Soldiers and PTSD

I'm going to try and be as tactful as possible here as I see some people that really don't have a clue voicing uneducated opinions.

1. Vietnam was a SEATO war not an American War, though we did the majority of the fighting. Other SEATO members in the war, Thailand, Australia, Taiwan, New Zealand, The Philippenes, and South Korea.

2. I keep seeing that there is no "diagnostic tool" for PTSD. Well that's what the DSM is, a diagnostic tool, and you must meet a certain amount of "diagnostic criteria" for receiving a diagnosis of PTSD. I do agree that the new diagnostic criteria is much less stringent and will lead to more diagnosis's when the person really doesn't have it and I hate that it is no longer, "out of the realm of normal trauma" as it used to be. It will open a flood gate of fakes, but that does not mean that it isn't a real mental disorder. I know, I've had it for 44 years, and also treated it for 30 before retiring. Because someone fakes a back injury doesn't mean that back injuries aren't real.

3. I also have a Purple Heart and have been a Life Member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart for over 26 years. I don't know one of the members of my chapter that DON'T have PTSD and we have members from WWII to the present day Iraqi and Afghan Wars. One of my brothers is also a former POW in Vietnam and he would love to talk with the member here that mentions something derogatory about Purple Hearts and PTSD. I would not suggest though that you give your uneducated opinion in person to him. In a survey done by the Order, the majority of the Order would not have a problem with awarding the Purple Heart for PTSD. Of course, this was under the old criteria and even I would not support this as I did before. When you don't have to prove your trauma, that immediately rules out giving this award for it as far as I'm concerned and don't believe the Order would now support it.

4. I know Doc Hal personally. I wouldn't take him up on his bet, but it's your money, do what you want. Actually please take him up on the bet and I'd like to be there when you have to pay off. He is also one of the most honorable men I know but I can't blame him for his anger after what I've read on this site.

5. One of my more recent patients before I retired was the recipient of the Navy Cross for his heroism in Falluja. He would also take exception as would two other friends of mine who are MOH recipients, that PTSD is fake. Oh, just let me add Audie Murphy to that list who admitted he had suffered from it until the day he was killed in a plane crash. He worked very hard to get the VA to start treating it as a combat related injury as would any other. He was also in favor of the award of the Purple Heart for it and he had more than his share of those. Again, I doubt under todays criteria.

Anybody is entitled to their opinion, but opinions should be based on fact, not emotion or out of ignorance. So, let's hear the vitriol. I'm a wannabe, liar, sitting in the basement of my parents house, and all the other crap I've seen on this site. No problem. I just tried to present some facts based on fact and personal experience. Do with it what you want.

He needs to make the bet worthwhile.

You are another illiterate , just like him who applies an opinion to me that I have not voiced. You fucking retarded fuck.

I've never met a combat veteran who stomps around boasting about what a great hero he is.
The people who do that, in my experience are lying about their service.
He needs to make the bet worthwhile."

Hey, no problem (with great pleasure in fact).
Is $30K or $40K a little more worthwhile?
I'm going to try and be as tactful as possible here as I see some people that really don't have a clue voicing uneducated opinions.

1. Vietnam was a SEATO war not an American War, though we did the majority of the fighting. Other SEATO members in the war, Thailand, Australia, Taiwan, New Zealand, The Philippenes, and South Korea.

2. I keep seeing that there is no "diagnostic tool" for PTSD. Well that's what the DSM is, a diagnostic tool, and you must meet a certain amount of "diagnostic criteria" for receiving a diagnosis of PTSD. I do agree that the new diagnostic criteria is much less stringent and will lead to more diagnosis's when the person really doesn't have it and I hate that it is no longer, "out of the realm of normal trauma" as it used to be. It will open a flood gate of fakes, but that does not mean that it isn't a real mental disorder. I know, I've had it for 44 years, and also treated it for 30 before retiring. Because someone fakes a back injury doesn't mean that back injuries aren't real.

3. I also have a Purple Heart and have been a Life Member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart for over 26 years. I don't know one of the members of my chapter that DON'T have PTSD and we have members from WWII to the present day Iraqi and Afghan Wars. One of my brothers is also a former POW in Vietnam and he would love to talk with the member here that mentions something derogatory about Purple Hearts and PTSD. I would not suggest though that you give your uneducated opinion in person to him. In a survey done by the Order, the majority of the Order would not have a problem with awarding the Purple Heart for PTSD. Of course, this was under the old criteria and even I would not support this as I did before. When you don't have to prove your trauma, that immediately rules out giving this award for it as far as I'm concerned and don't believe the Order would now support it.

4. I know Doc Hal personally. I wouldn't take him up on his bet, but it's your money, do what you want. Actually please take him up on the bet and I'd like to be there when you have to pay off. He is also one of the most honorable men I know but I can't blame him for his anger after what I've read on this site.

