Soldiers and PTSD

You'd be suprised at how many claiming PTSD spent the war riding a desk. In modern combat maybe 10 percent actually get shot at. A lot of this is just a play for attention and money. I know out of all the Vietnam Vets I have known none fit the stereotypical bum in camouflage pissing and moaning about the VA description.

There are people with PTSD who were not in combat. The female nurse who was stationed in a combat zone is considered a combat veteran. And seeing boys mangled every day is certainly criteria for her getting PTSD, just like our nurses and EMTs on the home front get PTSD along with burnout.. One does not have to be 'shot at' to get PTSD. Even therapists who work with PTSD patients get secondary PTSD just from listening to the horrors. You are a liar.

Worst case I ever saw was a soldier who never saw combat. He was in incountry mortuary services. He worked in the morque.
You'd be suprised at how many claiming PTSD spent the war riding a desk. In modern combat maybe 10 percent actually get shot at. A lot of this is just a play for attention and money. I know out of all the Vietnam Vets I have known none fit the stereotypical bum in camouflage pissing and moaning about the VA description.

There are people with PTSD who were not in combat. The female nurse who was stationed in a combat zone is considered a combat veteran. And seeing boys mangled every day is certainly criteria for her getting PTSD, just like our nurses and EMTs on the home front get PTSD along with burnout.. One does not have to be 'shot at' to get PTSD. Even therapists who work with PTSD patients get secondary PTSD just from listening to the horrors. You are a liar.

Worst case I ever saw was a soldier who never saw combat. He was in incountry mortuary services. He worked in the morque.

Both of you are absolutely correct. One of my worst patients was also mortuary services. Try that job for 12 months. Also nurses and doctors for sure.
Mustang 66
We have vets that never left the US that are now getting VA beni's for PTSD. I know of one who was involved in a fight in the New Orleans area while on leave and he was other than honorably discharged from the military, before he completed his 4 years. He filed for PTSD benefits as a direct result of the fight, I'm guessing he yelled loud enough and got it.
I can remember the bullcrap guys had to go through to even be considered for PTSD. It was ridiculous when dealing with guys who served in units like the 173rd in 66' or 67'. They had to actually prove they were in combat and some specific event that could have caused their PTSD. One guy used a TIME Magazine artiicle that actually had his picture in it as part of his documentation. It was a major coupe when someone figured out how to get hands on radio logs. For some reason those hadn't been buried in the bowels of the buraeucracy. So maybe the pendulum has swung in the other direction. IMO it's better to have a few get over and recieve what they don't deserve than to have those that deserve not to be able to get what they truely need and deserve.
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Mustang 66
We have vets that never left the US that are now getting VA beni's for PTSD. I know of one who was involved in a fight in the New Orleans area while on leave and he was other than honorably discharged from the military, before he completed his 4 years. He filed for PTSD benefits as a direct result of the fight, I'm guessing he yelled loud enough and got it.
I know! My Uncle recently passed away and lived off disability his entire adult life, he was 92. Well he couldn't work because of PTSD from WWII. THE GUY WAS A FUCKIN COOK!!!! He told my Aunt he killed so many people and he was fucked up from it.....hahahaha!!! Did he kill them with his cooking? The VA has become another sacred's RIDICULOUS!!!! When I did my undistinguished four years in the Army I did it and got out. I never missed a paycheck and had my three hots and a cot. Nobody owes me a goddamn thing!! A few years wearing a uniform does not mean the world owes you a living!!!
Of course if you say this you are "un american" and "unpatriotic". Makes me want to vomit!!!
Mustang 66
We have vets that never left the US that are now getting VA beni's for PTSD. I know of one who was involved in a fight in the New Orleans area while on leave and he was other than honorably discharged from the military, before he completed his 4 years. He filed for PTSD benefits as a direct result of the fight, I'm guessing he yelled loud enough and got it.
I know! My Uncle recently passed away and lived off disability his entire adult life, he was 92. Well he couldn't work because of PTSD from WWII. THE GUY WAS A FUCKIN COOK!!!! He told my Aunt he killed so many people and he was fucked up from it.....hahahaha!!! Did he kill them with his cooking? The VA has become another sacred's RIDICULOUS!!!! When I did my undistinguished four years in the Army I did it and got out. I never missed a paycheck and had my three hots and a cot. Nobody owes me a goddamn thing!! A few years wearing a uniform does not mean the world owes you a living!!!
Of course if you say this you are "un american" and "unpatriotic". Makes me want to vomit!!!

