the Jewish state is seen as a Fort Apache for US dominance. A harmonious Palestine-Israel federation (like the BENLUX countries) is the only way that all the outside proxy players will give up the game and make peace.

It sounds odd to those who do not know the history of the region in the 1940s but a two state federation of Israel-Palestine was the original UN plan and the only one which over 70 years later has a realistic chance of working out.
Might I ask how they are "resisting" when they are crossing the border into Israel and knifing people? How does that work out?
The majority of Palestinian deaths are the case where the Israeli police cross the border and kill them on land that isn't Israel's and on land they [the Israeli's] have no legal right to be on and on land where they [the Israeli's] have no jurisdiction to enforce the law.

And do you have proof of this?
Links by their Representatives?
Here you go!

As the parliamentary election scheduled for January 25, 2006 drew near, Hamas published a manifesto that Western news agencies found remarkable for the absence of mention of any goal to eliminate Israel.

Hamas candidate Gazi Hamad said it reflected the group’s position of seeking a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders. He said Hamas would not recognize that Israel had a “right to exist”, but that it was seeking to shift strategies away from armed struggle to engagement in the political process.

Palestinian cabinet minister Ghassan Khatib said, “Having Hamas inside the system is a positive development whereby they have to abide by the rules of the majority and respect the arguments of the administration they are part of, which includes a state built on 1967 borders.

It will take time but Hamas will no longer have their own militia. It will be solely a political force.”

Back to you...
The pallys are dead set against a two state solution. It will never happen.
There are three ways the statehood issue might be resolved. The one-state solution is favored by the radical right in Israel who want to drive the Arabs in to the sea. The one-state solution is also favored by the radical right in the Islamist community who want to drive the Jews into the sea. Neither of these solutions is likely to come about because both Jews and Palestinians have powerful outside support which will prevent any such sea bathing.

The next resolution is the one-and-a-half state solution towards which the Likud coalition is currently striving. In this plan, Israel annexes Judea and Smaria as well as Jerusalem but creates an internal, Palestinian bantustan with management of its internal affairs in the hands of an elected Palestinian council. Something close to this model was the goal in the pre-Oslo Accords phase of the so-called "peace process." The Palestinians have consolidated sufficient UN support in recent years to be sure this one is never going to get off the ground. The Gaza wars have been a big help to them in this regard.

That leaves the classical two-state proposal originally envisioned when the UN took over the British Mandate. This plan seems utterly unrealistic now, as Tipsycatlover suggests, but has a number of advantages that are not going away.

Under this model, Israel and Palestine remain two sovereign nations constitutionally united in a federal union like the BENLUX countries with a common defense force and currency, open but mutually controlled internal borders, shared sovereignty over Jerusalem and joint citizenship for Jews living in Palestine and Palestinians living in Israel. The domestic and international political benefits of this arrangement are very great as is the economic potential for the citizens of both nations. It is clearly the best, perhaps the only permanent solution; alas, both sides have been entrenched in three generations of hate and violence such that either a miracle or a catastrophe may be required to break the impasse.

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