5. One of my more recent patients before I retired was the recipient of the Navy Cross for his heroism in Falluja. He would also take exception as would two other friends of mine who are MOH recipients, that PTSD is fake. Oh, just let me add Audie Murphy to that list who admitted he had suffered from it until the day he was killed in a plane crash. He worked very hard to get the VA to start treating it as a combat related injury as would any other. He was also in favor of the award of the Purple Heart for it and he had more than his share of those. Again, I doubt under todays criteria.

Anybody is entitled to their opinion, but opinions should be based on fact, not emotion or out of ignorance. So, let's hear the vitriol. I'm a wannabe, liar, sitting in the basement of my parents house, and all the other crap I've seen on this site. No problem. I just tried to present some facts based on fact and personal experience. Do with it what you want.

He needs to make the bet worthwhile.

You are another illiterate , just like him who applies an opinion to me that I have not voiced. You fucking retarded fuck.

I've never met a combat veteran who stomps around boasting about what a great hero he is.
The people who do that, in my experience are lying about their service.

I rest my case. Doc, I wouldn't waste my time with these teenage wannabes/neverbeens. That boy is one sick fuck. My Scottish grandfather used to call them "Limey Poofs". Now I know why.
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The sad thing is that their ignorant bullshit stops people from getting help they need and deserve. They do a great job for the jihad.
Not sure I found the right page. (couldn't find any page numbers) but if so both of the 2 guys in the bottom right were obviously Vietnamese by name and sight. That was "B Co." in '69 and I was in "D" Co in '70. I can only repeat the probably I left above.
I mostly worked the aid station(s).

yea that was it thx for checking;)

I forget what the designation that was used for the modified 113 we used for TOCs or aid stations...:redface:
Well I finally made it over here to read the crap Pauli is typing ( here in the USA, names that end in "i" are usually female). Pauli Girl..... Holy $hit he named after a beer. Anyway
The good Doc is not a Fat 50 year old, he's the real thing. We both served in Vietnam. Attended numerous Reunions (Vietnam type) together. Tipping many a beer. Even a St. Pauli Girl or 2. With that being said Ms. Pauli, I gotta go
Back in the USA bOOger
Thanks bOOger. Don't worry, I won't say a word about your XXXXXXXXXX.
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I'm going to try and be as tactful as possible here as I see some people that really don't have a clue voicing uneducated opinions.

1. Vietnam was a SEATO war not an American War, though we did the majority of the fighting. Other SEATO members in the war, Thailand, Australia, Taiwan, New Zealand, The Philippenes, and South Korea.

2. I keep seeing that there is no "diagnostic tool" for PTSD. Well that's what the DSM is, a diagnostic tool, and you must meet a certain amount of "diagnostic criteria" for receiving a diagnosis of PTSD. I do agree that the new diagnostic criteria is much less stringent and will lead to more diagnosis's when the person really doesn't have it and I hate that it is no longer, "out of the realm of normal trauma" as it used to be. It will open a flood gate of fakes, but that does not mean that it isn't a real mental disorder. I know, I've had it for 44 years, and also treated it for 30 before retiring. Because someone fakes a back injury doesn't mean that back injuries aren't real.

3. I also have a Purple Heart and have been a Life Member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart for over 26 years. I don't know one of the members of my chapter that DON'T have PTSD and we have members from WWII to the present day Iraqi and Afghan Wars. One of my brothers is also a former POW in Vietnam and he would love to talk with the member here that mentions something derogatory about Purple Hearts and PTSD. I would not suggest though that you give your uneducated opinion in person to him. In a survey done by the Order, the majority of the Order would not have a problem with awarding the Purple Heart for PTSD. Of course, this was under the old criteria and even I would not support this as I did before. When you don't have to prove your trauma, that immediately rules out giving this award for it as far as I'm concerned and don't believe the Order would now support it.

4. I know Doc Hal personally. I wouldn't take him up on his bet, but it's your money, do what you want. Actually please take him up on the bet and I'd like to be there when you have to pay off. He is also one of the most honorable men I know but I can't blame him for his anger after what I've read on this site.

5. One of my more recent patients before I retired was the recipient of the Navy Cross for his heroism in Falluja. He would also take exception as would two other friends of mine who are MOH recipients, that PTSD is fake. Oh, just let me add Audie Murphy to that list who admitted he had suffered from it until the day he was killed in a plane crash. He worked very hard to get the VA to start treating it as a combat related injury as would any other. He was also in favor of the award of the Purple Heart for it and he had more than his share of those. Again, I doubt under todays criteria.

Anybody is entitled to their opinion, but opinions should be based on fact, not emotion or out of ignorance. So, let's hear the vitriol. I'm a wannabe, liar, sitting in the basement of my parents house, and all the other crap I've seen on this site. No problem. I just tried to present some facts based on fact and personal experience. Do with it what you want.

He needs to make the bet worthwhile.

You are another illiterate , just like him who applies an opinion to me that I have not voiced. You fucking retarded fuck.

I've never met a combat veteran who stomps around boasting about what a great hero he is.
The people who do that, in my experience are lying about their service.