So am I to understand that Audie Murphy thought the world owed him a living? I guess those idiots that come back from Iraq/Afghan with no legs, arms, TBI, and get disability feel the world owes them a living? Do you honestly believe that VA Comp is a "living"? I am quite sure your 4 years were undistinguished and how nice to get 3 hots and a cot. Must have been nice. No wonder you have so much hate for those that served, didn't get 3 hots and a cot, and got messed up in the process. Not sure how you shave your face every day with that kind of attitude. Love to see how you'd have felt had you actually had to live with no hots and no cot. Real friggin' hero. Your uncle story doesn't wash either. They didn't even have PTSD claims during WWII. You sound just a bit jealous of combat vets to me. Probably an American Legion member.
I can remember the bullcrap guys had to go through to even be considered for PTSD. It was ridiculous when dealing with guys who served in units like the 173rd in 66' or 67'. They had to actually prove they were in combat and some specific event that could have caused their PTSD. One guy used a TIME Magazine artiicle that actually had his picture in it as part of his documentation. It was a major coupe when someone figured out how to get hands on radio logs. For some reason those hadn't been buried in the bowels of the buraeucracy. So maybe the pendulum has swung in the other direction. IMO it's better to have a few get over and recieve what they don't deserve than to have those that deserve not to be able to get what they truely need and deserve.

Camp, you're correct in both. I am not pleased that the pendulum swung completely the other way. The middle would have been just great but I agree, rather a few wannabee's than screwing everyone.

You might find the thread on Gen. Giap's death in the "current events" section interesting.
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Can one imagine the hue and cry if the VA was not generous with its benefits? I can see the headline now, Soldiers Denied benefits By ... political party or president.
Mustang 66
We have vets that never left the US that are now getting VA beni's for PTSD. I know of one who was involved in a fight in the New Orleans area while on leave and he was other than honorably discharged from the military, before he completed his 4 years. He filed for PTSD benefits as a direct result of the fight, I'm guessing he yelled loud enough and got it.
I know! My Uncle recently passed away and lived off disability his entire adult life, he was 92. Well he couldn't work because of PTSD from WWII. THE GUY WAS A FUCKIN COOK!!!! He told my Aunt he killed so many people and he was fucked up from it.....hahahaha!!! Did he kill them with his cooking? The VA has become another sacred's RIDICULOUS!!!! When I did my undistinguished four years in the Army I did it and got out. I never missed a paycheck and had my three hots and a cot. Nobody owes me a goddamn thing!! A few years wearing a uniform does not mean the world owes you a living!!!
Of course if you say this you are "un american" and "unpatriotic". Makes me want to vomit!!!

So am I to understand that Audie Murphy thought the world owed him a living? I guess those idiots that come back from Iraq/Afghan with no legs, arms, TBI, and get disability feel the world owes them a living? Do you honestly believe that VA Comp is a "living"? I am quite sure your 4 years were undistinguished and how nice to get 3 hots and a cot. Must have been nice. No wonder you have so much hate for those that served, didn't get 3 hots and a cot, and got messed up in the process. Not sure how you shave your face every day with that kind of attitude. Love to see how you'd have felt had you actually had to live with no hots and no cot. Real friggin' hero. Your uncle story doesn't wash either. They didn't even have PTSD claims during WWII. You sound just a bit jealous of combat vets to me. Probably an American Legion member.
First of all fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Actually at the time of my Uncles service I believe it was called Battle Fatigue. Whatever the term he was a freeloader. Now when did I say a Goddamned thing about somebody without arms and legs oh that's right I didn't! "Hate for those that served".....hahahahaha!!!!! If you're a fuckin bum I do hate you. "How nice to get 3 hots and a cot".....let me "the old army" they didn't even feed you:lol: Never been jealous and glad I was spared and I bet you were spared also. Probably a bum living off a disability check he lied like hell to get. Or you have drinking and drug problems you want to blame on everybody but you.
See this emotional, bullshit reaction is what I'm talking about. Put "veteran" on it and it is untouchable. The VA should be no more untouchable than anything else.
I know! My Uncle recently passed away and lived off disability his entire adult life, he was 92. Well he couldn't work because of PTSD from WWII. THE GUY WAS A FUCKIN COOK!!!! He told my Aunt he killed so many people and he was fucked up from it.....hahahaha!!! Did he kill them with his cooking? The VA has become another sacred's RIDICULOUS!!!! When I did my undistinguished four years in the Army I did it and got out. I never missed a paycheck and had my three hots and a cot. Nobody owes me a goddamn thing!! A few years wearing a uniform does not mean the world owes you a living!!!
Of course if you say this you are "un american" and "unpatriotic". Makes me want to vomit!!!

