CDZ I challenge your views about Islam

I really like Muslims' views on Iblis, Eden, djinn... not sure about their stance on angels though. Still... Islam is a beautiful religion

Muslims dress in weird clothes and hate America???????


How are your stereotypes doing?
what's the nature of the "challenge"?

Many posters use stereotypical phrases such as "Muzzie pigs" or "Islamonazis", deliberately forwarding an impression of Muslims being evil.

Are the Muslims I'm showing posters evil?
Watch out - suicide bomber in a burqa ..... or maybe a rock guitarist.
Attacking your stereotypes with an 'axe'.

Muslims hate Jews - or maybe not.
Who the attackers were is of no matter, they were probably just drunken idiots anyway, but who saved the Jewish dude?
Yep, a Muslim.

what's the nature of the "challenge"?

Many posters use stereotypical phrases such as "Muzzie pigs" or "Islamonazis", deliberately forwarding an impression of Muslims being evil.

Are the Muslims I'm showing posters evil?

they could be------- I have known lots of muslims in the USA who dress just like everyday
USA people. I never met "dr" Nidal Malik Hassan, but long ago I wore a uniform
similar to the one he wore--------and longer ago a white coat similar to that which he wore
as a medical intern and I knew lots and lots of people who looked "like that"-----some were
muslims and I knew many well---------and even socialized with them-------the muslims who
appeared so introduced me to Islamic ideology------before that I had no opinion. HOWEVER----
over time I did learn enough not to be completely surprised by the actions of "dr" Hassan.
What point are you struggling to make? Do you know the words Arabic speaking muslims
use to describe jews and Christians? Do you know the words Urdu speaking people use
to describe HINDUS?
Watch out - suicide bomber in a burqa ..... or maybe a rock guitarist.
Attacking your stereotypes with an 'axe'.

True-----you never know ------a sweet little burkah clad lady in Israel pulled a knife out of the folds of
her elegant Islamic robes in celebration of the current declared "STAB THE JEW" holiday
Americans hate Muslims - or do they?
Stereotypes are used to create hate on both sides, but good men do the right thing.

Americans hate Muslims - or do they?
Stereotypes are used to create hate on both sides, but good men do the right thing.

true------a nice sociology project right now would be -------for a short little jewish lady
like me to take a walk near a mosque in the MUSLIM section of town wearing a large
STAR OF DAVID necklace FRIDAY MORN Because I have worked with muslims in the USA ----
I know some choice Arabic words-------I got some from my husband too -----he was born in a
country adherent to CLASSIC SHARIAH LAW--------the only Arabic he actually uses are choice
phrases when he is STUCK IN TRAFFIC-------but he always denies that he know any at all when
talking to muslim countrymen-------so he can laugh at the filth they throw at him in Arabic/ What
point are you struggling to make?
Muslims hate Jews - or maybe not.
Who the attackers were is of no matter, they were probably just drunken idiots anyway, but who saved the Jewish dude?
Yep, a Muslim.

I am a short jewish woman-------I have saved the lives of lots of muslims. Were I to wander into the
a muslim village in Samaria------I would likely be raped and murdered. Stop the nonsense. LOOK LOOK--
a muslim girl with a guitar PROVES THE GLORY OF ISLAM -----------sheeeeesh It proves that it is ok for
muslim teenagers to stick knives in old jewses and it PROVES that rape of KAFFIRIN is holy
what's the nature of the "challenge"?

Many posters use stereotypical phrases such as "Muzzie pigs" or "Islamonazis", deliberately forwarding an impression of Muslims being evil.

Are the Muslims I'm showing posters evil?

Muslims are the lowest of the low. They are the world wide leaders in hate, murder and all around oppression. You think a couple pics and vids of Muslims not living their religion is going to change that reality and make us love them?
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what's the nature of the "challenge"?

Many posters use stereotypical phrases such as "Muzzie pigs" or "Islamonazis", deliberately forwarding an impression of Muslims being evil.

Are the Muslims I'm showing posters evil?

Muslims are the lowest of the low. They are the world wide leaders in hate, murder and all around oppression. You think a couple pics and vids of Muslims not living their religion is going to change that reality and make us love them?

Of course-----it is so encouraging to know that some muslims play the guitar
Muslims are the lowest of the low. They are the world wide leaders in hate, murder and all around oppression. You think a couple pics and vids of Muslims not living their religion is going to change that reality and make us love them?

Why do you assume they aren't living their religion?
Perhaps they are, but your stereotypes don't allow that possibility to enter your head.
Muslims hate Jews - or maybe not.
Who the attackers were is of no matter, they were probably just drunken idiots anyway, but who saved the Jewish dude?
Yep, a Muslim.

I am a short jewish woman-------I have saved the lives of lots of muslims. Were I to wander into the
a muslim village in Samaria------I would likely be raped and murdered. Stop the nonsense. LOOK LOOK--
a muslim girl with a guitar PROVES THE GLORY OF ISLAM -----------sheeeeesh It proves that it is ok for
muslim teenagers to stick knives in old jewses and it PROVES that rape of KAFFIRIN is holy

What has your hate post got to do with the OP?
I'm suggesting the "all Muslims" stereotype is a lie, but you come up with a stereotype as a reply.
That reply is far from intelligent, so suggests you're unable to consider the stereotypes are inaccurate.

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