I rest my case. Doc, I wouldn't waste my time with these teenage wannabes/neverbeens. That boy is one sick fuck. My Scottish grandfather used to call them "Limey Poofs". Now I know why.

Even stupider than before, fucking retard.
Limey, a term used to describe the British used by Americans based on the Rotal Navys use of limes in the 19th century as a dietary supplement to prevent scurvy in sailors.
Today it is a term used only by Americans to describe the English.
Not a term used in Scotland.
You are lying, you have no Scottish grandmother.
Lying, retarded fuckwit.
Well I finally made it over here to read the crap Pauli is typing ( here in the USA, names that end in "i" are usually female). Pauli Girl..... Holy $hit he named after a beer. Anyway
The good Doc is not a Fat 50 year old, he's the real thing. We both served in Vietnam. Attended numerous Reunions (Vietnam type) together. Tipping many a beer. Even a St. Pauli Girl or 2. With that being said Ms. Pauli, I gotta go
Back in the USA bOOger

It's Pauli.
The term in Gaelic translates to small Paul.
In Irish Gaelic it would be Pauline.
But we are talking British Gaelic here.
The 007 is my last three(zap number) from my regimental number, 25080007.
But being stupid and jumping to conclusions is usually the idiom of the retard.

See you later retards !!
The sad thing is that their ignorant bullshit stops people from getting help they need and deserve. They do a great job for the jihad.

What bullshit is that exactly?
Fucking retard.
You might get some help with your reading skills or comprehension.

Pauli girl
.. The Gaelic version means "small Paul".... How appropriate..... Hell for a second there I thought you were gonna tell me the 007 meant you were James Bond. At this point you're liable to tell us anything.
Y'all take care now ya hear . That's southern USA English for, have a good day
Diplomatic bOOger
Doc Hal
Thanks for turning me on to Pauline or Small Paul or whatever he goes by.......
This goober is a real joke
Happy happy happy bOOger
Doc Hal
Thanks for turning me on to Pauline or Small Paul or whatever he goes by.......
This goober is a real joke
Happy happy happy bOOger

Better than a pretend hero of the wars!!
Like your boastful chickenshit pal doc.
I think she's just experiencing her first period. I love it, now she's 007. Got to wear hip waders around this little girl. British Gaelic. What a joke.

007 my last 3.
You use zap numbers in the us Army don't you ?

Big hero?

You are a fucking retard.

Where is Scotland retard?

Would it be Britain perhaps?

How about the language indigenous to Scotland, retard ?


Not a joke, retard, just a fact.
Like your retardation.

Small Paul was the name I was known as since birth.
A twin, smaller of the two, the survivor.
At 2.2lbs birthweight it was considered to be almost a miracle that I survived.
Hence I was Pauli to my Scottish family and pauleen to my Irish family.

Scottish, like your grannie was not!!
Lying retarded fuck .
You'd be suprised at how many claiming PTSD spent the war riding a desk. In modern combat maybe 10 percent actually get shot at. A lot of this is just a play for attention and money. I know out of all the Vietnam Vets I have known none fit the stereotypical bum in camouflage pissing and moaning about the VA description.
You'd be suprised at how many claiming PTSD spent the war riding a desk. In modern combat maybe 10 percent actually get shot at. A lot of this is just a play for attention and money. I know out of all the Vietnam Vets I have known none fit the stereotypical bum in camouflage pissing and moaning about the VA description.

And you are infallible at telling the sheep from the goats (down bOOger! down!)...because...?
Mustang66. Couldn't agree more in some of what you say. All the years in the Vet Center program taught me to SF 180 all my patients. The liars were dropped from my treatment be it individual or group. Also those "stereotypical" Vietnam Vets are mostly either not veterans at all or never saw a day in Vietnam. It has also been my experience that even with PTSD Vietnam Veterans have held jobs, careers, raised families, and been able to function quite well considering. At one time the process for getting a PTSD claim from the VA was so unfair and stringent that it was a continual fight to get an honest veteran suffering from PTSD help. I'd be careful though to make the blanket statement you are making. Ask a cook at Con Tien if he ever saw combat, or a clerk at Khe Sanh. There are thousands of examples like this. I was always an advocate of the Army adopting a Combat Action Ribbon. They have now developed the Combat Action Badge and that should be able to help shake out the liars.
You'd be suprised at how many claiming PTSD spent the war riding a desk. In modern combat maybe 10 percent actually get shot at. A lot of this is just a play for attention and money. I know out of all the Vietnam Vets I have known none fit the stereotypical bum in camouflage pissing and moaning about the VA description.

There are people with PTSD who were not in combat. The female nurse who was stationed in a combat zone is considered a combat veteran. And seeing boys mangled every day is certainly criteria for her getting PTSD, just like our nurses and EMTs on the home front get PTSD along with burnout.. One does not have to be 'shot at' to get PTSD. Even therapists who work with PTSD patients get secondary PTSD just from listening to the horrors. You are a liar.
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