So am I to understand that Audie Murphy thought the world owed him a living? I guess those idiots that come back from Iraq/Afghan with no legs, arms, TBI, and get disability feel the world owes them a living? Do you honestly believe that VA Comp is a "living"? I am quite sure your 4 years were undistinguished and how nice to get 3 hots and a cot. Must have been nice. No wonder you have so much hate for those that served, didn't get 3 hots and a cot, and got messed up in the process. Not sure how you shave your face every day with that kind of attitude. Love to see how you'd have felt had you actually had to live with no hots and no cot. Real friggin' hero. Your uncle story doesn't wash either. They didn't even have PTSD claims during WWII. You sound just a bit jealous of combat vets to me. Probably an American Legion member.
First of all fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Actually at the time of my Uncles service I believe it was called Battle Fatigue. Whatever the term he was a freeloader. Now when did I say a Goddamned thing about somebody without arms and legs oh that's right I didn't! "Hate for those that served".....hahahahaha!!!!! If you're a fuckin bum I do hate you. "How nice to get 3 hots and a cot".....let me "the old army" they didn't even feed you:lol: Never been jealous and glad I was spared and I bet you were spared also. Probably a bum living off a disability check he lied like hell to get. Or you have drinking and drug problems you want to blame on everybody but you.
See this emotional, bullshit reaction is what I'm talking about. Put "veteran" on it and it is untouchable. The VA should be no more untouchable than anything else.

You see what I'm talking about. The emotional reaction is all yours...REMF. I know who I am and I've already guessed, thanks to you, who you are. It's why I put the references earlier to cooks at Khe Sahn and Con Thien. Why...because of punks like you who "served". Big fucking served, in some cushy job getting 3 hots and a cot. Look punk, I wouldn't wipe my ass with someone like you normally but I owe you this. You're the type that would deny benefits to disabled vets cause you never had your ass in the grass. Punks like you work in the VA Regional Offices denying veteran benefits all the time then claiming..."well I served too...I wouldn't do that". You think that only a blood wound matters. Listen to me you REMF faggot, you don't know shit about anything or anybody that ever served in a war zone. You meat out you opinions like you really know something and you don't. You are an ignorant twit who because he spent time in "the service" knows what it's like to really be in the service. You know nothing you ignorant little bitch. I've dealt with your ilk for years and beat your asses repeatedly when I worked for the VA. I'm sure it got to you when I mentioned you were in the Legion because you are. That's where all the REMFS hang with their REMF buddies. You show up at parades and act like you were there and the civvies don't know the difference. Then you sit and judge men that were actually in combat. I love that you bitch twat. You couldn't lick the boot of a real combat soldier. I bet you were Navy or Air Force for sure. Suck on this one punk and show up at a Vietnam Vets reunion some day and get up before everyone and tell them your story and what you think of PTSD. Naw, you only have balls sitting behind a computer then quoting books you read like that really gives you some insight. Your uncle has more class in his dead asshole than you do in your whole body. You are obviously jealous that man at least served in a war zone. You can't even join the fucking VFW. Eat shit and die, REMF.
So am I to understand that Audie Murphy thought the world owed him a living? I guess those idiots that come back from Iraq/Afghan with no legs, arms, TBI, and get disability feel the world owes them a living? Do you honestly believe that VA Comp is a "living"? I am quite sure your 4 years were undistinguished and how nice to get 3 hots and a cot. Must have been nice. No wonder you have so much hate for those that served, didn't get 3 hots and a cot, and got messed up in the process. Not sure how you shave your face every day with that kind of attitude. Love to see how you'd have felt had you actually had to live with no hots and no cot. Real friggin' hero. Your uncle story doesn't wash either. They didn't even have PTSD claims during WWII. You sound just a bit jealous of combat vets to me. Probably an American Legion member.
First of all fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Actually at the time of my Uncles service I believe it was called Battle Fatigue. Whatever the term he was a freeloader. Now when did I say a Goddamned thing about somebody without arms and legs oh that's right I didn't! "Hate for those that served".....hahahahaha!!!!! If you're a fuckin bum I do hate you. "How nice to get 3 hots and a cot".....let me "the old army" they didn't even feed you:lol: Never been jealous and glad I was spared and I bet you were spared also. Probably a bum living off a disability check he lied like hell to get. Or you have drinking and drug problems you want to blame on everybody but you.
See this emotional, bullshit reaction is what I'm talking about. Put "veteran" on it and it is untouchable. The VA should be no more untouchable than anything else.

