Soldiers and PTSD

Can one imagine the hue and cry if the VA was not generous with its benefits? I can see the headline now, Soldiers Denied benefits By ... political party or president.

Where have you been? Obama has already tried.
Wow! Nothing new here. Anonymous Fake Tough Guys blathering anything to keep a battle going so they can have their safe, warm self righteousness. Real vets doing their best to explain the truth which the Anonymous Fake Tough Guys then ignore and spout out profanity and obscenity because they think it is more powerful than the truth. We were doing this a dozen years ago on other sites and to my knowledge, never convinced a single one about anything. That is because they are not really arguing, they are living vicariously an Anonymous Fake Tough Guy life they could never do face to face.
you're joking about having PTSD for shift changes in a nut ward?

Fred can you believe the crap these guys are posting!!! For the rest of you guys, thats 9thIDDOC enjoying his 3 hots and a cot in the first pic
Honest Abe bOOger
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Wow! Nothing new here. Anonymous Fake Tough Guys blathering anything to keep a battle going so they can have their safe, warm self righteousness. Real vets doing their best to explain the truth which the Anonymous Fake Tough Guys then ignore and spout out profanity and obscenity because they think it is more powerful than the truth. We were doing this a dozen years ago on other sites and to my knowledge, never convinced a single one about anything. That is because they are not really arguing, they are living vicariously an Anonymous Fake Tough Guy life they could never do face to face.

Damn straight, and welcome aboard.
Wow! Nothing new here. Anonymous Fake Tough Guys blathering anything to keep a battle going so they can have their safe, warm self righteousness. Real vets doing their best to explain the truth which the Anonymous Fake Tough Guys then ignore and spout out profanity and obscenity because they think it is more powerful than the truth. We were doing this a dozen years ago on other sites and to my knowledge, never convinced a single one about anything. That is because they are not really arguing, they are living vicariously an Anonymous Fake Tough Guy life they could never do face to face.

Welcome aboard Doc Fred! Same same as you said. You're probably a fake Cav guy too like me. Booger's a fake truck driver and Doc Hal's a fake medic too. We just surf the web spreading fear into the hearts of the ignorant everywhere. What do they say..."truth hurts."

Not hip enough....(think about that guys), to understand you're meaning about the LSD thing Koshergirl. Could you enlighten me, other than it's an hallucinogenic.
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Goes to show you what you Cav guys know..... LSD is an Italian dish which stands for Lasgana, Spagetti, with a side order of a Dandoline salad. If you walk into any Italian resturant and order LSD, this is what you get.
Where did Pauli girl go?
O Solo Mio bOOger
Having spent 6 months in combat myself, I've never had any respect for PTSDs. War is terrifying at times, but that is suppressed so much that I've never even dreamed about Vietnam. Obviously, you can't dwell on it or you'll go insane, so you have a built in protective mechanism to put it out of your mind. How else could I have gone after the horrible screaming I heard the first time I was in a firefight?

We were overworked to the point of exhaustion, which made us numb emotionally. The worst part, as I figured out later, was that I felt like a punching bag never getting a clear shot at the enemy, who were picking us off week after week until I only had a 50% chance of surviving my full tour. The best therapy would have been exactly the opposite of what our anti-manhood psychiatric cult would recommend. Not that I had a disorder, but it would have helped if I had gotten into target shooting or hunting when I got back to "the world" just to get the feeling of control over that kind of situation.

When I came back, every once in awhile I would get a sudden psychotic urge. I was fully aware of where it had come from, so I ignored it until it went away. No one has an excuse to give into post-traumatic urges. The Viet Cong had it far worse than even the Marines did, but their country hasn't become a basket case of lazy whining veterans and psychotic killers. If anything like that happens there, it should be blamed on Communism, not war.

War is mankind's natural state. Being a warrior is a normal step to maturity, though not a necessary one. So it is logical that humans have evolved a built-in immunity to PTSD. It is an imaginary disease, but the fatal and little discussed disease of a society that would encourage those with tough experiences to maginify their reactions and become obsessed and addicted to every emotion is what should really be cured.
LSD=Landing Ship Dock Never had the privilege but did ride on an LST once. Wow, now PTSD is a liberal scheme to take away our guns. That will be news to the guys I know that are being treated for it at the VA. One guy I know has a gun in every room within reach at all times. He also had a gun in his car, one in his pocket and one in his desk at work. By the way, PTSD is about rage. I wonder what some of these guy's family would say about their tempers? Or better yet, ex-wives. Or their kids, are they afraid of their fathers? Like one of our buddies said, "By the time my seventh wife left me, I knew I had a problem."
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Hey Doc. Fred!
Doc Fred earned his PTSD and PH the old fashioned way. He earned them.
Having spent 6 months in combat myself, I've never had any respect for PTSDs. War is terrifying at times, but that is suppressed so much that I've never even dreamed about Vietnam. Obviously, you can't dwell on it or you'll go insane, so you have a built in protective mechanism to put it out of your mind. How else could I have gone after the horrible screaming I heard the first time I was in a firefight?

We were overworked to the point of exhaustion, which made us numb emotionally. The worst part, as I figured out later, was that I felt like a punching bag never getting a clear shot at the enemy, who were picking us off week after week until I only had a 50% chance of surviving my full tour. The best therapy would have been exactly the opposite of what our anti-manhood psychiatric cult would recommend. Not that I had a disorder, but it would have helped if I had gotten into target shooting or hunting when I got back to "the world" just to get the feeling of control over that kind of situation.

When I came back, every once in awhile I would get a sudden psychotic urge. I was fully aware of where it had come from, so I ignored it until it went away. No one has an excuse to give into post-traumatic urges. The Viet Cong had it far worse than even the Marines did, but their country hasn't become a basket case of lazy whining veterans and psychotic killers. If anything like that happens there, it should be blamed on Communism, not war.

War is mankind's natural state. Being a warrior is a normal step to maturity, though not a necessary one. So it is logical that humans have evolved a built-in immunity to PTSD. It is an imaginary disease, but the fatal and little discussed disease of a society that would encourage those with tough experiences to maginify their reactions and become obsessed and addicted to every emotion is what should really be cured.

What does "psychotic urge" have to do with PTSD? There is no psychosis with PTSD. If you had/have "psychotic urges" I suggest that has nothing to do with combat and you might need to see a psychiatrist, soon. PTSD is described in ancient writings by Greeks through all the wars in history. To say it's an imaginary disease just because you might be lucky enough not to suffer from it is to say than no other disorders exist because you don't have it. I don't see our veterans as "basket case lazy whiners" and there is absolutely no evidence that that is the case. Vietnam Vets have been some of the most productive veterans in our history. FedEx is just one of many examples. All of my patients for 30 years had great careers. Who did you do your 6 months with and when?

Please, please, PLEASE do not feel the need to advise us of your urges. I know a little about bOOger's and his exceeded my lifetime tolerance quota by quite a bit.

Did I mention my SF tat.?
So war is the natural state of man. In other words, combat remolded your nervous system to function in combat but you can't turn it off so you go around reacting in inappropriate ways to things but you are able to hide it from the people around you because they wouldn't understand and would react negatively to it. I like the choice of Prometheus also. Here is a guy who did one brave thing and now spends all eternity being punished by having his liver removed by an eagle every day only to have it grow back at night and repeat the whole process. I'll bet stupid drivers really, really piss you off, in fact, just about everyone really, really pisses you off.
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Ok guys...I was being tactful. I find the whole Prometheus thing a bit bizarre. I was never aware that I only had a 50/50 shot of making it. Certainly at Omaha Beach you had a much greater chance of survival than 50/50. I believe it was less than 1 out of 10. Well, what do I know. I never had any respect for Bi-Polar Disorder either but don't deny its existence.
Doc Fred
That's an interesting story about Prometheus and his liver..... During our reunions, my liver gets removed every night but it grows back before the first drink of the day.
Rejuvenating bOOger
Doc Fred
That's an interesting story about Prometheus and his liver..... During our reunions, my liver gets removed every night but it grows back before the first drink of the day.
Rejuvenating bOOger

Prometheus bOOger. It fits. I just spewed on that one!