You see what I'm talking about. The emotional reaction is all yours...REMF. I know who I am and I've already guessed, thanks to you, who you are. It's why I put the references earlier to cooks at Khe Sahn and Con Thien. Why...because of punks like you who "served". Big fucking served, in some cushy job getting 3 hots and a cot. Look punk, I wouldn't wipe my ass with someone like you normally but I owe you this. You're the type that would deny benefits to disabled vets cause you never had your ass in the grass. Punks like you work in the VA Regional Offices denying veteran benefits all the time then claiming..."well I served too...I wouldn't do that". You think that only a blood wound matters. Listen to me you REMF faggot, you don't know shit about anything or anybody that ever served in a war zone. You meat out you opinions like you really know something and you don't. You are an ignorant twit who because he spent time in "the service" knows what it's like to really be in the service. You know nothing you ignorant little bitch. I've dealt with your ilk for years and beat your asses repeatedly when I worked for the VA. I'm sure it got to you when I mentioned you were in the Legion because you are. That's where all the REMFS hang with their REMF buddies. You show up at parades and act like you were there and the civvies don't know the difference. Then you sit and judge men that were actually in combat. I love that you bitch twat. You couldn't lick the boot of a real combat soldier. I bet you were Navy or Air Force for sure. Suck on this one punk and show up at a Vietnam Vets reunion some day and get up before everyone and tell them your story and what you think of PTSD. Naw, you only have balls sitting behind a computer then quoting books you read like that really gives you some insight. Your uncle has more class in his dead asshole than you do in your whole body. You are obviously jealous that man at least served in a war zone. You can't even join the fucking VFW. Eat shit and die, REMF.
Legion!!! Hell I refuse the term "veteran" as I believe it should be reserved for people who dodged bullets ya dumb fuck! My Uncle Marion was infantry in the Philippines during WWII and he never asked for a fuckin thing. Cousin Hubert left his left leg in Korea and all he got was a post office job. I respect the memory of both of them. All the Vietnam Vets I have known led pretty normal lives with the exception of one guy who was alcoholic as all hell and would admit he drank like a fuckin fish prior to the war. He was honest and I'd follow that man anywhere God rest his soul. You take all your insults and ram them up your ass. First Cav my ass.....:lol: Come on man you were a tamms clerk or a mechanic weren't you:lol: not that there is anything wrong with that but why lie about it?
Mustang 66
Well shit, right when I thought I was done with this site, I hav'ta log in and tell you, like I told lil Pauli girl, "your wrong", but then again, it seems like a lot of people are wrong here.....My good buddy 1st Cav is who he says he is, including being a member of the M.O.P.H.
We don't care what you did in the military. We know one thing, you served, and that's all that matters. Y'all should come over to our site, all the members are military and most are Vietnam Vets. We defend each other, ( that's why 1st Cav and I are here ) and if you can't play nice or attempt to belittle a member, we' ll carve you a new asshole.... Asshole
Chief Proctologist bOOger
I guess you'd have to be a "tams clerk" to know what that means. I do know what a mechanic is though. Doc, Bob, it happens every time. Try to bring a little knowledge to the ignorant and they attack because all their little preconceived notions get proven wrong. Doc, love that picture of you in your "cot" with your "hot". Looks familiar. Bob, please don't invite this crap to our site. They just don't pack the gear. 4 years...yep I think even more Air Force. 4 tough tours in Gulfport. Probably don't even qualify to be in the Legion and the more I think of it, I'd also be embarrassed to use the term veteran if I was this pogue. Well, think I'll go back to my government tit sucking and laughing at people who have to work.
I worked for 18 months in a closed unit psychiatric ward with rotating shifts every two weeks.

I think I had serious PTSD not only from changing rotations every two weeks (seriously... was the NAV crazy or what?) but also from having to deal with seriously dangerously mentally distirbed patients every day.

Never Dx'ed but in retrospect I exibited many of the symptoms of PTSD for years after I got out of uniform.

I went in to get it checked out at the VA but back in those days (ten year ago or so) ONLY combat soldiers were considered eligible for that DX.
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I worked for 18 months in a closed unit psychiatric ward with rotating shifts every two weeks.

I think I had serious PTSD not only from changing rotations every two weeks (seriously... was the NAV crazy or what?) but also from having to deal with seriously dangerously mentally distirbed patients every day.

Never Dx'ed but in retrospect I exibited many of the symptoms of PTSD for years after I got out of uniform.

I went in to get it checked out at the VA but back in those days (ten year ago or so) ONLY combat soldiers were considered eligible for that DX.

That is not true. I diagnosed many non combat soldiers with PTSD. I had many patients who had other issues outside the military that traumatized them, car accidents, family suicide and the patient finding the person who suicide, violent loss of a family member. I treated them all. They were not eligible for money because it wasn't service connected, but I treated them. There is no particular 'eligible' diagnosis at the VA, but the VA generally only pays for service related conditions. If the person has other insurance, or is private pay for those things, they can be treated for them.

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