Hey, Whitehall, are you the same guy who used to hang on the old History Channel??? Wouldn't surprise me.

Paco aka 1AirCav69
Having spent 6 months in combat myself, I've never had any respect for PTSDs. War is terrifying at times, but that is suppressed so much that I've never even dreamed about Vietnam. Obviously, you can't dwell on it or you'll go insane, so you have a built in protective mechanism to put it out of your mind. How else could I have gone after the horrible screaming I heard the first time I was in a firefight?

We were overworked to the point of exhaustion, which made us numb emotionally. The worst part, as I figured out later, was that I felt like a punching bag never getting a clear shot at the enemy, who were picking us off week after week until I only had a 50% chance of surviving my full tour. The best therapy would have been exactly the opposite of what our anti-manhood psychiatric cult would recommend. Not that I had a disorder, but it would have helped if I had gotten into target shooting or hunting when I got back to "the world" just to get the feeling of control over that kind of situation.

When I came back, every once in awhile I would get a sudden psychotic urge. I was fully aware of where it had come from, so I ignored it until it went away. No one has an excuse to give into post-traumatic urges. The Viet Cong had it far worse than even the Marines did, but their country hasn't become a basket case of lazy whining veterans and psychotic killers. If anything like that happens there, it should be blamed on Communism, not war.

War is mankind's natural state. Being a warrior is a normal step to maturity, though not a necessary one. So it is logical that humans have evolved a built-in immunity to PTSD. It is an imaginary disease, but the fatal and little discussed disease of a society that would encourage those with tough experiences to maginify their reactions and become obsessed and addicted to every emotion is what should really be cured.

What does "psychotic urge" have to do with PTSD? There is no psychosis with PTSD. If you had/have "psychotic urges" I suggest that has nothing to do with combat and you might need to see a psychiatrist, soon. PTSD is described in ancient writings by Greeks through all the wars in history. To say it's an imaginary disease just because you might be lucky enough not to suffer from it is to say than no other disorders exist because you don't have it. I don't see our veterans as "basket case lazy whiners" and there is absolutely no evidence that that is the case. Vietnam Vets have been some of the most productive veterans in our history. FedEx is just one of many examples. All of my patients for 30 years had great careers. Who did you do your 6 months with and when?

You make your living off whiners who never grew up and crawl back into their sheltered child minds when having to face the normal adult growing up process of dealing with combat.

I was in the Marine Corps infantry with Hotel Company, Second Battalion, Fifth Marine Regiment from Sept66 to March67. Thirty-eight out of the 150 Marines (never T/O) in my company died in my half tour in combat. Foxtrot Company had about 115 dead that year, including 59 in one day. All these loonies who supply you with psychological case studies are exceptions that prove the rule.

The first I saw of them was when I was stationed at Charleston. The childish self-indulgent guard pointed a 45 at someone's head just to get off on his goofiness. Insanity has become an addictive drug and there's no excuse for them to let themselves get hooked in the first place.
So war is the natural state of man. In other words, combat remolded your nervous system to function in combat but you can't turn it off so you go around reacting in inappropriate ways to things but you are able to hide it from the people around you because they wouldn't understand and would react negatively to it. I'll bet stupid drivers really, really piss you off, in fact, just about everyone really, really pisses you off.

Nobody pisses me off. You piss me off with your giggling-teenybopper attempt at a put down, but you are a nobody.
Ok guys...I was being tactful. I find the whole Prometheus thing a bit bizarre. I was never aware that I only had a 50/50 shot of making it. Certainly at Omaha Beach you had a much greater chance of survival than 50/50. I believe it was less than 1 out of 10. Well, what do I know..

You are the kind of buttboy of the 1% who would have been proud to die taking a rich kid's place. I don't care if you got the Medal of Honor in Vietnam, if you support Bush's right to live after having his Daddy get him out of fighting, THEN YOU HAVE NO HONOR.

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